FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

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I don't understand the need to investigate what Dale stated to other people regarding his wife's demise when Dale clearly had nothing to do with her death.

I DO understand the need to investigate any and all information that anyone has to offer pertaining to the death of the 2nd wife being a possible crime. The more you dig the more you know.

On another note, it was discussed by Tori'smom that Dale Jr. could have walked from the site the hummer was found, does anyone know if he was a jogger? Could he have jogged?

One other thought keeps bugging me...was there a boat involved in any of this and if so, how? Could the hummer have been towing a boat at some point? I have not developed any concrete thoughts on exactly how a boat play's in....but I just keep wanting to go there in my head... with all the water searches etc...

and what about the boat tarps?

Just throwing things out there. Feel free to pick apart, refute or agree, bounce off etc.
I really just feel sad & mad that we don't know what happened to her, but someone does....
I am just lmao'ing at all this talk of "florida crackers" I thought "cracker" was a universal term , i had no idea it was a florida thing LOL. I won't lie ... florida...born and raised . bahahha.

Ok, this is driving me NUTS!!! Maybe already posted, but playing catchup!!
Florida Crackers refer to the men and woman who drove cattle across the state in horrid conditions. The Cracker part cormes from the cracks of the whips over the cows.
Thinking out loud too much about this case this morning and looking at the map someone made here.


Even though it looks bad for DS, a carjacking and a vehicle dump in this area wouldn't be out of logic.

Both the locations of where the Hummer was found and the Mac store are oh so close to Kirkland Road to the west.

For those not local, Kirkland Rd is a straight 6 lane road that goes in between the tourist district of International Dr at the south end to Pine Hills (or Crime Hills as it is know to locals) at the north end with Metro West in the middle. All 3 of these areas known for high crime.

As an added note I pulled up crimespot, put a date of 11/17(the date MP went missing) in and searched Millenia Blvd just to get me in the area of where the vehicle was found. Noticed that there were 2 reports of stolen vehicles on Kirkman that day.


Okay i know im going to sound real "dumb" here, but what do they do with your car when they "Jack" it? I know they are taking it from you, but whats the intended reason.....is it to go commit a crime with your car & dump it?? I always thought if someone jacked your car it was stolen and chopped or wiped and sold. I didnt understand why someone would steal your car then dump it. The only thing i could think of is to go commit a crime with it and dump it.

If someone jacked her hummer i would think they would put it on the stolen car market instead of dumping it.


May I ask how we know about the possible sightings of the hummer on the totally awesome map? Not being snarky, but I am curious...is that information from police or the press?
Because I kinda feel surprised after this amount of time there are not more "possible sightings" of the hummer....
or are there more sightings and we just don't know about them?
Okay i know im going to sound real "dumb" here, but what do they do with your car when they "Jack" it? I know they are taking it from you, but whats the intended reason.....is it to go commit a crime with your car & dump it?? I always thought if someone jacked your car it was stolen and chopped or wiped and sold. I didnt understand why someone would steal your car then dump it. The only thing i could think of is to go commit a crime with it and dump it.

If someone jacked her hummer i would think they would put it on the stolen car market instead of dumping it.



Not sure what the intent of this or any hypothetical car jacker would be...but I do have to wonder why a car jacker would take the phone from the vehicle and leave the purse. Just to not use the phone and then dump it later, hypothetical car jacker clearly realizing it can be tracked. If car jacker clearly realized the phone could be tracked, why take it in the first place? Makes no sense....right? Just leave it in the car with the purse. MOO
I DO understand the need to investigate any and all information that anyone has to offer pertaining to the death of the 2nd wife being a possible crime. The more you dig the more you know.

On another note, it was discussed by Tori'smom that Dale Jr. could have walked from the site the hummer was found, does anyone know if he was a jogger? Could he have jogged?

One other thought keeps bugging me...was there a boat involved in any of this and if so, how? Could the hummer have been towing a boat at some point? I have not developed any concrete thoughts on exactly how a boat play's in....but I just keep wanting to go there in my head... with all the water searches etc...

and what about the boat tarps?

Just throwing things out there. Feel free to pick apart, refute or agree, bounce off etc.
I really just feel sad & mad that we don't know what happened to her, but someone does....

Dale could have walked from where the vehicle was located to his father's house. However, he had to get back to his condo in order to meet the police. It clearly would look rather suspicious if someone else drove Dale back to his condo perhaps while the police were waiting for him.

I would think the police would have touched the hood of his truck to see if the truck is cold as in not being used, or if the hood of his truck is warm to hot, as in just coming back to the condo.
Okay i know im going to sound real "dumb" here, but what do they do with your car when they "Jack" it? I know they are taking it from you, but whats the intended reason.....is it to go commit a crime with your car & dump it?? I always thought if someone jacked your car it was stolen and chopped or wiped and sold. I didnt understand why someone would steal your car then dump it. The only thing i could think of is to go commit a crime with it and dump it.

If someone jacked her hummer i would think they would put it on the stolen car market instead of dumping it.


