Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #9

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you just answered my question, I was going to ask if she was a teacher why did she sell vacations.
In canada to be a sub you actually need to be a teacher.
I remember a couple parents subbing when I was little. But if they were not an experienced teacher it usually didn’t go so smoothly lol. I remember one friend’s mom was pretty good at it because she was laid back but also carried herself with enough authority. Other subs seemed pretty intimidated lol.
I remember a couple parents subbing when I was little. But if they were not an experienced teacher it usually didn’t go so smoothly lol. I remember one friend’s mom was pretty good at it because she was laid back but also carried herself with enough authority. Other subs seemed pretty intimidated lol.
Oh thats for sure , we used to terrorize those poor subs, fly paper airplanes, walk in and out of class, not pay attention. Was fun at the time. I'd be surprised if Jenn could handle the chaos, that seems to go along with being a sub.
Wow! Thank you, @cujenn81 for doing this!!! GREAT work! I'll be shortening most of it for focus on a few items.

I'm venturing a guess that was because the spare bedrooms were all taken by roommates so this was her "room" (I read upthread where it had a dresser, etc.), but when she slept, it appears she slept a lot with the 3 of them in JS's bed, or shared a bed with SS. That surprises me that she didn't just sleep in the living room. Perhaps it was too noisy down there with so many people in the house?

Which bring me to my first question... with that many people all living under the same roof, in a small condo (1470 SF according to Zillow, which is small for up to 4 adults and 1 preteen IMO (I live alone in the same SF so can't even imagine that many people all living here!) how could not one of them be suspicious of what SS was doing?!? They had to hear things one would think! smh

Oh, she sent Maddie to sleep with SS so JS could get a good night's sleep?!?!? What about Maddie getting a good night's sleep?!?!? That for sure wasn't happening with the 2 of them sharing a bed behind closed doors!!! Apparently JS came first to JS. :mad:

That seems like an odd thing to do IMO. I can't see a reason a child would need her "forgotten" phone between being picked up and the short ride home. If Maddie didn't have it all day (if she was alive) surely it could wait till she arrived back home. It takes 15 minutes or so to get there. Since that makes no sense to me I'm thinking JS had another reason to bring Maddie's phone with her to "pick her up".

Why not his car or his dad's car? And where was Maddie at this time? Dead in SS's bedroom? In JS's car? In whatever car she was seen in video in. Perhaps he was going to discard her that night but couldn't find a suitable place.

I am still puzzled over what he could have been thinking to bag up and throw away only ONE croc.

Safety first! </end sarcasm>

Why? For what reason would he feel the need to do this? Was it code if JS knew he was off to dispose of her body? Is "Didn't go to McDonald's" code for "I couldn't leave her behind the school"? (too many people at that hour is my guess)

So 90ish minutes of conversation between the 2 before SS needs to "run errands".

Something that FINALLY makes sense!

So almost 3 hrs after JS "noticed" she was missing she makes the call.

Do we know whose car this is? I searched this thread for Nissan and didn't find it. 2022 is pretty new so wouldn't be considered a hooptie. Google was clueless too.

Welp. That sure confirmed my suspicion that he was looking for a replacement as Maddie would no longer be in his preferred age range. <insert barf emoji here>

As all, or most of us thought.

Maddie has a sister? I thought Maddie's dad lives in TX. I'm confused. Can someone shed some light on who lives in DC and whose sister this was? Her dad's sister (so Maddie's aunt?).

No longer "we". Now it was "she" who dropped her off at the church. That's.... odd.

All of the above SHOULD raise red flags IMO, especially with a counselor. I hope changes are made to protect other children with similar experiences.

Also, "Including" fighting with her mom should raise a red flag when told by a child that "she's dealing with things at home". "Including" to me means things other than her fighting with her mom.

More red flags. :(

I wonder if her depressive phases revolved around when SS lived with them and when he didn't.

