Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #5

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The death penalty applying to child sex charges will be almost certainly be a moot point once they charge this guy with murder. The question now is when that will happen. I hope that attorney is wrong when he says it could take up to six months.
Yup. Not to mention, Maddie wasn’t under 12 when the law went into effect five mo the ago.
Just thinking. Question whose answers I haven't seen addressed in MSM.

Was Maddie being seen by a pediatrician regularly?

I'm so old I never had a pediatrician. The only time my parents took me to the doctor was when I was sick. That wasn't unusual; that's just how it was back then.

That aside.

So to all of you more modern-day parents out there who take their kid(s) to the pediatrician regularly, do you think it would it be likely or not that a pediatrician who saw her regularly would have observed signs of SA in Maddie, which apparently began when she was eight years old?

I have no idea what a regular wellness exam performed by a pediatrician would encompass.
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Unless it's been confirmed by LE I don't think we can consider this a fact in this case.


I was very careful to state if this is true. I'm not personally vouching for GH's sources, and as I took care to mention I feel some of the things mentioned on the approved channels may not be facts. It can be difficult to know based on the format and the manner they raise different possibilities.

Understand completely if you only want to base any theories you may have on what is officially released by LE.
Just thinking. Question whose answers I haven't seen addressed in MSM.

Was Maddie being seen by a pediatrician regularly?

I'm so old I never had a pediatrician. The only time my parents took me to the doctor was when I was sick. That wasn't unusual; that's just how it was back then.

That aside.

So to all of you more modern-day parents out there who take their kid(s) to the pediatrician regularly, do you think it would it be likely or not that a pediatrician who saw her regularly would have observed signs of SA in Maddie, which apparently began when she was eight years old?

I have no idea what a regular wellness exam performed by a pediatrician would encompass.

I have older children, boys. (College age.)

It has been a couple of years since I was last present for an appointment, but typically it is pretty similar to an adult exam--height, weight, BP done by the intake LNA. Ask if any concerns, etc. Then pediatrician comes in and does quick visual eyes, ears, throat, listens to heart, that type of thing. Asks kid how school is going, friendships, any extra curriculars, general pleasant small talk. If you have any necessary vaccines, that would be mentioned. If you need any forms filled out for sports or summer camp, same.

They do a quick check of private areas, but it is literally like they tell the patient they are going to look there. They also have kids bend over and check spine for scoliosis, forgot that. As kids approach puberty, I think right around the age MS was, they ask parents to leave the room so they can chat in private for a few minutes with them. This chat is to check in with the kid about any concerns they might have they were not comfortable talking abut in front of a parent--sexual activity, drug use, peer stuff.

Where I live at least, I tried sending mine in totally alone as mid teens to help foster independence and get used to doing things for themselves, but the providers still wanted me there for part of the exam as well.

On the note of SA, I know someone who had to bring their child in for an exam involving suspected abuse. Since it was someone very close to me, I can share something of what that involved, but will not go into too much detail. I can tell you they were pretty upset and worried because the physical part of the exam was inconclusive and the doctors told them that area of the body heals pretty quickly, so it isn't unusual for signs of abuse to not show. In their child's case, I think it was more like something that had happened once or twice and the child told them right away and it was acted on though. But with that knowledge, I think it is very possible SS may have just backed off from harming MS when he knew she would be seeing a pediatrician. He could have even gne to her appointments with JS. Such a creep. :(

My kids were rarely sick, and I don't remember if they got a full exam on the handful of occasions where they needed something like stitches or an antibiotic. Another parent might be able to fill you in on that.
Just thinking. Question whose answers I haven't seen addressed in MSM.

Was Maddie being seen by a pediatrician regularly?

I'm so old I never had a pediatrician. The only time my parents took me to the doctor was when I was sick. That wasn't unusual; that's just how it was back then.

That aside.

So to all of you more modern-day parents out there who take their kid(s) to the pediatrician regularly, do you think it would it be likely or not that a pediatrician who saw her regularly would have observed signs of SA in Maddie, which apparently began when she was eight years old?

I have no idea what a regular wellness exam performed by a pediatrician would encompass.
All professionals who work with children are mandated by law and have a duty to report suspected child abuse to LE. This includes doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, child care staff and so on. They can be charged (and even lose their license to practise) if they don't abide by this law. So, in Madeline's case, it seems that not one single person noticed anything even after all those years of abuse. I wonder if her mother even took her for checkups before her mental health assessments. MOO.
Just thinking. Question whose answers I haven't seen addressed in MSM.

