FL FL - Patrick Bailey, 83, from CA, flight home canc, spent night at hotel & not seen since checkout, left phone at hotel, Orlando, 22 Jul 2024

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Unalienable Rights

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Feb 6, 2019
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Patrick Bailey Senior was set to fly home from the Orlando Airport Sunday, but police say the CrowdStrike outage canceled his flight. They say Bailey Sr. checked into a hotel for the night and checked out the next morning. He hasn't been heard from since.

"He checked in his bags and then his flight got canceled with all the issues with the airlines," he (his son) said.

Bailey Sr. checked in and out of a hotel. He hasn't been heard from since.

"The problems really started because he forgot his cellphone at the hotel and we really don't have any other ways of communicating with him or finding out where he is at," Bailey Jr. said.

He said the airline his Dad was supposed to take says he didn't get on a plane.

He said his dad became a long-haul truck driver after retiring from the Navy and might have tried to rent a car and make the drive home. But he says the company his father rented a car from while in Florida says he returned his car and didn't get a new one.

Last he heard, police were checking with other rental companies. Bailey Junior is hoping someone somewhere has spotted his dad.

More at link.

(Reporting to change the state prefix to FL -- he was last seen in Orlando, FL)
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There must be cameras in the lobby of the hotel. Did he inquire at the desk about shuttles to the airport? Is there a cab service? Since his phone was found, can they access it to see if he arranged an uber? Did he check out at an appropriate time to make the flight?

Lots of unanswered questions but I would think checking cameras at the hotel exits would be step one.
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There must be cameras in the lobby of the hotel. Did he inquire at the desk about shuttles to the airport? Is there a cab service? Since his phone was found, can they access it to see if he arranged an uber? Did he check out at an appropriate time to make the flight?

Lots of unanswered questions but I would think checking cameras at the hotel exits would be step one.
This answers your question, in part:

“ "We've seen that he was on video checking out of the hotel, and then we have a receipt showing that he did take a shuttle or a cab, and so we're trying to go from there," Quanbeck explained.”
The daughter says her dad is very independent, but then she adds: “My aunt said that he wasn't himself, and he was tired and seemed, you know, just a little bit more confused," she added.”

I wonder what the nature of his trip had been? Was it to visit someone? Visiting an attraction? Business?
...Quanbeck revealed, "We've seen that he was on video checking out of the hotel, and then we have a receipt showing that he did take a shuttle or a cab, and so we're trying to go from there." His family has been unable to discern his subsequent movements, though they believe he may appear in airport footage on Monday, albeit there is no record of him rebooking his flight, as detailed by FOX 35 Orlando.

also from the article.... they are exploring the possibility that he might try to drive home...
He said his father was recently hospitalized with a back injury. He's not sure he could manage the drive.

"I just don't think he's physically up for the drive of going all the way across the country with his current condition," Bailey Jr. said.

Last he heard, police were checking with other rental companies. Bailey Junior is hoping someone somewhere has spotted his dad.

"Hopefully this is all going to end well and we're going to find him but it is a reminder that time is fleeting," he said.

This video at the link gives a good bit of info.

The sister he was visiting said this particular trip noticed he was not like his usual sharp self. She downloaded a tracking app on his phone because of that.

After he went missing, the phone tracked as still at the hotel he had stayed at after being unable to board his original flight. An employee searched and found his phone in the lobby.

Sounds like he did take a shuttle to the airport. But from there—unknown. The daughter says when his original flight got cancelled, there’s no record of a re-book. They don’t know why it wasn’t rebooked, she said.

Another foul-up was that the police wouldn’t take a missing report over the phone; someone had to physically go down there, the daughter said. She feels like they lost a full 24 hours time due to this.

This is so worrisome. Sounds like he was having confusion. But, where did he go?
ETA: Snipped...
...“The police detectives said he bought a ticket out of Orlando. But then he did miss the first bus. But it looks like he actually is. He passed through Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico,” said Patrick Bailey II, son of Patrick Bailey Sr.

Bailey told Channel 9 Saturday that the family learned through investigators that his father may have taken a bus to California from Orlando.

He said investigators narrowed his 2,691-mile trek to the East Coast to a Wendy’s restaurant in Louisiana. Bailey said investigators are now working to get video footage from the restaurant to make sure he is the one who boarded the bus and the one who is in possession of his card.
Please let him be in possession of his card. The alternative is too stark.

I want to be hopeful.

But... wouldn't he ask to use a phone?

On the plus side, his card is being used to purchase travel tickets, not high end electronics which I'd expect if it had been stolen.

Do we know what he did for a living? Maybe travel is second nature to him? And it's making some kind of sense to him?

