FL - Man accused of sex with baby (mother allegedly participated)

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Death penalty for raping a child was my first thought, too. However, if you think about it...The child rapists would just murder them too, rather then leave a live witness. Some may argue the children might be better off, rather than live a life of torment (after being raped as a child). I just don't know.
Just thinking of anyone, doing anything, sexual to an infant...Uggg! To hell with chemical castration! Give me a dull, rusty knife! (I'd have to find something extra special for the "so-called mother).
I hate it when $%$^^ like this are compared to animals:(

Animals only act out when they are fearful or hungry...
never just out of pure evil, depravity, greed, lust or any of the other characteristics of these types of offenders...

But I know we can't write words we really want to use on this board...:(

"They'd been having sex with this baby - both of them - since the child was born," said Robert Carpenter with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office.
Detectives say they executed a search warrant on the mother's Port Charlotte home and found child *advertiser censored* images on her computer."

But someone in the sheriff's office says, "But when we asked Carpenter if she could be arrested he said, "Oh, most likely, yeah. But there are complications to her arrest and that's as far as we will go with that right now."

What in the world could that mean??? What "complications" would keep this woman from being arrested? I just don't understand.

Since the child was born? My sweet new baby granddaughter was just born yesterday and as I was holding her I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to harm a hair on her head (she has lots lol). I just don't get it. They can't even hold themselves up. Who could look at such perfection and want to violate it? In this case I think death is too good for them. If only there were some way to make them suffer like they made that sweet baby suffer. Well, who knows? They won't have any friends in prison, if you know what I mean.
There will be many...in prison...wanting to be their "friends". The bad part is, they will probably be, put somewhere, to keep them safe. I have to believe hat we all (will one day), face judgement, in the highest court of all.
UGH You're right. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't sort of situation. :furious:

With more advanced technology there should be some sort of anti-rape device developed that can be put in children from birth. A "chastity belt" of sorts that keeps children from being forcefully victimized. And it could work like an airplane's "black box" and records any sort of attempted intrusion or molestation and alerts authorities to whom is committing such vile acts. Don't laugh - I'm not a scientist but if we can't stop the perpetrators, maybe we could at least come up with better ways to protect the children. With everything else being invented I don't see why something meant to protect children from rape couldn't at least be researched. Man, I wish I really WAS a scientist, that'd be a priority of mine.

Then perhaps instead of the death penalty they should immediately give up their rights to have sexual desires. I don't see why not..these people don't need to procreate, they don't need to have any libido whatsoever to prey on ANYONE much less children..chemical castration/sterilization and significant jail time should be required. That doesn't sound cruel and unusual at all and I'd really question the morality of anyone who'd argue that it is. You want to have sex with an infant, and yet you think after getting caught you're entitled to keep your "drive"? I think not. That's not necessary to live.

Maybe sometime in the future people will have to actually prove they can be a good parent before innocent babies are sent home with them. Hook up some monitores and see if they get aroused by a baby, see if they want to protect them etc.
If someone wants to become a step-parent, they have to also prove themselves.

Yeah I know I'm dreaming, but I wish it would happen.

i think dahmer was in isolation and they still got to him=
Well, Florida is a state unlike other states where people from all over the country and all over the world move to. Not often do you find native Floridians, it's a melting pot of people from all over the spectrum - the worst of the worst and the best of the best. I can guarantee you I may live in Florida but am SO far from these scum.

Florida is a death penalty state, that's the good thing about it. I think raping children should become a death penalty qualifier..hmm..sounds like it's time to write a senator or two..

Check you out sticking up for Florida.;) You and Tom Petty.

SB, you are so right. Melting pot indeed. Hey, you didn't get your diamond stole in Florida, right? You got accosted in Baltimore.:eek:

BTW, this freak of nature Nelson it said he is a native of Texas. Lawdy only knows where the momster is originally from?

So, I can't find any updates on these disturbed individuals who either had a lobotomy or need one. It's backwards. It's evil. It's ugly. They need to seriously keep these two locked away for good. We'll see what happens, right?
i think dahmer was in isolation and they still got to him=

That was a caucasian nut job who preyed on mostly black men. I think he also murdered Asian men.

At some point they let him into population at his own request. He wanted to be in general knowing he was going to get murdered. IMO. A homosexual caucasian male who murders black men and then eats their body parts isn't going to faire well inside, no?
This is one case that really makes me wonder how far the human race really has evolved from primitive man. We have cell phones, computers,flat screen tvs, and every technology known to man. But the evil that lurks in human hearts seems to have increased, rather than decrease and become less and less as years/decades go by. I cannot find any sympathy in my heart for this "mother" (what a joke) with or without her self-proclaimed head injury. This poor innocent baby deserves so much better.

I see nothing wrong with farming pedophiles out to a deserted island where they can farm their own food, and fend for themselves. Barbaric - maybe, but quite humane when compared to their crimes!
August 2012:

Melissa Bailey was convicted by a jury who took just two hours to reach their verdict.

The 29-year-old was convicted on all six charges of abusing her daughter and allowing her 62-year-old boyfriend to join in the assaults.

A jury in Port Charlotte rejected Bailey's insanity defense that she had no control of her actions...
Defense lawyer Joe Lombardo claimed that Bailey did not understand what was happening...

Prosecutors said the evidence shows Bailey did this for her own sexual gratification
He said an injury as a child had left her without part of her brain and she was not capable of understanding what was taking place.


Most evil mugshots ever...


I'm sorry but she is incapable of understanding what was taking place. She needs put away where she can't hurt anyone ever again.. What a croc of $#!&.
Why would a 29 year old be with a 62 year old man? Sounds like she has some real issues even without the horrific crimes that went on. I know some people are with older partners but 33 years difference? That just creeps me out tbh.

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