FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #21

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If you look at his current and past FB albums along with friends albums where he appears IMO you see a self absorbed person who loves alcohol, fun times, fast women, and disconnecting from reality (what 40 yr old dresses up so often in Halloween costumes?) I do agree he has a pattern but he doesn't show the photos of before and after he beats up a woman...he likes to hide that side of him. JMO

I am not doubting you at all, though that doesn't sound atypical for alot of people these days (meaning partying, not beating people!).

I noticed Michelle has a commercial picture in her photo stream of gladiator or warrior type costumes, and then there is a later picture of her with Dale wearing one similar. I wonder if she picked it out for him? They both seemed to enjoy dressing up.
I am not doubting you at all, though that doesn't sound atypical for alot of people these days (meaning partying, not beating people!).

I noticed Michelle has a commercial picture in her photo stream of gladiator or warrior type costumes, and then there is a later picture of her with Dale wearing one similar. I wonder if she picked it out for him? They both seemed to enjoy dressing up.

I think at first maybe she had some fun with it (role playing, escaping reality, etc) or maybe one of those things you do to try to be closer to that other person. As time wore on Dale's warped life probably got old real quick...IMO from the PC she seemed to think Dale was a bit immature with all the SW costume stuff and kind of made jokes about it. That seemed to get under his skin as his whole life is built around SW. JMO
My gut tells me she didn't run away but I can't help but wonder if she could have.

I have left this open as a possibility. After learning about her heart problems I would guess she was on daily medication. So were there doses of the medication missing or the whole prescription missing? May be a way to confirm she left.
I have left this open as a possibility. After learning about her heart problems I would guess she was on daily medication. So were there doses of the medication missing or the whole prescription missing? May be a way to confirm she left.

I would think if Michelle walked away and she was on daily meds, wouldn't she have to find a Dr. who would write a script for her? Seems like that may be taking a chance in someone recognizing her. OR would the new Dr. ask for medical records? She would also have to have ID and IIRC her purse with everything in it was still in the Hummer when it was found.
I would think if Michelle walked away and she was on daily meds, wouldn't she have to find a Dr. who would write a script for her? Seems like that may be taking a chance in someone recognizing her. OR would the new Dr. ask for medical records? She would also have to have ID and IIRC her purse with everything in it was still in the Hummer when it was found.

medical records are voluntary. why would she need an id? Doesn't stop millions of illegals from getting healthcare. All she would have to do is schedule a dr appointment somewhere, pay cash, and walk away with a new prescription.

but she would have had to take some of the meds already in her possession to last until the new appointment for the walk away scenario to work. So that is why I said was her medicine still around or was it missing? Given the date the rx was filled and the dosage instructions was she missing some extra pills? If she was on meds and if some were missing that would support a walk away. If all her meds were still there it would tend to negate a walk away theory.
I would think if Michelle walked away and she was on daily meds, wouldn't she have to find a Dr. who would write a script for her? Seems like that may be taking a chance in someone recognizing her. OR would the new Dr. ask for medical records? She would also have to have ID and IIRC her purse with everything in it was still in the Hummer when it was found.

I have heart problems as well and am on medication. I do not have insurance and when I moved I had to see a new doctor. I didn't have copies of my medical records but still HAD to give a copy of my driver's license and provide my SS #.
A doctor is not going to just give out medicine without proper documentation. I also had to give the same documentation to the pharmacy.
I have heart problems as well and am on medication. I do not have insurance and when I moved I had to see a new doctor. I didn't have copies of my medical records but still HAD to give a copy of my driver's license and provide my SS #.
A doctor is not going to just give out medicine without proper documentation. I also had to give the same documentation to the pharmacy.

Yes, I went to a new Dr in Jan. and had to give them my ID, SS card AND they took a pic of me. Went to the Dr with hubby just this past week and I noticed they had a camera too. Seems like thats the thing now.

