Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #4

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I’m still leaning towards a camera outside capturing her being carried and placed in the trunk or something, but something being found on his phone is a close second to that for me.

We know this guy liked to record his crimes, and maybe he actually caught the murder on camera as well, albeit unintentionally.
Makes sense… neighbors ring camera, or something like that? Would be higher quality than CCTV too I would think.
How much evidence can they collect from a body that has been exposed to warm/hot at times florida weather for at least whole 4 days? Maybe even 4.5 days.
That’s what worries me. If I remember correctly we’ve had some rain in spurts on those days.
That’s what worries me. I know there could be obvious signs for COD they can determine, but what if it isn’t that obvious? Like a hyoid bone broken, or GSW, something more obvious…
Well, they would also collect samples of the earth around and under the body, bugs in and on the body, any fluid emanating from the body… these things will tell them quite a lot.

This is some info on what forensics in Florida may entail.

How much evidence can they collect from a body that has been exposed to warm/hot at times florida weather for at least whole 4 days? Maybe even 4.5 days.
That’s what worries me. If I remember correctly we’ve had some rain in spurts on those days.
That’s what worries me. I know there could be obvious signs for COD they can determine, but what if it isn’t that obvious? Like a hyoid bone broken, or GSW, something more obvious…
Well, wouldn’t they have found a GSW from the autopsy? Or a hyoid bone?
He said in the interview that he dropped her off early. I wish the reporter had asked why drop her off nearly an hour before school started.
yes....would have been a good question as to why it was so early considering he doesnt have a job. what stood out to me is: when talking about dropping her off: "I dropped her off, everything looked fine when I drove away "was the last time WE saw her.' and:

'she looked okay she was walking toward the school when I saw her it was like any other day so I got on with MY day.' his tone changed when he said MY DAY as if what his day entailed had importance.

any other day? trying to portray his dropping off as the regular routine?

but then once again, similar to JS, when stating the last time she is seen, it was "WE".
Correct. From my notes taken from one of the pressers:

8:19am – (7:25ish in vid) then Sheriff Mina states they have evidence SS returned to the complex and Madeline was visible in the vehicle and they believed she was already dead at that time. During Q&A he was asked why they thought that, was it the position of her body, and Mina said they weren’t going to go into exact details, but they have video evidence that leads them to believe she’s already dead.

Video queued up to that statement:
Noticed this today on rewatch as well - and I too think there is some other video evidence aside the car video that showed her already dead. :(
I'm wondering if there was a video recording recovered from his phone. Is that what you're thinking? MOO.
Or mom’s maybe?

Who is to say that she didn’t call or text him to say something like “something is wrong with Maddie you better come quick!” And maybe she sent a video to him to show him what all she meant? Or him to her. To be clear this is only speculation. NOT factual. Didn’t even have to be mom who got sent any such video. Coulda be an “associate”. Maybe someone SS coulda trafficked her out to (speculation only again).
yes....would have been a good question as to why it was so early considering he doesnt have a job. what stood out to me is: when talking about dropping her off: "I dropped her off, everything looked fine when I drove away "was the last time WE saw her.' and:

'she looked okay she was walking toward the school when I saw her it was like any other day so I got on with MY day.' his tone changed when he said MY DAY as if what his day entailed had importance.

any other day? trying to portray his dropping off as the regular routine?

but then once again, similar to JS, when stating the last time she is seen, it was "WE".

Great catch! I'm pretty sure JS's mother said JS was the one who took her to school daily.
  • I wasnt the one that took her to school in the morning that was my partner ummmyeah"
  • -the cops are taking their own vehicles to look in the woods (I dont know what kind of vehicles) does it matter? adding extra irrelevant info
  • -they took a piece of her clothing to " sniff her out" but I'm not sure when thats being done
  • she said “ she went missing between 8:45 and 9 am” but then later says she was last seen walking away from the church at 9am
  • both said they watched her walk towards the school or what they thought was the school, and then states as fact she was seen in the church parking lot ( thats 2 different directions according to where they dropped her off it feels like like she is trying to create a public perception.
There's more and we all know by now it's all BS, but does all that sound like she was prepped by SS who told her what happened cause she was drugged? or does it sound like a prepared story? her friends asked her if she wanted to (volunteer) to do a search... huh? She's basically saying they've done everything, they've looked everywhere, called everyone... she was taken, end of story.
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I agree with all you say, if she knew he was a wrongun. I am not sure she did. He may have had her completely under his thumb. I do not mean she was missing red flags; I mean he gaslighted and manipulated her to think she was the bad one. Maybe calling her paranoid and questioning her mental health.
It happens.
Every day, worldwide, except not all are trying to get to your child. Sometimes, they want a free place to stay. They know exactly how to play the victim, so the victim does not even know they are a victim and may even have been manipulated to think they are the bad one.
ETA: I am not saying she is innocent or not innocent. I am just grasping at the last strands of humanity for us. Taking one for the team
I understand. thanks for those strands. :)