Is he staying at hotels in these locations?

How utterly helpless his family must feel.
Oh no this poor man. I so hope he is found alive and well. I think of my parents both in their late 70’s. If either lost their phones they would have no idea what numbers to call to reach family. Same applies to myself now that I think of it. We just plug in a number to our phones and never look at it again. There is no such thing as ‘white pages’ anymore. No one in my family has a landline and therefore there is no listing on the net. If my parents lost their phones I don’t even know if they would know where and how to access the internet. I doubt they would be able to figure out a prepaid phone. Maybe if someone helped them set it up. My mother likes to use Facebook messenger. One day her computer messed up and she had to input her Facebook password…she didn’t know it. She let the computer automatically remember it. Luckily she had written it down somewhere but if she were not at home there would be no way she could access even messenger. I hope this poor man is just out there trying to find his way home.
From the first post, "He said his dad became a long-haul truck driver after retiring from the Navy". Sounds like Patricks on a mission to get home.
Yes, long bus ride might have been tolerable to him and a better option than waiting for a flight.

One of my family members was recently stuck in a similar situation because of the world-wide cyber outage. She inquired at a car rental spot, correctly thinking it would be faster to drive 10 hours home than wait for a flight, but the rental agency was not renting one-way trips - they required a round-trip rental. I'm wondering if Patrick was told the same thing and then took the next step of booking a bus ticket.

My hunch is it was indeed him who purchased the ticket. I can envision my father doing that and not bothering to tell us since he was fine, and I hope that is the case with Patrick.

And now that I think about it, I don't know if I could contact my family even on a borrowed phone since I don't know anyone's phone numbers by heart like we all used to know.

Hoping for the best.

It doesn't seem like it should be so hard to determine whether he bought a bus ticket from Orlando to California. Don't you have to provide ID, and he'd have presumedly paid for it with a credit card? If they have a likely siting in Louisiana at a Wendy's, how hard would it be to determine what bus was there at that time?
Yes, long bus ride might have been tolerable to him and a better option than waiting for a flight.

One of my family members was recently stuck in a similar situation because of the world-wide cyber outage. She inquired at a car rental spot, correctly thinking it would be faster to drive 10 hours home than wait for a flight, but the rental agency was not renting one-way trips - they required a round-trip rental. I'm wondering if Patrick was told the same thing and then took the next step of booking a bus ticket.

My hunch is it was indeed him who purchased the ticket. I can envision my father doing that and not bothering to tell us since he was fine, and I hope that is the case with Patrick.

And now that I think about it, I don't know if I could contact my family even on a borrowed phone since I don't know anyone's phone numbers by heart like we all used to know.

Hoping for the best.


Very good point about not remembering phone numbers anymore!
This answers your question, in part:

“ "We've seen that he was on video checking out of the hotel, and then we have a receipt showing that he did take a shuttle or a cab, and so we're trying to go from there," Quanbeck explained.”
The daughter says her dad is very independent, but then she adds: “My aunt said that he wasn't himself, and he was tired and seemed, you know, just a little bit more confused," she added.”

I wonder what the nature of his trip had been? Was it to visit someone? Visiting an attraction? Business?
It sounds as if the canceled flight and change of itiniary threw him off. At his age, it can be very stressful. I hope he is found soon, and is okay.
It doesn't seem like it should be so hard to determine whether he bought a bus ticket from Orlando to California. Don't you have to provide ID, and he'd have presumedly paid for it with a credit card? If they have a likely siting in Louisiana at a Wendy's, how hard would it be to determine what bus was there at that time?
Yes, they need to gather all that information, and quickly. The worst part is that he left his phone behind.
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Very good point about not remembering phone numbers anymore!
As a safety measure, we should all jot down phone numbers on paper to carry in our wallet/purse. I honestly wouldn't know how to reach anyone even by email since I never type in my password anymore. (I do remember my WS password, so perhaps could put an SOS to all of you, lol!)

Geez....technology is convenient, except when it isn't.

As a safety measure, we should all jot down phone numbers on paper to carry in our wallet/purse. I honestly wouldn't know how to reach anyone even by email since I never type in my password anymore. (I do remember my WS password, so perhaps could put an SOS to all of you, lol!)

Geez....technology is convenient, except when it isn't.

Yes, in some ways, we've crippled ourselves. I had just written down important phone numbers, including my hometown sheriff's office, and put a copy in my wallet when I read your post. I also plan to make another one or two, in case my money wallet is missing. I'd think that when traveling having a copy for a pocket would also be an extra layer of protection. Mr. Bailey seems to be accustomed to travel, so I'm hopeful. And his story and the posts here may inspire us to plan a way to prevent this in our own futures.

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