They may not ask for medical records, but they ask for everything else. JMO
I have heart problems as well and am on medication. I do not have insurance and when I moved I had to see a new doctor. I didn't have copies of my medical records but still HAD to give a copy of my driver's license and provide my SS #.
A doctor is not going to just give out medicine without proper documentation. I also had to give the same documentation to the pharmacy.

Honestly I don't know why you had to give a ss card and an id. Individual office practices do not make it law. Maybe that was just that offices preference.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you are not required to give your ss to anyone but the government. You could have easily told them no.

I work in a doctors office, and yes, we ask for a ss#, but if someone refuses or someone is an illegal we just put in all 0's. The only reason they want your ss number is to make debt collection easier.

Blood pressure, blood thinners, heart medications are not controlled substances. Narcotics/painkillers/add/adhd you would need an id.

She could go to an emergency department say she was illegal and she would not be refused.
Regardless the id discussion is moot. It is not hard to get a fake id in a city. It's not even really that hard to get a real one. Millions of illegals have valid driver's licenses.
Yes, I went to a new Dr in Jan. and had to give them my ID, SS card AND they took a pic of me. Went to the Dr with hubby just this past week and I noticed they had a camera too. Seems like thats the thing now.

They may not ask for medical records, but they ask for everything else. JMO

Again this is not law. It is for insurance fraud and/or debt collection. Many illegal family members will use the same account through their given federal insurance.
Again this is not law. It is for insurance fraud and/or debt collection. Many illegal family members will use the same account through their given federal insurance.

Thanks for the info, I appreciate that. So your Dr's office doesn't ask for ID? So how would you determine insurance fraud? Let's say Michelle came into your office and used someone elses Ins card, would you not ask for ID to determine who the patient was?

Every Dr I've gone to has always asked me for 2 forms of ID, and like I posted above they are now taking pics of the patient. I think they may be trying to stop the fraud with the cameras. Jmo

I honestly, as I said before do not believe she is with us any longer. Jmo
Iirc, the FDLE flyer never states that Michelle needs medication. And there is no reference that I know of in MSM that refers to meds or heart problems. For all we know, this flyer refers to a past history, which could have included when she was pregnant. Many women, especially those carrying twins, develop hypertension and/or circulatory problems toward the end of their pregnancies which ceases when the mother is delivered. For all we know, LE asked if there was a recent history and, of course, the answer might be yes, within the past three or so years. Again, jmo, there is no indication that Michelle was on meds.


All jmo.
I'm not sure How they can get away with it, but no we do not take id's. The patients have to fill out a demographic/medical history sheet, a hipaa form, and
a list of policies the practice goes by. They can fill these out online, print them out and bring them, or fill them out when they come in. We scan their insurance card and validate it on the insurance companies website. No id is ever given though. I don't know what they do for for fraud, but the practice sees a couple hundred patients a day so it must not be a big deal.

I don't know that I've ever seen a person steal an insurance card and try to be seen, but that is kind of up to the policy holder to report it stolen I would think. I have seen where an illegal will get medicaid and other family members try to use the card. Giving a birthdate that is like a day apart or something you can catch it.
Iirc, the FDLE flyer never states that Michelle needs medication. And there is no reference that I know of in MSM that refers to meds or heart problems. For all we know, this flyer refers to a past history, which could have included when she was pregnant. Many women, especially those carrying twins, develop hypertension and/or circulatory problems toward the end of their pregnancies which ceases when the mother is delivered. For all we know, LE asked if there was a recent history and, of course, the answer might be yes, within the past three or so years. Again, jmo, there is no indication that Michelle was on meds.


All jmo.

True, that is why I mentioned in my post above IF she was on meds they would be able to dig a little deeper.

