FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #24

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So, how far is Walden Circle from the intersection of Vineland and Conroy? Never mind. I see that it seems to be less than a mile.

Vineland and Conroy aren't far from Oakridge/OBT area.
Snipped from Smooths timeline for a refresher:

2:30pm Michelle is seen for the last time by her family(mom/sis) as she is leaving the family's salon en route to p/u twins from daycare and to drop them off at their dad's(Dale) condo
[MSM, family.

3:18pm ORIGINAL ARRIVAL TIME OF MICHELLE AT DALE's. Surveillance video shows Michelle's blk Hummer(sister, Lauren confirmed it was Michelle's Hummer)arriving at Dale's condo. The 3:18pm timestamp has been verified as correct(only "off" 2seconds) by the very man whose surveillance cam caught the Hummer footage.
**also note that 3:18pm marks the BEGINNING of the 72min window of op later given by Dale JR's ATTY, NeJame**
[MSM, video confirmation, sister, MN]

3:28pm This would mark the 10mins of Michelle staying and talking with Dale at his condo where she says she is then headed to go shopping.. The time Michelle would be leaving Dale's condo.

3:30pm This is the time reported by multiple MSM as the time Michelle's 11yr old son had arrived home from school and at some point very soon thereafter called the family salon asking if his mom was there.

4:00pm THIS IS THE NEW ARRIVAL TIME OF MICHELLE AT DALE's CONDO per sister, Lauren on 11/30 PrimeTime News. She claims that the time on the video of 3:18pm is INCORRECT.. that the correct time of Michelle/twins arriving at Dale's was 4:00pm.. Lauren further claims that in Dale's initial convo with the family on 11/17 when they asked him when he'd last seen Michelle that he answered that she'd arrived at 4:00pm, stayed and talked for 10mins, and upon her leaving she told Dale she was headed "shopping".
**please note that I am making clear that this time and info is not told to the public by Dale Jr, himself, but rather it is Michelle's sister, Lauren publicly stating these are the events/times of 11/17 as the family was told by Dale Jr in their first contacting him on the night of 11/17**
[family, MSM]

Minutes preceding 4:26pm Michelle's brother, Dustin sends a 3 recipient text(mom, Lauren, Michelle) needing a ride and asking what part of town each are in.
[brother, MSM]

4:26pm the time immediately after Dustin sending the text he received only 1 reply from the 3 texts he'd sent. It was a reply from Michelle's cell phone that consisted of one, single word, "Waterford". This is the last known contact with Michelle's phone.
*note that according to MSM not only was the location of the phone not in Waterford when the 4:26pm text was sent, but it's reported that the phones records show the phone to not have been in Waterford at any time that day/night of 11/17**
[brother, MSM]

4:26:16pm *Or 16:25:16 as seen as the timestamp on lower left. Screen cap shows the white panel van (that the neighbor said is not Dale Smith's, but which cannot be determined for certain by me-per Tony Pipitone) pulls into camera range before apparently doing a u-turn and parking in front of the building 15 seconds later.[much thanks to Tony Pipitone for this info]
**also of interest is that we see the neighbor with the cams is home by this point..IOW tightening the time in which the Hummer left/was concealed from Dale's condo**
[Tony Pipitone]

4:30pm Dale's atty, Mark NeJame states that Dale and the twins arrived at his father, Dale Sr's home at this time. Thus marking the END of the 72minute window of opportunity that NeJame claims Dale Jr had to kill and dispose of Michelle..
**note that he gets a :big eyeroll: from me on this claim**

4:40pm This is the timestamp we see on the video surveillance footage that shows a similar black hummer leaving Dale's neighborhood.
**confirmed it was NOT Michelle's Hummer and confirmed it was a neighbor that lives near Dale that we saw appearing to leave the neighborhood at 4:40pm**
[video confirmation, MSM]

5:17pm Or as is seen on the video timestamp 17:17=5:17pm.. This is another screen capture of footage from Dale Jr's neighbor's surveillance cam.. It is still up for debate exactly what is seen in this particular screen cap, but for certain we know the white van is present.. Alongside the white van and slightly further there is a dark colored SUV headed in the opposite direction of where Michelle's Hummer is seen headed at 3:18pm(ie. Away from Jr's condo).. We have no confirmation on whose vehicle it is, or even what type SUV that it is for certain.. For now there are varying differences in opinion and whether or not it is even related or relevant to Michelle's disappearance.
[MSM, video confirmation]

5:31pm This is the official time that the sun set in Orlando, it's suburbs and surrounding areas.

