FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #5

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I'm sorry I must have not seen those. All I can remember is a few from the club claiming they had contact with him on gay apps. I had the news on constantly after the shooting (I had pnuemonia when shooting happened and I was home all of the dang time) and I do not remember ANYTHING about him being gay until a club goer said so. All I have read about his younger years was what a bully he was and temperamental and in grade school he was violent.

[FONT=&amp]Mateen’s ex-wife, Sifora Yusufiy, has said he alluded to a secret private life before they were married – a marriage arranged online in 2008, which lasted two years. [/FONT][FONT=&amp]"When we had got married, he confessed to me about his past .....
[FONT=&amp]"So, I feel like it's a side of him or a part of him that he lived but probably didn't want everybody to know about."[/FONT][FONT=&amp]

[FONT=&amp]In 2006 Mateen attempted to join the police. And a colleague in his academy class said he believed Mateen was gay. Mateen had asked him out, the classmate, who did not want to be named, told local television in Orlando.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]“We went to a few gay bars with him,” he said. “I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer.”

Ms Yusufiy said she hadn't talked to him for a while but wouldn't be surprised to learn he was leading a double life and in deep internal conflict.

The owner of another Orlando LGBT club says he got a Facebook friend request last week from the gunman in the Pulse nightclub shooting. investigators from the Orlando Police Department and the FBI interviewed Bass about the contact.

Cord Cedeno said he had also seen Mateen inside Pulse before, standing at the bar with a drink. “He was open with his picture on the sites; he was easy to recognize,” said Cedeno, 23, of Orlando, who said he was also contacted by Mateen at least a year ago on a dating app.


Former classmate Samuel King and his friends also hung out with Mateen at the mall, where Mateen worked at the GNC store after high school and King at Ruby Tuesday. Half the workers at the restaurant were openly gay, King said, including himself. “He had to know it, but I never got any sense of homophobia or aggression from him.”




[FONT=&amp]“We see it all the time here. Guys come in at lunchtime, then go home to their wives.

Pulse owner


The FBI asked his ex wife to keep the gay issue from US media. The reason you haven't seen or read coverage about it is because the FBI doesn't want you to.
The FBI asked his ex wife to keep the gay issue from US media. The reason you haven't seen or read coverage about it is because the FBI doesn't want you to.

I was very glad when she revealed that and there was one other person that said a simliar thing. There is not agenda here! ISIS trouble from abroad. Untreated mental health - trouble from within.

November is close. Its an easy one to catch ...................................

and it looks as if nothing more is going to come out


I love your spirit Ocean Blue Eyes,
I know, that our leaders, lie, mis-lead, use the left wing press, provide freebies to potential voters for their parties agendas.
I know, that these leaders, starting right from the top, will cram down our throats, what they want.

I will not forget, the thousands of illegal immigrants being bussed into our communities, in the name of "children". When the true pictures came out that these were mostly men.

I do not forget our border agents crying foul, to their jobs being threatened, for trying to do their jobs.

I will always consider this man as a terrorist.

He said it, and I believe it.

Since childhood he has displayed a proclivity to lie about things ISIS related

he secretly live his entire life as lie

He said he knew the Boston bombers - it was a lie..

He claimed he was "friends" with the suicidal bomber - it was a lie.

Hr stated Osama was his uncle - it was a lie.

He claimed he had rigged the club with bombs (San Bern did this -they just failed) - it was a lie

He lived a dual life - indicating lying is not an issue for him

He proclaimed his alledgeance to three belief systems - not getting ones story correct is indicative of lying,

and in the final hours of his life some folks beleive him??

What is the adage; once a liar always a liar?

He copied other folks;

SAN BERN- He claimed he had rigged the club with bombs (San Bern did this -they just failed) - it was a lie. Copy cat.

PARIS- he had folks outside in suicide vest. copy cat.

.. Tashfeen Malik posted a Facebook post pledging allegiance to ISIS just minutes after the San Bernardino attack was over. Cpoy cat.

