FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1

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They stuck a K9 on him, which is my guess for his injuries (among other things like his general state of mind etc)

I took a course last year taught by local police officers, and they said that if anyone is ever attacked by a police dog, they should lie still and try not to move. The dogs are trained to bite and hold, but if the target moves around the dogs will start "shaking" the target with their mouths and that is where the potential for major dog bite injuries esclalates.

So, if a police dog has chomped down on you, be sure to lay still and stay calm.

It's very hard to commit someone even when parents know their offspring is mentally ill. Him saying he was a superhero wouldn't get him committed, he has to be a known danger to himself or others. As he wasn't saying he was going to kill people and chew their face off, I don't think parents could have gotten him committed.
No, but they could have taken him to their family doc and ask for scripts for anxiety and depression. A family doc who had treated him for several years could have recommended counseling.
Cariis thank you for posting this youtube video. Ughh. I didn't chuckle whatsoever. Rather, I found the entire video very eerie, the music very VERY dark and sadistic (shoot/kill your mother???!!), and the overtone from beginning to end (for me) was uncomfortable and unsettling to watch.

My read: this is a son who has given his family heartbreak for a long time. This family walked on eggshells around their son. Notice the calm, absolutely no emotion expressed or comments made ....about knife, gun, filming moving, not participating during the trip, or any frustration shown by fam when attempting to clean up garage. I don't think that was his and his dad's garage, that mess was all his doing IMO. The boat was spotless as was the yard, pool, dock, etc. Overall, a very very sick individual. It wasn't a matter of if, just when. (I do not think for one second that this was his first or second or third...psychotic break/rage/episode.) 'It' had been escalating, intensifying, and occurring with increased frequency. No parent wants to believe their (son) is so depraved. No parent wants to commit their (son) to a psychiatric instituition --- they know, but hope it will change. In the meantime, they've learned that the smallest, most insignificant trigger 'might/will often' lead to explosive, out of proportion rage, but certainly one never fathoms it would go to this extent or outcome. All JMO and certainly no judgements being made.

Spent some time on his you tube channel .

Totally off topic. In this video they went boating. Stirred up stuff --sharing - Hope ya enjoy a chuckle!

"The Boat"

UGH. Bought back so many horrible memories. I dispised going boating with my family. Mainly my father. Hated it. He is a perfectionist. It is soooo much work. Getting everything together, cooler, food. oil, skis, boogie board, cushions, loading everything into the car. You had to load everything exactly in a certain order - everything had a place.

Then schlep it all onto the boat. Again everything in the place. In a certain compartment on the boat, in an order. Exhasted before the boat was even off the trailer!

Ugh the trailer , he had to line the boat up perfect . Back and forth right and left. NASA lauched the space shuttle quicker than we launched the damn boat!! Hold this rope , push here a little ,tighter -- it was awful!!

Time for some sking. Out come the skies, the ropes, the floatation devices. Then tie all the ropes to the boat, in a special knot (could never do it! Boring tying ropes sorry! Ironically I did like the boy scouts!)

Then the rope has to go over board , then the line has to get lined up. Then he would perfectly get the boat ,one of us, and boat lined up for launch. My sister got up and stayed up often. I did not fare as well - which translates to all the lining up everything had to start over--again! And then again.

You have to realize that folks ON the boat find realigning the boat, rope, skier, somewhat tedious as well, so me "going" sking was kind of a given it was really gonna be a lot of going around in circles. Its hot. At least when my sister was skying there was wind as she soared behind the boat !

I spent a lot of time treading water, while hoping not to lose the skies before they came back around!

Whoever is not sking has to be the "watcher" so when someone went down you would yell to him so he would know to turn the boat and go after whoever was in the water!! Hold on I am looking up my old therapists number!

Coming back to the dock (my mother felt very similiar about boating outings!) All hands on deck for docking! Stand there everyone has their assigned rope, gotta be super alert to keep the boat from hitting the dock (a little) . I was always thought jeez, its no big deal there are rubber bumpers on the docks - nothing will happen In the event of an error the boat would go "bump". . Big deal.

