Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #7

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Well....if the relationship between SS & JS was "coming to an end"...WHY on EARTH was JS all hands on comforting SS?

Why was SS spending the night at the Soto residence in the first place on Sunday?

Why weere so many people referring to SS as MS "stepfather" and JS as "his wife"?

Doesn't sound like a relationship ending to me.

Sounds like SS & JS are both a bunch of perverted, mentally ill excuses for "adults", who both probably thrive on relationship drama.
I’ve always interpreted Jen comforting Stephan as him telling her that he accidentally did something terrible and being distraught but not telling her exactly what it was. And her being confused like “it’s okay, tell me what it is.” Is it possible she thought that was the only way to get info from him? Or she actually felt bad for him because he was laying it on so thick. Which would put her in a position of knowing something weird was going on but not knowing what that was at the time Maddie was considered missing. We asked whether she could possibly be so naive. I think it’s possible to be that naive. But at the same time I don’t think that’s an excuse. When you’re a parent you can’t be that naive.
We are looking at Line 1433 from the List of discovery items recently released.

"Statement- Carlos "
Listed after Jennifer and SS.
Owner of the Venetian villages condo is NOT a Carlos, and until now we haven't heard from or about a Carlos involved. Maybe it's the person who found the body, or owner of the property where the gate was open and the body was found.

As for credit cards and online purchases, my take - parents of SS were supporting him financially so they allowed him to use their business credit card for daily incidentals (real estate/housing of some kind? He has that listed as a job he had which I don't think he did but he "worked" as proxy to rent out properties.)

The list is telling, looks like there is a lot of evidence to go through... hopefully most of it will make it to trial.
Thank you sooooo much for giving me this clarity. I’ve been following pretty closely, but missed the points you explain. Again, thank you!

PS: interesting list!

(And talk about enabling, parents who support an adult so he can collect toys, play online games, and vape “juice” all day at his whim? Added: and reportedly make excuses for him.)
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If you are truly ready to end a relationship and want to end it, it would be over. The other person is not coming over anymore to help with child-care or hang out.
That is a normal reaction, yes. But often it's not that cut/dry. Many relationships linger, especially if SS was manipulative and said things PERHAPS LIKE "well Maddie and I have such a strong bond, I want to be there for HER. You shouldn't take that away." Jenn does not strike me as someone strong enough to say something LIKE "yeah no, it's just me and Maddie now, I need to move forward."

The "strong bond" terminology that SS has been quoted to use is ODD to me. He used it a LOT. Like, almost too much. Everyone refers to this strong bond. He says it, people repeat it. Jenn and SS never married, he was a live in BF off and on, & SS essentially NEEDED a place to go since he didn't have a place to live or a job for that matter..... perhaps SS blamed JS and told her he put his own life on hold to help "raise" Maddie since 5 years ago (he refers to her as stepdaughter on reddit)

Otherwise he's stuck living with his deaf parents and dogs (he says so in recent audio) 100% of the time. For him, he "splits his time" between Northport and Kissimmee, he said so.... because Jenn gave him a gate/garage clicker and access to her home.

His friends have said Jenn and SS had a complicated relationship as mere observers.
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If you are truly ready to end a relationship and want to end it, it would be over. The other person is not coming over anymore to help with child-care or hang out.

It’s strange because his parents live in north port.this is not nearby ; it’s over 2,5 hours away.

Why would he drive over to his ex’s place for the night to pick her up from a party? Why would js be cuddling him on tv after Ms didn’t show to school if her ex was the last one with her?

I think the answer to this question is the key to the murder. Motive, places and involvement. Hopefully they have all the evidence through texts between ss and js.
JS never refers to SS as her ex though--does she? My memory is she calls him "my partner." If SS left in late December, coming back in Feb isn't that long. And we also have no idea if he had visited either or if JS & MS visited him.

It did seem from the Grey Hughes interviews that SS & JS were on and off, but it seems to me both are not stable people so this would be their norm.

It also seems SS relationship with his mother is really odd/unhealthy. Again,per those Grey Hughes interviews SS mother paid a former roommate of SS not to say anything about SS having videos of underage saved to a computer, remember? I could see SS running back home to Mommy if JS put any requests to him he viewed as "demands" OR if Mommy put pressure on him--come home and help or I cut you off financially.