IMO, In case they got killed

"falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime.......pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".Sometimes however, the individual may be lying to make their life seem more exciting when in reality they believe their life is unpleasant or boring.

The fabricative tendency is chronic; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure so much as it is an innate trait of the personality

The liar "decorates their own person"[SUP][3][/SUP] by telling stories that present them as the hero or the victim.

Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental disorders. People affected by antisocial disorder lie for external personal profit in the forms of money, sex, and power.

Due to lack of trust, most pathological liars' relationships and friendships fail.


Read more: http://therightscoop.com/heres-the-...d-during-their-jihadist-attack/#ixzz4CmC9hqwO
The FBI asked his ex wife to keep the gay issue from US media. The reason you haven't seen or read coverage about it is because the FBI doesn't want you to.

News > World
FBI Told Orlando Shooter's Wife Not to Tell US Media He Was Gay

Telesurtv - Venezuela
Published 16 June 2016


“In an interview with Brazilian TV, the ex-wife of Omar Mateen claimed the U.S. agency told her to keep quiet about his homosexuality.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation told the former wife of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, Sitora Yusufiy, not to speak of his homosexuality or the fact that she, his family and others believed he was gay, Yusufiy’s current fiance, Marco Dias, told a Brazilian TV channel in an interview.

Dias told the Brazilian television station SBT Brazil Tuesday that Yusufiy believed Mateen was gay and that his father called him gay several times in front of her. However, “the FBI asked her not to tell this to the American media.”

Since the attack, Mateen has been dubbed an “Islamic terrorist” by politicians, senior officials and commentators in the U.S. following reports he had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group.

However, the idea that he could have been a closet-homosexual indicates that the Orlando shooting might have been a deeply felt and personal act of hate.

The FBI and law enforcement in the United States have so far been pursuing the “Islamist terrorism” angle and their alleged demand from Mateen’s ex-wife to keep mum about his homosexuality suggests they want to downplay the personal and self-hating nature of the attack in favor of the Islamic terrorism-related one.”​

bbm, exactly. But she knew he bought lot's & lots of ammo and she went with him to scope out the club, and do not think for one (1) minute she didn't know what he was going to do. She knew, she didn't know when. That is what I believe and I think I am right. jmo She should be watched for the rest of her life in this country, she is not to be trusted. jmo
I know right? And she is being portrayed as naive in one respect to her knowledge of his intent, yet she is worldly enough to recognize "gay" tendencies?

Furthermore, doesnt anyone realise it's in HER best interest that he should be portrayed as a repressed "Gay on a rampage"? Otherwise she has to answer to what she may know about his terrorist affiliations, therefore incriminating herself...

Edited to add: I may be mixing up wives, I'm way too lazy for this but after work I will have to re-read some articles (super sigh).
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I know right? And she is being portrayed as naive in one respect to her knowledge of his intent, yet she is worldly enough to recognize "gay" tendencies?

Furthermore, doesnt anyone realise it's in HER best interest that he should be portrayed as a repressed "Gay on a rampage"? Otherwise she has to answer to what she may know about his terrorist affiliations, therefore incriminating herself...

Edited to add: I may be mixing up wives, I'm way too lazy for this but after work I will have to re-read some articles (super sigh).
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

It seems you are.
Actually, there were quotes from people who knew him when he was younger who said he was or might be. They are quoted on here somewhere.
My very first boyfriend in highschool, he wound up coming out in his 20s. I don't give much weight to what people who marginally knew him have to say because I knew my boyfriend intimately, but I didn't really know anything after all. I m not saying the shooter isn't gay. I'm just saying isn't hindsight 20/20 and all. Jmo.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Did anyone watch CNN's "Terror on Paris" documentary? It could have very easily been what OM used for his plan. There is so many similarities. I have been trying to find it on the internet without success. I would love to know what you guys think. Yes, we believe there should be some similarities but this was too many, not to have been a copycat. It is "on demand".
Several days after this abomination, I knew at some point I would have to go down there. I also trusted myself that I would know "when " I could do so. It mattered to me.

As many of you know, I went down there last Monday fully aware that the scene was was blocked off. On that visit, I had to see to the media, from all over the world , caring about this story. It mattered to me.

