FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #14

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And also think about that exciting new romance. She was flirting with NM and gets in the car and doesn't respond to any of his texts? Not even a "can't wait to see u for dinner"? After dropping off the kids?

If you were having a text conversation with someone wouldn't you finish it the second you were free?

No text response until "where are you" comes in? I feel like we are beating a dead horse here but Michelle arrives at 3:18 and leaves 10 minutes later according to Dale (3:30) and doesn't call or text anyone until she is asked where she is? No scenario adds up other than her being incapacitated soon after arriving at Dales...

The only alternate explanation that I can think of is that Michelle left DS II's angry and/or upset. She might not have replied to texts right away if she was really emotional. I can imagine that DS II knew her well enough to know how to push her buttons and make her feel like dirt. If that happened, she might not have felt like continuing her flirtation right away or talking with anyone that knew her well.

I get the impression that Michelle was very private about the bad stuff in her life. Her sister (Lauren) and her best friend were aware of the history with DS II, but I get the impression that her family wasn't all that aware.
Re: gate cams- cameras installed low to the ground capture license plates. Our complex had them high on poles and also @ bumper height to capture license plates.

Well if they only had low cameras to capture license plates then they only know when the vehicle went through, not who was driving it or whether there were decals on the windows.

I think that neighbour may have been confused with the rumour about the H3 vehicle that was captured on the neighbour's video surveillance without the decals.

I don't think child support would be the only issue. In the cases linked the common thread seemed to be men who did not want children to begin with. From my understanding, Dale loves those twins and wasn't always happy with how MP was raising them. It seems he felt she wasn't the great of a mother. So, moo, the motive would be more of disposing of MP so he could raise the kids himself.

Absolutely no offense intended but with great respect I say this to you-

Wait till you've been around as long as we have, we've seen a lot here a whole lot!

Now my opinion is it was about ego and rage because it happened after the tv show, that was the trigger.
Regarding the children. A poster mentioned early on that the children could have fallen asleep in the vehicle during the drive to DS2's after a busy day at day care. I know LE have spoken with them but it's unlikely they got much information from them. Perhaps MP left them in the vehicle asleep when she showed up and went to the door to ask DS2 to help get them out and bring them into the house. Something may have happened while the children were still strapped into their car seats, sleeping, in the H3.

If the H3 was seen at S Goldenrod and Lee Vista around 4pm, maybe DS2 drove it over to his parents with the children still asleep inside. Maybe the decals were removed there and the coverup went into play. We just don't know but I sure hope LE do.

There was video early on of LE at DS2's condo in the dark. That has to be when they were there on the 17th unless they didn't serve the warrant on the 18th until after dark...if there was a warrant. DS2 was in the garage with some LE officers and his truck was in there too. I'll try to find the link. I wonder why there is no footage of an actual search? :waitasec:


this may seem like an odd ? But im confused.....

South goldenrod....is this where the hummer was found parked? If not, what is the association of south goldenrod rd to this case specifically?


this may seem like an odd ? But im confused.....

South goldenrod....is this where the hummer was found parked? If not, what is the association of south goldenrod rd to this case specifically?


DS2's condo complex is in the vicinity of S Goldenrod and Lee Vista Blvd.
Where and how did Dale have the money to buy a Hummer and the condo and the various autos? Anyone know?
Here is the link to a snippet of footage of the search of DS2's condo. It is confusing because the article shows it being posted in the morning of the 18th but it does indicate at the 1:00 mark that "earlier" LE had searched the condo and removed possible clues. So it's unclear which day this took place, the 17th or the 18th.

Where and how did Dale have the money to buy a Hummer and the condo and the various autos? Anyone know?

I have wondered the same thing. I do remember someone posting here earlier that the condo is actually in senior's name. Is that true, anyone know?

I know that DJr is supposedly a cabinet maker. But after hearing about his father's illegal ventures,I have always wondered if it was in fact a family business at one time.
true, but maybe he did block the door. And maybe they did spill their milk and make a ruckus. But that would not mean that dale didn't carry out his mission. And maybe he was very strict with them,and they listened when he said they had to wait there in the room. Also,they just got home from daycare. I think they would have gone to sleep if he put them on the couch with some videos on.