6:50pm This time is the newest time stated by sister, Lauren as to when Michelle's 11yr old son called the family salon speaking with his Aunt Lauren. He asks if mom is there.. and relays that mom has not been home and he has not seen her.
[sister, MSM]

6:50pm After speaking with Michelle's 11yr old son the family immediately calls "The Barn"(the bar Michelle was to work a shift at 7:30pm that night of 11/17). The co-workers assure the fam that they'll alert them as soon as Michelle arrives for work..*
**Michelle is known to be a very prompt employee and always would arrive 10-15mins prior to her shift beginning**
[sister, MSM]

6:53pm Sister, Lauren sends a text to Michelle's phone saying for Michelle to call her ASAP..
[MSM, family]

7:20pm When Michelle had not arrived for work by 7:20 co-workers grew extremely concerned and immediately alerted her family that Michelle was a NO SHOW.
[family, MSM]

[family, MSM]

Throughout those first hours Michelle's family were desperately seeking to make contact with Dale Jr.(calls placed to his cell by mom, Dustin, Lauren all went unanswered). Yvonne at some point was able to make contact with Dale Jr's mom at Dale Sr's house.. She shared her growing concerns of Michelle being missing but for reasons unbeknownst to us Yvonne was unable to speak with Dale Jr at that time. His mom assured Yvonne that she would have Dale Jr contact her.

7:30pm Michelle's shift was to begin at 7:30pm at "The Barn". As we know she never arrived.
[family, MSM]

8:00pm-ish Its been reported that after the family had contacted authorities to report Michelle missing that the family requested LE to go to Dale Jr's(*assume that's due to the last place they knew Michelle was headed to take the twins*).. Reportedly it was at/around 8pm LE did a "drive-by" of Dale Jr's condo and there was no sign of Michelle or her Hummer.

8:00pm This is the time that Michelle's phone was powered down for the last time in the Oakridge area.(have also seen this time reported as 8:01 and 8:08pm but am going by the timeline released 12/5 on Today Show)
**due to this being the last known area of Michelle's phone the family set up the original search central at Jesse Black's parking lot**
[MSM, family]

Specific time unknown Dale Jr returns the phonecall to Yvonne. The family asks him when was the last time that he saw Michelle. His response was that Michelle/twins arrived at his condo at 4:00pm, Michelle stayed and they talked for 10mins, upon Michelle leaving his condo she told him that she was headed to go "shopping". That was the last time that he had seen Michelle.
According to the family Dale had no reaction when told that Michelle was MISSING!

Link to full post: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

12 members and 9 guests..no, we certainly haven't forgotten Michelle.
Yes and I think it would be reasonable to think that the perp is in the process of ditching the H3 at that point since the vehicle is recovered nearby a bit more then an hour later, which would indicate that perhaps the perp is driving around looking for a discreet location to abandon the H3 .... but ...

... But ... what I cannot figure out is how it is then that the H3 is found clean? Clean as in no evidence identifying a suspect or a person that can be connected to the events in a direct physical sense ... is the perp wearing gloves? An uniform to be thrown in a washing machine or discarded altogether after the fact? What about soil samples stuck to the sole of the shoes? Or were the shoes covered as well, a couple of shopping bags tightened around the ankle? That's a lot of planning involved there, expertise ... premeditation, was Michelle the victim of circumstances or an intended target? Was she an intended target of opportunity, or an opportunity that made her a target? And I'm not asking that to hear yet another of the million and one theories that have floated around here over and over again, (speaking solely for myself) but that one real theory of the crime built on solid evidence, in other words, the kind that prosecutions and arrests are made of.

DNA of DSJr in the vehicle would not in itself be unusual. He drove the car when they were together. Probably was a passenger at times as well. He possibly was in and out of the vehicle buckling and unbuckling the twins from their car seats or even in the trunk area putting things in or taking things out for the children. If the Hummer was not used for the actual disposal, then there wouldn't be any tell tale signs of vegetation in the car or on/under the car. And we haven't even heard if Michelle's prints were found on the steering wheel or door handles, inside or out. The car had leather interior. So it's quite possible it got a quick wipe down. Wouldn't take much. Just like the other case of the woman from Deltona whose husband ditched her car. He wiped it clean in a couple of minutes as per the person who saw him do it.

