FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #19

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I had a little time on my lunch break and decided to look into (some may say research) LDT and saw a few articles that caught my eye. I myself would not take such a test and I'm not guilty of anything. I would have to try to prove my innocence otherwise. Now DS may or may not be doing that. We don't know. For all we know the only reason LE deemed him as not cooperative is because of the LDT. Here is just one of the articles I read and hopfully I get the link right! This is my first time providing a link. I think the last part of the article itself is a great piece of advice :

Here's my advice: If you're ever asked to take a polygraph test, say "No way." If you have to — if it's a job requirement — relax and tell the truth. It won't make much of a difference

This post has been MOO!!!!


Thank you. :) Many people feel that LDT's are inaccurate. But there's just so much more that points to DSjr than his refusal to take the LDT. I just wonder how much DSjr has actually done to prove his innocence. LOL, I realize that no one has to "prove" their innocence but rather that guilt must be proven. But if it were me, I'd be screaming my innocence from the rooftops and providing all the help I could to find Michelle. I'd be working with her family in addition to LE. We haven't seen evidence that DSjr has done anything to do so. At least publicly. Which is too bad, really, and most especially too bad for Michelle and her family. JMO, if he really cared at least about his children, he'd be doing all he could to help find their mother.
I think he lawyered up once he was named suspect which I would also do. I respect your opinion and I think this is one of the many things that we all differ on. I have read enough articles to stick with my opinion. So I guess this is one subject we'll have to agree to disagree. :)

Absolutely, because if I had nothing to hide, I would have complied. IMO, if his focus is on finding Michelle, and he had nothing to do with it, why not take the test so the focus could go in a different direction and his children could find out what happened to their mother?
I respectfully disagree. It would be a great way for Dale to clear his name or for the truth about what happened to Michelle to come out.

Here is an excerpt from http://www.jacktrimarco.com/faq.html

"Suppose a law enforcement agency asked you to submit to a polygraph examination because you are a suspect or person of interest in a particular crime.* The APA encourages citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.* However, be aware that if you are involved in the matter under investigation and have concealed that fact from investigators, your deception will almost certainly be identified.* If you have committed the crime you might want to seek legal counsel before proceeding with the polygraph.* If you have not been involved in the matter under investigation, there probably are very strong reasons for you to proceed with the examination"

IMO this is why Dale lawyered up after being asked by LE to take one.

Heck, if it were me, I'd even offer to take 'truth serum'.

There has got to be a very good reason DSjr hasn't helped with finding Michelle. His children might suffer for it in the future tho. I would imagine that someday one or both of them might wonder, "Why didn't my daddy help look for mommy?" :( JMO
We haven't seen evidence that DSjr has done anything to do so. At least publicly. Which is too bad, really, and most especially too bad for Michelle and her family. JMO, if he really cared at least about his children, he'd be doing all he could to help find their mother.

Respectfully Snipped -

He could also allow Michelle's family to see the children! I don't get why he's driving them there to see Yvonne, only to turn around and go home and not allowing it. If you care, and you have have absolutely nothing to hide, then what's the harm? You're not just hurting Michelle's family, you're hurting those poor innocent babies too. Haven't they all been thru enough??

I hope today is the day we find Michelle and bring her home to her loved ones...
Respectfully Snipped -

He could also allow Michelle's family to see the children! I don't get why he's driving them there to see Yvonne, only to turn around and go home and not allowing it. If you care, and you have have absolutely nothing to hide, then what's the harm? You're not just hurting Michelle's family, you're hurting those poor innocent babies too. Haven't they all been thru enough??

I hope today is the day we find Michelle and bring her home to her loved ones...

Excellent point!

Why hasn't he allowed Michelle's family to see the children? That is bizarre. And, mean. JMO
Respectfully Snipped -

He could also allow Michelle's family to see the children! I don't get why he's driving them there to see Yvonne, only to turn around and go home and not allowing it. If you care, and you have have absolutely nothing to hide, then what's the harm? You're not just hurting Michelle's family, you're hurting those poor innocent babies too. Haven't they all been thru enough??

I hope today is the day we find Michelle and bring her home to her loved ones...

It is just another way for him to have control in my opinion. Michelle isn't around anymore for him to control, so this is the next best thing.
Excellent point!