Your meaning makes sense, but most times I heard that term referrenced here is when the vehicle is stolen directly from the person in a parking lot or somewhere versus a locked vehicle that was just parked without a driver. Kind of like high jacked only car jacked.

A lot of vehicles stolen and carjacked around Orlando, one thing I see often is that punks just steal them just to joy ride around for a couple of hours. In these cases most times they take just the vehicle but have been several cases here where the owner was placed in the trunk with tragic endings.
I think we all agree on the fact that LE knows much more than they're saying.

Someone brought up the car seats a while ago...DS(Jr), IMO, didn't keep any car seats in his truck, on a PERMANENT basis, as MP most likely did. Even though it's an "extended cab", the space in the back seat area of his truck is small, and probably used for "other things" when he didn't have the kids. Been looking at the pics of his truck trying to see if anything was back there....no luck. Then again, maybe he DID have them there all the time, I'm just speculating that it's a good possibility, IMO, that he didn't.

Now....2 possibilities...either the routine was they transfered MP's seats from her auto to his....OR had another pair he put in each time he drove the kids to parents.

We don't know if it was a thing of just "handing off" the kids, or her going inside to help to do so.

With her going inside to get things situated, maybe put in video....kids kept busy...not pay attention...therefore, not hear anything.
DS, maybe says "come look what the kids made" or "what I did for the kids"....etc.
He has her alone, can easily overcome her....cover her mouth...strangle her.

NOW....why do I keep thinking "duffle bag"....the big greenish "military" ones. DS could say he's bringing something to the trash, or to grand parents house to the kids, still watching the video....at 3, maybe they could care less. Put it in the back of her Hummer. Use HER truck...child seats already there...we don't know if parents paid attention to WHICH car he was driving when dropping them off. Then said had to run an "errand"....like getting rid of poor MP.

I can, then, see him doing what seems to be running rampant in these crimes lately....drop off the Hummer in the parking lot....walk to a store thats somewhat close, but not too close....ask someone to pick him up....make excuse about using MP's Hummer and "running outta gas"...cough, cough...saying "that 'so and so' never does anything right, etc) and he'll get it later, etc.

We don't know if any friends came to LE with the call and "pick up"....AND, what ALWAYS gets me, is often LE/investigators/people never seem to think that, sometimes, people aren't watching out their windows....there ARE the times the suspect CAN get something so conspicuous as a large duffle bag into the back of the Hummer.
Also...maybe a lot of the people at the condo's work the 9 - 5 deal....not many witnesses then???

All just IMO and speculation.
I'm not trying to be a jerk...but there is some wayyy off topic discussion going about crackers and red necks etc. and personally, I kinda don't like it. I'm not a mod, and I know it's a little slow around here this morning...but people will log in later and have catching up to to do and...well... just food for thought.....
Your meaning makes sense, but most times I heard that term referrenced here is when the vehicle is stolen directly from the person in a parking lot or somewhere versus a locked vehicle that was just parked without a driver. Kind of like high jacked only car jacked.

A lot of vehicles stolen and carjacked around Orlando, one thing I see often is that punks just steal them just to joy ride around for a couple of hours. In these cases most times they take just the vehicle but have been several cases here where the owner was placed in the trunk with tragic endings.

Oh wow i guess i dont get out much! Steal your car with you in it or put you in the trunk just to joy ride oh my lord thats crazy! wow what the heck
Dale could have walked from where the vehicle was located to his father's house. However, he had to get back to his condo in order to meet the police. It clearly would look rather suspicious if someone else drove Dale back to his condo perhaps while the police were waiting for him.

I would think the police would have touched the hood of his truck to see if the truck is cold as in not being used, or if the hood of his truck is warm to hot, as in just coming back to the condo.

Hmmmm...I have to think about this...but I just realized my brain is starting to hurt from putting the pieces of this puzzle together. I am going in so many directions with what could have happened. I can not and never hope to know what her family is going. My gut tells me this will be solved , but also tells me no one will benefit from the solution.
Dale could have walked from where the vehicle was located to his father's house. However, he had to get back to his condo in order to meet the police. It clearly would look rather suspicious if someone else drove Dale back to his condo perhaps while the police were waiting for him.

I would think the police would have touched the hood of his truck to see if the truck is cold as in not being used, or if the hood of his truck is warm to hot, as in just coming back to the condo.

He could have gotten back to the condo earlier. Were the kids with him at the condo when the police searched it?

Michelle was going to bartend that night at The Barn. Most bars close at 2 and then I guess there would be some cleaning up afterward. That would mean she wouldn't get back to pick up the kids until the wee morning hours, unless they spent the night with Dale.
Not sure what the intent of this or any hypothetical car jacker would be...but I do have to wonder why a car jacker would take the phone from the vehicle and leave the purse. Just to not use the phone and then dump it later, hypothetical car jacker clearly realizing it can be tracked. If car jacker clearly realized the phone could be tracked, why take it in the first place? Makes no sense....right? Just leave it in the car with the purse. MOO

Right i see what you mean.....

