FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #16

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Pick up appeared to be parked on the left in the garage. Can't see the right side of the garage or the driveway to see where the van was. Let me see if I can find the video again.

ETA: Link to video http://www.wftv.com/news/news/police-search-33-year-old-missing-woman/nFg3d/

One thing I noticed is that it said that LE had searched a wooded area a mile south of the condo but nothing about the area right across the street. Do they know somehow that she absolutely left the area?

Also the reporter said that they were checking the Belle Isle and Oakridge area due to "numerous" tips and the last ping. Wonder what those tips were?

Ok this is the video ....it has Dales Red truck to the left (normal) but to the right is a police car in the garage correct...

So if the van was in the normal position on the right or on the right in the driveway....the police vehicle could not go into the garage...it would have parked in the driveway instead.

The Very first shot is dark on the video and its of the front door and It dont see the van in that location and trying to looking back to the other corner I dont see it....
So was it there after his trip to titusville?
This may have already been discussed and I missed it? just trying to go back over every little detail.
From any of our videos / photos that we have of neighbor's video camera do we have any footage showing any of Dale's vehicles? Also does anyone know Dale's typical parking habits (ie pickup typically parked in garage or driveway and work van on side of building)?

Do we have the surveillance video from the neighbor showing Michelle arriving at the condo? I can't find it anywhere.

TIA :)
Wonder what information lead to this area? and now? Isnt it six years this Janurary.
There are some similiarities to Michelle's case ..
Its great to know that LE hasn't stopped looking....JMO

I would have to say they are looking for both. jmo
Do we have the surveillance video from the neighbor showing Michelle arriving at the condo? I can't find it anywhere.

TIA :)

There is the photo that I used showing her hummer arriving and its post #343 in this thread....(I've save it to my desktop)

Not sure how to link it here sorry
Those ads at the top of the page are usually geared to each person's individual surfing habits. What have you been up to TexasLil? :floorlaugh:

Hmmm.... well I get one hot guy and two wrinkle cream ads so what does that tell you?

Sorry for off-topic question:

Can someone tell me what the BB formatting code is for "strikethrough"? I tried going to the BB link for this site and got a fatal error.

Never mind, I googled it.
I totally agree the wooded area closest to Dale's should be searched just to eliminate it ... I think Caylee's case proved that.
Just to clarify. The dry parts of the wooded area near the Anthony's where Caylee was eventually found was searched and eliminated. The areas underwater were to be eliminated when they dried out.
A thought and question what if Dale dropped the twins off and this was the normal routine not something special that day when Michelle would bring them over he went to his parents leaving the children... Since He went to work the next day....Did he get up and take the twins to his parents home again...

The reason why I ask this...is if he took the work van to work usually there is not a place for car seats.. seems like he would have to take the children in the red truck then go back home get the work van then go to work.....

Lot of shuffling vehicles if he had the children early in the morning?
Ok this is the video ....it has Dales Red truck to the left (normal) but to the right is a police car in the garage correct...

So if the van was in the normal position on the right or on the right in the driveway....the police vehicle could not go into the garage...it would have parked in the driveway instead.

The Very first shot is dark on the video and its of the front door and It dont see the van in that location and trying to looking back to the other corner I dont see it....
So was it there after his trip to titusville?
This may have already been discussed and I missed it? just trying to go back over every little detail.

There is no police car in the garage. The video is very dark and so is the screen cap so it plays tricks on the eyes. All that you can see in the garage is the red truck, DSJr standing beside it and two police officers. It actually appears as though he is talking with or looking towards someone who may be standing in the right side of the garage.


One of our posters was nice enough to lighten this picture up in photoshop so you can see it better and I'm kicking myself for not saving the lightened copy because it's much clearer.
Thank you so much for all of your warm welcomes! Much appreciated.

Sparky, I am aware of your connection to Michelle (from reading here) and I am very sorry that you are going through this. My heart aches for her family as well. It bothered me a lot in the beginning when some were intent on blaming the victim and the victims family. Women that find themselves in an abusive relationship are not somehow "flawed" or at fault. I blame society and the media for this opinion with the constant images of violence against women , people are more desensitized than they realize. The oversexualization of women in pop culture and the media is also to blame for this, reducing them to expendable eye candy. Violence against women is not only rampant in our culture it is at times, excepted subconciously through desensitization. Why is it so difficult for some to see the outright manipulation and controlling ways of an abuser?

Women in abusive relationships are in the most danger when they leave. That is a statistical fact, and 70% of male abusers that threaten suicide or harm actually DO IT. Wasn't Dale the type to threaten suicide in times of desperation with the women in his life?

In any event, when I first read about Michelle's case it was very clear to me that something was very much "off" about DS jr. His behavior is classic abuser and I have no doubt that he is absolutely responsible for whatever happened to her. I think he was humiliated after watching the episode and he was seething right before she came over. She was happy, healthy, moving on, in a new relationship, and wanted nothing to do with him other than what she had to do custody wise.

He could not STAND that.

I don't know how he did it, but he did it, and I believe that all will come to light sooner than later.