Well...IIRC we heard in a MSM report that the 11 year old stated that he had seen DSJr strike his mother in front of all the children. I know first hand the terror this can bring even at the age of 2&3. So I would say that these children were quite probably afraid of his responses and would likely do what he said, whatever it was.
...you don't need a motive if you gather enough evidence/proof that a crime took place and said person was involved.

Tru dat. They only have to prove that he did it, not that he had a reason for doing it.
The only alternate explanation that I can think of is that Michelle left DS II's angry and/or upset. She might not have replied to texts right away if she was really emotional. I can imagine that DS II knew her well enough to know how to push her buttons and make her feel like dirt. If that happened, she might not have felt like continuing her flirtation right away or talking with anyone that knew her well.

I get the impression that Michelle was very private about the bad stuff in her life. Her sister (Lauren) and her best friend were aware of the history with DS II, but I get the impression that her family wasn't all that aware.

That is true and quite possible. But it is weird, imo, that she leaves this condo after having another nasty exchange with her ex, and then some random killer grabs her? What are the odds?

I think if she was upset, she would still answer her 11 yr olds call/texts/

Working moms always check in with kids who are home alone. I cannot see her being too upset to at least make contact with her boy that afternoon.
I have wondered the same thing. I do remember someone posting here earlier that the condo is actually in senior's name. Is that true, anyone know?

I know that DJr is supposedly a cabinet maker. But after hearing about his father's illegal ventures,I have always wondered if it was in fact a family business at one time.

This being my question....has DSSr paid taxes on his money??? Because if Sr owns the condo...cannot prove that he paid taxes on the money he used to buy it....can you say TAX LIEN on Jr's house....and no where to live? Hmmm...
Have heard all kinds of theories about how this may have transpired from Dale snapping and killing Michelle to methodically planning to kill her. My question is and yes they have been posted before, what was Dale's motive? The reason I ask again is that I don't remember reading one so far that really fit into the equation of him either snapping or planning this out for this "specific" time period. Thanks
Just as you stated ^above^ you have read all kinds of theories *about how it transpired from Dale snapping to him methodically planning to kill her.. Within that multitude of posted theories VERY MANY OF THEM DISCUSS MOTIVE.. so it has and continues to be discussed and isn't absent from many of the theories posted in the last 15 threads..

Below jazzmaster in her opening sentence gets to the heart of *"motive"(BBM in Red).. Just as you've stated before for the most part the suspect/defendant/guilty party deny any involvement until their dying day thus leaving the true/real motive for why they committed the murder an unknown factor that can only be left theorized and never known for a fact..
To know what the true motive is, only the killer/abductor knows.

Here are a few possible motives:
1. jealousy - she moved on, maybe he didn't. *If he can't have her no one can.
2. Anger - at the way PC was edited and hearing the snide comments by michelle and judge set him off
3. financial - not having to pay child support. *There are quite a few court appearances by Dale involving him not paying CS.
4. Rage. He may have hit her during an argument after she arrived on 11-17, she threatened to call police. He prevented her from doing so.
5. Revenge. *Michelle hurt him and he wanted her to pay for this.

You have to admit all of these are plausible but we may never know the true reason. *What could make a person snap and kill someone? Don't know never been there, but Dale could have any or all of these 5 motives or another one. He has shown a pattern of hurting her physically and emotionally - what was the motive there?

So are saying he maybe had no reason or motive?
No, I don't see where anyone is stating that Dale Jr murdered Michelle for absolutely no reason, nor had any motive for murdering his children's mother.. I don't see that be stated nor do I see it being theorized that Dale murdered Michelle for no reason..

But what is a fact is what stilettos ends her OP with below(BBM in Red).
Not every other father has Dale's violent history. He has been involved with a killing once...it is no stretch to see him involved again. I don't think it has to be proven what motive is.

That's absolutely correct that motive is not part of the burden of proof of the DA when prosecuting those responsible for harming Michelle.. IANAL so I do not know the legal reason for that not being necessary but I do know that just as has been discussed by many(by yourself as well) that many many times the guilty party goes to their grave denying any involvement, nor even any knowledge of the murder even well after they've long since been convicted and some even sentenced to death.. Yet still their stance remains that they had ZERO INVOLVEMENT OR KNOWLEDGE.. along with that we are also kept from ever learning their true, accurate, and personal motive for why they killed the victim..