Was Maddie being seen by a pediatrician regularly?

I'm so old I never had a pediatrician. The only time my parents took me to the doctor was when I was sick. That wasn't unusual; that's just how it was back then.

That aside.

So to all of you more modern-day parents out there who take their kid(s) to the pediatrician regularly, do you think it would it be likely or not that a pediatrician who saw her regularly would have observed signs of SA in Maddie, which apparently began when she was eight years old?

I have no idea what a regular wellness exam performed by a pediatrician would encompass.

11 year olds should be seen and immunized for entry in 7th grade- unless she wasn’t seen by a Doctor and her middle school waived it? I believe she was too scared to confide in anyone (other than a friend?) what was happening to her at home by this animal
So I have a silly question…
Do we know if the house has been treated as a scene of the crime in the homicide investigation ? Was the house ever sealed off as a crime scene? Or sealed off at any point for an extended period of time, 2 or 3 days or more?
If she was killed at her home, wouldn’t the investigation of the crime scene last for some time barring access to JS?

I guess that’s multiple silly questions:)

I wonder if she was killed at home. In the presser they said they have video evidence stephan sterns returning to the complex (the home) and madeline was visible in the vehicle. That is when they said they believed she was already dead by that time. Where did he come from to return to the home?

All professionals who work with children are mandated by law and have a duty to report suspected child abuse to LE. This includes doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, child care staff and so on. They can be charged (and even lose their license to practise) if they don't abide by this law. So, in Madeline's case, it seems that not one single person noticed anything even after all those years of abuse. I wonder if her mother even took her for checkups before her mental health assessments. MOO.
During Covid, a lot of docs were not seeing patients in person (where I live). Most were online / virtual only with the exception of the ER. I wonder if part of the problem then was that Maddie didn't see a doc for several years due to lockdowns etc? Or maybe only saw one virtually? I bet many kids wouldn't disclose child abuse during Covid due to lack of privacy to discuss with a safe person, and lack of support overall. MOO
I wonder if she was killed at home. In the presser they said they have video evidence stephan sterns returning to the complex (the home) and madeline was visible in the vehicle. That is when they said they believed she was already dead by that time. Where did he come from to return to the home?

Moreover, when did he LEAVE with her? We know he dumped the backpack at 7:35am as they have that on camera. But where was she at that point? Did he leave then to go get her from someplace? Or did he leave at that point with her to GO someplace?
All professionals who work with children are mandated by law and have a duty to report suspected child abuse to LE. This includes doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, child care staff and so on. They can be charged (and even lose their license to practise) if they don't abide by this law. So, in Madeline's case, it seems that not one single person noticed anything even after all those years of abuse. I wonder if her mother even took her for checkups before her mental health assessments. MOO.
We know that SS has no criminal record, but do we know that DCF/CPS never investigated the Soto household?
I would assume any information like that would be generally private (ie. as opposed to criminal records), so unless someone comes out and says otherwise, we wouldn’t know if anything was ever reported and investigated. Even knowing now that there was abuse, it seems plausible to me that if a concern from a mandated reporter, if MS wasn’t disclosing the abuse, a typical investigation might not find anything.
We know that SS has no criminal record, but do we know that DCF/CPS never investigated the Soto household?
I would assume any information like that would be generally private (ie. as opposed to criminal records), so unless someone comes out and says otherwise, we wouldn’t know if anything was ever reported and investigated. Even knowing now that there was abuse, it seems plausible to me that if a concern from a mandated reporter, if MS wasn’t disclosing the abuse, a typical investigation might not find anything.
We would never know if CPS investigated abuse in the past unless it came out at court, or if mom (or dad) told us. The agency itself is precluded from disclosing that to the general public. If ANY adults in her life had worried that she was being harmed in any way, I'd hope they did file a report!! But even if they did, if Maddie herself didn't disclose concerns, then odds are nothing would have changed.
During Covid, a lot of docs were not seeing patients in person (where I live). Most were online / virtual only with the exception of the ER. I wonder if part of the problem then was that Maddie didn't see a doc for several years due to lockdowns etc? Or maybe only saw one virtually? I bet many kids wouldn't disclose child abuse during Covid due to lack of privacy to discuss with a safe person, and lack of support overall. MOO
Oh yes, good point! No in-house exams perhaps for two of those 7 years. (2020-2022/2023).
We would never know if CPS investigated abuse in the past unless it came out at court, or if mom (or dad) told us. The agency itself is precluded from disclosing that to the general public. If ANY adults in her life had worried that she was being harmed in any way, I'd hope they did file a report!! But even if they did, if Maddie herself didn't disclose concerns, then odds are nothing would have changed.
Yes, we may never know.
But if evidence was noticed by a doctor during an exam, it would have been expected to be reported and the proper authorities investigate. But apparently he had no convictions in the past. MOO.
Moreover, when did he LEAVE with her? We know he dumped the backpack at 7:35am as they have that on camera. But where was she at that point? Did he leave then to go get her from someplace? Or did he leave at that point with her to GO someplace?
Indeed. I am very curious what happened between the end of her birthday party the night before and when he dumped the backpack and laptop.
Moreover, when did he LEAVE with her? We know he dumped the backpack at 7:35am as they have that on camera. But where was she at that point? Did he leave then to go get her from someplace? Or did he leave at that point with her to GO someplace?
That has been my burning question for a long time, Im sure LE knows and has not disclosed the info we need to connect the dots.( probably to rule out witnesses giving fact/fiction stories) We know he was at the trash at 7:35, doesn't say on foot or by car or where he came from. We know his vehicle was on a plate reader at 8:10 driving away from her school. and returning to the complex at 8:19 with her visible in the car. Then later his car was seen on Old Hickory Road between 1-2:30 pm, Someone else suggested he may have had plans to leave her by the school and for some reason abandoned those plans.
I think he simply returned home for a few hours, covered her up Then drove out to where she was found. Pretty tough to be moving a body around in broad daylight and with no garage also risky to be driving around? Were there any vacant units beside them? (vacant, lock box, realtor access, total shot in the dark)
I don't know about the car tho, whether it was his or his dad's, and why he was driving it.
Yes, we may never know.
But if evidence was noticed by a doctor during an exam, it would have been expected to be reported and the proper authorities investigate. But apparently he had no convictions in the past. MOO.