I have never heard of red makeup. Is it a thing? Or was she really crying and said it was red makeup?
I was confused by the red makeup too. Maybe it was like rosy blush that she wore to try to cover redness or puffiness from crying?
Oh thats for sure , we used to terrorize those poor subs, fly paper airplanes, walk in and out of class, not pay attention. Was fun at the time. I'd be surprised if Jenn could handle the chaos, that seems to go along with being a sub.
I can see her taking it out on Madeline when they returned home.
Close to my thinking as well.
The house of cards resultant of a manipulator's continued lying will inevitably collapse at some future point...I believe SS had experienced this repeatedly, that it had caused him to get outa Dodge in the past, that the household scenario with JS had survived for an extended period in spite of it. The on-again, off-again nature of the JS-SS relationship indicates that he had talked his way back into her good graces in the near past. Some of the wording attributed to MS by her school counselor sounds more like the complaints of a head of household than a victimized pre-teen. That victimization had become the norm for SS and his twisted cravings needed satiation.
The cell phone sequence indicates SS was not at the birthday party and the remaining timeline indicates SS and MS were at the condo at least briefly before JS got there. Shortly after JS arrives, MS and SS are headed for Room 4.
I believe SS was not considering murder until sometime after midnight, and as you indicated, that was result of MS refusal to abide by SS's agenda; and SS was counting on persuading a reconciliation. As MS resisted and refused, SS got enraged.
I do not believe there was any extent of pre-planning or conspiring because after the murder, everything SS did was just so sloppy and ineffectual. If there was an intent to indicate that MS ran away or was abducted after being dropped near the school, then the evidence of presence, the laptop and the Croc and so on, should have been "lost" near the school. And following that...well, its just a comedy of errors.
I believe the murder happened at the condo, because I believe that the deposit in the dumpster at 7:45 AM with a figure slumped in the car is consistent with that. There is a warrant out for the GPS data from the Lincoln; I will be interested to see if there was another departure, but if so, the Lincoln would have to return to within the security perimeter prior to 7:40. Was the whole story about needing the transmitter at 8:19 a red herring?
Oh and I believe SS is a vile P0S but thats hardly conflicting with consensus at this point.
I agree, it's hard to think of another scenario other than him becoming enraged at her non-compliance and losing control.
True, maybe he wanted time to get back in her head, he's been away for 2 months.
IDK, just thinking about what could have happened that morning to make him snap other than the worst case scenario.
I was wondering why he was "back" that particular weekend and taking over the night routine responsibilities if they were broken up?
I was confused by the red makeup too. Maybe it was like rosy blush that she wore to try to cover redness or puffiness from crying?
I was thinking eye makeup since your eyes get red when you cry. I just looked it up and apparently there is a red smokey eye style. But, I still think she had likely been crying and just blamed it on makeup since she didn't want to admit it or tell why she was crying.


Pic source:
Re: substitute teaching- I've noticed some states have substantially lowered requirements for being a substitute teacher.... our school district in California even sent out emails to parents asking if they wanted to do it (there was a special category for temporary substitute teachers where you could only work a few days a year and the requirements were lowered.)

Honestly I don't think we need to focus much on the career choices or lack thereof of Jenn, she doesn't seem like she worked much anyway, and had her housing covered since daddy or mommy owned the condo.

BTW you can email

For the docs. It's a huge file, I'm trying to open the file from the email currently. My computer might be too slow.
this stood out to me: Feb 29, 2024 interview with 13 year old outside of her residence described herself as Madeline's best friend who she has known since 4th grade:

she stated that Madeline was upset about the poor turnout for her BD party and hardly anyone brought her a gift. I would think her best friend was at the party....Im curious as to when she told her best friend she was upset: during the party or after she left via text possibly?
Here are my notes from the documents covered in the Grey Hughes videos posted upthread (of the things I found important).

Jennifer’s Initial Statement to Police - 2/26/2024

At approximately 8:00 AM, she observed Madeline getting ready for school. Stephan took Madeline to school at approximately 8:30 AM and dropped her off near the intersection of Town Loop Blvd and Hunter’s Park Lane. At approximately 4:00 PM, she went to the school in an attempt to pick up Madeline, however, she never came out of the school. She searched the area for Madeline and after not finding her, she went to her mother’s office.

