FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #22

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Thank you for that reminder Clue! Sometimes in the heat of the moment some forget why they are here...to help FIND Michelle. Many of us know WHO took her...will the real Dale Smith please stand up? Now we need to figure out WHERE he hid her. I have been charting a hangout from when he was 15 or 16 with his group of friends...and it seems like he has a couple of close friends still in this area. Would he bury a body there? He would have access because it already looks like a dumping ground and a friend of his who installs decals and the like is close by and could provide some access. I am hoping to get out with the ladies soon and very soon. Praying we find you soon Michelle! NGU...

IF DS buried the body of Michelle, it would not be likely he would have done so at a location that had a connection to himself or anyone else gravitating around his life for obvious reasons IMO, however Jazz go and look with the ladies anyway, one never knows after all. Keep up the good work and if I was in FL. I would join ... the search that is, not the knitting. :)
IF DS buried the body of Michelle, it would not be likely he would have done so at a location that had a connection to himself or anyone else gravitating around his life for obvious reasons IMO, however Jazz go and look with the ladies anyway, one never knows after all. Keep up the good work and if I was in FL. I would join ... the search that is, not the knitting. :)

Don't knock the knitting until ya tried it...some day when you have grandbabies those skills will be priceless:)
Thank you for that reminder Clue! Sometimes in the heat of the moment some forget why they are here...to help FIND Michelle. Many of us know WHO took her...will the real Dale Smith please stand up? Now we need to figure out WHERE he hid her. I have been charting a hangout from when he was 15 or 16 with his group of friends...and it seems like he has a couple of close friends still in this area. Would he bury a body there? He would have access because it already looks like a dumping ground and a friend of his who installs decals and the like is close by and could provide some access. I am hoping to get out with the ladies soon and very soon. Praying we find you soon Michelle! NGU...

We're on the same wavelength, Jazz. I've often thought there must be an old hang out--in fact, we had some discussion about this very thing back in the thread somewhere. After all, baby Caylee was buried in the woods not far from her home and right where her mother and friends used to hang out. Tho how they hang out in the woods with rattlers and such is beyond me, lol. But kids do. Our neighborhood had just such a hang-out. I hope you wear waders (knee-high boots) in case of snakes, even in this heat. The storms and heat bring the rattlers out. Ugh.

I know it's a real bad area, but I wonder if the canal near the shuttered building in the Holden Heights area is worth another look? Been searched by LE tho, so I dunno.

We're on the same wavelength, Jazz. I've often thought there must be an old hang out--in fact, we had some discussion about this very thing back in the thread somewhere. After all, baby Caylee was buried in the woods not far from her home and right where her mother and friends used to hang out. Tho how they hang out in the woods with rattlers and such is beyond me, lol. But kids do. Our neighborhood had just such a hang-out. I hope you wear waders (knee-high boots) in case of snakes, even in this heat. The storms and heat bring the rattlers out. Ugh.

I know it's a real bad area, but I wonder if the canal near the shuttered building in the Holden Heights area is worth another look? Been searched by LE tho, so I dunno.


I am a pretty good shot with my pistol...them rattlers ain't gonna stand a chance with Jazz shooting! Only been bit once in my life and I'll be damned if I let it happen again....that spot you suggested was on my list but I had crossed it off earlier when I referenced where LE had searched. But ya never know...wish Dale would at least give us a clue or two where he hid Michelle...he seems to be tight lipped lately. Haven't even seen him on WS...must be feeling confident that he will get away with murder. JMO
I am a pretty good shot with my pistol...them rattlers ain't gonna stand a chance with Jazz shooting! Only been bit once in my life and I'll be damned if I let it happen again....that spot you suggested was on my list but I had crossed it off earlier when I referenced where LE had searched. But ya never know...wish Dale would at least give us a clue or two where he hid Michelle...he seems to be tight lipped lately. Haven't even seen him on WS...must be feeling confident that he will get away with murder. JMO

I was thinking of that area because the storms we've been having might wash up a lot of debris...and possibly evidence. Ya never know....
I keep thinking how Tropical Storm Faye did that with the Caylee Anthony remains... :(
I guess Michelle is lost again on here. Really sad.

