FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #17

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Could someone remind me what kind of truck jr drives? TIA
Does LE think they have it so tied together they didnt need imput from the public .... And Now we know the neighbor that lived the next bldg down from Dales wasnt asked if they saw anything....She didnt know about Michelle.

Its been two months and finally we have learned he wasnt in Titusville it was another town PALM BAY?

Geezlouise...you would think LE would have found that out immediately (from his empolyer) the job he went to that Friday.
Gotten the search warrrants then instead of trying to do it Last Week...

Then again Im not sure if LE can solicit help from anyone who might have seen the prime suspect or his autos...or ask the public to call in Tips regarding Dale...privacy rights etc.

Does anyone know if LE can do that?

If they can ,then your right.... they should have done this long ago.
Does LE think they have it so tied together they didnt need imput from the public .... And Now we know the neighbor that lived the next bldg down from Dales wasnt asked if they saw anything....She didnt know about Michelle.

Its been two months and finally we have learned he wasnt in Titusville it was another town PALM BAY?

Geezlouise...you would think LE would have found that out immediately (from his empolyer) the job he went to that Friday.
Gotten the search warrrants then instead of trying to do it Last Week...

Then again Im not sure if LE can solicit help from anyone who might have seen the prime suspect or his autos...or ask the public to call in Tips regarding Dale...privacy rights etc.

Does anyone know if LE can do that?

I believe they did it with two people who were not even named as suspects in the Kyron Hormon case didn't they? :waitasec:
I believe he is both a thinker AND a react-er.

I also believe he is a controller and and abuser in addition to thinker and reacter. I can't say how jr. is but my ex was like that. He would actually say things like "if I could figure a way to get away with it, I'd off him" I always thought he was just spouting off... actually I went years making excuses for him and excusing him until I finally found enough strength to leave. I was never more afraid than when I finally left because that was when I realized he actually would have done something under the right circumstances and if his temper got away from him. I am afraid that MP let her guard down and something happened. He may have had the "daydream" plan in place so he kind of knew what he'd do and the rest was playing it by ear. Of course, it's all MOO.
While we are waiting for something to happen ... and information is dwindling...

The ones that know Michelle...maybe they could tell us something about her.
Did she like Chocolate? etc. or maybe a personal experience they can share...
Does LE think they have it so tied together they didnt need imput from the public .... And Now we know the neighbor that lived the next bldg down from Dales wasnt asked if they saw anything....She didnt know about Michelle.

Its been two months and finally we have learned he wasnt in Titusville it was another town PALM BAY?

Geezlouise...you would think LE would have found that out immediately (from his empolyer) the job he went to that Friday.
Gotten the search warrrants then instead of trying to do it Last Week...

Then again Im not sure if LE can solicit help from anyone who might have seen the prime suspect or his autos...or ask the public to call in Tips regarding Dale...privacy rights etc.

Does anyone know if LE can do that?

If they can ,then your right.... they should have done this long ago.

Is there a MSM link stating he worked in Titusville that day? I've never seen it and don't know how the conclusion was made he was working there.

I also think LE already knew where he was at the day after she disappeared. and jmo but I believe the area in Palm Bay was already searched before this past weekend.

Of course this all jmo.
I believe they did it with two people who were not even named as suspects in the Kyron Hormon case didn't they? :waitasec:

Yes they did...I was a little uneasy when that happened even though I was glad they did it....

Since they have a prime suspect named (in the media) would asking for the public help make them seem foolish ? IDK With the preception that LE doesnt have really enough on him...

But it does seem to me if more information were asked from the public initially some people would come forward with information on DS2 instead of waiting to get a warrants etc.

Just an opinion....
Im gonna say its a ford F150 but it could be a 250.. the video is a lil grainy on my PC..


Defiantly a F150.. at 3:00min in this video it shows it perfectly.... these two videos bring up a question.. I know we cant sluth people that are not suspects or verified. but does anyone find it weird that this guy with dale seems to be in most the videos of dale.. if hes such a good friend could he be an accomplice???
am i even allowed to talk about this guy???
Is there a MSM link stating he worked in Titusville that day? I've never seen it and don't know how the conclusion was made he was working there.

I also think LE already knew where he was at the day after she disappeared. and jmo but I believe the area in Palm Bay was already searched before this past weekend.

Of course this all jmo.

Glad to hear that...when I was reading that they were getting search warrants...I was thinking why is this just now being done.

What are the owners trying to accomplish by not letting them search...they already had a search warrant....they will get another one....so why stop the search last week? Im sorry but if LE and this family wanted to search my property....I wouldnt need a warrant....I'd give permission... JMO
Is there a MSM link stating he worked in Titusville that day? I've never seen it and don't know how the conclusion was made he was working there.

I also think LE already knew where he was at the day after she disappeared. and jmo but I believe the area in Palm Bay was already searched before this past weekend.

Of course this all jmo.

I think it came from Michelle's father when he was on the NG show. Here is a quote from the transcript.

