GUILTY FL - Phoebe Jonchuck, 5, dropped from 60' bridge, St Petersburg, 8 Jan 2015

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updated from OG's earlier post -
The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office on Thursday released details about their interactions with John Jonchuck.
Jonchuck was arrested on a domestic battery charge on May, 23, 2010. A HCSO spokesperson says Jonchuck was accused of battering Michelle Kerr. He was arrested for a battery charge on May 26, 2013 for allegedly battering Michelle Kerr, who is his daughter's mother, during an argument that became physical.
On November 6, 2013, the HSCO says Jonchuck was arrested for battering his mother, Michele Jonchuck, during an argument. On April 23, 2014 HCSO deputies responded to a battery call. A HCSO spokesperson says Jonchuck and a male acquaintance got into a physical altercation, however both parties refused to press charges.
On October 25, 2013, Jonchuck was accused of forging Michelle Kerr's checks.
Tampa Police say there are 25 reports involving Jonchuck.
The HCSO also says there were two previous reports involving Jonchuck that were documented by Child Protective Services. News Channel 8 is investigating these reports.

A vigil will be held in Phoebe's honor at 9 on Thursday night at the boat ramp at Maximo Park which is locates at 34th St. & Pinellas Point Dr. South in St. Petersburg.

Fox13 reporter tweeted:
BIG change in wake of Phoebe: DCF is changing our Hotline criteria to include trigger for when caregiver is experiencing psychotic episode

A lawyer for Family First Law Group called 911 on Wednesday morning, saying that Jonchuck -- who was a new client of hers -- came to her office and claimed he was God and the Creator. He then wanted her to read him the Bible in Swedish.

"He's nuts," attorney Genevieve Torres tells the 911 dispatcher. "He's out of his mind, and he has a minor child with him, [and is] driving to a church now. I should have kept the child [here]."

She goes on to say, "I was supposed to file his paperwork for a case. And he's like, 'Well, don't file the paperwork. It's not going to matter any more.'"

Deputies went to the church and gave him a mental evaluation. They reported that Jonchuck made no threats to himself and was not a danger. So they let him go and watched him walk out of church, hand-in-hand with Phoebe.

WTH?? After what the lawyer told 911? :mad:
Once again, why did this man have custody of Phoebe? With his record, he shouldn't have been anywhere near her. If he battered an adult a child would be very much at risk. Someone...somewhere should have protected this little girl. Too little...much too late.

Exactly. He certainly doesn't sound like a fit parent. Child should have been put into foster care long before this.
A lawyer for Family First Law Group called 911 on Wednesday morning, saying that Jonchuck -- who was a new client of hers -- came to her office and claimed he was God and the Creator. He then wanted her to read him the Bible in Swedish.

"He's nuts," attorney Genevieve Torres tells the 911 dispatcher. "He's out of his mind, and he has a minor child with him, [and is] driving to a church now. I should have kept the child [here]."

She goes on to say, "I was supposed to file his paperwork for a case. And he's like, 'Well, don't file the paperwork. It's not going to matter any more.'"

Deputies went to the church and gave him a mental evaluation. They reported that Jonchuck made no threats to himself and was not a danger. So they let him go and watched him walk out of church, hand-in-hand with Phoebe.

WTH?? After what the lawyer told 911? :mad:

How is police even qualified to give someone a mental evaluation? They are not trained psychiatrists or psychologists.
This has rocked me to my very core. I can't even explain or try....

It's the first thing I saw this morning when I logged on. It's made my entire day suck. I'm just devastated. This world needs some serious psychological help.
How is police even qualified to give someone a mental evaluation? They are not trained psychiatrists or psychologists.

It sounds like there was no inter-agency communication between LE and DCF. I'm glad to hear that DCF is changing policy but it seems like in this case they have the tail wagging the dog. 911 was called first, so maybe the policy should also include LE notifying DCF in the case of a possibly psychotic parent acting oddly in reference to a minor. And I agree, LEO's aren't trained to evaluate these situations, which makes it imperative that DCF is automatically contacted when such calls come in.

But really, it's hard to understand why the lawyer's 911 call wasn't taken at face value; she clearly stated her concern and she clearly articulated what his specific comments were. Why do children continue to be placed in a lower priority status?

