Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #6

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Something that has been bothering me: Police have said that when SS returned to the complex at 8:19 am on the 26th, MS was visible in the car and believed to be deceased. I assume this is from video from the gate cameras. I haven’t seen any mention of what time he left the complex and if MS was visible in the car. We know SS was in the complex at 7:35 am seen dropping MS’s belongings in the dumpster. Do we have proof MS came home on the 25th?

If she left with SS on the 26th was she alive? What changed that she appeared deceased on the return 1/2 hour later?
In one of the earlier pressers (with Mina), LE said that they have evidence that MS died that morning and SS moved her body in the early morning hours. What time that means is open to interpretation. I would personally take that to mean like 4 am but I don’t know if there’s a broader understanding of what time “early morning hours” means.
I think that as all entrances on the complex were clearly covered by cctv ,SS knew that Madeline needed to be shown leaving ,so he propped her up in the car as he left, knowing it would be captured on camera. Why he returned later is still up for debate,maybe he had moved her from being propped up to lying flat covered by a blanket which was captured by cctv
Something that has been bothering me: Police have said that when SS returned to the complex at 8:19 am on the 26th, MS was visible in the car and believed to be deceased. I assume this is from video from the gate cameras. I haven’t seen any mention of what time he left the complex and if MS was visible in the car. We know SS was in the complex at 7:35 am seen dropping MS’s belongings in the dumpster. Do we have proof MS came home on the 25th?

If she left with SS on the 26th was she alive? What changed that she appeared deceased on the return 1/2 hour later?
There is also a court tv episode, that references police seeing the car at the garbage cans and that maddi was partially visible in the car. LE could not say she was deceased because of the limited visibility. I referenced this clip a while ago, starts at about 24:59:00
In one of the earlier pressers (with Mina), LE said that they have evidence that MS died that morning and SS moved her body in the early morning hours. What time that means is open to interpretation. I would personally take that to mean like 4 am but I don’t know if there’s a broader understanding of what time “early morning hours” means.
Alas, it depends on why you are asking.
If you propose doing some housework at 10 AM, I'll protest that this is so early in the morning. If the boss wants us to attend a meeting at 9 AM, we'll all mutter that there is no need to do it in the early morning. If you ask me to wake up early to go to a sunrise hike, I'll probably wait fully dressed at like 5:30. If a job says it starts "early in the morning", I'm going to assume they mean 7, maybe 6:30.
In this context... only the Lord knows what time it is (just like out Maltese host said, when we asked about the "morning" time that the trash collection happens).
Suicide attempts in young girls, especially would probably be a "warning cry" initially, and we heard nothing about this--lots about "ADHD, etc. JMO but I strongly doubt MS took her own life. I think there would be more evidence suggesting she was considering it, more outward evidence and if she had been self harming, I think where bruises possibly by SS were mentioned by another poster, we might have seen self inflicted injuries on her arms, as an example. (I'm trying not to trigger anyone, and yes I am aware that behavior can occur on legs as well.)

Suicide is not impossible, but I think murder is much, much, much more likely. LE just needs to know what happened, and who was involved. There are many reasons that might not be clear yet, and as they have all said, SS isn't going anywhere. He's the one who had all of the horrible stuff on his phone, and he is the one who was driving around with her body in his car, so he 100% is guilty of plenty of horrific crimes.
I think my argument was just to point out again that there are more often than not, no warning signs. Again, not saying I believe it was suicide, but it’s important that people remember that suicidal ideation is often hidden under masking and not always preempted by self-harm. Many teenagers have taken their own lives over less, with no warning. And it’s much, much more common nowadays.

Anyway not trying to derail the thread, just saying there’s no information that we have as outside observers that is proof that she was not suicidal.
There is also a court tv episode, that references police seeing the car at the garbage cans and that maddi was partially visible in the car. LE could not say she was deceased because of the limited visibility. I referenced this clip a while ago, starts at about 24:59:00
I need to correct a minor thing, ( not like you guys havent already figured it out anyway) The police did not report "seeing" the car at the garbage bin, it was reported after it was seen on those surveillance cameras (in one interview, court tv ) I dont want anyone thinking there was a stake out or anything (lol) Wouldn't want anyone in social media to get a hold of that little tidbit.
Something that has been bothering me: Police have said that when SS returned to the complex at 8:19 am on the 26th, MS was visible in the car and believed to be deceased. I assume this is from video from the gate cameras. I haven’t seen any mention of what time he left the complex and if MS was visible in the car. We know SS was in the complex at 7:35 am seen dropping MS’s belongings in the dumpster. Do we have proof MS came home on the 25th?

If she left with SS on the 26th was she alive? What changed that she appeared deceased on the return 1/2 hour later?
yes, those are the missing pieces, his movements as well as JS and specifically Madeline after her party....

and the other piece...his vehicle license plate was captured near her school at 8:10am. again, we have no idea where SS was prior to 7:35am. or Madeline or JS.
No one turns a suicide into a murder by staging a kidnapping/runaway scenario. There's absolutely no reason to do that, and I can't find precedent for it (I've seen the defense make that argument though).