Stephan’s Initial Statement to Police - 2/26/2024

At approximately 8:25 - 8:40 PM, he dropped Madeline off about a block away from her school and watched her walk in the direction of the school. As he was driving away, he saw what appeared to be Madeline searching through her book bag. He then drove to a vape shop (but it was closed) and to his residence. He was home for approximately one hour before he went back to the vape shop to buy vape juice and then returned home and hung out with JS. He then ran errands and returned home at approximately 2:30 PM.

Stephan’s 2nd Statement to Police (1st Digitally Recorded) - 2/27/2024

He currently lives in North Port, FL but comes to Kissimmee occasionally to spend time with Jennifer and Maddie. He arrived at their house on 2/25/2024 at about 8:45 PM. When he arrived, Jennifer was still at work and he directed Madeline to get ready for bed (which consisted of taking a shower). When Jennifer came home, she told Stephan she wanted to sleep in and told him to sleep upstairs with Maddie. Stephan woke up the next morning between 7:00 - 7:15 AM to get an “early start” and grab food at McDonald’s before school. He and Madeline left the house between 7:30 - 7:45 AM and headed towards McDonald’s at 14001 Town Loop Blvd. On the drive there, Madeline slept the whole time and said she didn’t want anything from McDonald’s when they arrived. He then drove past McDonald’s towards the school and dropped Maddie off on the right side of the road, near the community south of the State Road 417 Overpass between 8:20 - 8:40 AM. According to Stephan, Maddie was going through a phase, was embarrassed by his vehicle, and didn’t like to be dropped off at the school in it. Maddie told Stephan she was going to hang out with her friends. Stephan watched in the rearview mirror as Madeline rummaged through her backpack as she walked in the direction of the school. He assumed she was looking for her headphones but later realized she’d left her phone at home. When presented with a map, he advised detectives that he dropped her off at the intersection of Lilac Cove Lane and Town Loop Blvd. He said it was maybe the 5th or 6th time he’d dropped her off and it was common for MS to ask to be dropped off near the school. He said Maddie enjoyed the cold weather and was wearing a hoodie when he dropped her off. When asked if he’d made a U-turn at any point, he said he made a U-turn at the church parking lot to “try to sell her on McDonald’s one more time” because he was still hungry. When asked to show him on the map, he said he was bad at reading maps and said he usually takes John Young Parkway. He explained that he uses landmarks because he doesn’t know street names. When asked if Jennifer was home when he returned home (prior to his trip back out to the vape shop), he said he thought so but then said he wasn’t sure because Jennifer had a blood appointment at some point during the day. He apologized and said “sorry, everything is a blur”. He then said he believed JS was home because she was trying to sleep in as much as she could because she was “messed up” with her work schedule.

Jennifer’s 2nd Statement to the Police (1st Digitally Recorded) - 2/27/2024

She confirmed she had a new job and had not attended Maddie’s party because she was at work. She said Maddie had a “makeshift room” in the living room that she only used to hang out in but never slept in.

[Detectives described this room as a portion of the living room turned into a bedroom with a folding divider between the bedroom space and the kitchen/dining room.]

She said sleeping arrangements depended on everyone’s schedule the next day. Sometimes they all slept in her king bed, other times SS slept upstairs alone and she and Maddie slept in her bed, and other times she would send Maddie and SS to sleep in the upstairs bedroom if she needed a good night’s sleep.

She said she left home at 2:30 to pick up Maddie from school and usually waited an hour in the pick up line. After the bell rang, she noticed Maddie wasn’t one of the first students to come out like she normally was. She left at approximately 4:10 when she realized she was holding up the pickup line. She went to check her mother’s office to see if Maddie had walked there but was told it was still too early for Maddie to have arrived. She then parked on Hunters Park Lane to see if she would see Maddie walking. She then contacted one of Maddie’s friends to see if MS was with her, and her friend said she hadn’t been in their first or second periods that day. She then drove back to the school to confirm with the attendance office, but the school was already closed when she got there. She drove back to her mother’s office and emailed a few of Maddie’s teachers. One of the teacher’s responded to say that Maddie had not made it to his class or to school at all that day. She said she then called 911.