I normally just lurk but I have got to say I could not agree more with this sentence. We all have our different opinions but the one thing we all come here for is to find Michelle and I PERSONALLY FEEL all the Dale bashing is not going to find her. Yes he has a criminal past yes they BOTH had an unhealthy relationship with each other. A lot of people have dropped from this thread because they can't express their opinions that differ from the evil Smirh family, myself included, but that's just my opinion. Feelings get blown out of proportion and words get twisted so how can we all have a productive healthy conversation? Like the incident where Michelle and Dale got into a fight and he supposedly said your day is coming. How do we know the context of this argument? Yes its safe to assume it was a heated argument but do we know for FACT what they were arguing about? Then to say he threatened to kidnap his own children unless she had full custody or restraining order I'm not even sure that it is possible to kidnap children that are yours considering she still was dropping the twins off with him after that argument. Or the meth comments do we have ANY EVIDENCE, not opionion that Dale is still using drugs since he was released? Yes some feel that ties in "motive" but if there is no proof that Dale is doing drugs I dont feel there is enough to continue on its just more Dale bashing and name calling not productive in finding Michelle. Im not in any way shape or form saying dont say bad stuff about Dale or turn this into a support page for the suspect but all the bashing and the blowing out of proportion keeps people away and I would think with the people on here that know and love Michelle would want as many people on here to keep her in everyone's thoughts and keep the case fresh. I just hope that LE did not overlook other elements just because Dale looked like the likely suspect. I pray daily that they follow up with all tips coming through not just the ones that point to Dale. Would LE give the family information regarding what evidence , if any, is found or would it affect a court hearing should anyone be charged?

This has all just been the OPINION of a honeybee!
The seas will not be calm. Murder is a tough rap, and likely, the case. When someone chooses to cross that line, they have brought what follows upon themselves. Dale's choices and actions are what persecute him. Not us. If you don't like what you read, don't read it. You have a choice. Michelle does not, or should I say, someone decided for her the last words she would read. Now tell me, what is truly fair?
And while you are busy saying I just called Jr a murderer, I did NOT. That is for the READER to interpret. It would really depend on whether Michelle's disappearance is yet another one of his poor choices or not. Was it?
I normally just lurk but I have got to say I could not agree more with this sentence. We all have our different opinions but the one thing we all come here for is to find Michelle and I PERSONALLY FEEL all the Dale bashing is not going to find her. Yes he has a criminal past yes they BOTH had an unhealthy relationship with each other. A lot of people have dropped from this thread because they can't express their opinions that differ from the evil Smirh family, myself included, but that's just my opinion. Feelings get blown out of proportion and words get twisted so how can we all have a productive healthy conversation? Like the incident where Michelle and Dale got into a fight and he supposedly said your day is coming. How do we know the context of this argument? Yes its safe to assume it was a heated argument but do we know for FACT what they were arguing about? Then to say he threatened to kidnap his own children unless she had full custody or restraining order I'm not even sure that it is possible to kidnap children that are yours considering she still was dropping the twins off with him after that argument. Or the meth comments do we have ANY EVIDENCE, not opionion that Dale is still using drugs since he was released? Yes some feel that ties in "motive" but if there is no proof that Dale is doing drugs I dont feel there is enough to continue on its just more Dale bashing and name calling not productive in finding Michelle. Im not in any way shape or form saying dont say bad stuff about Dale or turn this into a support page for the suspect but all the bashing and the blowing out of proportion keeps people away and I would think with the people on here that know and love Michelle would want as many people on here to keep her in everyone's thoughts and keep the case fresh. I just hope that LE did not overlook other elements just because Dale looked like the likely suspect. I pray daily that they follow up with all tips coming through not just the ones that point to Dale. Would LE give the family information regarding what evidence , if any, is found or would it affect a court hearing should anyone be charged?

This has all just been the OPINION of a honeybee!


Parental kidnapping happens every single day. If you don't believe that, just check the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. One parent drops off the kids as per their custody agreement and the other takes off with them. I know firsthand--it happened to me as a child.

JMO, LE would not release any evidence to anyone prior to an arrest. Once an arrest is made and charges are filed, evidence may be filed with the County Clerk of Court--usually, but not always, because sometimes a judge will seal certain records from public view.

The fact remains that LE named DaleJr Prime Suspect quite early in the case. JMO, they had to have had a serious reason to do so--LE does not name someone a Prime Suspect lightly.

