FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

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If I had two children to feed and take care of I would not just walk out my Door and go to work I would crawl if I had to, I sure would not go on Facebook and beg for donations to take care of my kids...the kids already have a daycare that they go to so why can dad not drop them off there and go to work, who cares if he wont win a popularity contest in Orlando he should be man enough to take care of his kids while he can because at some point this is all going to catch up with him....and I would bet money he is watching more about the searches as he stays home than watching the kids...I sure hope that some crackpot in Orlando does not take your advice and do anything to Dale Smith Jr..I prefer to see the judicial system take care of him rather than someone half cocked...as far as all the other things about some one else haing Michelle and planting evidence against Dale Jr that is just wishful thinking, once LE was done processing Michelle's truck they named him the prime suspect so there was no one planting evidence against Dale Jr...and also with that I am from a family of LE a d trust me if there is not probable cause a judge will not authorize a search warrant this isnt CSI or the other dramas on tv this is real life and all of that info will need to be turned over to a defense attorney during discovery at some point, so rest assured all of the I will be dotted and the t's crossed.

Jut to clarify it was NOT "my advise" that someone hurts Dale it was me hoping that it didn't happen. Also, this has nothing to do with a popularity contest, if I was Dale I would be truly afraid for my well being after being accused on TV of killing my ex and the mother of my kids. Are you really serious bout Dale taking his kids to daycare? Can you imagine the fiasco this would cause? No way I would ever bring them back there.
The question that bothers me the most. Is how could her vehicle have been exiting the 408 onto Alafaya trail close to 4pm, if LE says her phone was never in the Waterford Lakes Area?
Now how is a carjacker supposed to know where Dale's parents live? The direction of travel could be nothing more than coincidence...

It would be a really big Coincidence...

Again it could happen but what are the odds the DS2 went in the same direction and about the same time as the person that carjacked his hummer that his ex was driving.

having so many other directions the hijacker could have gone.

But not impossible...I guess
As far as daycare goes (and I will go digging for the articles): most friends and neighbors of Dale Smith Sr. said that the grandparents were constantly watching the kids without Dale Jr. They would always see the kids there. Assuming they watched the kids while he worked or at least his mother did. But the kids were always seen over there. Hence, Dale was not considered the primary caretaker when he did have custody.

I know this is in our question list: But why did Dale immediately bring the children over to his folks on the day Michelle went missing? Did he never keep them by himself? Did he have to work that night? Unlikely...just curious. Did he not have the twins enough to have the skills to take care of them on his own? There is nothing wrong with having help. Especially family help...it just seems from interviews from neighbors of Dale's parents that the twins were constantly over there...were they never over at his home or did he just always drop them off?

Just more questions...
Lee Vista Blvd isn't all that heavily traveled from DS Jr home East to the 417. It's a 4 lane highway but traffic is pretty light for such a big road.

Yes, it's possible she could have been bumped and no one else saw it. What's worse is someone could have seen her stopped on the side of the road and never gave it any thought. I see cars parked along side of the road all the time and sometimes there is people standing around them. I probably saw a dozen like that over this last week but I couldn't tell what the cars looked like. I'm sure that's true for most everyone else when they think about all the cars they see setting on the side of the highway in their daily travels.

The 7eleven scenario depends on a lot of varying factors. First someone would have to recall having seen her come in the store. Without someone being aware she stopped there how would they know to check what the cameras recorded? And like you said she might not even have made it into the store? Again why would the 7Eleven review its camera recordings if they was unaware anything took place there? Besides the area where I was speaking of regarding the parking lot probably isn't even in a camera's view.

Did you read the timeline? Do you know of her 11 yr old son and a would be likely attempt to call him at 3:45 etc? I can think of a lot of scenarios..but my logical mind takes me to the man that she just had been seen on TV with, who she was dropping her kids off with and who was the last known person to admit seeing her alive. Not a far stretch to look at him as a possible suspect..especially considering his ugly past..IMO ^i^
1. Past
2. Temper/anger Yes he does
3. Motive He got mad, he didn't want to pay child support list goes on
4. Location of phone (Proximity)
5. Last person to see victim That we know of not proven at all.
6. Jelousy
7. No lie detector taken and neither would I
8. Lying about time of Michelle's arrival to his home
9. Not helping with search He wouldn't be allowed so not relevant
10. No public statement Lawyer would advise him not too so how does this make him guilty?
11. Lack of contact with Michelle's family Also irrelevant since we have no idea the circumstances as to why.
12. Keeping kids from Michelle's family
Again this could be Dale's lawyer wanting things to be made legal on paper. From what we hear arrangements are being made. This at least shows that Dale is OK with them seeing the kids.
Did you read the timeline? Do you know of her 11 yr old son and a would be likely attempt to call him at 3:45 etc? I can think of a lot of scenarios..but my logical mind takes me to the man that she just had been seen on TV with, who she was dropping her kids off with and who was the last known person to admit seeing her alive. Not a far stretch to look at him as a possible suspect..especially considering his ugly past..IMO ^i^

Did you read my post above?

