FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 8

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Sorry to ask again but does anybody know that when Michelle brought the kids over to Dales it was on a scheduled visitation day?

Hi telemag--could you explain your question a little further? Are you thinking along these lines:

  • Was 11/17 just a regular, standing visitation date on their schedule, or did one or the other make recent prior arrangements for this visitation?
  • In other words, could Michelle have called Dales a few days earlier and said, "I know this isn't the usual schedule, but could you take the twins this Thursday because of XXXXX?"
  • Or could Dale have called Michelle and said, "I know my visitation starts Saturday, but would you mind me having the twins this Thursday because of XXXXX?"
I've updated the map to include the search moving also to the canal Friday evening as well as the family's search out near Wedgefield on Sat. I also clarified the condo is DS the II. Please let me know of any other changes or updates.

I think that a subpoena is issued if the testimony is going to become part of the "evidence" in an investigation. I know that they are normally issued as part of investigations into fraud cases. I worked as an analyst in a legal/compliance office for a financial institution and subpoenas were standard regardless of cooperation. There are special rules for testimony that is provided under subpoena. I'm not sure what those rules are, but I think that in criminal cases there is some connection to the Grand Jury process.
i'm kinda cornfused about the expansion of the search. Is this per LE or is the family just reaching out to neighboring counties?

I read that there was a tip which was the catalyst for searching Volusia, and again, is that the family's move or has LE considered the tip credible enough to investigate?

Also, why would Seminole and not Lake County be included in the new parameters? I understand DS2 was working in Brevard on 11/18 so that makes sense, and Sanford is in Seminole, but just up 46 is Lake and it seems just as likely a place to expand to as any other.

Sorry to sound dense, perhaps I missed some crucial info about either the reasons behind these search choices, and also WHO is making these decisions; the investigators or the family. TIA.
If i am correct, DS told LE that MP planned to go shopping after she dropped off the kids with DS. Others, tho, report her plans to take a nap, have dinner w bf then go to work in sanford . "waterford" really is just a big shopping area- and thats how everyone refers to it. I believe DS texted waterford from MP phone then aligned this with his recount of her plans. What makes little sense is that MP is from Geneva, salon in nearby Oviedo and barn is in sanford: all these locations are similar and close by- people from seminole county don't really drive all the way to millenia ( vineland) where her car was found. It's too far and too much traffic- no reason for her to go to any mall but oviedo or sanford. Geneva and oviedo are very different than orlando, imo, she did not drive away in her car, then go west into downtow orlando with plans to drive back to geneva for her 11 year old?

agreed and bravo.

who is the ONLY living soul to claim she was going shopping? DS !! But WHY did he make in an obscure location that was out of the way? why why why?

POSSIBLY because that is close to or where we are going to either find her or a clue IMHO.
i'm kinda cornfused about the expansion of the search. Is this per LE or is the family just reaching out to neighboring counties?

I read that there was a tip which was the catalyst for searching Volusia, and again, is that the family's move or has LE considered the tip credible enough to investigate?

Also, why would Seminole and not Lake County be included in the new parameters? I understand DS2 was working in Brevard on 11/18 so that makes sense, and Sanford is in Seminole, but just up 46 is Lake and it seems just as likely a place to expand to as any other.

Sorry to sound dense, perhaps I missed some crucial info about either the reasons behind these search choices, and also WHO is making these decisions; the investigators or the family. TIA.

Michelle lives in Seminole County. The family salon is in Seminole so if she did indeed leave DS's she was supposed to be heading home to Seminole to meet her son. Orange borders Seminole.
--maybe there was another today show clip where lauren mentions the time of 6:50 ? in the one i just linked, there is no mention of a text to michelle at 6:53.

I haven't had a chance to really catch up since last night, so if this link was already referenced, sorry about that.

After checking into it again, I saw that I posted the link you quoted (about the nephew calling at 6:50) on 11/30, and then again on 12/2 in an older thread. I also posted the timeline (no link) on 12/2, from the Today show, which referenced the 6:53 pm text.

Here's the link below. It was the Today Show discussing the case, and the commentator is the one who mentioned that Lauren tried to reach MP, after the nephew called. At the same time, they show the text asking her to please call asap. The timeline starts around the 1:20 mark, and shortly after the 2:00 mark the text is mentioned.