I decided last night that today would be day. I would go early, so that if I got lost I did not have to attempt to find my way with traffic all about. I was also aware that it was an experience I wanted to do in quiet, without a lot of people around. That, too, mattered to me.

On my way down there it was moving that all the signs above the expressway, usually warning of an upcoming traffic delay, today , mentioned June 12.

Over the past week , I began to notice that my furry friend had been staying a bit closer to me, knowing instinctively that I needed her presence a bit more these days. . That mattered to me.

On the way to the center , I passed impromtu memorials, many large, at random locations on the side streets. .As I got closer I could see the the vast open space adorned with colors - rainbow colors,, and "ojects" of all sizes and shapes.

As i was getting closer , the magnitude of what had transpired, grew. I had forgotten my Kleenex. Upon getting closer, the creativity of the community, and many others, struck me profoundly.

While finding a parking space I saw that a parking meter, still claiming that the parking space was "for media only". Another reminder of enormity of the past week. For some reason I was glad that it had accidental been left. It mattered to me.

I saw lighters left about, so that visitors could light a candle, if one could find one that, unlike like the victims, had not flickered away, I found one, and lit it. That also, mattered to me.

I begin to see the pictures of those forever seared into our hearts and minds. Although unknown personally, they had become familiar faces for many of us here. Too familiar. For incomprehensible reasons. In all likelihood it shall remain so.-forever.

Magic markers were left all about the memorial. Many of those that had been there before, some many times, knew that many others would follow, and experience a yearning to leave their words as well. That mattered to me.

There were about 8 people doing what they needed to do for themselves, each in their own way and mind. For those that were there with someone, their conversations consisted of whispers. It was solemn ground, filled only with stillness. Walking slowed down, too much to take in. That too, mattered to me.

There was a homeless man sleeping about 15 feet away, his torn back pack,and sun burnt cheeks, reminded each of us a different kind of misery. I noticed about 8 folding chairs facing toward the flowers, reefs, pictures, candles,with goodbyes all over them. We had, after all, made promise not to forget them. One elderly man sat, hands clutched. That too,mattered to me.

Many of the flowers had begin to wither. They had, however, unlike the people we all were forced to say goodbye to, had lived their lives as designed.. Fresh flowers , in some places, stood out in the bright sunshine, reminding me that people had laid them recently,fulfilling the promise not to be forgotten. That mattered to me.

I bought a small candle, and set it down but chose not to light it. I would save it for others that were sure to come behind me. I grabbed a magic marker and continued to absorb what I was immersed in.

I knew that I would wait, until, I saw and felt the item that called out to me for my words. It happened , for reasons that shall remain unknown to me, and sat down.. I had not noticed that the marker was bright red,and had leaked upon my hand. In much the same manner as copious amount of blood, had left the confines of the victims my right hand was red. The red ink on my hands, chilling in its own way, was, startling, but befuddling fitting .

The reasons why certain words heaped an intense sadness upon me remain unclear.

There were various separated beds of collections, appearing as if when one area become to much, another one had started and blossomed. Too big, and intimacy might be lost. prohibiting one of the ability to see the weary words surrounding me. The ache was profound.

There was an area where big sheets and blankets lay beside one another, with words scrawled upon them, in a wide array of colors and handwriting. There was very little room left for a future visitor that would too, have the same compelling need to need to witness what lay before me. I was flooded with memories of my little sister and and I doing the AIDS quilt decades earlier. in Washington.

My first thought was, how far we we have come, HIV being a monster of hate, while only the opposite was before me.Love. I quickly reminded myself there was more than enough hate continuing to fetter in other lands being oblivious to the reality that others of my ilk were deemed worthy of having their heads lobbed off, or heaved off high buildings.

I could not help but remember the irony I experienced when a few, very few, spewed hate of the same magnitude that had given birth to June 12.

As a gay man, I could grasp the notion of a safe haven, in our bars, being yanked away. Although i rarely attend with the ferocity I did decades ago I could easily understand that truth. Hopefully, there will a balance between moving on while never quite forgetting as well. It mattered to me.