A former DA in the area, estimated that it would take 3-6 months until charges are filed. DNA testing takes time, and there's no rush with him locked up with charges that already guarantee he'll never see the light of day again.
<modsnip - off topic>

Do we have any intel on SS in jail and how he is behaving/adapting? For instance, is he on suicide watch? Is he in protective custody? Who, if anyone, is he talking to by phone? Has he been attacked or has he been aggressive?

I am curious as I just can’t imagine him being safe among other prisoners with his alleged crimes. Also, wondering if he and his “lady friend” have been talking on the phone? Wonder if phone recordings will be released?

Some of the answers might give us greater insight.OMO.
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My opinion only:

He killed her because she was on the cusp of telling her grandmother what was going on and he either overheard or something she flat out told him.

Maybe she was at a point that she could fight back and was becoming more emboldened.

I doubt suicide... however, in my mind it would still be the equivalent of homicide... like when peers bully a classmate to death.

I'm not fully convinced it was him. The S abuse yes because they found evidence of that,but the actual murder I don't know. Based of JS telling LE she saw her getting dressed at 8:00 am. The news interview "I told her goodnight that's it", and "we took her to school" "dropped her off by the church" then rubbing,and Hugging SS in that interview has my hinky meter going crazy. There's no reason ever to lie when your child is missing. Unless you have something to hide. MOO
I also wonder if she/they tried to call or text Maddie's phone, if they did not, big red flag!
Since JS has clearly stated that Maddie left her cell phone at home "she's forgetful.... she has ADHD...." that day, I don't expect that family calling the cell phone that they already know/say they have at home would be helpful.
Since JS has clearly stated that Maddie left her cell phone at home "she's forgetful.... she has ADHD...." that day, I don't expect that family calling the cell phone that they already know/say they have at home would be helpful.
or calling the cell phone alerted them to the fact it was home by ringing?
If it is a bruise it's sure odd shaped. Not finger marks, or ligature marks, but a straight line horizontally across her neck with a different color above and below it. So, since I can't figure out what would cause a bruise like that (like an article of clothing that was WAY too tight since it's so uniform, and below the 'line')... I'm venturing to guess it's a shadow in the picture.
I believe it is mostly likely a color cast (light bouncing off) of decorations in the scene which were also blue and glossy and reflective. Its a common issue in photography. This article helps explain:

Color Cast Definition - What is Color Cast by SLR Lounge
Although I suspect MS was killed (planned? negligent? accidental?), we know nothing about what happened between the end of the party and the disposal of her things and body the next morning.

Suicide, IMHO, cannot be excluded. MS was not a typical tween/teen. She had been repeatedly violated over several years by her "stepdad". She may have felt that her mother failed to defend her, or even was actively protecting her attacker.

On the day of her death, she turned 13 and had what appears to be a happy birthday party. IF this happy event was ruined by another nighttime visit from "stepdad", her happy mood would be dashed and she might have taken rash action. IF DNA evidence was left on or in her body, there could easily be a fear that an autopsy could lead to real charges. This could lead to an attempted cover-up.
Although I suspect MS was killed (planned? negligent? accidental?), we know nothing about what happened between the end of the party and the disposal of her things and body the next morning.

Suicide, IMHO, cannot be excluded. MS was not a typical tween/teen. She had been repeatedly violated over several years by her "stepdad". She may have felt that her mother failed to defend her, or even was actively protecting her attacker.

On the day of her death, she turned 13 and had what appears to be a happy birthday party. IF this happy event was ruined by another nighttime visit from "stepdad", her happy mood would be dashed and she might have taken rash action. IF DNA evidence was left on or in her body, there could easily be a fear that an autopsy could lead to real charges. This could lead to an attempted cover-up.
Not that it matters, but her party was the day of, or the day before her death. Her birthday was 3 days before her party (2/22). Party was 2/25.
I keep waiting for the murder charge too. I just dont buy that she committed suicide then he panicked and dumped her body. Does not compute. It would be way easier to just call 911 when he or the mom found her like that. It would be cut and dry. And despite all the evidence on his phone, if it immediately appeared to be a suicide cut and dry the cops may not have even looked at his phone right away or it would have given him more time to get rid of stuff. Also I think any real parent who found their child deceased would call 911 immediately even in the faint hope paramedics would be able to revive her. Since he makes it seem like he cared so much about her. We know he didn't. Sadly we see teens and kids commit suicide way too frequently due to bullying and other things (in Madeline's case the abuse) but I just dont think that is the case here. They/he came up with a whole abduction/runaway cover story too which just seems guilty to me. If she did actually commit suicide, why come up with this BS of she's missing?

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Are we allowed to discuss the layout of the condo where Jenn lived? This seems to be the 3bed, 2ba layout for the Venetian Bay Villages.

Master bedroom (mom's?) is downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs with a bathroom in the hallway. I don't know the construction of such buildings in FL, would it be the type of building where you can hear when people are walking upstairs? I would imagine, yes?


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