I guess I got confused, because I referenced the two clips closely together. But I knew I saw it somewhere.

I know it's wishful thinking but I really hope TS has searched her soul and set herself free (IF she knows anything). Watching her the other day in court, quiet & reserved, but also very sad. I know that look & I just hope she does the right thing if she has information. This could be her chance. JMO.
agreed and bravo.

who is the ONLY living soul to claim she was going shopping? DS !! But WHY did he make in an obscure location that was out of the way? why why why?

POSSIBLY because that is close to or where we are going to either find her or a clue IMHO.

Are you referring to Waterford or Millenia Mall as as the obscure location? Waterford would have definitely been on her way home. I live less than a mile from Michelle and my business is about 2 miles from DS condo. I travel that area all the time. I often pop into Waterford on my way into or home from work. Lots of restaurants there, just about every shop you can imagine and you don't have to navigate a huge mall as it's like a huge shopping village so you can pull right up to the store you want.
I'm sure this was posted already, but just to update. This is Waterford Lakes Village. It's on both sides of Lake Underhill Rd., which intersects with Goldenrod which runs near DS condo. Continuing on from here is Oviedo (where the salon is located) and also Geneva (where Michelle lives).

jackiefell JACQUELINE
OPD says Dale Smith's mother and several others were subpoenaed today by investigators. #missingmom #MichelleParker cfnews13.com/article/news/2…
1 hour ago
A couple of things are fluttering in my head.
When I zoom in on the map at the "Possible Sighting 3pm-4pm" I notice that sighting is around the Waterford Lakes Town Center and Waterford Lakes Parkway.

Brother receives text @ 4:26 "Waterford"

Another person has a black Hummer, correct? Is DS II friends with that person? Maybe he knows the route that person would take to go to work.

Im wondering if he knows..

X is going to leave in his hummer soon to go to his job in Waterford. How perfect is this? Someone will see a similar Hummer and this will throw the trail off. Then when he receives the text from the brother, it all falls into his plan. He replies "Waterford". Now he knows theres a black hummer driving around that area and he knows that he has thrown the trail in that direction. That person leaves at 4:40. Is this what time he normally leaves to be at work at 5pm possibly? Maybe Dale knew he'd be leaving soon and heading towards Waterford.

Therefore that entire side of the map is just a red herring that fell into place.

Q: Where do you think M is? What do you think happened?
BP: I know M dropped the twins off and that's the last place she was. I mean when she first dropped the kids of sure we though D did it, but we weren't really convinced. I mean I thought of everything. The black market. Which I really don't know if it exists, but my mind, I wasn't focused on a box.
Then detectives came out and said that dale was the #1 suspect. I mean he's the last one who saw her and my point of view, he knows and someone else knows, he may have had an accomplice to help, to actually do something to Michelle.

Q: Did they give you any reason why he's the prime suspect?
BP: Orange county pd has not told us anything about the car, about what they've found. I know they are dotting there Is and crossing their ts. Since Casey Anthony there was a lot of mess up, they're keeping their mouth quiet, they don't want to leak anything out. Probably to disturb the investigation. I agree with them, sometimes I don't agree with them cuz I 'm the father and my daughter's missing. Sure I'm mad, get in my shoes, put yourself in my position, your daughter's out there. You'd be mad too.

Q: How do you think the investigation is going now we're going on three weeks?
BP: Scared, I mean every day is another day that I don't get to see my daughter and the grandkids, they don't get to see their mother. It's very disturbing to every parent watching. Michelle's car we have not heard nothing. Are there any fingerprints. Sure they gotta keep their mouth sealed, but I keep asking every day. I'm still gonna ask questions, I'm gonna keep stabbing at 'em. If they get mad at me they gotta understand, I'm Michelle's dad..

Q: What do you think about Dale and his violent tendencies?
BP: When Michelle first met him, I met him, he was a nice guy. If I knew his background check, Michelle to this day, I betcha guaranteed never knew his background check if she knew his background check never would have been with him. I mean they almost got married but his colors came out and that's why Michelle left.
Because he was violent, mean, angry, he was obsessed with Michelle. And that's why I think he did it or he had someone help him. And that's why he won't take the lie detector test. I told him “stand up as a man, get on the plate and tell the truth”

Q: Have you had any alone time with Dale, have you had a change to speak with thim since this happened?
BP:No, I mean he's gotta be a man, he's gotta call me. Why should I call him. That's why I'm asking him. Call me, Dale. Come to me, he knows where I live. But he ain't done it. His parents havent' come forth. I don't know what they are hiding.