A bright pink and orange, gay, colorful couch was in the bright sunlight - it too had little room left for another who yearned and needed to leave sentiments. I could not help but think that couches are where people lie down to rest. Usually in peace. Our 49 had nothing of the sort. That too mattered to me.

One of the areas had no one there, I enjoyed not being surrounded , far away from grief that passed me bye at the other locations. Behind me I saw people kneeling down randomly , when their need to do so, compelled them, to pick their own special space where and when it was their moment to do so.It mattered to me.

I noticed that the city had made signs of our gay and festive rainbow flag that was created in celebration , decades ago, for those of us lucky enough to celebrate " being". The signs claimed "Orlando Strong". The hung from street lights. I never particularly cared for those words, the word "Orlando" had made it too close. Strong I had not felt since the 11th.

In reality strength never accompanies powerlessness,lack of comprehension, confusion,grief or anger. In unison, together , they are actually draining and weakening.

In passing other swollen eyes, there was a need to make quick eye contact , to give a nod of comfort , to share a similiar yet unique sadness. The breif glances provided comfort. No words were necessary or spoken, with one another in passing.That, as well mattered to me.

I found comfort in finding out that items in the memorial would be saved and placed somewhere where visitors could , forever, feel what that night meant to the world. That, too mattered to me.

Upon returning to my car, I elected to drive the short distance to Pulse. On this Sunday , it was a small gathering. There remained a small police prescience . One police car was feet away from the collection that had amassed at the front of the horror. Its presence, was, in truth a unneeded reminder that all was not well. Another cop car was on the other side, parked in the car wash where the killers van had been. White and orange plastic barricades lined the actual road.

The black screening that had been put up in the unsuccessful hope to block what had occurred inside was laden with more words from others that felt to need to be at the location of such loss and despair.That, too, mattered to me.

There was a large box truck, behind the black screening that was too high to be blocked.. It was a disaster clean up vehicle. Its presence, at this point in time, reminded me of the intensity of the cruelty that had transpired behind closed doors.

Through the screening I saw two men in white boo-hazard suits and blue gloves walking toward the truck with another gentleman in regular clothing. Over time, I noticed that every car on the 4 lane road, in front of the club ,tapped their brakes. Every single one. That mattered to me.

As I walked away, I was struck by the thought that at that very moment I was doing the very same thing that the 49 innocent kids had done on that night leaving.....................................

On my drive home, I passed a giant electronic,billboard, with "Orlando Strong" reminding me the widespread impact June 12 has had here.

Although having only been up a couple of hours, I felt as if I needed sleep, I was zapped,spent and weary.

Was I glad I followed my compulsion to experience this day. Indeed. I was correct in knowing when I emotionally available to do so. could do so. When strong enough - in quiet. That mattered to me as well.

Upon my return home I had hoped for a dreary thunderstorm.Both clouds and hunger evaded me..............
Beautiful, touching. Thank you for sharing what must have been a profound experience.

You put into words much of how I felt living in new York after 9/11.

Bless you CARIIS 💓💓💓💓

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Several days after this abomination, I knew at some point I would have to go down there. I also trusted myself that I would know "when " I could do so. It mattered to me.

As many of you know, I went down there last Monday fully aware that the scene was was blocked off. On that visit, I had to see to the media, from all over the world , caring about this story. It mattered to me.

I decided last night that today would be day. I would go early, so that if I got lost I did not have to attempt to find my way with traffic all about. I was also aware that it was an experience I wanted to do in quiet, without a lot of people around. That, too, mattered to me.

On my way down there it was moving that all the signs above the expressway, usually warning of an upcoming traffic delay, today , mentioned June 12.

Over the past week , I began to notice that my furry friend had been staying a bit closer to me, knowing instinctively that I needed her presence a bit more these days. . That mattered to me.

On the way to the center , I passed impromtu memorials, many large, at random locations on the side streets. .As I got closer I could see the the vast open space adorned with colors - rainbow colors,, and "ojects" of all sizes and shapes.

