FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

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I don't think suspecting someone is wrong. I don't think anyone is headed over to his place ready to strap him in the chair just yet, but when overwhelming statistics, past history, and non-stop circumstantial/coincidental evidence piles against someone then I don't think you can blame LE or others for looking at them. I will have to say if he is innocent he is the unluckiest man to ever exist (literally). I mean, it is like the universe converged to make him seem guilty including random carjackers coincidentally choosing the air date of a tense, anger-filled court case to murder her and choosing to drive/ping near his dad's property and doing it at the exact time that would make him the last person to see her alive (or admitting to being the last person). If the same happened to be me I would literally be paranoid that I was being set up by someone or the gods or something.
It is possible though. I do hope there is firm, firm actual evidence though either way.
As the mother of a 3 year old myself (and considering the time of year) you would be surprised at the amount things you can hide from them if you tried. I can literally go Christmas shopping with her with me, bring her inside and send her to play long enough to lug in all of the toys that she still has yet to see.

She's smart as a whip, and I'm sure the twins are too. I can easily walk through many "what ifs" and still make sure those kids didn't have a clue what was going on.

It wouldnt take much for grandma to take them in the back yard to play while grandpa and daddy went somewhere. If they were asked did daddy leave grandpas? I bet they would say "nope" because..as far as they know...he didnt.
Now how is a carjacker supposed to know where Dale's parents live? The direction of travel could be nothing more than coincidence...

Too coincidental - car just happens to be found within 3 miles of Dale's destination for that day? Carjacker just happens to follow same path to get to Dale's parents house. Don't know what the odds of coincidence are but I would bet you'd have better odds winning FL state lottery.
I'm new here and have been following along for a couple of weeks. I was just activated today and wanted to say Hi! =)
Thanks for the debate!! Gotta get some shut eye Final exams start this week. :(
Saying a prayer for Michelle.
If Michelle left Dales house and was car jacked, where would that take place? If she stopped at a store most likely. Let's entertain that notion for a moment..

If she was car jacked...where would it occur? Obviously not going down the road. So she had to be stopped somewhere for this to happen and no one see. Where is that possible?
Does anyone believe in psychics? I have seen this pop up a few times in my web searches. It lines up in the straight B line from Dales's house to Hummer finding and 11 miles beyond. Says body is in Lake Bryan according to a "psychic":


If you read his website, the psychic claimed Michelle would be a mile away from the "launch site". If she means Cape Canaveral, then Lake Bryan is a long way from there. I think the PI forgot to use that part of the tip when he figured out his 11 miles. Now, maybe launch site means something different here.

IMO there are some real psychics out there and LE have used them from time to time. I just saw a documentary this week about one who many years ago was accurate in her location of a body and was jailed overnight because the police figured she had something to do with the disappearance of the girl (she didn't).

After reading about a certain one who keeps popping up on various mssing persons cases, I'm really thinking some just want their 15 minutes of fame.
I believe "launch site" refers to a boat being launched
Now how is a carjacker supposed to know where Dale's parents live? The direction of travel could be nothing more than coincidence...

Why would a carjacker dump the Hummer - what would be his/her purpose of taking it?
I think DSJR should be looked at but I think other scenarios are still possible. This isn't the first case in Orlando of a pretty girl disappearing and the car being dumped with a purse. The main problem I have with the theories is that what ever went down supposedly happened in the daylight, at a housing development full of 3 unit townhouses. If you look at the floor plans that were posted, the guy with the surveillance camera lives directly above DSJR's garage. If he snapped and there was an argument, why has no one stated the heard anything? That seems like something the media would have ran with, couple argued the day she went missing?
When imagining other suspects to me carjacker may be an incorrect term. I don't think anyone was really interested in the vehicle and when I think carjacker I think someone stealing a vehicle to sell. The vehicle was ditched so quickly and Michelle not being found makes me believe the interest is in Michelle and not the vehicle. So, random rapist or murderer rather than a carjacker?
Slightly OT and JMVHO, but those babies need to go back to daycare and Dale needs to go to work.

Im sure the daycare is safe and will not let anyone leave with these children without a custody order in hand and a LE escort considering the circumstances.
They need to be where the feel most comfortable, they need the structure and they need their friends. I understand his concern, but they have got to wondering why they aren't going to daycare anymore :(

Also, if I had someone throw a $5k ring off a four story balcony Id be camped out there until I found it.
When imagining other suspects to me carjacker may be an incorrect term. I don't think anyone was really interested in the vehicle and when I think carjacker I think someone stealing a vehicle to sell. The vehicle was ditched so quickly and Michelle not being found makes me believe the interest is in Michelle and not the vehicle. So, random rapist or murderer rather than a carjacker?

I agree. MP worked as a bartender, so who knows what sick person may have seen her at work and then had his interest develop into an obsession. There's just so many unanswered questions.
I think DSJR should be looked at but I think other scenarios are still possible. This isn't the first case in Orlando of a pretty girl disappearing and the car being dumped with a purse. The main problem I have with the theories is that what ever went down supposedly happened in the daylight, at a housing development full of 3 unit townhouses. If you look at the floor plans that were posted, the guy with the surveillance camera lives directly above DSJR's garage. If he snapped and there was an argument, why has no one stated the heard anything? That seems like something the media would have ran with, couple argued the day she went missing?