Q: If you could have a conversation what would you ask?
BP: If he's call me, I'd ask him what happened to Michelle when she dropped the babies off. I mean did she just drop the babies off and just leave? You saw the video of the hummer leaving, or coming in and leaving. To this day I don't know what hummer actually left where he lived. Nobody knows right now. My point of view to Dale, “You got my phone number, be a man, call me. Let's speak. Dammit, I'm Michelle's dad and you got my grandkids. Dale, call me”

Q: what do you think about him having your grandkids being the prime suspect?
A: I'm a little bit scared, I'm worried, my heart bleeds. But I know he's on the radar right now. If he hurts those kids. If there's any cuts or bruises, Family services is gonna be watching him. I don't know if they're doing a weekly check or monthly check. I guarantee you they're watching him. The dear Lord upstairs is gonna watch over those kids.
Is there anything specific you remember about Michelle' and dales relationship that would be alalrming to you?
That goes back to atlanat where the ring got thrown out the 12 story window. I heard he was drinking, Michelle and him got into a fight, I guess he grabbed her. It's my understanding Michelle took the ring off and somehow it got thrown out the 12 story window. He left Michelle up there. Michelle went to get a rental car to drive home, she didn't have a credit card and Michelle broke down and cried. And they gave in for Michelle and gave her a rental car so she could get back to Orlando. Michelle's a beautiful girl, and to leave a girl like that stranded, you know what I want to take you out to the woods and leave you out in the woods.

Q: Is there anything specific about their relationship that would be alarming or cause for concern?
A: Number one was when they went to atlanta. Dale was in Star Wars and he dressed up. Star vadars and I mean everybody dressed up. Michelle dressed up. She was happy, loving. Dale went a couple times and never took her and Michelle was sad. This time he took her. They dressed up, had a good time, in the evening somewhat during the evening they got ina fight. They got back to the hotel and Dale grabbed her or hit her from what I hear. They were engaged. Michelle didn't like his attitude, she took her ring off. Somehow the ring went off the 12 story hotel, off the balcony. Michelle left, she had to get a rental car, she cried, she didn't have a credit card. they weren't gonna give it to her, she broke down, the rental car people gave it to her. She was heartbroken. She didn't tell me for a couple weeks, but I found out about it. For Dale to do that to my daughter, a beautiful girl, it's uncalled for. And Michelle left him and that was it. Michelle went on her way and uh, now this has happened.

Q: About how long ago was that?
A: About 8-9 months, a year, if you want a date, I can pinpoint it.

Q: what did Michelle say after the PC taping. Did she talk to you about...what happened?
A: I never knew that Dale actually subpeoned her to this court. I'm her Dad, she don't tell me a lot, cuz I'd be mad. I didn't know about it. Wednesday when it aired, I got Michelle's voice message on my phone. It aired that day, she called me, she didn't even let me know that it aired. Then thursday she dropped the kids off and she disappeared, then I find out it aired. He had to be mad I mean look at him the day he went to court to get custody of those little kids. Look at his demeanor. He stepped on his left, left side hit the reporter, knocked him down went into court, nice guy. Then he leaves court, jumped in his truck. The court reporter says if he had not stepped out of the way Dale would have run him over. Now, if Michelle is there and there's no camera, that shows you what he's capable of.

Q: What do you think about the police investigation at this point. Do you think they are doing everything possible?
A: they are checking every lead, what they say happened, what they're going through. They are working overtime. They moved from Orange county to Seminole County. I believe it is either a plus or a minus. The plus is: my thought is everybody knows two heads are better than one. So if we have Orange County and Seminole county working on this putting their heads together, we can find Michelle. Now if OC and SC butt heads, then we got problems. I know the FBI in a couple of instances didn't share the information. I hope the two of them can bring Michelle home safe. And crimeline. I've got something for you. I had someone tell me they called in a tip. I got his name, got his number. He did not, he saw something on 528 and 520. They asked him for a certain date, he gave a timeline within three or four days or two days and the crimeline person said I want a certain date. He couldn't tell him. Crimeline hung up on him. He called OCPD, they told him to call crimeline. He called crimeline again, Crimeline's in Texas, talked to another person. The lady didn't know where 528 and 520, he couldn't help him. Very disturbing to me. He called back again, I got a reference number. But it took him 4 times. They did search that area, my son went out there. They didn't find anything. Thank God. But Crimeline, don't hang up on people. Don't do what you did with Casey Anthony.