Not to mention the person or persons responsible were in possession of the vehicle for 4-5 hours. Enough time to remove the decals with efficiency, wipe clean any prints from the windows after doing it, and wipe down the interior. We have no idea where the vehicle was during the 4-5hr window and, like I said, whether it was even used in the commission of the crime. It could have been parked somewhere for most of that time getting it's decals and other identifying stickers removed. A hat and a pair of gloves while dropping it off at Walden Circle is all it would take to avoid any other unwanted DNA on or in it.

Yes, of course, that's a real possibility, I agree there.

Wasn't DS dating Michelle when she had the Hummer or had the two of them rode together to do something regarding the twins? If there was a joint situation (doctor's etc.) I would imagine they would have taken her vehicle with the car seats and all already set up. Just a thought on why no "foreign" materials would be in the vehicle.
I agree and that was my point...I don't think she was in the Hummer going to Waterford at that time. I think it was a setup by someone else which leads me to believe that whatever happened...had already taken place, which would narrow the timeline even further. It would make no sense for her to have driven in that direction to get to Waterford.

The Waterford text is at perhaps at 4:26pm since there's no certainty of where and when it actually happened, the H3 is captured at 8:55 pm and the two need not to be connected in terms of who's driving the H3, it's the removed decals the tell the story of who's in charge of the vehicle at that crucial time.
How long has LE had this video? And if they have had it for a while, why on earth would they wait? Tends of thousands of people have probably moved out of the area over two years, who will never see it now or remember anything, even if they do. JMO
The Waterford text is at perhaps at 4:26pm since there's no certainty of where and when it actually happened, the H3 is captured at 8:55 pm and the two need not to be connected in terms of who's driving the H3, it's the removed decals the tell the story of who's in charge of the vehicle at that crucial time.

The Waterford text was at 4:26pm and the ping information puts it in the vicinity of Hoffner and Semoran as per the press conference today. So there is certainty of where and when it actually happened. There is no certainty of who sent it and whether the phone was with her vehcle at the time. However that is about the time DSJr claims to have been driving the twins in his vehicle in that exact same area.

Wasn't DS dating Michelle when she had the Hummer or had the two of them rode together to do something regarding the twins? If there was a joint situation (doctor's etc.) I would imagine they would have taken her vehicle with the car seats and all already set up. Just a thought on why no "foreign" materials would be in the vehicle.

I think it'd be a good bet to assume that there have been occasions where DS might have had access to the H3, as you pointed out the twins being one of them for obvious reasons... In any case a defense lawyer can argue that successfully regardless of it being true or not since it'd be difficult to exclude the possibility all things being equal ... in other words ... reasonable doubt.
The Waterford text is at perhaps at 4:26pm since there's no certainty of where and when it actually happened, the H3 is captured at 8:55 pm and the two need not to be connected in terms of who's driving the H3, it's the removed decals the tell the story of who's in charge of the vehicle at that crucial time.

Well, the way I see it is this: Lauren, Michelle's sister, says Michelle was at the condo at 4:00 pm NOT 3:18. Her brother's phone got a text at 4:26 pm (unusual one word text according to her family) saying Waterford but actually not far from DS condo. It seems apparent the text isn't real, since Michelle was no where near Waterford at the time AND the phone pinged from an area that made NO sense for Michelle to be driving in (either to go home or to Waterford). So, the timeline for whatever happened to Michelle, IMO, now would be narrowed drastically to 4:00 arrives at condo, DS says she stays about 15 minutes (4:15) then 11 minutes later is the ping from Hoffner and Semoran (8-10 minutes away) that seems to be a "decoy" according to her family. All JMO
Wasn't DS dating Michelle when she had the Hummer or had the two of them rode together to do something regarding the twins? If there was a joint situation (doctor's etc.) I would imagine they would have taken her vehicle with the car seats and all already set up. Just a thought on why no "foreign" materials would be in the vehicle.

I believe they were living together when she got the Hummer. The vehicle was bought in his name. It believe it was that vehicle that she claims he took off in and left her stranded once. It was also that vehicle that he broke the window out of during the altercation in which she sought the restraining order. And I believe they were back together after that at some point?

So yes...they had a history together with the Hummer. And DSJr was definitely in it and drove it.

Yes, by why then no one has been named a suspect other then DS? Probably because the 2nd perp (assuming the police theory correct) is unknown.