A boat that bumped a rubber bumper would, unlike the Titanic, not sink. Plus there were no icebergs, so, in truth, we all were safe!

And even if it did, we were right by a dock. The boat could not even sink if it wanted to!!!

Then ,comes the trailer again. Back and forward with the car, the front wheels and trailer. Left ,right, in water a little, then a little more, then getting the damn boat lined up with the trailer. This is after being in the hot sun for 6 hours!!

The trailer goes the opposite of the front wheels of the car! In this domain, he was smart to never let me try this project! My sister got to tho!! She did it perfectly!

Boat on trailer, pull up. Now comes the part when everyone has to get back up on the boat and stow everything so it does not fly off while on the highway. Again everything has place. Ugh, all this putting everything away perfectly - as a kid -was not my notion of "fun".

Personally, I was not much concerned if the cushions were in the left comparment, or the right. IMO, either compartment would prevent them from flying off the boat. Just so you "know " the cushions go in the LEFT compartment!

I shall confess I had the same theory as far as my bedroom went. Much to my mothers dismay!

Then tie the boat to the stupid trailer. Check twice!

Drive home. Everyone back on the boat to unload all the sh^5!! It all has to be put in its perfect place at the house.Oh lord , it is coming to back to me, I need to start therapy again!!!!

Then its time to wash the boat - this process again has to be done with precision. Again as a kid, squirt some water on it - its a boat- there meant to be "wet"!!! IMO, boats never needed a bath after a swim - just made NO sense to me at all.

The only thing that needed a bath was ME! Which I could not have until after the boat had one!! I thought this was very unfair!! Salt water impacts human beings skin differently than a fiberglass boat!! That is how I viewed the sitution.

Then we had to flush the engine to keep salt water from whatever. Peoples car engines get dirty and they do fine! Why should boat engines get baths ?? For this fun activity you put this thing on the water intake of the engine, attach hose, start her up, let it run with regular water for a while.

Again, from a kids perspective - its a boat engine - they are made for salt and water mixed together - part of the design. This too had to be perfect cause you could damage the engine if, on land, you pushed the throttle to much, cause it only had limited amount of water going through it . More engine, less engine, more water , less water-- bla bla!

Shoot it would take three years for the engine to croak if you just put the boat up without bathing everything!! UGH.

Then the hose had to be put away on those things that hangon the wall. Perfectly. To this day I hate putting hoses away!!

While I am being off topic - you know you are getting old when you feel like you might need a physical therapist after cleaning your shower tiles!!!!! Hurtin!!

Back on track -- it shows him with his family :

No, but they could have taken him to their family doc and ask for scripts for anxiety and depression. A family doc who had treated him for several years could have recommended counseling.

Here's the problem and this may not even be the case here, but it is for a lot of cases... A lot of parents who have good "social and economical" standings do not want it to get out that their children have "issues." It could be drugs or it could be mental, it doesn't matter. What matters most is the "reputation" of the family. That is what causes some of these "parents" to hold back on OBVIOUS signs of any issues. Instead of getting HELP for these issues, they will protect their children as much as possible to get them into good University's. Then the children go off on their own and their behaviors get worse because they no longer have that "protection" because they are not "important" or "rich" enough" for that **** to happen.

Like I have stated, I am waiting for the toxicology results.
He could have been taken to an out of town counselor. Furthermore, his dad's rep in their hometown wasn't exactly pristine! If anybody found out he was seeing a counselor, he could have blamed his dad. That's the growing trend nowadays, blame your problems on your parents! There's so much BS going around anymore, kids don't think they should take responsibility for their own actions, because obviously it's somebody else's fault.
Maybe it's just me... Not sure I can convey why I feel family knew more about his state of mind that night.

I had to put together several quotes to figure out who was at the restaurant. Even though his mother told LE he didn't seem a danger to himself or others, I'm suspicious that he said something more that night to family to prompt them to get even fraternity brothers searching for him, and then for Mom to call police. Did he say something that would go towards premeditation of harming someone?

I find it odd it was that night the family finally started to notice something was serious enough to call police. He's 19 and if I go by what his mother told police he wasn't a danger to himself or others or on drugs...so why were they all hunting for him as though they knew he was capable of doing something that particular night. Seems like he left the restaurant fairly calm. Turns out family did have reason to be worried, and very soon after he left the restaurant he did kill people.