I have some serious concerns with the time line around the 4pm area...
Did you read the timeline? Do you know of her 11 yr old son and a would be likely attempt to call him at 3:45 etc? I can think of a lot of scenarios..but my logical mind takes me to the man that she just had been seen on TV with, who she was dropping her kids off with and who was the last known person to admit seeing her alive. Not a far stretch to look at him as a possible suspect..especially considering his ugly past..IMO ^i^

Here is another add to that...
I read that she was supposed to have dinner with her new boyfriend that evening before work.
That left her with very little time to drop off the twins, get over to her side of town (around 30 minutes away/ 20 miles distance time) from the time she left Dale's to see her 11 year old son, make sure he was taken care of for the night, perhaps change clothes (she was scheduled to bartend that night at around 7:30 and when you work the cash register in retail they expect you much earlier to count your register's change and set up)...this left her very little time to mess around or go shopping in "waterford" way out of the way of her area and where she needed to be.

LE has not come forward saying that she stopped at any store nor shown us surveillance of any store. Not saying there isn't surveillance, just saying it is odd that she would go in the opposite direction of her house from Dale's.

But ofcourse, we all "know" she left Dale's house alive...because his family and he says so. ;) :waitasec:
Again this could be Dale's lawyer wanting things to be made legal on paper. From what we hear arrangements are being made. This at least shows that Dale is OK with them seeing the kids.

Then why doesn't Dale drop them off for a visit? ^i^
He needs to do the right thing & let the babies go back to the environment and schedule they are used to. He is making a huge mistake keeping those kids away from MP's family. They would be safer & more comfortable there IMO. And by safer I mean not subjecting them to people who may be unstable & out to get him and the constant media stalking them everywhere they go. After watching DS1 & 2's lack of self control, I would really hate to see the kids get in the middle of that. He needs to let them go back to the home they are used to being in most of the time & continue his regular visitation. JMO.
The question that bothers me the most. Is how could her vehicle have been exiting the 408 onto Alafaya trail close to 4pm, if LE says her phone was never in the Waterford Lakes Area?

Did you read my post above?

I have some serious concerns with the time line around the 4pm area...

Is everyone just ignoring this? I noticed that the timeline that a member put together doesn't include this sighting either. It is possible she left after she dropped off the twins.
If he is 100% innocent and on good terms with the family I don't get why weeks have gone by without them being allowed to have time with them. Am I missing something? Why does it "need to be official" for the grandparents to see their grandkids?
Tell us about your concerns about that time line...^i^

Sorry to answer myself...but I see what you're saying..someone saw her car..a lot of folks have "seen" Elvis, too. Doesn't mean it was authentic. ^i^
He needs to do the right thing & let the babies go back to the environment and schedule they are used to. He is making a huge mistake keeping those kids away from MP's family. They would be safer & more comfortable there IMO. And by safer I mean not subjecting them to people who may be unstable & out to get him and the constant media stalking them everywhere they go. After watching DS1 & 2's lack of self control, I would really hate to see the kids get in the middle of that. He needs to let them go back to the home they are used to being in most of the time & continue his regular visitation. JMO.

I disagree. Right now MP's family is busy searching and are probably an emotional mess. He is the father of those kids and he has every right to keep them away from an emotionally charged environment.
Tell us about your concerns about that time line...^i^

Just as I said before... How could her vehicle been exiting the 408 onto Alafaya Trail approx 4pm, if LE says her phone was never in the Waterford Lakes area? Did she not have her phone with her? And exactly how is DS Jr supposed to be killing her at that time when she & her vehicle is some place else?
If he is 100% innocent and on good terms with the family I don't get why weeks have gone by without them being allowed to have time with them. Am I missing something? Why does it "need to be official" for the grandparents to see their grandkids?

and by weeks you mean 9 days. Again, I don't think the twins should be in a house where people are so emotionally torn up. Keeping his kids with him helps with the "mommy is at work."
Just as I said before... How could her vehicle been exiting the 408 onto Alafaya Trail approx 4pm, if LE says her phone was never in the Waterford Lakes area? Did she not have her phone with her? And exactly how is DS Jr supposed to be killing her at that time when she & her vehicle is some place else?

Why do you think she and her vehicle and phone are someplace other than with her as she's with DS Jr? ^i^
FWIW, he never had custody of the twins until now (since her disappearance, I mean). He and Michelle were never married. He had visitation, we do not know how often though. I would be willing to bet it was only weekends or every other weekend. And at some point in the past it was not at all, based on what came out on the People's Court episode. He said, she said, but basically there was a time when for whatever reason he was not seeing the kids. Perhaps that adds to the list of possible motives? He wants the kids full time? Or doesn't want to keep paying her expensive child support for two kids? Not saying that's the entire picture, as I believe rage and jealousy play huge roles here as well. Just painting a picture.

There is a period of time that evening when DSjr was unaccounted for. When Yvonne called and his mother said she would have him call her back. Obviously he wasn't at their house at the time. Opportunity.
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