(contd BBM in Red below)- Stilettos continues thoroughly answering questioning of motive and of us ever knowing the real motive by stating that it is difficult to understand a mindset of someone whose murdered someone(not all but many have very illogical thought processes, beliefs, and even some with severe mental illness to boot).. Therefor it's very hard for "regular" or stable thinking folks to wrap their minds around what and especially why a killer has chosen to kill someone..

{snipped from Stilettos ^above^ post} I think trying to understand the mind of a man who abuses women is like trying to understand the Santa Ana wind...you'll never be able to catch it.

No, I am trying to say that attempting to understand a man who thinks it is ok to beat people may not be possible unless you are of the same mindset.

And if truly seeking to really get to the true motive of why Dale killed Michelle then you do have to truly be able to understand how such an illogical, unstable mind would look and view everything from that very unrealistic, extremely skewed, and unbalanced lens with which he is looking at EVERYTHING through.. That's a tough thing to be able to do..

And that's exactly what I see stilettos explaining in how it's an almost impossible feat to be able to do when one is of sound and stable mind..

Thus again that leads to theorizing on what might someone of that type illogical thinking have as his motive.. IMO nothing more than KISS is what is all boils down to.. Simple and basic.. And Dale has been rather simple and basic in that it all boils down to self, self worth, and a severe inability to control anger and therefor with him violent behaviors.. Just as there is a map in that case that clearly has Dale written all over it.. His repeated and continued violent criminal behaviors are a map as well that just make up another complete piece to the puzzle of Michelle's disappearance..

Below Fran's full post is spectacular in describing so much about the case and others like it..

How many Websleuthers have watched a case that has since been solved, that a main POI or possible perp, stopped talking to LE and was later found to NOT be the perp? meaning someone else was utlimately arrested and found guilty? ....................I haven't seen any that stopped talking to LE that were proved innocent, how about you?

IF it was so easy for this local blogger to find two alleged witnesses to seeing M's hummer in that complex previously, do you not think LE has gotten this info? Do you not think everyone in that complex hasn't been approached by LE. LE hasn't heard this?*

LE named DSjr. a SUSPECT. Not POI, but SUSPECT. There's a reason for that. They've been trained and have experience investigating crimes. They know what they're doing. DSjr. is suspected of doing harm to M. But, they are still investigating and IF another name comes up, they'll check it out. But for now, DSjr is the only one with motive, means, and opportunity....

Now, LE has to prove it. Where is Michelle?


Thanks for this great post, fran that speaks the truth in words easy to understand.. I respectfully snipped for emphasis on the portion that I find to be of most importance of again speaking the honest truth..

All jmo..
DS2's condo complex is in the vicinity of S Goldenrod and Lee Vista Blvd.

Okay my bad......i had found a dale smith and michelle parker listed at the same address on south goldenrod rd and i thought for a moment that was where the hummer was found. sorry my bad, i get confused easily.

thanks so much for letting me know the association :seeya:

That is true and quite possible. But it is weird, imo, that she leaves this condo after having another nasty exchange with her ex, and then some random killer grabs her? What are the odds?

I think if she was upset, she would still answer her 11 yr olds call/texts/

Working moms always check in with kids who are home alone. I cannot see her being too upset to at least make contact with her boy that afternoon.

The eleven year old had witnessed violence in the past. If he knew that Michelle was dropping off the twins and she called him, he might've picked up on her mood. Kids are very perceptive, especially when it comes to DV. I can see her not calling him, but if she was in the habit of texting him, then it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't reply.

I wish we knew for sure that the eleven year old tried to contact her.
Since the topic of alternate theories has come up, I want to ask if anyone else has noticed the comments that have disappeared off of various websites about Michelle and/or the Hummer being spotted in the Walden Circle neighborhood several times prior to the day she went missing?

I didn't think much of it in the beginning, but now it is just weird. I've seen the comments disappear from news sites and the family FB site. I know that the family was adamant about tips going to the right place, which is perfectly understandable. But, why did the comments disappear from the news sites too?

