FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #15

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I have one more coincidence that seems to be a trademark of DS Jr. which is the white van in his driveway, the tan/gold impala and MP's Hummer all have a circlular sticker on the back window of all these vehicles. I know for certain the one on DS Jr. Van is United States Marine Corp I just wonder if the one on MP and the Tan/Gold Impala is the same? Has anyone else identified what the circular sticker on MP Hummer is? I have a photo shot of the the impala but cannot definetly comfirm the writing due to the sunlight or angle. I guess I am going to go on another photo spree.....

If anyone wants specific photos let me know and I will try and take some for you if desired......
IIRC, the van issue was sorted out many threads ago. The van in the street is owned by a neighbor & is a different make than DS2's which is a Chevy. I don't think we got confirmation as to which neighbor the one in the street belongs to. HTH.

Thanks, Cerebellum! I came on here and was reading all the discussion on the white vans and thinking of the rather extensive discussion of that before, with you being one of the participants. I think it was end of thread 7 and into thread 8, if I remember correctly. There was also a white van shown in the interview that Tony Pipitone had with Dale's neighbor, and that was also part of the discussion.
The white van seen driving down the road and parked on the road is a Dodge Van. DS Jr. white van is indeed a chevy! I know that it was discussed that this was a neighbors van but as we have no proof of ownership it very well could be a company owned van that DS Jr. uses or possibly a co workers van. To my knowledge we do not have a confirmation on ownership of this white van. This is without a doubt maddening with the Dark SUV's, White Vans and Burnt Orange Car all within two condo Units.........

That is true--there's no confirmation about who owns the van pictured parked on the street. I think the discussion just determined that there were two different vans.

We have confirmation for very little right now. I kind of giggle every time I read a post where someone asks, "Is there any confirmation about X?" There's confirmation about practically nothing.
I brought the White Van up again.

I wanted to know if the van sitting in Dale's driveway taken from an ariel in 2009 was the same one seen parked on the street on Nov 17, 2011.

I don't think it hurts to rehash as I went back and looked at the gold car again, and if you look at my post 797, you will see there is damage to the car on the left side that wasn't noticed until I zoomed in and cropped.

IMO this car did not carry Michelle to wherever she is.
Add the burnt orange car with the images of a similar vehicle to DSs in aerial shots in that exact spot and you've got yourself one very big coincidence ... Or clue?! I knew when I saw the burnt orange car parked there that I had seen a truck there in Texaslils photo. This is getting creepy. Someone local want to compile a nice tip to LE? Can you submit a pic with your tip?

Could the white van (that's blocking the view) belong to the owner of the condo that the burnt orange car parked at? Person A parks van, person B pulls into driveway, DS doesn't think camera reaches all the way down there and doesn't suspect burnt orange could be caught on video. LE needs to check that white van as well. We may have 3 perps.

I agree that it may be worthwhile giving LE this info, but I would bet good money that they've already long since noticed this burnt orange car in the surveillance vid and made the connection to the one at Rose Ave.
I have one more coincidence that seems to be a trademark of DS Jr. which is the white van in his driveway, the tan/gold impala and MP's Hummer all have a circlular sticker on the back window of all these vehicles. I know for certain the one on DS Jr. Van is United States Marine Corp I just wonder if the one on MP and the Tan/Gold Impala is the same? Has anyone else identified what the circular sticker on MP Hummer is? I have a photo shot of the the impala but cannot definetly comfirm the writing due to the sunlight or angle. I guess I am going to go on another photo spree.....

If anyone wants specific photos let me know and I will try and take some for you if desired......

Always, could you get a pic of the building to the immediate left of DS2's place? The A unit (first one on the lef) is where the rusty car parked on the disavowed, disowned, etc.etc. surveillance video . It's also where every now and then Dale's truck ends up. I got the owner of the units name, but don't have any more details yet.

Also a picture of the surveillance camera at the gate of the condo would be helpful. I'm looking up some other addresses also. It's 10:30 about back there and I'm just getting going. Will you be checking back here before you go?
I brought the White Van up again.

I wanted to know if the van sitting in Dale's driveway taken from an ariel in 2009 was the same one seen parked on the street on Nov 17, 2011.

I don't think it hurts to rehash as I went back and looked at the gold car again, and if you look at my post 797, you will see there is damage to the car on the left side that wasn't noticed until I zoomed in and cropped.

IMO this car did not carry Michelle to wherever she is.

I feel like I'm posting too many times here tonight.

I agree that it doesn't hurt at all to rehash, and that doing so can help bring up new angles and evidence. I was just thinking that some of the people who didn't see the discussion before might want to go back and review it briefly.
Well, it's pretty easy to get the name of the owner of the unit from the Orange County Property Appraiser's site... which I have done but I hesitate to put it here because that may not be the person living there. It could have been rented to the owner of the burnt orange car. :waitasec:


Omachka, I have the name also, do you want to divide up the possibles or just compare notes later? Perhaps going through the Star Wars stuff would reveal something.
Always, could you get a pic of the building to the immediate left of DS2's place? The A unit (first one on the lef) is where the rusty car parked on the disavowed, disowned, etc.etc. surveillance video . It's also where every now and then Dale's truck ends up. I got the owner of the units name, but don't have any more details yet.

Also a picture of the surveillance camera at the gate of the condo would be helpful. I'm looking up some other addresses also. It's 10:30 about back there and I'm just getting going. Will you be checking back here before you go?

Hmmm--do you think anyone else in the complex along one of the routes that Dale could take to get to or leave his condo would have a surveillance cam?

aaaand it looks like there's a white hummer in this pic too. (with a sunroof)

This is making me crazy :crazy:

Grammamaybe ~ I tried to pm you but that option is turned off. If you need help going through a list, just let me know
Ok, a little recap from today

We have 2 burnt orange cars. One car was parked at DS Sr's home and the other was parked at a neighboring condo to DS Jr.

We have 2 vans. DS Jr's white work van is not the same van seen blocking the camera shot in the surveillence camera. That van belongs to a neighbor but we dont know which one.

The red/maroon car on the street is of no importance right now.

Coincidentally, when looking at older aerial shots of the parking space in which the mysterious burnt orange car was parked (at a neighboring condo to DS Jr.), we find that there was a vehicle very similar to DS Jr's there during the aerial.

There is a mystery woman who was seen during the custody hearing. That woman was also seen at DS SR's home getting into DS Jr.s house. At this point in time this woman is believed to be a friend of JR's

There are also images of a woman with 2 children driving to DS SR's home in a vehicle with MGS plate that may indicate she is a DCF worker. In screenshots she has a strong likeness to DS JR's mom.
View attachment 20329

aaaand it looks like there's a white hummer in this pic too. (with a sunroof)

This is making me crazy :crazy:

Grammamaybe ~ I tried to pm you but that option is turned off. If you need help going through a list, just let me know

I'm going to try to figure out how to enable my PM. Wish me luck. Good night all you right coasters.
Hmmm--do you think anyone else in the complex along one of the routes that Dale could take to get to or leave his condo would have a surveillance cam?

IMO I don't think it would be worth looking for more cams there.

Peeps would have already turned in what they have to LE most likely.
Also, with just having had Christmas, and with what has happened in the neighborhood, I would only imagine one or two new surveillance cams were found under a tree this year. (In other words, after the fact)
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
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