PARKER: No. Not one bit. He has not called me. He hasn`t done one thing. He said something today that someone else did it. They will find out that he has not said anything.

Another thing, Michelle was missing Thursday. Friday he gets off and takes off to Titusville and goes to work. I don`t know if he went to work by himself or some co-workers. He`s got a work van. I asked some of the co-workers to speak up. Did he go over there by himself? Are we looking in the wrong area or what?

Is there a MSM link stating he worked in Titusville that day? I've never seen it and don't know how the conclusion was made he was working there.

I also think LE already knew where he was at the day after she disappeared. and jmo but I believe the area in Palm Bay was already searched before this past weekend.

Of course this all jmo.

I know I heard it on TV ...

OK found it....
OK OK I'll admit it I was watching Nancy Grace:innocent:

Another thing, Michelle was missing Thursday. Friday he gets off and takes off to Titusville and goes to work. I don`t know if he went to work by himself or some co-workers. He`s got a work van. I asked some of the co-workers to speak up. Did he go over there by himself? Are we looking in the wrong area or what?

GRACE: You know what, that`s an excellent point. I wonder if the search should be expanded toward Titusville. What about it Mr. Parker?

PARKER: I agree. I want his co-workers to come forward and his boss. I want the business they work for, I want two weeks prior, where was Dale? Dale does construction in Titusville. He travels wherever they tell him to go. Does he travel by himself or with co-workers? I don`t know if the police are ahead of me, but I`m behind the police trying to figure out where Michelle is.

OK Dont laugh if this is not MSM...I dont really know what is and whats not?

Defiantly a F150.. at 3:00min in this video it shows it perfectly.... these two videos bring up a question.. I know we cant sluth people that are not suspects or verified. but does anyone find it weird that this guy with dale seems to be in most the videos of dale.. if hes such a good friend could he be an accomplice???
am i even allowed to talk about this guy???

TY for that. I also noticed something else, not that it really matters. There will be another SUV about the same color JUST before this time stamp, but at 1:15, you hear a horn honk, and I believe that might be... well, since I can't say her name, I'll just say, the same Scion and person as seen in sr's driveway and as seen getting into jr's truck and nearly falling out. Again, @ about 1:27 you begin to see the tail lights of that vehicle parking. Again, at about 2:12, you see it pass them again as they are still walking to the truck. At about 2:18, it appears to make a left hand turn at the block just ahead of where they are walking, which is also where they are about to walk to get to the truck. The reddish vehicle a space in front of the truck is NOT the same vehicle.

Just an observation...

I think I see it again another time or two, but it's too hard to be sure, but it would be after the 2:18 time stamp.

I thought his truck looked pretty clean and shiny on top, with a bit of mud or dirt behind the wheels too.
And another thing about that video. Did anyone else think that jr's shirt looked a lot like a phoenix rising from the ashes?

Reminds me of a Lindsay Lohan or Casey Anthony type outward demonstration of defiance (and conquest). And appropriately black and white. Death and rebirth. It's just moo.
TY for that. I also noticed something else, not that it really matters. There will be another SUV about the same color JUST before this time stamp, but at 1:15, you hear a horn honk, and I believe that might be... well, since I can't say her name, I'll just say, the same Scion and person as seen in sr's driveway and as seen getting into jr's truck and nearly falling out. Again, @ about 1:27 you begin to see the tail lights of that vehicle parking. Again, at about 2:12, you see it pass them again as they are still walking to the truck. At about 2:18, it appears to make a left hand turn at the block just ahead of where they are walking, which is also where they are about to walk to get to the truck. The reddish vehicle a space in front of the truck is NOT the same vehicle.

Just an observation...

I think I see it again another time or two, but it's too hard to be sure, but it would be after the 2:18 time stamp.

I thought his truck looked pretty clean and shiny on top, with a bit of mud or dirt behind the wheels too.

I saw a car seat in the backseat on the passengers side. Tried to look at the round sticker on the back but couldn't tell what it was.
And another thing about that video. Did anyone else think that jr's shirt looked a lot like a phoenix rising from the ashes?

Reminds me of a Lindsay Lohan or Casey Anthony type outward demonstration of defiance (and conquest). And appropriately black and white. Death and rebirth. It's just moo.

Could you read what it said above the logo? Between my old eyes and that "fancy" font I can't read it. I think it starts with a C and ends with a T but I'm not sure. To me the "phoenix" looks a lot like the logo on the back of the orange car. Seems like this group of people are pretty tight.
I saw a car seat in the backseat on the passengers side. Tried to look at the round sticker on the back but couldn't tell what it was.

Sparky I am not entirely sure because I can't ever get a close up look at that sticker but it looks like a Marine Corps sticker to me. Some nerve on him if it is.
that sticker has been confirmed to look eerily similar to a local motorcycle club
Could you read what it said above the logo? Between my old eyes and that "fancy" font I can't read it. I think it starts with a C and ends with a T but I'm not sure. To me the "phoenix" looks a lot like the logo on the back of the orange car. Seems like this group of people are pretty tight.

You know I thought it said Camelot?
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