I was reading at another message board (not a member, but it came up in a search) and other people were mentioning this same thing, but it was a very brief thing that came up back on 11/26 and was directly related to the family FB page. There was a screen shot of one comment and it was one that I hadn't seen previously. The site was Scared Monkey's. I won't link because I had never even heard of the site before last night and know nothing about it.

Then, I found an article that said that neighbors thought that they had seen Parker at an area nightclub the day that she disappeared. I'm not sure which neighbors (Walden Circle or Rose Blvd) since this article is about the search at Dale Sr's house.


I kick myself for not making screen shots of the comments when they were originally posted because now I just sound like a conspiracy nut!

I've run into my neighbor more then once at the grocery store, so I guess its not that far fetched, but peeps go to grocery stores more than night clubs, one would think.

And to clarify, I wonder if they meant 'saw m' or 'saw the hummer?' If they meant they were IN the night club, wouldnt they have went over and said hi?

I wonder what time it was that they thought they seen what they saw?

I've noticed that reports continuously say they saw m arriving to the condo in her hummer, when I wonder if they really mean to say 'm's hummer was seen entering the area...' Hard to see in tinted windows with glare of sun, visors, etc...
it wouldn't be a first (trying to cover something up so people will judge less harshly, and screwing up a timeline). The truth is always best, no matter what that truth is, but sometimes, no matter how bad the situation is, it is hard to tell it.
Also, Like that person who posted earlier about the perp in the garage and she panicked knowing full well she should have called 911, but called her husband instead, in a state of panic, no matter which end you are on, you don't always make the logical choices. Logically, we all know the truth is best, but sometimes we think sideways instead of forward. Sometimes we make bad judgement calls. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.

For example, in this case, m's weight is not listed on her posters, as if m's vanity is more important. It isn't often you see a missing persons poster without a full description, including moles, scars, etc.. also not mentioned in her posters.

I'm not sure how the son calling at 6:50 pm messes up the timeline. Can you elaborate? If the family lied and said he called earlier, trying to imply he was only home for an hour or so, then I could see the timeline being altered. But I'm not getting why it matters if he is usually left alone or not. The bottom line is he called looking for his mom, because she never came home. IMO

As far as her weight, I have seen it on a poster and in certain news stories. She is listed as 5' 6" and 140 lbs. And I specifically remember that, because when someone mentioned DS could have placed her in a military duffle bag, I thought she'd be too big to fit (unless dismembered :( ). And I know for me and my two sisters, if any of us went missing, there would be no scars or moles to report either (at least not easily seen). So I don't really feel the family is holding back. They want her found.

ETA~ One poster can be found here:

I've run into my neighbor more then once at the grocery store, so I guess its not that far fetched, but peeps go to grocery stores more than night clubs, one would think.

And to clarify, I wonder if they meant 'saw m' or 'saw the hummer?' If they meant they were IN the night club, wouldnt they have went over and said hi?

I wonder what time it was that they thought they seen what they saw?

I've noticed that reports continuously say they saw m arriving to the condo in her hummer, when I wonder if they really mean to say 'm's hummer was seen entering the area...' Hard to see in tinted windows with glare of sun, visors, etc...

What originally caught my attention was that they said that they saw "Parker" and not the Hummer. I thought that it was really weird. It is either bad paraphrasing by a reporter or they really did say they saw Michelle and not the Hummer.

I don't know if they knew her at all or if they were going off of photos.
A number of things might have motivated Dale Jr. to harm Michelle, but I believe the trigget that caused him to snap and actually act on one of those motives that day was rejection.

In watching the PC video he complains to the judge that Michelle "didn't even invite me to the twins 3rd birthday party," even though she had already moved out.

And at the Dragon-Con convention where the ring-throwing incident occurred, he brought up a past boyfriend of Michelle's. She said they were broken up at the time, but it seems like it didn't matter. Broken up or not, he still seemed to think she belonged to him.

Perhaps he never knew about this new boyfriend until that day. If Michelle put her phone down for a second and Dale heard the ping and checked the phone and saw the hearts on the message from her new boyfriend, maybe that started it. And maybe the show added to it. Maybe she rejected that, too, as in, "that was a stupid idea and we both looked like idiots." JMO.
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