As i was getting closer , the magnitude of what had transpired, grew. I had forgotten my Kleenex. Upon getting closer, the creativity of the community, and many others, struck me profoundly.

While finding a parking space I saw that a parking meter, still claiming that the parking space was "for media only". Another reminder of enormity of the past week. For some reason I was glad that it had accidental been left. It mattered to me.

I saw lighters left about, so that visitors could light a candle, if one could find one that, unlike like the victims, had not flickered away, I found one, and lit it. That also, mattered to me.

I begin to see the pictures of those forever seared into our hearts and minds. Although unknown personally, they had become familiar faces for many of us here. Too familiar. For incomprehensible reasons. In all likelihood it shall remain so.-forever.

Magic markers were left all about the memorial. Many of those that had been there before, some many times, knew that many others would follow, and experience a yearning to leave their words as well. That mattered to me.

There were about 8 people doing what they needed to do for themselves, each in their own way and mind. For those that were there with someone, their conversations consisted of whispers. It was solemn ground, filled only with stillness. Walking slowed down, too much to take in. That too, mattered to me.

There was a homeless man sleeping about 15 feet away, his torn back pack,and sun burnt cheeks, reminded each of us a different kind of misery. I noticed about 8 folding chairs facing toward the flowers, reefs, pictures, candles,with goodbyes all over them. We had, after all, made promise not to forget them. One elderly man sat, hands clutched. That too,mattered to me.

Many of the flowers had begin to wither. They had, however, unlike the people we all were forced to say goodbye to, had lived their lives as designed.. Fresh flowers , in some places, stood out in the bright sunshine, reminding me that people had laid them recently,fulfilling the promise not to be forgotten. That mattered to me.

I bought a small candle, and set it down but chose not to light it. I would save it for others that were sure to come behind me. I grabbed a magic marker and continued to absorb what I was immersed in.

I knew that I would wait, until, I saw and felt the item that called out to me for my words. It happened , for reasons that shall remain unknown to me, and sat down.. I had not noticed that the marker was bright red,and had leaked upon my hand. In much the same manner as copious amount of blood, had left the confines of the victims my right hand was red. The red ink on my hands, chilling in its own way, was, startling, but befuddling fitting .

The reasons why certain words heaped an intense sadness upon me remain unclear.

There were various separated beds of collections, appearing as if when one area become to much, another one had started and blossomed. Too big, and intimacy might be lost. prohibiting one of the ability to see the weary words surrounding me. The ache was profound.

There was an area where big sheets and blankets lay beside one another, with words scrawled upon them, in a wide array of colors and handwriting. There was very little room left for a future visitor that would too, have the same compelling need to need to witness what lay before me. I was flooded with memories of my little sister and and I doing the AIDS quilt decades earlier. in Washington.

My first thought was, how far we we have come, HIV being a monster of hate, while only the opposite was before me.Love. I quickly reminded myself there was more than enough hate continuing to fetter in other lands being oblivious to the reality that others of my ilk were deemed worthy of having their heads lobbed off, or heaved off high buildings.

I could not help but remember the irony I experienced when a few, very few, spewed hate of the same magnitude that had given birth to June 12.

As a gay man, I could grasp the notion of a safe haven, in our bars, being yanked away. Although i rarely attend with the ferocity I did decades ago I could easily understand that truth. Hopefully, there will a balance between moving on while never quite forgetting as well. It mattered to me.

A bright pink and orange, gay, colorful couch was in the bright sunlight - it too had little room left for another who yearned and needed to leave sentiments. I could not help but think that couches are where people lie down to rest. Usually in peace. Our 49 had nothing of the sort. That too mattered to me.

One of the areas had no one there, I enjoyed not being surrounded , far away from grief that passed me bye at the other locations. Behind me I saw people kneeling down randomly , when their need to do so, compelled them, to pick their own special space where and when it was their moment to do so.It mattered to me.