After Stephan heard Maddie hadn’t shown up at school, JS says he met her at her mother’s office, where they waited for LE to arrive. She said she’d brought Maddie’s phone with her when she went to pick her up from school. Her sister and niece looked through Maddie’s phone for JS after she was determined to be missing but didn’t find anything weird. After they left her mother’s office that evening, they looked for Maddie in the Hunters Creek area and returned home at approximately 8:00 - 9:00 PM. When asked if they went back out that night, she said Stephan had gone back out in the middle of the night in her car.



2:00 PM - Maddie’s birthday party begins at her grandmother’s house

8:30 PM - Maddie’s aunt drops her off at home after the party

8:45 PM - SS arrives at Jenn and Maddie’s home

10:30 PM - JS arrives home from work

11:00 PM - JS sends Maddie and SS to bed in the upstairs bedroom marked “4”


7:35 AM - SS is spotted on surveillance at the trash compactor in his father’s Lincoln; he throws a white trash bag filled with items (Maddie’s laptop, backpack, a white Croc) into the compactor

[Maddie is visible in the front passenger seat of the vehicle with her head tilted on her left shoulder, mouth open, and belted into the seat.]

7:50 AM - SS leaves the complex via the back gate [Maddie is visible in the passenger seat in the same position.]

8:00 - 8:15 AM - JS briefly wakes up when Stephan comes into the room to put the dog on a leash and then goes back to sleep

8:19 AM - SS enters the complex via the front gate near N. Hoagland Blvd [Maddie is visible in the passenger seat in the same position.]

8:31 AM - SS leaves the complex via the back gate [Maddie is visible in the passenger seat in the same position.]

9:00 AM - JS gets out of bed

9:30 AM - JS leaves home to go to a doctor’s appointment

9:40 AM - SS is spotted on a surveillance camera in the parking garage of Holiday Inn Club Vacations at 9271 S. John Young Parkway moving Maddie’s body from the passenger seat of the car to the trunk

10:15 AM - JS’s scheduled doctor’s appointment

10:18 AM - SS calls JS to let her know he & MS did not go to McDonald’s

11:00 AM - SS drives to eSmoker Online Vape Shop at 13651 Hunters Oak Drive to buy vape juice and returns home

11:00 - 11:15 AM - JS returns home from her doctor’s appointment

12:45 PM - SS leaves the house to run errands; he stops at Coliseum of Comics and a couple of Target stores

1:12 PM - SS is observed traveling south on Old Hickory Tree Rd

1:20 PM - witness ‘TC’ sees SS at 5670 Hickory Tree Rd standing by a silver sedan with a tire iron

1:56 - 2:05 PM - SS is spotted on surveillance obtained from 4085 Malawi Trail traveling north on Hickory Tree Road

2:17 PM - SS is seen traveling north on Old Hickory Tree Road towards I-192

2:30 PM - JS leaves to pick up Maddie from school

4:10 PM - JS leaves the school when she doesn’t see Maddie right away because she’s holding up the pickup line and drives to her mother’s office

4:35 PM - SS is spotted on surveillance at the trash compactor throwing away the tread of a tire with no walls

6:53 PM - Orange County SO receives a call for service in reference to a missing juvenile

7:48 PM - Orange County responds to Madeline’s grandmother’s office


- Bottle of So-low Lotion from Room #4

- Items seen in videos were identified in an area previously described by detectives as Madeline’s room

- video SS secretly recorded of his roommate by placing his phone under her bedroom door

- black tire located in a vacant field at 2175 Old Hickory Tree Rd

- 2022 Nissan sedan towed from TownePlace Suites at Flamingo Crossings, 2/28/2024 at 8:30 PM