Well....if the relationship between SS & JS was "coming to an end"...WHY on EARTH was JS all hands on comforting SS?

Why was SS spending the night at the Soto residence in the first place on Sunday?

Why weere so many people referring to SS as MS "stepfather" and JS as "his wife"?

Doesn't sound like a relationship ending to me.

Sounds like SS & JS are both a bunch of perverted, mentally ill excuses for "adults", who both probably thrive on relationship drama.
in this recorded interview, he claims he is splitting his time between the homes. that certainly was not a relationship that was ending, at least from his account. he gave no indication the relationship was over. in the police interview document it states he moved out in November/December....but verbally in the audio, gave the aging parent reason fir 'splitting his time' and was SO HAPPY to be back and away from the chaos at his parents home.

JS....yes, she was all over him as if they were a regular normal stable couple. but that behaviour was anything but normal, bio mom comforting a BF. from that media footage of her 'comforting him', for me it appears JS did not agree to his moving out....she was falling all over him IMO because she wanted him back full time. it crossed my mind that Madeline might have made a deal with the devil, threatened to expose him if he didnt leave. or: Madeline could have possibly told JS WHY she wanted him out and she didnt believe her and wanted him back.

IMO, I dont think he just 'showed up' that nite.... too many pieces are missing regarding JS's timeline and no info released as to her LE interview. was he invited by JS to come to the home after her party? appears Madeline was being cared for by others the previous week when JS was not available. then...SS shows up, she becomes 'missing', and then is found murdered. and SS is charged.

IMO it wasnt about Madeline refusing or threatening exposure which resulted in her murder, for me I think it was something else.
Josh said SS was with her because of how kinky she was and no one else would do what she does.
I think JS and SS were swingers. What else could she do that no one else would?
If only he was interested in adult swinging, @FansBlowing, but no. SS told Josh what he and Jen did in the bedroom. Josh surmised that they had some kinky sex which means sex acts in the bedroom, so not swinging. MOO, besides, SS wasn't interested in the cougar who came on to him in the bar in Frank's story. SS wouldn't have been able to swing with the older age groups.

It stands to reason that SS is a Pedophile and that means he's after young children.

Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
Give full access of her daughter while looking the other way, for starters :(
Yes! MOO, that was exactly what SS was most interested in-- the young daughter. Madeline was about age 8 when he and JS started a relationship. Not only did JS give him access, but also gave him the parental controlling power that his ego desired, and a place to stay, away from the poodles.
Regarding the comments about mom being kinky, and that being an aspect of their being partners, has anyone searched for possible profiles for these two on kink, fetish or swinger sites? Anything found there? Just curious.
in this recorded interview, he claims he is splitting his time between the homes. that certainly was not a relationship that was ending, at least from his account. he gave no indication the relationship was over. in the police interview document it states he moved out in November/December....but verbally in the audio, gave the aging parent reason fir 'splitting his time' and was SO HAPPY to be back and away from the chaos at his parents home.

JS....yes, she was all over him as if they were a regular normal stable couple. but that behaviour was anything but normal, bio mom comforting a BF. from that media footage of her 'comforting him', for me it appears JS did not agree to his moving out....she was falling all over him IMO because she wanted him back full time. it crossed my mind that Madeline might have made a deal with the devil, threatened to expose him if he didnt leave. or: Madeline could have possibly told JS WHY she wanted him out and she didnt believe her and wanted him back.

IMO, I dont think he just 'showed up' that nite.... too many pieces are missing regarding JS's timeline and no info released as to her LE interview. was he invited by JS to come to the home after her party? appears Madeline was being cared for by others the previous week when JS was not available. then...SS shows up, she becomes 'missing', and then is found murdered. and SS is charged.

IMO it wasnt about Madeline refusing or threatening exposure which resulted in her murder, for me I think it was something else.
I think it was something else as well. I still think JS may have killed her possibly by accident in a rage or just given overdose of something. Either of them could have done it.

What I noticed in the docs dated May 13, 2024 - they had a timeline from Ss own father. Why? What could he have shared with Le? Why not a timeline from SS mother?? Or JS??
IMO, I dont think he just 'showed up' that nite.... too many pieces are missing regarding JS's timeline and no info released as to her LE interview. was he invited by JS to come to the home after her party? appears Madeline was being cared for by others the previous week when JS was not available. then...SS shows up, she becomes 'missing', and then is found murdered. and SS is charged.