Why hasn't he allowed Michelle's family to see the children? That is bizarre. And, mean. JMO

I agree that the twins should be allowed to see her side of the family that is their blood. Maybe (and this is MOO and NOT EXCUSING HIM) it's because of the bad blood between the two families and I'm not talking about just because of the disappearance I'm talking about the break ups and make up compounded with the disappearance has caused the family to have some hostility towards Dale and he wants to keep HIS kids away from it. At the end of the day he has NOT been arrested or found guilty and he is their parent. Is it right? That's not for us to decided only to have an opinion on and I myslef have unfortuantly had to do the same thing and keep my kids away from blood family members. Again MOO!

I've said it a million times as much "info" is in the media we all were not apart of their relationship even their family members did not know the truth the family members saw the loved ones preception but there is three sides to every story his, hers and the truth. Nobody is perfect!
I agree that the twins should be allowed to see her side of the family that is their blood. Maybe (and this is MOO and NOT EXCUSING HIM) it's because of the bad blood between the two families and I'm not talking about just because of the disappearance I'm talking about the break ups and make up compounded with the disappearance has caused the family to have some hostility towards Dale and he wants to keep HIS kids away from it. At the end of the day he has NOT been arrested or found guilty and he is their parent. Is it right? That's not for us to decided only to have an opinion on and I myslef have unfortuantly had to do the same thing and keep my kids away from blood family members. Again MOO!

I've said it a million times as much "info" is in the media we all were not apart of their relationship even their family members did not know the truth the family members saw the loved ones preception but there is three sides to every story his, hers and the truth. Nobody is perfect!

IMO...No matter how much "bad blood" is between them, that is their grandmother. The grandmother whose home they lived in and who they got to see almost everyday. They at least needed a transition. They have lost their mother, now they have lost their grandmother that helped raised them. Kids don't forget things like that.
IMO...No matter how much "bad blood" is between them, that is their grandmother. The grandmother whose home they lived in and who they got to see almost everyday. They at least needed a transition. They have lost their mother, now they have lost their grandmother that helped raised them. Kids don't forget things like that.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. It's not an easy decision. I've been in a similar situation and my children's grandmother watched them everyday for 4 years and I had to resort to keep them away from that side of the family. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do.
Once one is perceived as guilty, anyway, by the court of public opinion, what has he to lose by taking it? There is no real logic at this point to continue to be a stumbling block, if indeed you care anything about your children, who surely love and dearly miss their mother. This will be forever archived and will someday present itself to them in black and white. There is an 11 yo that is already old enough for that unfortunate exposure. While jr may not be his father, Michelle IS his mother. Now, times that by 10 fold. I couldn't imagine growing up in a household where my father was named the prime suspect in the killing of my mother. The psychological implications are immeasurable. If he truly loved his children, he would agree to the test and let those beautiful children live in an environment where fear and doubt were not a daily concern. After all, they won't be 3 forever, and who knows if the case will ever be solved. I pray there is justice. JMO
If you love someone, set them free. That is what Dale should have done, and needs to do now. MOO
I agree that the twins should be allowed to see her side of the family that is their blood. Maybe (and this is MOO and NOT EXCUSING HIM) it's because of the bad blood between the two families and I'm not talking about just because of the disappearance I'm talking about the break ups and make up compounded with the disappearance has caused the family to have some hostility towards Dale and he wants to keep HIS kids away from it. At the end of the day he has NOT been arrested or found guilty and he is their parent. Is it right? That's not for us to decided only to have an opinion on and I myslef have unfortuantly had to do the same thing and keep my kids away from blood family members. Again MOO!

I've said it a million times as much "info" is in the media we all were not apart of their relationship even their family members did not know the truth the family members saw the loved ones preception but there is three sides to every story his, hers and the truth. Nobody is perfect!

You make some great points here. I personally think the children should be able to see both sides of the family...IMO those children love BOTH sides equally and deserve to see all of their grandparents...He has NO RIGHT to take that away from them...

Any hostility TOWARDS DALE IMO is due to his lack of cooperation....We're not just talking the LDT but his lies to LE and all his deceit IMO. If he were truly innocent he'd be walking on flaming coals to save his reputation. He is so concerned with his image that if he had proof he was innocent we'd all see that written in the sky IMO.