CCTV from inside the popular sports bar Duffy's shows the college student storming out of the restaurant - where he had gone with his father and sister - reportedly due to slow service.

Harrouff's mother, Mina Harrouff, then contacted the authorities, saying that her son had been acting strangely for days and claiming he had superpowers.

The mother said her son abruptly left the Duffy's restaurant they were having dinner at on Monday after having an argument with his father.

She also said he was carrying his pocket knife.

About 45 minutes after leaving, Harrouff allegedly attacked John Stevens II and Michelle Mischon as they sat out in their garage.

Sheriff William Snyder said at 8.30pm, Harrouff was out to dinner with his parents at the sports bar Duffy's West.

According to his parents, Harrouff became agitated - possibly over slow service - and left during the meal.

Harrouff appeared to walk towards his father Wade's (pictured) home, before he turned onto Kokomo Lane

Harrouff appeared to walk towards his father Wade's (pictured) home, before he turned onto Kokomo Lane

They were so concerned they called the police, while his frat brothers went looking for him.
Sounds like none of the common drugs were found in his system, so FBI is now doing the testing for less common drugs. Hopefully they are doing tests for steroids. Steroid use can cause "roid rage" and also unmask an underlying psychiatric disorder.

'I can anonymously attest that this guy had gotten bigger and bigger at alarming rates throughout our first year of college.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...lesh-victim-s-face-abdomen.html#ixzz4Hz7AAVZE
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I hope they test for steroids too. What this acquaintance said is important. I would think a family member would have guessed steroid use. It's possible they didn't realize stopping usage can cause rage.

Daily Mail on Wednesday spoke to an acquaintance of Harrouff's from FSU, who speculated that steroids may have played a role in Monday's vicious attack.

'I don't think it was flakka or any sort of hallucinogen,' said the FSU student, who asked not to be named. 'I just think that this kid had a steroids dependency and had a bad, bad roid rage that night.

'I can anonymously attest that this guy had gotten bigger and bigger at alarming rates throughout our first year of college.'

Maybe it's just me... Not sure I can convey why I feel family knew more about his state of mind that night.

I had to put together several quotes to figure out who was at the restaurant. Even though his mother told LE he didn't seem a danger to himself or others, I'm suspicious that he said something more that night to family to prompt them to get even fraternity brothers searching for him, and then for Mom to call police. Did he say something that would go towards premeditation of harming someone?

I find it odd it was that night the family finally started to notice something was serious enough to call police. He's 19 and if I go by what his mother told police he wasn't a danger to himself or others or on drugs...so why were they all hunting for him as though they knew he was capable of doing something that particular night. Seems like he left the restaurant fairly calm. Turns out family did have reason to be worried, and very soon after he left the restaurant he did kill people.


Hi Curious!

I think just in andof itself someone "storming" (in the video it looked like walking to me!) out of some causual dining setting , cause of slow service, in itself to be indicative of cognitive /emotionial abnormality!!

The response to the "sitution" is grossly out of context.

I so agree - I think we will find a mom who wanted her "son" to get or continue treatment and dad said my sons not mental, and that there was maritial conflict over this.

Any more info from frat brothers - I would assume we should be hearing reports of him being strange, off , odd etc etc --his you tube channel is, to be mild, just "off"

It seemed as if he was in an endless inner termoil about his body size, and to use or not use something to alter that. It IMo was beyond typical - it had a relentlessness to his obession regarding above mentioned .

just moo
Cariis thank you for posting this youtube video. Ughh. I didn't chuckle whatsoever. Rather, I found the entire video very eerie, the music very VERY dark and sadistic (shoot/kill your mother???!!), and the overtone from beginning to end (for me) was uncomfortable and unsettling to watch.