I noticed that the city had made signs of our gay and festive rainbow flag that was created in celebration , decades ago, for those of us lucky enough to celebrate " being". The signs claimed "Orlando Strong". The hung from street lights. I never particularly cared for those words, the word "Orlando" had made it too close. Strong I had not felt since the 11th.

In reality strength never accompanies powerlessness,lack of comprehension, confusion,grief or anger. In unison, together , they are actually draining and weakening.

In passing other swollen eyes, there was a need to make quick eye contact , to give a nod of comfort , to share a similiar yet unique sadness. The breif glances provided comfort. No words were necessary or spoken, with one another in passing.That, as well mattered to me.

I found comfort in finding out that items in the memorial would be saved and placed somewhere where visitors could , forever, feel what that night meant to the world. That, too mattered to me.

Upon returning to my car, I elected to drive the short distance to Pulse. On this Sunday , it was a small gathering. There remained a small police prescience . One police car was feet away from the collection that had amassed at the front of the horror. Its presence, was, in truth a unneeded reminder that all was not well. Another cop car was on the other side, parked in the car wash where the killers van had been. White and orange plastic barricades lined the actual road.

The black screening that had been put up in the unsuccessful hope to block what had occurred inside was laden with more words from others that felt to need to be at the location of such loss and despair.That, too, mattered to me.

There was a large box truck, behind the black screening that was too high to be blocked.. It was a disaster clean up vehicle. Its presence, at this point in time, reminded me of the intensity of the cruelty that had transpired behind closed doors.

Through the screening I saw two men in white boo-hazard suits and blue gloves walking toward the truck with another gentleman in regular clothing. Over time, I noticed that every car on the 4 lane road, in front of the club ,tapped their brakes. Every single one. That mattered to me.

As I walked away, I was struck by the thought that at that very moment I was doing the very same thing that the 49 innocent kids had done on that night leaving.....................................

On my drive home, I passed a giant electronic,billboard, with "Orlando Strong" reminding me the widespread impact June 12 has had here.

Although having only been up a couple of hours, I felt as if I needed sleep, I was zapped,spent and weary.

Was I glad I followed my compulsion to experience this day. Indeed. I was correct in knowing when I emotionally available to do so. could do so. When strong enough - in quiet. That mattered to me as well.

Upon my return home I had hoped for a dreary thunderstorm.Both clouds and hunger evaded me..............

CARIIS- Thank you for bearing witness. All of what you experienced MATTERS TO ME.
In seeking to verify the reports, federal agents have culled Mateen’s electronic devices, including a laptop computer and cellphone, as well as electronic communications of those who made the claims, law enforcement officials said.

So far, they have found no photographs, no text messages, no smartphone apps, no gay *advertiser censored* and no cell-tower location data to suggest that Mateen — who was twice married to women and had a young son — conducted a secret gay life, the officials said.

Well it appears that the guy was straight, as in heterosexual. He liked women. jmo idk.

I agree, it strongly appears that way.

I just cant figure out why he was a long term and somewhat regular patron of Pulse. Maybe Pulse is not a totally gay night club. Rather, maybe there was also a large number of straights, espescially straight women?
In addition, the wives second interview acknowledged that she was aware of his orinetation. In her first interview, she said later the FBI asked her not to reveal that

Grindr warns on its site to be careful if someone decides to delete their account, they are unable to retrieve it

I too have thought maybe the FBI would be able to do so, but the reality here is apparently they have not been sucessful in reading his phone either (blood and water from the broken walls messed it up bad). Unless they are not reveailing anything

But I doubt folks are willing to go on global tv, lying . You have to understand that his double life angers a lot of us. It is betrayal, for you to come in here , do what you did, while all this time you enjoyed the abiltiy to be in a safe zone yourself.

BBM. Nothing on cell phones nowadays is ever truly deleted. I'm not sure if OM had an iPhone or Android, but it really doesn't matter, police can gain "deleted" info from either. If Mateen downloaded Grindr he would have had to sign in. He'd have logged in with Facebook or Twitter (which obvs he would never have done in a million years if he was trying to hide his alleged "secret gay life"). He could have logged in using Google+ or the iOs cloud (again, probably not). Most likely, he'd have made up some fake email address specifically for Grindr, let's call his fake email "hotboy12349876@whatever.com". So he plugs this fake email address into Grindr, but it's not really so secret. The police and/or FBI now have all of his tablets, laptops, old and new phones, etc. There is going to be some trace of "hotboy12349876@whatever.com"'s existence somewhere, which proves he had the account, even if they can't get into it, which I doubt very much.