Or maybe they want the second person to feel safe enough to talk to police.
Well, the way I see it is this: Lauren, Michelle's sister, says Michelle was at the condo at 4:00 pm NOT 3:18. Her brother's phone got a text at 4:26 pm (unusual one word text according to her family) saying Waterford but actually not far from DS condo. It seems apparent the text isn't real, since Michelle was no where near Waterford at the time AND the phone pinged from an area that made NO sense for Michelle to be driving in (either to go home or to Waterford). So, the timeline for whatever happened to Michelle, IMO, now would be narrowed drastically to 4:00 arrives at condo, DS says she stays about 15 minutes (4:15) then 11 minutes later is the ping from Hoffner and Semoran (8-10 minutes away) that seems to be a "decoy" according to her family. All JMO

Michelle's sister was apparently told by DSJr that Michelle arrived at the condo at 4pm. A surveillance video from the neighbour's camera showed that she actually arrived at 3:18pm.

The timeline starts then. Although DSJr apparently wanted the family to think it was 42 minutes later for some reason.

How long has LE had this video? And if they have had it for a while, why on earth would they wait? Tends of thousands of people have probably moved out of the area over two years, who will never see it now or remember anything, even if they do. JMO

I agree so much with that!!!! I've been calling and calling and calling for them to release evidence ... to make public appeals by giving more detailed information .... "... the integrity of the investigations ...." really? No really???? What investigation? Are they referring to the investigation that has produced no Michelle being found and no arrests two years into it or the other mythical investigation where they "know" stuff, and are diligently pursuing the case, as in right out of a classic PR press release? And where were the actual investigators at today's media event? Why is it that an officer not directly connected to the investigation was answering the grand total of 3 questions or so most of which went like .... hum ... I'm not aware of this or that? Than why was it there to begin with? To preserve the integrity of the projector?
The Waterford text is at perhaps at 4:26pm since there's no certainty of where and when it actually happened, the H3 is captured at 8:55 pm and the two need not to be connected in terms of who's driving the H3, it's the removed decals the tell the story of who's in charge of the vehicle at that crucial time.

Wouldn't the text show up on her brother's phone records so they know the actual time? Why are you dismissing the Waterford text as "not connected?" It's vital since the ping is no where near where she was going or said she was and was in the opposite direction of Waterford or home. Of course it's connected and a further link to when Michelle was no longer in the picture, again, narrowing the timeline drastically.
I agree and that was my point...I don't think she was in the Hummer going to Waterford at that time. I think it was a setup by someone else which leads me to believe that whatever happened...had already taken place, which would narrow the timeline even further. It would make no sense for her to have driven in that direction to get to Waterford.

Bingo. Michelle was likely not in control of her phone or her vehicle within 68 minutes of arriving at the condo. And her phone at least was still within two miles of it during the same time frame.

Michelle's sister was apparently told by DSJr that Michelle arrived at the condo at 4pm. A surveillance video from the neighbour's camera showed that she actually arrived at 3:18pm.

The timeline starts then. Although DSJr apparently wanted the family to think it was 42 minutes later for some reason.


At one point there was something about the camera not having the right time setup. Was that disproved?
I agree so much with that!!!! I've been calling and calling and calling for them to release evidence ... to make public appeals by giving more detailed information .... "... the integrity of the investigations ...." really? No really???? What investigation? Are they referring to the investigation that has produced no Michelle being found and no arrests two years into it or the other mythical investigation where they "know" stuff, and are diligently pursuing the case, as in right out of a classic PR press release? And where were the actual investigators at today's media event? Why is it that an officer not directly connected to the investigation was answering the grand total of 3 questions or so most of which went like .... hum ... I'm not aware of this or that? Than why was it there to begin with? To preserve the integrity of the projector?

Detective Mike Moreschi is the lead detective on the case and he was the one giving the information. The other LE officer is their media representative and it's his job to "not answer questions" in an ongoing investigation.

It was explained why the video was not released in the beginning during the PC.

And seriously? With the number of cases out there that are still unsolved are we to assume that it's all because of shoddy LE work and not sly and crafty perpetrators?

Or maybe they want the second person to feel safe enough to talk to police.

Safe? Are we talking accomplice here or eyewitness? I was referring to them clearly stating this was a 2 person job, hence I was relating to the accomplice that had not been named a suspect, supposedly because they don't know his identity ... supposedly .... In any case an accomplice in a crime resulting in death is on teh hook for homicide under the law equally whether or not he pulled the trigger (so to speak), plea bargaining aside.
At one point there was something about the camera not having the right time setup. Was that disproved?

Very much so. The camera was accurate to within seconds. It was Lauren who was either confused with this new information, or who was trying to do damage control knowing that DSJr was about to realize he'd been caught out. It is also what prompted DSJr to clam up and stop co-operating with LE. He was caught in a lie, a big one.


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