It blows my mind that he shoved that reporter on his way in to a child welfare hearing. If I were that social worker ( that is what I am currently getting my degree in) I would have brought that up in court as soon as I found out about it, and would have argued that he clearly has no control over his temper and aggressive tendencies. It is very difficult to have a child removed from the custody of a parent, but I believe that the judge made a huge mistake in this case. He should have allowed them to stay in the only home they knew, with Yvonne to avoid any further disruption and emotional turmoil.

I always thought that the fact that Michelle was about to introduce her new boyfriend to her father and family had something to do with DS jr snapping. It was the final straw, he knew that she didn't want him anymore. That coupled with his embarrassing People's Court performance made him go where he had been threatening to go the entire time he dated Michelle. Abuse escalates and more women die at the hands of the men in their lives than we care to really digest.

I hope they find Michelle soon so that her family and friends can have some answers.
There is no police car in the garage. The video is very dark and so is the screen cap so it plays tricks on the eyes. All that you can see in the garage is the red truck, DSJr standing beside it and two police officers. It actually appears as though he is talking with or looking towards someone who may be standing in the right side of the garage.


One of our posters was nice enough to lighten this picture up in photoshop so you can see it better and I'm kicking myself for not saving the lightened copy because it's much clearer.

Just trying to see if this helps at all. (Click thumbnail to see larger version.)


  • dsIIgarage.png
    130.6 KB · Views: 44
A thought and question what if Dale dropped the twins off and this was the normal routine not something special that day when Michelle would bring them over he went to his parents leaving the children... Since He went to work the next day....Did he get up and take the twins to his parents home again...

The reason why I ask this...is if he took the work van to work usually there is not a place for car seats.. seems like he would have to take the children in the red truck then go back home get the work van then go to work.....

Lot of shuffling vehicles if he had the children early in the morning?

There are a lot of questions regarding why the drop off was at that time on a weekday, especially if he had to work the next day. How long were the children supposed to have been staying with him, was this an early weekend visitation because MP had something planned for the Friday or DSJr requested them early because he really didn't have to work the next day? Or if he did have to work and he was taking them over to his parents as soon as they arrived, why didn't he just get MP to drop the children off with his parents in the first place and meet her there?

Were the children at the condo when LE came over to look around on the evening of the 17th or had he left them with his parents? Was that his excuse for going over there at 4:30pm? Or had he planned on spending time with the children at the condo but something went horribly wrong with the drop off. And of course the obvious question, why didn't DSJr pick up the children from day care since it appears he was just hanging around with nothing better to do anyway. MP had another child coming home from school and had to work that evening so I'm sure it would have been much more convenient for her if he had just picked the children up from daycare.

I'm sure LE know the answers to a lot of these questions based on interviews with her family and what they knew of these plans so that's probably just one more reason why DSJr is the prime suspect.

A thought and question what if Dale dropped the twins off and this was the normal routine not something special that day when Michelle would bring them over he went to his parents leaving the children... Since He went to work the next day....Did he get up and take the twins to his parents home again...

The reason why I ask this...is if he took the work van to work usually there is not a place for car seats.. seems like he would have to take the children in the red truck then go back home get the work van then go to work.....

Lot of shuffling vehicles if he had the children early in the morning?

To add to what Camille has said: I don't think that we even know for sure if Dale spent the night of 11/17 at his condo or Rose Ave. He may very well have returned to Rose Ave. sometime after the police left.
Would anyone like to weigh in on question #6:

6. Did DS II know about RG’s video camera? Notes: The camera is in plain view on the balcony, as seen in photo taken 12/4 by AlwaysWright http://s1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa378/AlwaysWright01/?action=view&current=December4822.jpg. (4BB)

Value of this question? (A to C)

Do we have any evidence to support that he knew? I myself don't think we have evidence either way yet.

Anything you'd like me to add to the notes for this one?
Here is Question # 5

When did DS II leave the condo in his own vehicle?

Thoughts on this? Do we have any evidence that can help us answer this?

I would call this an "A" as far as importance.

I just wanted to comment on this as far as the neighbour's video is concerned. If there was footage of DSJr's truck passing by that camera at 4:10pm, wouldn't that have been shown as well before the whole thing was pulled?

That whole surveillence camera thing is very strange. It appears as though TP got that footage from the neighbour and LE were aware of it at the time. Were LE aware that they were going to put that footage on the news? Did they want the arrival time to get out there knowing full well that DSJr was going with a 4pm time in his statements? Was that to rattle him? And the first black Hummer leaving wasn't a problem either since they knew it wasn't Michelle's. But again it might play with DSJr's head a bit.

Did LE specifically ask them not to show footage of DSJr leaving? Or isn't there any? As a reporter I'm sure that TP would have wanted to show it if it existed. But all they showed was the two black Hummers. And perhaps the panic ensued when that picture of the 5:17pm black vehicle got put in there and then whole thing got retracted. The more I look at the front right wheel of that vehicle, the more it looks like a Hummer to me with the protruding wheel cover. :waitasec:

And then we've got neighbours of the Senior Smiths talking about them having Hummers on that radio show, or at least having them in the driveway area of their home. Could be friends, employees etc that visit the house regularily. So a black Hummer without the Glow decals in their driveway would not be unusual?

Is it possible that DSJr drove the Hummer over to his parents with the children (and possibly even MP *shudder*) after the decals were removed and then the cover-up went into play? Dropped off the kids, dumped MP and then the Hummer and then got picked up and a ride back home.

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