Btw, it is much easier to retrieve data from a phone that is working perfectly. However, the chip is all they need. They can just plug in a whole phone, but the method they use is more difficult, yet still very possible, when a phone is damaged, wet, bricked, etc.
Maybe a perp's iPhone just happened to fall into a toilet, or his Droid "accidentally" got crushed by a hammer. That'll make things a little more complicated, sure, but it's far from game over.

The first step of mining a phone that's officially dead is to dig in and rip the data off its broken chip. Sometimes, this is as easy as slapping the chip into an adapter and plugging it into a computer.


This process is even simpler now than when that article was written, in 2013. Now we have Cellebrite, which was allegedly used to extract information from the SB shooter's iPhone.

My guess is the "LE haven't revealed what's on Mateen's phone yet" option. In fact, I am not sure why the American public expects every single bit of information police have gleaned from their investigations to be revealed nowadays. Perhaps we should just let LE do their jobs and hope for a sensational story later once they've completed their investigation, ijs.

The FBI asked his ex wife to keep the gay issue from US media. The reason you haven't seen or read coverage about it is because the FBI doesn't want you to.
Or so says the random fiance of Mateen's ex-wife from seven years ago, anyway.

News > World
FBI Told Orlando Shooter's Wife Not to Tell US Media He Was Gay

Telesurtv - Venezuela
Published 16 June 2016

“In an interview with Brazilian TV, the ex-wife of Omar Mateen claimed the U.S. agency told her to keep quiet about his homosexuality.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation told the former wife of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, Sitora Yusufiy, not to speak of his homosexuality or the fact that she, his family and others believed he was gay, Yusufiy’s current fiance, Marco Dias, told a Brazilian TV channel in an interview.

Dias told the Brazilian television station SBT Brazil Tuesday that Yusufiy believed Mateen was gay and that his father called him gay several times in front of her. However, “the FBI asked her not to tell this to the American media.”

Since the attack, Mateen has been dubbed an “Islamic terrorist” by politicians, senior officials and commentators in the U.S. following reports he had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group.

However, the idea that he could have been a closet-homosexual indicates that the Orlando shooting might have been a deeply felt and personal act of hate.

The FBI and law enforcement in the United States have so far been pursuing the “Islamist terrorism” angle and their alleged demand from Mateen’s ex-wife to keep mum about his homosexuality suggests they want to downplay the personal and self-hating nature of the attack in favor of the Islamic terrorism-related one.”​

So, the fiance is claiming that Yusufiy told him that the FBI told her not to tell American media that she thought Mateen was gay, but the FBI okayed Yusufiy letting her fiance let Brazilian, and consequently, Spanish media know? And there are still no reputable news sources confirming this story, just that one "news" outlet, correct? Hmm, I wonder why that is...
I agree, it strongly appears that way.

I just cant figure out why he was a long term and somewhat regular patron of Pulse. Maybe Pulse is not a totally gay night club. Rather, maybe there was also a large number of straights, espescially straight women?
My thought was that he could have been casing it for quite a while, even a couple years, before he got up the nerve to do such a horrible thing.

You have a point, though, gay bars generally have more than a few straight women in attendance, some more than others. It would depend on how friendly the regular customers would be toward an onslaught of straight women - some are annoyed at straight women coming in, some welcome them with open arms. I was under the impression the mom that was murdered at Pulse when she shielded her son was straight, and also one of the young girls that was killed was because I thought they'd said she was there with her gay friends, but idk.
Here is the entire SBT Brazilian television interview. Its kind of interesting, its slightly over four minutes long. It has a little bit of video footage that I haven't seen before and a snippet of some odd animated recreation of the scene inside the bar. The journalist visits them at their home in Boulder.