- right white Croc, size 5-7, discovered in the trash [matched the left white Croc, size 5-7, located inside Maddie’s home]

- 2010 Lincoln MKZ, 2/28/2024

- Stephan’s cell phone (black Samsung), 2/28/2024


- Maddie’s Residence, 2/27/2024 [executed 2/28/2024 & 2/29/2024]

- Meta, 2/28/2024 [Meta denied the warrant for Maddie’s Instagram account on 3/1/2024]

- 2022 Nissan Sentra [executed 3/1/2024]

- SS’s Google Search history, 3/1/2024 [transferred to hard drive 3/4/2024]

- Infotainment system from the 2010 Lincoln MKZ, 2/28/2024

- Infotainment system from the 2022 Nissan Sentra, 2/29/2024

- SiriusXM Account, 2/29/2024


Neighbor Couple, 2/28/2024

- they’ve spent their winters and springs at the complex for the last 18 years

- Maddie’s grandfather resided with Maddie and JS for many years and helped raise Maddie

- Maddie’s grandfather moved out a few years ago and JS “married” SS

- they last saw Maddie on Saturday or Sunday walking the dog

MA, 2/29/2024

- contacted Orange County Sheriff’s Office after seeing the news release

- met SS while working with him at Disney and they were intimate between December 2022 - May 2023

- SS told her that he was separated from JS but still slept at her house, specifically in the bed with Maddie; he explained this by saying he needed to cuddle with Maddie so she could fall asleep

- SS one day revealed to her that he’d woken up in the bed with Maddie with an erection; MA felt his comments were inappropriate and stopped talking to him soon after

Maddie’s Best Friend - 2/27/2024

- she’s known Maddie since the 4th grade

- MS told her she didn’t get along with her mom

- she heard from a mutual friend that JS told Maddie she was going to kick her out of the house and disown her when she turned 18 or 19

- she talks to Maddie every day on the phone and Maddie texts her each morning when she wakes up; she thought it was odd when Maddie didn’t text her the morning of 2/26/2024 or answer when she tried to call

- MS has only briefly mentioned her biological father but is always on the phone with SS, texting or talking, usually in the afternoon or at night

- SS recently moved out but still visits JS and Maddie often

- JS or Maddie’s grandparents usually bring Maddie to school; she doesn’t recall SS ever bringing her

- there are roommates who also live with Maddie and JS, but she believes they are close to Maddie’s family and don’t have enough money to live on their own

- neither JS nor SS were at Maddie’s birthday party

- MS commonly receives money from JS for her birthday, but Maddie was upset this year because her mom didn’t give her any

- MS doesn’t miss school often but is sick a lot

- MS talks to her dad and sister who live in Washington DC and she believes Maddie is close with her sister

- MS talks to different people through Roblox; she’s unaware if Maddie has ever met up with any strangers she’s spoken to

- MS has never said anything about sending or receiving inappropriate photos

- MS has a YouTube Shorts account where she posts videos of herself dancing with her face covered; Maddie plans to show her face once she reaches 200 subscribers

- MS has a crush on a schoolmate but said he didn’t like her and ignored her text messages

- MS takes medicine for ADHD and possibly bipolar disorder; she describes Maddie as impulsive, having mood swings and symptoms of bipolar disorder

- MS last took her medication on 2/14/2024 and would tell everyone about not taking it; she didn’t like taking her medicine because she had more energy when she didn’t take it

- JS called her on the evening of 2/26/2024 to ask if Maddie was with her; JS told her she’d last seen Maddie at 8:45 that morning when she dropped her off at the church near the school; the friend said this was unusual because Maddie was typically dropped off in the car line

7th Grade School Counselor - 2/29/2024

- met Maddie at the beginning of the school year

- she was told MS has ADHD and has a hard time focusing; Maddie also has anxiety and panic attacks

- she conducts check-ins with MS at school and has met with Maddie about six times since the start of the school year