My read: this is a son who has given his family heartbreak for a long time. This family walked on eggshells around their son. Notice the calm, absolutely no emotion expressed or comments made ....about knife, gun, filming moving, not participating during the trip, or any frustration shown by fam when attempting to clean up garage. I don't think that was his and his dad's garage, that mess was all his doing IMO. The boat was spotless as was the yard, pool, dock, etc. Overall, a very very sick individual. It wasn't a matter of if, just when. (I do not think for one second that this was his first or second or third...psychotic break/rage/episode.) 'It' had been escalating, intensifying, and occurring with increased frequency. No parent wants to believe their (son) is so depraved. No parent wants to commit their (son) to a psychiatric instituition --- they know, but hope it will change. In the meantime, they've learned that the smallest, most insignificant trigger 'might/will often' lead to explosive, out of proportion rage, but certainly one never fathoms it would go to this extent or outcome. All JMO and certainly no judgements being made.

Spent some time on his you tube channel .

Totally off topic. In this video they went boating. Stirred up stuff --sharing - Hope ya enjoy a chuckle!
Back on track -- it shows him with his family :


I agree. Sorry if I gave the impression that the video itself was funny. I found it amusing all the triggers set off by a family boating amusing!

I found the video very disturbing. His affect is just off. Throwing the boxes around in the garage had a violent feel to it. There was no interaction with father and son. Even his camera angles were creepy. Playing around with gun, the POV angle he shot it from was creepy, playing with the lazer thing. Is it really normative to think about bringing a gun while going out into the middle of the ocean?

The knife thing to me was the creepiest, again just the angle , the legnth of time he recorded it, appraoching dad like that (boy did fruedian stuff come up on that one!) and the dad seemed conditioned to those kind of antics. If I approached my father like that (up in my hand) I would think my father or anyone would have some reaction to it. Its not funny. Its not normal, such a dark side.

What is the hammock about??

The slow mo box throwing?

Who concludes that a messy garage "looks like a horror movie"??

The gun thing was like a child - got distracted and had to play with it.

Dad was very bossy in parts in the video. I saw two people who had no interest in interacting . Remeinded me of me and my dad - just disconnected.

I was glad tho, when I saw the video on you tube, I thought awesome we will get some family dynamics here - and boy did we huh.

Was very shocked to find out dads vocation. He just did not strike me in the video as particular bright - hit me kinda county like.

But the socio economic fit in terms of the location of the home, the interior, etc.

It was informing IMO. I think much will be learned - I think he may have some forced placement in his history, or refusal to take meds, or meds and steroids bad deal etc etc .

all just speculation

Lyrics he selects for day of boating:

what do we do when someone close to us dies?
Should we just sit in a corner and pout and cry ?
Maybe we should get angry ..........grab a shotgun.

and kill................

People its to late
broken dreams on a floor
like shattered glass

people its too late

trying so hard to get a pass
one minute so many possibilites
why so many people doubt my abilty

FY man I am done

I am loading that gun

people its too late
His videos make my skin actually crawl. Btw his teeth are perfect, I wonder if the biting was in any way directed at his dentist dad? This guy seemed majorly effed up. If he used anabolic steroids it only uncovered a psychiatric disorder that was already there, moo.

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My experience, not only as an LPN, but personally also, steroids should never be stopped cold turkey. Even the dosage I have been given started out high- 100mg daily X 10 days, then was dropped to 40mg daily, and dropped every two days by 5mg, until the last day, 5mg, treatment completed. So, for example, if he was taking a high dose by injection, say, maybe 300mg daily, and then suddenly stopped, withdrawals and mood swings would all over the place.
I find it odd that the mother, who if I am correct, was not at the dinner with her husband, daughter and son, was the one to call police AND found it necessary to mention that he had a pocket knife. Makes me think that what ever the family reported to the mom, included something about the knife. I also think that the affluent family tried to keep the son's problem undercover till the explosion happened.
(I my world, most people who carry pocket knives, carry them like their wallet and pocket change, its just something they load up everyday.)
MOO only. And hope there is not some new drug out there making people act like this.
What you we learn from his restlessness. He can't seem to stand still.
Regarding things I've read in articles about his affluent upper middle class family covering up/not admitting his illness because of social status is funny to me me because if he was poor then someone would say that the poverty stricken/lower class don't tend to admit/treat a mentally ill child either. What I'm trying to say is that regardless of background, mental illness tends to be taboo across all borders. I think it's one of the biggest problems in America right now. Jmo and slightly off topic.