its difficult to continue to have faith in humanity when the cases involving children repeatedly happen over and over, horrendous abuse. and just the ones that somehow make the headlines are just a surface scratch...perhaps Im a bit tainted having watched so many family members/or guardian interviews who were ultimately found responsible for the abuse and ultimately their own child's death.
I agree with all you say, if she knew he was a wrongun. I am not sure she did. He may have had her completely under his thumb. I do not mean she was missing red flags; I mean he gaslighted and manipulated her to think she was the bad one. Maybe calling her paranoid and questioning her mental health.
It happens.
Every day, worldwide, except not all are trying to get to your child. Sometimes, they want a free place to stay. They know exactly how to play the victim, so the victim does not even know they are a victim and may even have been manipulated to think they are the bad one.
ETA: I am not saying she is innocent or not innocent. I am just grasping at the last strands of humanity for us. Taking one for the team
so hard to know what she knew or how much.
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I meant he may have recorded her death in the process of recording a sexual assault, for example. And if he was streaming it through his phone or computer system, they may have found it. MOO.

Sooo basically a real-time snuff film…and if it was filmed it would be on the dark web (wouldn’t put it past him to have other usernames and content on that side of the internet…ugh). I can’t imagine having to be the investigators going through this horrible content, having to stop, pause, rewind, enlarge, replay over again and again. Not a job I’d want for any amount of money or end goal of securing charges. I’m aware that these kinds of jobs and responsibilities unfortunately have to exist, but I couldn’t personally do it…my brain would be broken by the secondhand PTSD.

Makes sense… neighbors ring camera, or something like that? Would be higher quality than CCTV too I would think.
My theory is that she could have been wrapped up in a blanket mummy style. Or…she was put into a bag or suitcase. If based on that video footage LE decided to take cadaver dogs into the home, it’s possible they had a hit which confirmed MS was dead. Also possible that video footage led LE to bring in luminal to look for blood. The video footage of MS visible in the car + the identification of blankets in the S.A. videos/pictures may have prompted LE to seize those items from the home for forensics testing.

I would imagine LE probably took a closer look at the interior of the rooms…they may have found blood droplets or blood cast off on a number or items: a door frame, the floor, a mattress, carpet, etc. If MS was redressed into day time clothes, it’s possible there’s forensic evidence on her pajamas. If SS was truly home when he said he was, he could have been cleaning/scrubbing/doing laundry and combing thru his own personal computers to try and get rid of evidence. I’m sure SS threw out any paper towels, linen towels and other supplies…LE could have seized it before trash pickup. We don’t know yet if the trip to the complex dumpster in the morning was the *only* trip he made.

If a gun was used it could have been seized and analyzed, just as it would be if a knife or an electrical cord. I’m no gun expert but can’t LE tell if a gun has recently been fired? Gun powder residue could have been on any # of items, and SS had more than one according to his Reddit posts. He seems like the kind of dude to have a silencer or make do with a pillow.

There’s just too many questions and no real definitive answers yet. The fact that LE hasn’t brought murder charges, tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice and improper disposal of a body is telling IMO. If JS was in any way a complicit in MS’s murder, the disposal of her body and/or the cover up effort…I would imagine LE is ensuring there’s an airtight case for charges applied to both people. I would think that if SS did everything or most of it on his own, some charges would have been issued already and more for JS would come at a later date. JMHO.

Even if LE has enough evidence for murder charges for SS and a warrant for JS, they need to be meticulous. SS will never go free, but if JS is charged with something and she’s able to bond out…that’s a problem. If there’s even just a smidgen of wiggle room for charges to get dropped based on lack of evidence, a mistake or a technicality, having to release JS would be disastrous.
I'd like to point out that when the body was found, the body was not wearing black shorts but blue jeans. So mom didn't even quite know what Maddie was wearing when she "saw her" get ready for school that morning. Or... someone re-dressed her into blue jeans.
No way she saw her getting dressed at 8:00.
I think mom already knew, but that’s a possibility for sure. I say this because if mom didn’t know, then there’s less reason to help him cover this up, which it seems very likely she did.