IMO it wasnt about Madeline refusing or threatening exposure which resulted in her murder, for me I think it was something else.
I agree, he said Maddi was looking forward to his visit, and in the affidavit that I watched someone read, he said " She liked for us all to sleep together when I've been gone for long periods" ( or something close to that.) wonder whos idea that was?
He split his time between his parents and Jenn. because his parents needed help...really? or was he kicked out and couldn't afford his own place?
as well, how many hundreds of photos were there. why so many? Any chance he could have come back up to film more, possibly to sell? maybe something different?
I don't think it's about turning 13, threatening to tell? ( maybe) He had been away for a few months, maybe she was able to emotionally separate a little bit, made it easier to say no, and that made him lose control. especially if he was doing it to make money and he wasn't going to have that. He acted like a know-it-all , manipulating constantly He wasn't about to take no for an answer.
Was he charged with distribution too and if so, was it just because of the volume?
Jenn also said Maddi went to bed before they did, so what bed did she go to? it would seem rather strange if Jenn and him were still a couple and his first night back would be spent with a child in their bed... just sayin, bet he went to her room.
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So she asked him to come over to pick Ms up from the bday party ? An ex she hadn’t seen since the holidays to drive 2-3 hours ? Why couldn’t Ms stay at grandmas if js was working late?
None of this makes sense.
I agree, he said Maddi was looking forward to his visit, and in the affidavit that I watched someone read, he said " She liked for us all to sleep together when I've been gone for long periods" ( or something close to that.) wonder whos idea that was?
He split his time between his parents and Jenn. because his parents needed help...really? or was he kicked out and couldn't afford his own place?
as well, how many hundreds of photos were there. why so many? Any chance he could have come back up to film more, possibly to sell? maybe something different?
I don't think it's about turning 13, threatening to tell? ( maybe) He had been away for a few months, maybe she was able to emotionally separate a little bit, made it easier to say no, and that made him lose control. especially if he was doing it to make money and he wasn't going to have that. He acted like a know-it-all , manipulating constantly He wasn't about take take no for an answer.
Was he charged with distribution too and if so, was it just because of the volume?
Jenn also said Maddi went to bed before they did, so what bed did she go to? it would seem rather strange if Jenn and him were still a couple and his first night back would be spent with a child in their bed... just sayin, bet he went to her room.
If she needed humans in bed with her to sleep then how / why did she go to bed before they did?? How long was she meant to wait for their arrival to bed?? I feel disgusting even writing that!
So she asked him to come over to pick Ms up from the bday party ? An ex she hadn’t seen since the holidays to drive 2-3 hours ? Why couldn’t Ms stay at grandmas if js was working late?
None of this makes sense.
Nope. So what did he come for,? and doesnt sound like hes the one who picked her up anyway. I think she was dropped off, thats why there were people at the soto residence after the party. when the grandma said " jenn was tired so she called him/ told him to take her" I think she was referring to the morning.
That was a flag for me, her family seemed in the dark a bit. Jenn couldn't go to the party but why didnt he? it felt like their relationship may have been secretive. Maybe thats why she didnt go , because he was in town. I dont know how her family felt about him?
Last edited: well, how many hundreds of photos were there. why so many? Any chance he could have come back up to film more, possibly to sell? maybe something different?
I was thinking along those lines as well. All those photos! If he was out to sell images then I could see him being on a lot of kinky sites and definitely on dark web sites.

MOO, I don't think he had any interest in swinging or hooking up physically, but he was really into having an online presence on various sites. MOO here, he was comfortable online, or behind a hidden camera, but really socially awkward in person. True, he liked to be on top berating people online, but I don't see him as out there swinging. How many adults would be impressed with his Tamagotchi fetish? Children maybe. Just my own thoughts and MOO.

I was thinking along those lines as well. All those photos! If he was out to sell images then I could see him being on a lot of kinky sites and definitely on dark web sites.

MOO, I don't think he had any interest in swinging or hooking up physically, but he was really into having an online presence on various sites. MOO here, he was comfortable online, or behind a hidden camera, but really socially awkward in person. True, he liked to be on top berating people online, but I don't see him as out there swinging. How many adults would be impressed with his Tamagotchi fetish? Children maybe. Just my own thoughts and MOO.

I agree very different personality online as opposed to the whiny people pleaser he acted like face to face.
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