So that makes me think of people talking about a "bogus text" with missing person......ya taking the phone and not the purse fits in with that, so.....im pretty much ruling out a car jacking situation in my mind now


I wonder who was taking care of the 11-year old while she worked that night. By 6:50 I would have thought someone was concerned he was not dropped off yet, but maybe she brought him to the babysitter's right before she went in to work. However, with her dinner date plans, I would assume babysitting services would have been needed much earlier than 6:50pm. The whole timeline seems a bit off.
Not sure what the intent of this or any hypothetical carjacker would be...but I do have to wonder why a carjacker would take the phone from the vehicle and leave the purse. Just to not use the phone and then dump it later, hypothetical carjacker clearly realizing it can be tracked. If carjacker clearly realized the phone could be tracked, why take it in the first place? Makes no sense....right? Just leave it in the car with the purse. MOO

You bring up another point I am curious about.

We heard her purse was in the hummer BUT was her wallet and money still in the purse? Not even sure where the statement about the purse came from, was it OPD or the family?

But just thinking of myself, most times if I am running into a convenience or drug store to pick up something quick I don't take my whole purse, just my wallet and keys. If the wallet never made it back into the purse I could see a reason why the purse was still in the car. Another thing, why would a robber want the whole purse, they would only want the valuables it contained.

Now if her wallet with money/credit cards inside was still in the purse I think we could rule out car jacking because surely anyone taking the vehicle for that purpose would have checked for money....JMO
I'm not trying to be a jerk...but there is some wayyy off topic discussion going about crackers and red necks etc. and personally, I kinda don't like it. I'm not a mod, and I know it's a little slow around here this morning...but people will log in later and have catching up to to do and...well... just food for thought.....

Sorry....I will go back and delete any post I have made on the subject.
I wonder who was taking care of the 11-year old while she worked that night. By 6:50 I would have thought someone was concerned he was not dropped off yet, but maybe she brought him to the babysitter's right before she went in to work. However, with her dinner date plans, I would assume babysitting services would have been needed much earlier than 6:50pm. The whole timeline seems a bit off.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder what the usual arrangements were for the 11YO myself. Let's just say she had successfully dropped the kids off to DS2 & came home to the 11 YO. Her plan was to take a nap then go to dinner before her shift w/ NM at 6:30. Who was supposed to take care of the 11YO starting at I would imagine 6:15? The salon is open until 8pm. Since the 11YO called YS at approx 6:50, I would take that to mean the child would be alone until LE or YS returned home from the salon after 8. Something isn't making sense to me w/ that. I know a lot of people do that w/ a child that age, but I personally cannot fathom it myself but again, not judging anyone, every child is unique in their level of maturity & responsibility. Not sure what the law states, though. Any thoughts on that?
I think we all agree on the fact that LE knows much more than they're saying.


Depends on what you mean. I'm sure they know a lot of little details about timeline and such, but I doubt they have a clue as far as evidence against Dale. If they did he would have been arrested by now. As I said before I think they jumped the gun. They announced him as THE prime suspect and I think they were pretty confident that they would find something at Dale's dad's home and it back fired on them. Usually, but not always when someone is murdered and transported in a car there is somekind of trace evidence left behind. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they searched Dale's home and car, Dale's dads home and the Hummer and as far as we know they have not found anything. Just MO but if they would have found even a trace of blood or anything in Dale's car or homes then I would suspect he would have been arrested by now.

I am not going to pretend that I know the exact timeline and to be honest at this point I don't have an opinion as to whether I think Dale did this for 2 reasons. 1 there is no evidence as far as we know and 2 there are a lot of guys out there like Dale with a bad history of violence that have not killed they ex girl friends and sad thing is when one of them does go missing they will be the first to be looked at innocent or guilty. If Dale did murder her then he was pretty smart and by that I mean he has been able to get rid of a body with as far as we know, with no one seeing him and leaving nothing behind for the police to go on.
Depends on what you mean. I'm sure they know a lot of little details about timeline and such, but I doubt they have a clue as far as evidence against Dale. If they did he would have been arrested by now. As I said before I think they jumped the gun. They announced him as THE prime suspect and I think they were pretty confident that they would find something at Dale's dad's home and it back fired on them. Usually, but not always when someone is murdered and transported in a car there is somekind of trace evidence left behind. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they searched Dale's home and car, Dale's dads home and the Hummer and as far as we know they have not found anything. Just MO but if they would have found even a trace of blood or anything in Dale's car or homes then I would suspect he would have been arrested by now.

I am not going to pretend that I know the exact timeline and to be honest at this point I don't have an opinion as to whether I think Dale did this for 2 reasons. 1 there is no evidence as far as we know and 2 there are a lot of guys out there like Dale with a bad history of violence that have not killed they ex girl friends and sad thing is when one of them does go missing they will be the first to be looked at innocent or guilty. If Dale did murder her then he was pretty smart and by that I mean he has been able to get rid of a body with as far as we know, with no one seeing him and leaving nothing behind for the police to go on.

There's also his work van which I have not heard boo about being searched. Also, we must consider that not all murders entail blood. I have my doubt about a thorough search being conducted at DS2's condo & DS1's home. That was not a lengthy forensic search from what I could tell. JM :twocents:
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