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Regarding things I've read in articles about his affluent upper middle class family covering up/not admitting his illness because of social status is funny to me me because if he was poor then someone would say that the poverty stricken/lower class don't tend to admit/treat a mentally ill child either. What I'm trying to say is that regardless of background, mental illness tends to be taboo across all borders. I think it's one of the biggest problems in America right now. Jmo and slightly off topic.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Mental illness has always been, and may always be a subject that nobody wants to talk about, much less admit to friends and family their family member is having trouble. As much info as is out there today, we tend to think people would feel more comfortable talking about it, but that's not usually the case.
I am a private duty nurse, and take care of kids with physical and learning disabilities. I took care of a young boy whose brother was bi-polar, and he could be quite a handful. He also was ADD, but not hyper. His extreme was super inattentive, and frankly, lazy and not motivated about anything except the TV. And, unfortunately, had a younger sister who was almost perfect. I learned alot about emotional problems while working in that home for six years. His mother said he started displaying problems around the time he turned two.
Mental illness has always been, and may always be a subject that nobody wants to talk about, much less admit to friends and family their family member is having trouble. As much info as is out there today, we tend to think people would feel more comfortable talking about it, but that's not usually the case.
I am a private duty nurse, and take care of kids with physical and learning disabilities. I took care of a young boy whose brother was bi-polar, and he could be quite a handful. He also was ADD, but not hyper. His extreme was super inattentive, and frankly, lazy and not motivated about anything except the TV. And, unfortunately, had a younger sister who was almost perfect. I learned alot about emotional problems while working in that home for six years. His mother said he started displaying problems around the time he turned two.
I couldn't even imagine. I give you loads of credit and mad props for being one of the Angels that have the wherewithal and gifts to work with these challenged individuals!

I count myself blessed that I have raised 2 kids (one is now 20, the other 16) who have thus far exhibited no signs of any mental illness. It runs deep on my husband's side though, so I hope and pray that they remain clear of these devastating illnesses. I am most fearful of the mental illnesses that strike young adults out of seemingly nowhere.

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His videos make my skin actually crawl. Btw his teeth are perfect, I wonder if the biting was in any way directed at his dentist dad? This guy seemed majorly effed up. If he used anabolic steroids it only uncovered a psychiatric disorder that was already there, moo.

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My guess he is a psychopath.
MOO, all my own speculation, but these crimes may be linked to his use of steroids and the chemical imbalance caused by his attempts to stop taking them. I suspect he was on steroids for awhile and it did mess with his mind. I wonder if anyone in his family knew about his use and that he'd need doctor's care to stop taking them. It may be hard to find out where he got them, but perhaps LE can trace the purchases.

Teens and Steroids: A Dangerous Combo

Q: Are prescriptions needed to get steroids?

A: Yes, in fact anabolic steroids are classified as Schedule III Controlled Substances by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration with strict regulations, meaning that not only is a prescription required, but there are extra controls. For example, it is illegal to possess them without a prescription in the United States, and in most circumstances the prescription must be in written form and cannot be called in to a pharmacist. Labels on some steroids recommend testing of hormone levels during use.

The number of FDA-approved uses is limited. Most are prescribed as a replacement for sub-normal levels of steroids. They are also prescribed for conditions such as muscle wasting, poor wound healing, and very specific pulmonary or bone marrow disorders.

A health care professional can prescribe steroids off-label, meaning for conditions other than those that are FDA-approved. But children, particularly teens, are getting access to steroids and taking them for reasons far outside of their intended use.

Q: So how are teens getting access?

A: Some get prescriptions from a licensed practitioner for such purposes as introducing puberty to boys who are “late bloomers” or to stimulate growth among teens who are failing to grow. Some may be dealing with unscrupulous clinics or street dealers on the black market. Unfortunately, a number of vendors sell anabolic steroids online without a prescription. Individuals should also be aware that some dietary supplements advertised for body building may unlawfully include steroids or steroid-like substances, and the ingredient statement on the label may not include that information.
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