"After the tragic loss of Phoebe, the department is immediately changing our Hotline criteria to include a trigger for when a caregiver is believed to be experiencing a psychotic episode that would require a CPI visit within four hours and a notification to law enforcement. We have to do more for the children, like Phoebe, who depend on us to protect them," Carroll said.
Excuse me, but Florida CPI state wide seems to be a day late and a dollar short!! IIRC FL has had too many cases involving children when they were aware of problems in the household. To me, this new criteria is just words to make it appear their response and alertness will change. I call BS! JMO

By age 5, Phoebe Jonchuck already had a significant history with Florida child protection authorities: Her father, they were told, was habitually violent with his domestic partners, and had been accused of “smacking” his daughter in the face. Phoebe’s mother, according to reports to the agency, was a meth user who had been charged with cruelty to another child in 2008.

A Tampa judge left to determine custody between them faced difficult choices...

The report of Phoebe’s death to the state Department of Children & Families child abuse hotline was the sixth report the agency had received about the family in the past 2 1/2 years. Records of those contacts suggest little was done to ensure Phoebe’s safety since the first report was received at 9:51 p.m. on April 14, 2012.
I can't help but wonder if he threw her off the bridge because he was afraid she was going to tell the police something.
I saw this on Facebook last night. How unbelievably heartbreaking! If he did lock her in her room and yell at her constantly and also had sole custody of her I can't imagine what her home life must of been like, and why he was deemed fit to be the custodial parent. Poor sweet Phoebe, you are safe now and flying with the angels. :rose::rose:

Nice to see you again, smoothcheetos!

I guess there were no reports or complaints about the welfare of Phoebe in the home, and no doctor's reports of possible abuse injuries, etc., so there was no reason to look into anything at the home. I do want to know more about her mother. Apparently she has MS, so she may not be able to be the primary caregiver. I wonder if she had regular visits by Phoebe, etc. If things were not good at home, would she or did she tell her mom? Her teacher?

Maybe this guy was okay until just recently -- but locking her in her room sounds a bit much. Do we know if that report is accurate? I would also like to hear from his co-workers, friends and neighbors. His actions, IMHO, sound a bit schizophrenic, JMHO. Well, more than a bit, I must IMHO say...

One more beautiful little angel goes up... It's too darn crowded up there where the baby angels are. But at least they are happy all the time, and are running, playing, eating all the ice cream they want, and are surrounded by nothing but love and all things good.

And let me say it again: What is wrong with people??

He doesn't want an attorney, he wants to "leave it in the hands of God".

Girl, 5, dies after being tossed from bridge

Andrews asked the handcuffed Jonchuk if he was able to hire his own lawyer.

"No," Jonchuk replied.

Would he like one appointed?

Again, the reply was, "No."

"Are you sure?" Andrews pressed.

"I want to leave it in the hands of God," Jonchuk said. - wisn12&Content Type=Story&linkId=11631362

B&UBM Good, let the state arrange that meeting post haste. MOO
By age 5, Phoebe Jonchuck already had a significant history with Florida child protection authorities: Her father, they were told, was habitually violent with his domestic partners, and had been accused of “smacking” his daughter in the face. Phoebe’s mother, according to reports to the agency, was a meth user who had been charged with cruelty to another child in 2008.

Read more here:

This article just breaks my heart. The system definitely failed this precious little girl, repeatedly!
By age 5, Phoebe Jonchuck already had a significant history with Florida child protection authorities: Her father, they were told, was habitually violent with his domestic partners, and had been accused of “smacking” his daughter in the face. Phoebe’s mother, according to reports to the agency, was a meth user who had been charged with cruelty to another child in 2008.

Read more here:

This article just breaks my heart. The system definitely failed this precious little girl, repeatedly!

Not to mention her own parents failing poor Phoebe! Why do people even have kids if they can't be bothered to commit to taking care of them? Given the circumstances listed above, how could either of these people think having a baby was a good idea? Birth control is your friend. SMH...
That lawyer is going to have to deal with some mighty regret.

I feel that LE have an even greater burden of regret in this situation. The attorney called 911, it was LE who decided that the little girl would be ok with this nut.
Not to mention her own parents failing poor Phoebe! Why do people even have kids if they can't be bothered to commit to taking care of them? Given the circumstances listed above, how could either of these people think having a baby was a good idea? Birth control is your friend. SMH...

Until we stop making it financially rewarding to birth children, there are those who will continue to breed eventhough they have no love nor desire for their offspring.

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