- MS typically comes to see her when she’s feeling panicked or overwhelmed; Maddie has also said she’s dealing with things at home including fighting with her mom; she said JS would get upset because Maddie is forgetful or doesn’t clean up like she’s expected to

- at their monthly check-in in December, January, and February, Maddie reported that things were improving at home and were better at school

- MS reported that her mom’s boyfriend lived with them and she didn’t like him because he was weird; when Maddie was pressed about why she thinks he’s weird, she said it was because he ate all their food, hangs out in the living room, and makes her feel uncomfortable; MS reported in December that he was moving out and that made her happy

- JS told her that Maddie was seeing a therapist weekly

- Maddie’s grades appeared to be stable and seemed to be improving since December

- her last check-in was on 2/6/2024 and Maddie said she was really happy and things were good at school and with mom

2nd Period PE Teacher - 2/29/2024

- MS always seemed very anxious and anytime she needed to ask her something or wanted something, she brought a buddy with her

- MS seemed shy around authority figures but not everybody

- occasionally, Maddie’s friends would tell her that MS needed to go to the counselor and she’d go with her friends [she didn’t know why Maddie needed to see the counselor]

- she didn’t think it was normal for Maddie to want to go away on her own because she needed someone with her

1st Period Intensive Reading Teacher - 2/29/2024

- JS didn’t come to open house and they had never met

- Maddie had a D in her class every quarter; MS would work in class but wasn’t able to follow things through to completion

7th Period English Teacher - 2/29/2024
- he described Maddie as “quieter”; she sometimes does her work but has a lot of “sleepy days” where she comes in and puts her head down and does nothing

- MS didn’t seem to have as many sleepy days as she did at the beginning of the school year

- he saw that MS was “fatigued” which he believes may have been a sign of depression, but he didn’t see anything more overt

- Maddie’s grades were rough but then she brought them up; she went through phases where she wouldn’t turn anything in

- MS seemed normal but quiet and tired

Friend of Maddie - 2/29/2024

- has known MS since the 4th grade

- Maddie and her mom would frequently fight and she describes JS as bipolar

- describes MS as bipolar in her behavior and said she was taking an unknown medication for ADHD

- she describes MS as nice, funny, and caring on her medication but “snappy” when she didn’t take it

- she didn’t notice MS going through a depressive phase but MS said she was going through one earlier in the year

- Maddie was upset at her birthday party because she advertised it well but not many people showed up or brought presents

- MS had two previous boyfriends; one who was expelled for breaking another child’s elbow; she described both relationships “over distance” and “a lot of texting”

- she’s not allowed to have social media but showed the investigator Maddie’s YouTube and Discord accounts

- she emphasized that MS’s mention of living in the woods was only if “World War 3” happened

- she never saw any bruises on Maddie but noted that MS occasionally came to school wearing red makeup that made it look like she’d been crying

- she went to Maddie’s house every week but has never stayed the night because of her parent’s rules

- she’s only met SS once even though he’s been with JS for a long time

- SS recently moved out but she doesn’t know why; when she asked MS, she just ignored her question

- Maddie has sent her two screenshots of SS while they were FaceTiming in the past, but she wasn’t able to locate the photos for investigators

- MS typically got her period two days before she did but last month MS got hers “a week or two” after she did; they didn’t have a conversation about it

- she said JS was never freaking out and thought it was weird that she initially said she dropped MS off at school when SS did

- she was shocked to hear the news about SS’s arrest

ETA: I took screenshots of all of this but can’t upload them all. If you want to see the screenshot for a specific bit of information, just let me know and I’ll upload that image.
Thank you cujenn!!

- JS called her on the evening of 2/26/2024 to ask if Maddie was with her; JS told her she’d last seen Maddie at 8:45 that morning when she dropped her off at the church near the school; the friend said this was unusual because Maddie was typically dropped off in the car line

JS lied here. Not “we”, she is saying SHE saw MS and SHE dropped her off when MS was already dead at this time.