Personally, I think he was angry about something already, she said no, and he killed her in a rage.
I'm not sure it's him that did it. The SA yes from what they found on his phone. It's interesting they state he moved her body. Early morning. It's brow raising JS telling LE she saw her getting dressed at 8:00. Also what she said about Madeline going to bed without her laptop,and leaving her phone behind,and checking deleted messages. A girl that just had a milestone birthday not going online and chatting up a storm about it with anyone MOO.
ETA: Do we know where mum worked? I feel like someone said a hotel a couple of threads back?
if so she may have been doing 12am-8am shift. It's travel industry area, hotels, airports, fast food is open 24 hours.

Her linked in has been screenshotted and I believe added to the media thread.

Mom was originally going to take Madeline to school and then was tired and asked SS to take her. So she clearly wasn't away from home working.
The Hughes video of the Four Friends giving their take on SS describes him as to say the least weird. They aren't vocally introduced on the video, just a fast typed intro card for each, so here's the timing.
View attachment 489744
Please you choose what you want to accept as truthful. I don't believe everything I hear, and neither should you, but...

It can't be a coincidence that both Ryan and Chase mention incidences where SS was trying to sneak a camera or video to peek on women on the sly, and have a hard copy of it. MOO, that's what I'd call a sneaky pervert. Outrageous really. Ryan's mother in the bathroom!

Chase never saw SS half brother even tho' he lived with SS 6-7 yrs. Was it Josh who was getting divorced and SS was going to try to date his ex. Josh thinking it's better he knows SS to be around his kids, now finding out SS likes young kids. Not to mention the propensity to like filming unsuspecting people.

By now, I've heard an awful lot about SS's childhood, teen yrs., and up to recent times. SS shared with one of his friends what went on in the bedroom between him and JS. Then, that friend has some disturbing speculations, but you have to listen to it yourself. This is all MOO and limited take on what his friends said.

View attachment 489745
My post continued about the Four Friends Video.
I don't know if JS was as moody as one friend implied. The friend described her as having such fast cycling moods. Laughing then had to go outside to have a cry.

Now, I'm thinking about whether I'd consider SS having an eruptive type dangerous temper. He took Karate, I think his friend said, but he wasn't scared of SS. I haven't heard of an outrageous temper, but MOO here...

Yes, just MOO here, I think SS was seething with anger, his Reddit posts reveal ugly inside, nasty towards people. I think he was angry inside about a lot of things. Disney for one, his mother's treatment of him for another. MOO, his upbringing sounded confusing-- harsh and spoiled at the same time. He could put on the act to get out of things or to get things.

His friend said SS was stoned in one of those Madeline missing interviews he gave. Friend said his eyes look droopy, one eye droops more when stoned. Friend said his mom bought him Playboy mags at 13-14. His toys, he continued getting into adulthood. After listening to his friends talk, I remember one cut ties with him after SS pulled a gun on him. So, he could get angry. Madeline told a school friend her stepfather was mean to her.

Two more things came to mind from the Four Friends Video. (1) SS got hit by a car in a parking lot, and they $ued and got $ money. (my own wording here) The friend said his mother used it to berate SS, and always threw it in SS's face that he wasn't right in the head, or had changed after getting hit by that car. Not sure if she meant more anger or just more wrong behaviors. (2) Something about SS pulling a knife or stabbing some guy with a knife? I was multi-tasking and I can't believe I glossed over that part. Can't bear to listen to it again. If you haven't listened to it yourself, you might want to give it a try. This is all MOO and my own take on listening to his friends describe SS.

I still can’t shake the feeling that the police may have had some sort of video/photo proof she was dead and that’s where their confidence that she was deceased came from before they found her body.

Video of him loading her lifeless into the trunk. Where it would have remained for hours and hours.
Something else that really does not make sense:

Imagine you're JS. For whatever reason, you are so exhausted from your Disney job, you cannot do the short run to school Monday morning.

So....why is the school run even EARLIER than it normally would be? You're too beat to drive a couple of miles and your daughter is so exhausted she is "asleep" most of the way in the car? (@@)

Not to mention the timeframe JS is allowing MS to go to school is WAY earlier than it needs to be for a couple of kids to say "Hiiiiii!" before classes start.

Think about all of their lies:

Most kids this age? You need to push a bit to get them to wake up in the morning.

It is FAR more believable MS would have "run away" at night after her party or asked to hang out with friends after school and not come home, right? Those hours are more the natural waking social ones for tweens and teens.

JS knew. I'm feeling more confident that MS was already deceased when the laptop and backpack were discarded at 7:30-ish.
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