And, its all in Portuguese so I couldn't understand any of it but her fiance Marcio does and he translated for her.
I agree, it strongly appears that way.

I just cant figure out why he was a long term and somewhat regular patron of Pulse. Maybe Pulse is not a totally gay night club. Rather, maybe there was also a large number of straights, espescially straight women?

Pulse was very much a gay nightclub.

From their website:
Experience Pulse, a world of fun and fantasy. Orlando’s hottest gay bar located in the heart of downtown. Step inside Pulse and savor the taste of three unique worlds: The Lounge, Ultra Bar and The Adonis Room. Since 2004, Pulse has been serving up unmatched live entertainment and tantalizing liquid libations, courtesy of our renowned staff and entertainers. Check out our upcoming performances and join us for an exciting and unforgettable night of fun and fantasy.

And have a look around Pulse's Facebook page:

He frequented the nightclub because he was very probably most likely a gay man.
I have tons of straight friends that go to gay clubs. One of the women killed in Pulse was straight. She was there with her son.
I have tons of straight friends that go to gay clubs. One of the women killed in Pulse was straight. She was there with her son.

And because straight people sometimes go to gay bars that means OM wasn't gay? Do gay people not go to gay bars?
BBM. Nothing on cell phones nowadays is ever truly deleted. I'm not sure if OM had an iPhone or Android, but it really doesn't matter, police can gain "deleted" info from either.


This process is even simpler now than when that article was written, in 2013. Now we have Cellebrite, which was allegedly used to extract information from the SB shooter's iPhone.

My guess is the "LE haven't revealed what's on Mateen's phone yet" option. we should just let LE do their jobs and hope for a sensational story later once they've completed their investigation, ijs.

Or so says the random fiance of Mateen's ex-wife from seven years ago, anyway.

made shorter!

The phone was caked with dry blood- I wonder if that is different than other types of problems --enzymes etc --dry blood is like cement chips are delicate

I agree, it strongly appears that way.

I just cant figure out why he was a long term and somewhat regular patron of Pulse. Maybe Pulse is not a totally gay night club. Rather, maybe there was also a large number of straights, espescially straight women?

IMoo he married and had a child to prove to dad that he was not gay- he selected a woman that was apparently limited congitvily - perfect for a gay, batterer. We must imo remaing aware of the fact she has not been arrested, the only reason I can think of is after interacting with her they realized her limite4d capacity to compehend, or she was totally perfrified of him .

Again, strt men tend not ot repeatidly go to gay bars alone- ask your partners if they would go alone - the intensity of their response should be data for you guys!!

I agree, it strongly appears that way.

I just cant figure out why he was a long term and somewhat regular patron of Pulse. Maybe Pulse is not a totally gay night club. Rather, maybe there was also a large number of straights, espescially straight women?

IMoo he married and had a child to prove to dad that he was not gay

es, we believe there should be some similarities but this was too many, not to have been a copycat. It is "on demand".
made shorter

I agree - he was a copy cat- to me indicating no real connection to a redicaliized terrorist. He was a bitter and angry man that hated himself for who he was, and chose to take on his inner turnoil out on those that accepted, loved cherished who they were and the lifestyle moo


But she knew he bought lot's & lots of ammo and she went with him to scope out the club

He was a fake cop, expert marksman, who wanted to be a real cop - there would be nothing unusual in him telling her he was gonna grab a gun. The other gun was not bought in a store, so she might not have known

he was gonna practice she could beleive that IMO

Any thoughts on why?

As many of us have become aware - there are lots of folks who hate this peace loving religion. It is imo easier to blame this on ISIS, than to take a look at the issues IN this country which result in relentless slaughter on a weekly basix.

In your minds go through the last biggest ones Fort Hood was mental, Virginia Tech was mental, Sandy Hook was mental, batman was mental, Elliot was mental, planned parenthood was mental, Washington yard was work related and IMO this was mental with internalized homophobia

THe onlly one I can recall is San Bern as being authentic ISIS terror (obviously 911!)

see ib nora post
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