I do understand hon3yb33's frustration, this thread rightly or wrongly, justifiably or not, is the DS thread since in one way or another just about everything goes inevitably to Dale or Sr. and even his entire family for that matter. It's a never-ending assertion of his guilt no matter what while facts are routinely blow out of proportion if not made up from scratch. JMO

Now ... one has two choices usually: the first is to join the guilty chorus of the moment, the second is to try to dispute the never-ending accusations of Dale. Since most people are not inclined to do either it is therefore not surprising they simply stop posting as hon3yb33 indicated for herself. JMO

Lastly the question must be asked as to what do we really write about if not of Dale? There is really no other suspect that we know about, is there? There is no evidence of anyone being guilty, is there? So it is really not surprising some will keep on accusing while most others will keep on wondering what's really there to defend in the first place since most don't feel pressured to be part of any jury and to render any verdict, at least not yet, and insofar that a verdict seems to be the real focus of everything that's when people might tune out the whole thing. JMO
I do understand hon3yb33's frustration, this thread rightly or wrongly, justifiably or not, is the DS thread since in one way or another just about everything goes inevitably to Dale or Sr. and even his entire family for that matter. It's a never-ending assertion of his guilt no matter what while facts are routinely blow out of proportion if not made up from scratch. JMO

Now ... one has two choices usually: the first is to join the guilty chorus of the moment, the second is to try to dispute the never-ending accusations of Dale. Since most people are not inclined to do either it is therefore not surprising they simply stop posting as hon3yb33 indicated for herself. JMO

Lastly the question must be asked as to what do we really write about if not of Dale? There is really no other suspect that we know about, is there? There is no evidence of anyone being guilty, is there? So it is really not surprising some will keep on accusing while most others will keep on wondering what's really there to defend in the first place since most don't feel pressured to be part of any jury and to render any verdict, at least not yet, and insofar that a verdict seems to be the real focus of everything that's when people might tune out the whole thing. JMO

I agree it is VERY frustrating...You have some valid points! We have NO ONE else to sleuth but Dale and his dad. IMO that is WHERE the focus should be as one if not BOTH are responsible for Michelle disappearing.

Us locals can search and search like trying to find a needle in a haystack or we can start to NARROW down the possibilities by focusing MORE and MORE on known places that Dale and dad have hung out, places from their social media accounts including pictures captured before they went on a deleting spree and a whole host of other stuff that can be found online when one digs hard enough.

The web records stuff way way back and even though the Smiths may have tried to delete everything, the web recorded it before it was deleted and it STILL can be retrieved. It is like DNA evidence...you can try to erase it all but there will still be traces.

The KEY to solving the MAJOR question of this thread "WHERE IS MICHELLE?" can be solved and answered by two people...Dale Jr and Sr!!! So we will continue to dissect their lives until we find the one final clue that leads us back to Michelle. All of course is JMO...
I agree it is VERY frustrating...You have some valid points! We have NO ONE else to sleuth but Dale and his dad. IMO that is WHERE the focus should be as one if not BOTH are responsible for Michelle disappearing.

Us locals can search and search like trying to find a needle in a haystack or we can start to NARROW down the possibilities by focusing MORE and MORE on known places that Dale and dad have hung out, places from their social media accounts including pictures captured before they went on a deleting spree and a whole host of other stuff that can be found online when one digs hard enough.

The web records stuff way way back and even though the Smiths may have tried to delete everything, the web recorded it before it was deleted and it STILL can be retrieved. It is like DNA evidence...you can try to erase it all but there will still be traces.

The KEY to solving the MAJOR question of this thread "WHERE IS MICHELLE?" can be solved and answered by two people...Dale Jr and Sr!!! So we will continue to dissect their lives until we find the one final clue that leads us back to Michelle. All of course is JMO...

Jazz I agree with you about the sleuthing of DALE but I and clearly others do not agree necessarily with the method. The method being the issue and not the exercise itself. One may sleuth Dale IMO without asserting his guilt constantly, or by interpreting everything as indicating Dale's culpability or the made up stuff, the exaggerated statements, the unsupported conclusions and so on and that is not to mention the name calling and the generally offensive remarks that are thrown at Dale regularly. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that there is a way to sleuth Dale that doesn't look like a persecution but rather a fair and balanced approach no matter the conclusions. JMO
What is very frustrating to me is that we are here in the first place and for the reason of it. That is what TRULY frustrates me. That people feel they have a right to take another's life for whatever reason or cause. Why are we even having to look for Michelle Lorree Parker? Who put someone in charge of her termination? What gave anyone a right to decide when her last breath would be? When did they decide this? Where IS MICHELLE LORREE PARKER???
Jazz I agree with you about the sleuthing of DALE but I and clearly others do not agree necessarily with the method. The method being the issue and not the exercise itself. One may sleuth Dale IMO without asserting his guilt constantly, or by interpreting everything as indicating Dale's culpability or the made up stuff, the exaggerated statements, the unsupported conclusions and so on and that is not to mention the name calling and the generally offensive remarks that are thrown at Dale regularly. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that there is a way to sleuth Dale that doesn't look like a persecution but rather a fair and balanced approach no matter the conclusions. JMO

I guess we agree to disagree. I think when you have a dishonorably discharged ex-marine who is a violent felon, and threatened to kill women, and kidnap their children, who is a meth abuser...then you should call a spade a spade. Why tip toe around who he is...the world can look it up and see how evil Dale is, how unfit he is as a father, and why he SHOULD be in jail.