Why did she not give her daughter money for her birthday? Did she even like MS?
...Why did she not give her daughter money for her birthday? Did she even like MS?
To me, there's a reason that her mother did not attend her birthday celebration and did not give her money. Perhaps, MS refused to go along with the usual plan of "welcoming" SS back into the home; and this was her "punishment."

Perhaps, that's why MS acquiesced with the sleeping arrangement on the night that she was murdered.

There is much more to this story, IMO. I actually blame her sick mother as much if not more than the murdering pedophile, SS. JS served her child up on a platter. For what? Was it really worth it?

Jenn seems like a single mom struggling to pay the bills to me. She didn't go to the party because she needed to work to make money. She didn't give Maddy money for her birthday because she didn't have any money. She probably let SS come back because she would benefit financially in some way, like paying rent for that room.
this stood out to me: Feb 29, 2024 interview with 13 year old outside of her residence described herself as Madeline's best friend who she has known since 4th grade:

she stated that Madeline was upset about the poor turnout for her BD party and hardly anyone brought her a gift. I would think her best friend was at the party....Im curious as to when she told her best friend she was upset: during the party or after she left via text possibly?
But Js and SS said she was “so so happy!” And has shown them all her gifts on her return home. So much baloney!!
this stood out to me: Feb 29, 2024 interview with 13 year old outside of her residence described herself as Madeline's best friend who she has known since 4th grade:

she stated that Madeline was upset about the poor turnout for her BD party and hardly anyone brought her a gift. I would think her best friend was at the party....Im curious as to when she told her best friend she was upset: during the party or after she left via text possibly?
Really contrast with Jens narrative about Madeline being happy, going to sleep without getting her laptop ( Which was tossed in the dumpster). " And yeah that's it". I believe the friend she hasn't lied. MOO
Moo... I remember in earlier threads her parents owned the property.
My opinion, only from memory.

I'm wondering if the Aunt who drove MS home is one of the roommates?

Didn't someone say the woman in the screenshot still from video shared was also at the office?

Not trying to snoop people who are not POI, just discussing as the docs state MS Aunt gave her a ride home from the party. JS has stated MS "showed us" her presents. And we now know other people were living at the condo, AND I also remember JS father (and other family members) having previously lived at the condo.

There was an earlier roommate who was interviewed by either GH or CourtTv. Was discussed a few weeks ago, if others remember her? She lived in the condo with JS, SS and MS a couple years ago.
Just a hunch, but this almost seems to me as if Stephan was "feeling this woman out" (can't think of the correct term for this) Basically, sharing information, in this case a sexually inappropriate scenario- with the intent being to gauge the other person's feelings or thoughts on it by their reaction or response. Do they find it inappropriate? Completely Understandable?

Did this woman also have a young daughter I wonder?
Yea, most likely sending out "feelers" to see what he could and could not get away with. If he's willing to broach this topic with a woman he'd only known a few months, what kind of things did he talk about with JS, who he's lived with off and on for years? He must've brought up similar things to test her limits. This guy's probably been doing this all his life.
Yea, most likely sending out "feelers" to see what he could and could not get away with. If he's willing to broach this topic with a woman he'd only known a few months, what kind of things did he talk about with JS, who he's lived with off and on for years? He must've brought up similar things to test her limits. This guy's probably been doing this all his life.
I'm concerned this was "the kink" we heard so much about earlier.

SS has a long history of known* inappropriate behavior with women, particularly younger women, if not actual children like poor MS. (*I think we will learn more. The credit cards in other names sound interesting. What a nasty loser....)
I'm concerned this was "the kink" we heard so much about earlier.

SS has a long history of known* inappropriate behavior with women, particularly younger women, if not actual children like poor MS. (*I think we will learn more. The credit cards in other names sound interesting. What a nasty loser....)
agree we wil find more disturbing stuff.

Not sure about the credit cards in other names but I wondered if, in addition to filming one of the roommates from beneath her bedroom door, he was also stealing from them or maybe stealing their identities. Maybe THAT was how he was funding his toy habit
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