Why does he need "Buck" to drag Michelle's name through the mud? Why has he hid behind a lawyer? Where was Dale when the family called him numerous times between 4 and 6? IMO the family just wants some answers. If you had a missing child wouldn't you want answers? JMO
I agree that the twins should be allowed to see her side of the family that is their blood. Maybe (and this is MOO and NOT EXCUSING HIM) it's because of the bad blood between the two families and I'm not talking about just because of the disappearance I'm talking about the break ups and make up compounded with the disappearance has caused the family to have some hostility towards Dale and he wants to keep HIS kids away from it. At the end of the day he has NOT been arrested or found guilty and he is their parent. Is it right? That's not for us to decided only to have an opinion on and I myslef have unfortuantly had to do the same thing and keep my kids away from blood family members. Again MOO!

I've said it a million times as much "info" is in the media we all were not apart of their relationship even their family members did not know the truth the family members saw the loved ones preception but there is three sides to every story his, hers and the truth. Nobody is perfect!

DSJr is not just keeping those children away from their maternal grandparents, aunt and uncle. He is keeping them away from their older brother as well. He is deliberately and spitefully eliminating all traces of their mother from their lives IMO. Just like I believe he eliminated Michelle from his and her family's lives as well.

Yvonne Stewart is one of the most level headed and common sense parents I've ever had the chance to witness during a situation like this. Even though LE have named him the prime suspect in her daughter's disappearance, for good reason and not just because of his refusal to take a lie detector, she embraced Dale after that court hearing and pleaded with him to keep the lines of communication open. And he hugged her back and then spit in her face when it came time to make good on that promise. There is no way she would ever say a disparaging thing to those children about him...no way. She loves those children and would never use them as a pawn. I can't say as I can say the same for him.

The only way for the twins to have any bond with their brother, or with any of their maternal family, is to spend time with him/them at a neutral place such as at YS's home. Why does he have such a problem with this? Because he thinks they don't like him? It's not about him even though he seems to think it's all about him all the time. His relationship with Michelle was strained but at least she didn't keep him from his children because she knew how important it was for them to have a relationship with their father and their paternal family. Too bad she didn't heed the warnings or none of us would be here because there would be no Michelle Parker missing forum. Just because his relationship with her family is strained, it is no excuse. He is a selfish man, with no consideration for the mental well being of those children whatsoever. He wants them all to himself...like possessions that he can do whatever he wants with because they "belong" to him. Plus he gets a great deal of satisfaction knowing that he is hurting her family, again, I'm sure.

I know there are situations where it's just not healthy or safe for children to see extended families and you've expressed that you yourself have been in such a situation but in no way is this one of them IMO. And I'm sure you know the difference since you've obviously had experience with unsafe and unhealthy environments for your own children. What he is doing to them by not allowing them to see Michelle's family is about as unhealthy as it gets. It's sheer vindictive hate and maybe fear? That they will reveal something they remember?

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. It's not an easy decision. I've been in a similar situation and my children's grandmother watched them everyday for 4 years and I had to resort to keep them away from that side of the family. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do.

Have they had any lasting effects from that, hon3yb33? That you've noticed, that is. Not sure how old they are now tho but just wondering. I've been reading this morning about aftereffects, that's all. So sorry to hear you and your children have gone through something like that, it must be extremely difficult. :(
I am glad that people are able to identify when they are protecting their family from being exposed to other family that they feel is not in their child's best interest. I would suppose that would have nothing to do with a missing person, or potential murder. There is little aside from child abuse that would raise to that level of concern. I would only imagine one of these tragedies has hit a family who has been forced to make those choices. If not, I am sorry that your heart is of such callous, that one would seek their own personal agenda via a child.

This is EXACTLY the case here. If ever there were a time to put distance between family members, I would say this is one of them. I am not saying they should have a no contact order against dale, but, My GOD people!! What are you thinking??? COURTS??? Please tell me??????? This is legal child abuse!

Sorry, but I am a bit troubled by the logic of some posters regarding their justifications of their motives and moves to create that distance, while condoning the current living arrangements of the twins. JMO!
Good points, Pias. This is a missing person/murder case and that makes things a whole different ball park. This will haunt and follow those children for the rest of their lives (if it remains unsolved) and being ripped away from the only family they really knew and loved will haunt them too. It wasn't a divorce or family estrangement...it's a missing person. So there should be no reason to withhold access to the children---especially since there's supposed to have been a visitation arrangement reached.