Q: Is there anything specific you can tell me about the tip?
A: He's a truck driver, he was taking loads, in and out. He works long hours. He just saw the red pickup truck, maroon, and a blonde hair guy looking like Dale. This guy don't even know me. I was off Tuesday looking for Michelle. He came in Tuesday and told a co-worker.
And the co-worker said, you know what, Brad works here and his hair came up standing like electricity. And I came back to work and low and behold, guess who came in, the same truck driver. We shook hands, he gave me the information and said he was upset about how Crimeline treated him. His name is Jeff.
Q: Did he see him more than once
A: Just once, 528 and 520. the truck was pulled off on the side of the road. It was a four-door and he said you know what, the back door was open. He said he yawned and was looking left and right, he came out of the woods. He looked suspicious, that's why he called it in.

Q: Have the police been very good about keeping you up on the investigation
A: No, I'm mad...I mean they are doing a good job finding Michelle and I respect them, but you have to respect me as a father, that's my daugther.

Q: Is Dale being cooperative with your family as a whole to see the twins?
A: With all this turmoil going on, it ain't gonna be tomorrow, it ain't gonna be next week. I mean it's up to him. Why do we gotta go to court to get a lawyer to see those kids. Dale's got, he's mad or confused too, but it's gotta come to this. Yeah, I want to see the kids. Yvonne wants to see the kids, their brother, A, wants to see the kids. The little twins, Mommy's still at work. Michelle's missing. They don't know this. The hope is Michelle will come back.. and see the kids.
I have to go to Titusville today. I was looking for a different route and had forgotten about FL 407. (also known as Challenger Memorial Pkwy)

If you were to jump on 528 (Beachline Toll Rd) from DS's condo head east towards I-95, there is a short cut to Titusville. It's the FL 407. It is a 2 lane rd, and let's put it this way, I would hate to break down there. No lights, stores or anything.

Just a thought since it's been reported he was working in Titusville.

This could be completely unrelated---- but it came to mind this morning - all the suggestions of a titusville possibility, and after reading your particular post this morning...

407 is basically a little connector road. It connects 528, with SR 405. I live on a road off of 405 (if at all possible would like to avoid posting the name of the road i live on.... this IS the internet and all ;) ) This morning i was headed to class , there is a building I pass by every day that is city owned. It was abandoned for a while, used for odd jobs, auto repairs on city vehicles etc.... just recently there is now a "city of titusville public works" sign out front, so I'm not entirely sure what this building is being used for currently, i had thought until today that it was vacant currently . This morning there were several titusville police department vehicles in front of the building, and parked near by. I found it odd, but didn't think too terribly much about it. On my way home I passed by it again- and there were SEVERAL orange county sheriff's vehicles in conjunction with TPD and some unmarked cars. I find that peculiar, i've never seen that many OCSO cars in Titusville (It would be helpful to point out I'm sure- this is not orange county for those of you wondering why i would find that odd - this is brevard county)

Again could be completely unrelated, just found it interesting and unusual.
jackiefell JACQUELINE
OPD says Dale Smith's mother and several others were subpoenaed today by investigators. #missingmom #MichelleParker cfnews13.com/article/news/2…
1 hour ago

Wonder who else got subpoenaed? Anybody know? May give us some better insight...
WKMG Legal Analyst Cheney Mason
WESH Legal Analyst. Dorthy Sims
WFTV Legal Analyst. Jose Baez

Defense Attys
Mark Nejame
Richard Hornsby

Judge Belvin Perry
WKMG Legal Analyst Cheney Mason
WESH Legal Analyst. Dorthy Sims
WFTV Legal Analyst. Jose Baez

Defense Attys
Mark Nejame
Richard Hornsby

Judge Belvin Perry

How are you doing Sparky, through all this?
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