Neighbor w/ the camera wasn't home at the time MP dropped off the kids. I briefly lived in a carbon copy of this development last year. After 9am & until 4-5pm it was a ghost town. Everyone off to work, school, etc. Also, with the front doors being on the side rather than near the garage & no windows really in the front, it is next to impossible to see or hear anything that is going on out front unless you happen to be in the bedroom upstairs at the time. It was very difficult to know what was happening right in front of your house.
I agree. MP worked as a bartender, so who knows what sick person may have seen her at work and then had his interest develop into an obsession. There's just so many unanswered questions.

Ok so said person follows Michelle to Dale's or abducts her somewhere after she leaves Dale's house then takes over Michelle's vehicle and drives along the same route that Dale will later drive and abandons the car three miles from where Dale ends up that night. <modsnip> No jury would buy that...
Maybe the twins never got out of the car in the first place?

They had just been picked up after a long day in day care... If I know anything about kids it is that "tiredness + sitting in back of the car with constant humming from motor = sleep"

They could've been sleeping while something happened.

I think that the PC episode brought up a lot of nasty feelings again and DSJr strikes me as someone who always finds a reason to go back and argue about things.. and while doing so he's still controlling MP.

He went to PC about that engagement ring and when that issue was settled he needed something new to "keep her close".

I think he started arguing with her about the car, "it's my car," "you're still driving around in MY car," "look at everything I've done for you" - statements just to make her feel guilty.

But with a new boyfriend MP probably kept her cool for a while and didn't let his comments get to her. (It's amazing what a new boyfriend can do to your selfconfidence) So that's when DSJr had to take it one step further and he started to peel off/destroy the decals just to piss her off and something happened from there...

Ok, just thinking out loud here....
If Michelle left Dales house and was car jacked, where would that take place? If she stopped at a store most likely. Let's entertain that notion for a moment..

If she was car jacked...where would it occur? Obviously not going down the road. So she had to be stopped somewhere for this to happen and no one see. Where is that possible?

I have thought about this and one possibility is as you described. She stopped at a store? There is a 7Eleven east of DS Jr's house on Lee Vista Blvd. If she was truly headed home after leaving DS Jr's house then going east on Lee Vista Blvd to catch the 417 would have been her speediest route home. The 7Eleven parking lot is configured in a way that if she parked on the Lee Vista side it would have limited most peoples view of her vehicle.

Other than being approached in a parking lot how else would you get a person to allow you to approach them or have them exit their vehicle? A minor bump of one car into another would work nicely. Think about it most people are terrified of being accused of a hit and run. So, if another vehicle bumped yours you'd not give it a second thought about pulling over to check the damage. That would give the perfect opportunity for someone to do an abduction and be on their way in a flash.

Lee Vista Blvd doesn't have a lot along it's path from DS Jr home east to the 417...

I'm not saying a carjacking occurred I'm merely offering it as one possibility. It happens a lot more than people think and it happens in the blink of an eye. Most people just think it can never happen to them so it's easily dismissed by the unknowing. I travel in some of the worst parts of Orlando and elsewhere in the State. I get approached all the time by individuals who if they had the opportunity would quickly knock me in the head. I've been fortunate thus far because I stay very alert and not let myself get drawn into situations that would lead me to mortal harm.
To those who believe it was someone other than Dale, please tell us your theories. How did someone do this without being seen outside of a private home? What happened in between Dale's home and hers? Where do you think it happened?
I have thought about this and one possibility is as you described. She stopped at a store? There is a 7Eleven east of DS Jr's house on Lee Vista Blvd. If she was truly headed home after leaving DS Jr's house then going east on Lee Vista Blvd to catch the 417 would have been her speediest route home. The 7Eleven parking lot is configured in a way that if she parked on the Lee Vista side it would have limited most peoples view of her vehicle.

Other than being approached in a parking lot how else would you get a person to allow you to approach them or have them exit their vehicle? A minor bump of one car into another would work nicely. Think about it most people are terrified of being accused of a hit and run. So, if another vehicle bumped yours you'd not give it a second thought about pulling over to check the damage. That would give the perfect opportunity for someone to do an abduction and be on their way in a flash.

Lee Vista Blvd doesn't have a lot along it's path from DS Jr home east to the 417...

I'm not saying a carjacking occurred I'm merely offering it as one possibility. It happens a lot more than people think and it happens in the blink of an eye. Most people just think it can never happen to them so it's easily dismissed by the unknowing. I travel in some of the worst parts of Orlando and elsewhere in the State. I get approached all the time by individuals who if they had the opportunity would quickly knock me in the head. I've been fortunate thus far because I stay very alert and not let myself get drawn into situations that would lead me to mortal harm.

Are the roads from Dale's home to her own heavily traveled? If someone decided to bump her is it possible that no one saw?

The 7eleven scenario would have to have occured as soon as she pulled into the blinded side, correct? If she had already gone in to make her purchase she would be on camera.
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