I'm not sure DSjr was all that much involved in their care until recently. And now they've been ripped away from the only home they ever knew, the only family they ever loved and depended upon. My heart breaks for them because they're just too young to understand.

If only DSjr would step up to the plate for Michelle and those children. Take the LDT, be upfront about everything, stop hiding behind fake screen names in an effort to disparage their mother's reputation. And start looking for her, start handing out flyers, go door to door, etc. as her family has. If only.

All MOO.
I think he lawyered up once he was named suspect which I would also do. I respect your opinion and I think this is one of the many things that we all differ on. I have read enough articles to stick with my opinion. So I guess this is one subject we'll have to agree to disagree. :)

Also people are able to pass LDT as seen in this article:


Hon3yb33, I agree with you about the polygraph. Were I a person of interest or a prime suspect in a murder or disappearance, but innocent of any wrongdoing, it would be a very hard decision as to whether to take it and risk a false reading that would make LE and the public "know" that I’m guilty, or refuse to take it and risk LE and the public thinking I’m guilty because I refused. It’s a no-win choice. I suppose, too, that an attorney could recommend a client against taking the poly, so that the client would be following his attorney’s suggestion.

A couple of people on this thread had recommended reading a book called Finding Amy, a true crime novel about a young woman who went missing in Maine, and whose body was eventually located. I found it interesting that the initial person of interest in the case agreed to LE’s request to take the polygraph—and he failed, although, as it turned out, he had nothing to do with the murder.

The Wikipedia article on polygraphs has an interesting take (with it being understood that, as with all sources, one has to be guarded about taking the article as absolute truth):

Polygraphy has little credibility among scientists. Despite claims of 90-95% validity by polygraph advocates, and 95-100% by businesses providing polygraph services, critics maintain that rather than a "test", the method amounts to an inherently unstandardizable interrogation technique whose accuracy cannot be established. A 1997 survey of 421 psychologists estimated the test's average accuracy at about 61%, a little better than chance. Critics also argue that even given high estimates of the polygraph's accuracy a significant number of subjects (e.g. 10% given a 90% accuracy) will appear to be lying, and would unfairly suffer the consequences of "failing" the polygraph.

Source: Wikipedia on Polygraphs

Of course, anything stated here in my own words is strictly MOO.

Oh, and by the way, Hon3yb33:

Nobody is perfect!

Why thank you! I haven't been told this before! :)
(Sorry, couldn't resist)
If I had to grow up knowing that my dad was a suspect in the disappearance of my mother, I would at LEAST expect to find that he did everything in his power to find my mother, and help bring whoever was responsibe, to justice! I would not have much respect for my father if he did not, and I certainly would grow up to hate him for the Buck Fuddy BS. It was not the sign of a mature man who has his stuff together. It was mean spirited and just plain WRONG! Another thing you will NEVER be able to erase the traces of, entirely. You may have deleted the original, or HAD it removed, but it will live on forever. If you are going to be a father, then GROW UP! MOO MOO and MORE MOO
If I had to grow up knowing that my dad was a suspect in the disappearance of my mother, I would at LEAST expect to find that he did everything in his power to find my mother, and help bring whoever was responsibe, to justice! I would not have much respect for my father if he did not, and I certainly would grow up to hate him for the Buck Fuddy BS. It was not the sign of a mature man who has his stuff together. It was mean spirited and just plain WRONG! Another thing you will NEVER be able to erase the traces of, entirely. You may have deleted the original, or HAD it removed, but it will live on forever. If you are going to be a father, then GROW UP!

It just goes to show you that some men are not "real" men. Being a dad is more than just showing up when it's convenient....Dale only cares about Dale. He has shown that throughout his life. This is the SAME guy who punished the kids when he was mad at Michelle.

IMO It also shows real character the way Dale posted that escort comment to GP. If Michelle's a "known" escort, is Buck Fuddy the only one who knows about it? OMG! What kind of man sends that to the step mom whose daughter is missing? IMO I wonder how "Buck" sleeps at night knowing someday he'll be roommates with Bubba in the Florida State Prison...
IMO i wouldn't hold my breath on the man up/grow up part. Don't think his brain look at the world the same way most people do. But for some strange reason, don't ask me why i think "Michelle" is the one that going to lead Karma to his door.....
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