Realistically, there isn't always much for a doctor to notice, unless there are signs like semen left behind, STI, tearing / abrasions etc... what would give it away? Even bruises along the arms or legs can be explained away in many cases as having happened during typical childhood play (except for bruises / marks along backs of legs or arms, which are not so easy to explain). Even if a mandated reporter KNOWS something horrible happened to a child, its not always something that CPS will be able to do anything about. Sometimes, their hands are tied because the kids do not disclose, or because some other plausible explanation is presented by the adult or child as to how an injury happened.
Indeed. I am very curious what happened between the end of her birthday party the night before and when he dumped the backpack and laptop.
I think its going to be very simple to explain:

- either she was drugged and it went wrong (aspirated or overdosed if not both).
- or some sort of accidental death during some sort of confrontation
Re: Annual pediatrician checkups. It was asked here what in particular would be special about a 13th birthday.

The American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians recommends a first gynecologist visit when a girl is 13-15. Per the link above, a pelvic (internal) exam usually isn't done then, just a regular health check-up and discussion about development. Per the link above:

This is a great way for your daughter to develop a relationship with her gynecologist, so that she is comfortable sharing personal information in the future.

Needless to say, if JS had recently scheduled (or mentioned scheduling) such an appt for Madeline, it must have struck serious fear into SS. Even if he didn't think there would be physical signs of SA, he wouldn't want Madeline alone in private with a doctor who would ask sensitive and intimate questions, and he wouldn't really have any argument against the appt without sounding highly suspicious.

Note that no news articles have mentioned a doctor's visit, this is just speculation.
I think its going to be very simple to explain:

- either she was drugged and it went wrong (aspirated or overdosed if not both).
- or some sort of accidental death during some sort of confrontation
I keep thinking that it might have been a confrontation with Maddie deciding she was NOT going to put up with SS's advances once she turned 13. It might have been like a magical year for her or something. It sounds like it might have had some sort of significance/importance to her if we're to believe it was her that said when she turned 13 she was going to live in the woods. Either way, it appears that she was going to do SOMETHING when she turned 13. Perhaps it was saying no and it didn't go well for her, which is very unfortunate if that ended up being the case.

She just looks SO much more mature and sure of herself in her BD photo IMO. She looks like she's ready to take on the world, AND be successful at whatever that meant to her. Yes, she had just barely turned 13 but she no longer looks like an innocent child any longer. She was on her way to becoming a woman. :(


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