Who is this thread offensive to Dale? Well he made the bed...NOW he has to sleep in it. He should have thought of it BEFORE he made Michelle disappear. Oh no...we might hurt Dale's feelings!

There hasn't been ANY evidence to clear Dale as the PRIME suspect and he has done absolutely ZIP, NADA, to clear his name....YET there is still plenty of evidence to keep him on the list of suspects...wait his name is the ONLY one on the list even after dozens of experts and LE have reviewed the case...but wait poor Dale...I will go call the whambulance for him. Maybe he'd need some cheese with that whine... All JMO
What is very frustrating to me is that we are here in the first place and for the reason of it. That is what TRULY frustrates me. That people feel they have a right to take another's life for whatever reason or cause. Why are we even having to look for Michelle Lorree Parker? Who put someone in charge of her termination? What gave anyone a right to decide when her last breath would be? When did they decide this? Where IS MICHELLE LORREE PARKER???

I totally agree with you there. I would only add the question that is never posed around here (to my knowledge) which is "what is the police doing about it?" At what point it becomes not enough for the police to simply say "we have a suspect" and that's it? Is it a year?, 2 years? How long? What is the investigative plan? Sure I do understand the need to keep information from the public, but that cannot be in perpetuity, that can't be indefinitely surely. We may not agree on who did it, but that, as important as it surely is, it was never the central question ... it really doesn't matter whether Dale did it or not since somebody he's guilty nevertheless, but rather the apprehension of the culprit (whomever he might be) and finding where Michelle is (not necessarily in the order), and where the task is the latter then surely the police has some explaining to do at some point or another and IMO that point is just about now.
All my opinions.
What is very frustrating to me is that we are here in the first place and for the reason of it. That is what TRULY frustrates me. That people feel they have a right to take another's life for whatever reason or cause. Why are we even having to look for Michelle Lorree Parker? Who put someone in charge of her termination? What gave anyone a right to decide when her last breath would be? When did they decide this? Where IS MICHELLE LORREE PARKER???

Dale said "You're day is coming!" and he made sure her day came as he ended her life. Who did the actual killing? Was it Dale? Was it Sr? Or was it Dale's friend who IMO helped "erase" his other wife? Or another accomplice from his Star Wars club? Or maybe another... We don't have the EXACT details yet but Dale certainly spearheaded this operation. All JMO
I totally agree with you there. I would only add the question that is never posed around here (to my knowledge) which is "what is the police doing about it?" At what point it becomes not enough for the police to simply say "we have a suspect" and that's it? Is it a year?, 2 years? How long? What is the investigative plan? Sure I do understand the need to keep information from the public, but that cannot be in perpetuity, that can't be indefinitely surely. We may not agree on who did it, but that, as important as it surely is, it was never the central question ... it really doesn't matter whether Dale did it or not since somebody he's guilty nevertheless, but rather the apprehension of the culprit (whomever he might be) and finding where Michelle is (not necessarily in the order), and where the task is the latter then surely the police has some explaining to do at some point or another and IMO that point is just about now.
All my opinions.

Seriously? Blaming the LE? They have kept Michelle's case at the top of their pile despite the fact that over 9 months has gone by? IMHO, LE has gone above and beyond the call of duty and should be commended for their fine detective work. Why hasn't Dale done more is the REAL question... He made her disappear and he needs to step up and admit what he did to her and stop being SUCH a coward. He should be providing the answers that Michelle's family deserves...THAT would solve this case immediately!
We're on the same wavelength, Jazz. I've often thought there must be an old hang out--in fact, we had some discussion about this very thing back in the thread somewhere. After all, baby Caylee was buried in the woods not far from her home and right where her mother and friends used to hang out. Tho how they hang out in the woods with rattlers and such is beyond me, lol. But kids do. Our neighborhood had just such a hang-out. I hope you wear waders (knee-high boots) in case of snakes, even in this heat. The storms and heat bring the rattlers out. Ugh.

I know it's a real bad area, but I wonder if the canal near the shuttered building in the Holden Heights area is worth another look? Been searched by LE tho, so I dunno.


IIRC, the woods where Caylee was buried was identified as a spot where Casey and her family buried deceased pets... I don't recall it being said she and her friends hung out there, although that's possible. This was not a big stretch of woods either, it was just off a dead end street and close to a school.
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