IMO anyone who has circulatory disease and heart failure, such as listed in that link, would be on a daily maintenance medication. These are not acute problems such as a high blood pressure during pregnancy, but they are chronic meaning for life.
I'm not sure How they can get away with it, but no we do not take id's. The patients have to fill out a demographic/medical history sheet, a hipaa form, and
a list of policies the practice goes by. They can fill these out online, print them out and bring them, or fill them out when they come in. We scan their insurance card and validate it on the insurance companies website. No id is ever given though. I don't know what they do for for fraud, but the practice sees a couple hundred patients a day so it must not be a big deal.

I don't know that I've ever seen a person steal an insurance card and try to be seen, but that is kind of up to the policy holder to report it stolen I would think. I have seen where an illegal will get medicaid and other family members try to use the card. Giving a birthdate that is like a day apart or something you can catch it.

Thanks! I wasn't thinking about stealing a card, but you know how people share. More along those lines. Thanks again!
True, that is why I mentioned in my post above IF she was on meds they would be able to dig a little deeper.

IMO anyone who has circulatory disease and heart failure, such as listed in that link, would be on a daily maintenance medication. These are not acute problems such as a high blood pressure during pregnancy, but they are chronic meaning for life.

Iirc, there has never been anything in MSM about this. Not a word that i know of anyway. IMO, if it were important it would have been mentioned.

Jmo, but missing persons get attention a lot faster when there is a physical problem or needed meds. And we know that LE jumped on this immediately, not 24-36 hours as might be usual with other missing adults.

Thanks vibert.
Does anyone recall the name of the street Sr has that vacant lot on? Was it Mission Rd? Tia
I agree just look at what happened with Dale Sr. there was a comment or something like that on his facebook (correct me if I'm wrong I just don't have the time to look up the EXACT post and my memory is fuzzy) about the Powell case and all of a sudden he's researching. Words get twisted which is why I don't like to post too much on here. Sometimes things are blown out of proportion. IMO MOO

To refresh what happened Sr had comments on his FB page about how could Josh have gotten away with Murder while having the two kids around. This was months before Michelle went missing. It was either a strange coincidence that Sr was following a missing person's case where two kids were with the dad and mom disappears and Sr just happened to be trying to figure out how he got away with it...wouldn't you agree that is either an eerie coincidence or there was some pre planning that went into that line of questioning?

JMO...nothing was blown out of proportion there....it may be VERY relevant as it COULD show premeditation. Additionally as soon as this was brought up on WS, within hours Sr deleted his FB acct not just the post but his whole acct. Why not set his acct to private like his son or how about just deleting the post? To me that is the act of a guilty person..delete, delete, delete...deny, deny, deny...just saying!
To refresh what happened Sr had comments on his FB page about how could Josh have gotten away with Murder with the two kids around. This was months before Michelle went missing. It was either a strange coincidence that Sr was following a missing person's case where two kids were with the dad and Sr was trying to figure out how he got away with it...wouldn't you agree that is either an eerie coincidence or ther was some forethought that went into that post?

JMO...nothing was blown out of proportion the....it may be VERY relevant as it COULD show premeditation. Additionally as soon as this was brought up on WS, within hours Sr deleted his FB acct not just the post but his whole acct. Why not set his acct to private like his son or how about just deleting the post? To me that again is the act of a guilty person..delete, delete, delete...deny, deny, deny...just saying!

My screen cap is on my other computer but IIRC, Sr's post about the Powell case was made about 2 months before Michelle disappeared.

And you're right...within hours of a reference made here to it, the entire account went poof.
Yes, as a matter of fact I just looked that up. Lol. It is on S Mission Rd.

ETA: not sure this link will work, hope it does


If not, go to http://www.ocpafl.org/Searches/ParcelSearch.aspx to search and click on maps on the property's page.

IIRC someone posted about that property a while ago. Perfect for hiding a body. Being that it's private property LE would need a search warrant to check it out. I will add this to my ongoing list of strong potential places Michelle could be...Also It's about 6 miles from S Mission Rd to Walden Circle.
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