Resolved FL - Port St Joe, 2 Children 96UMFL & 66UFFL, bound & gagged in photo, Jun'89

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There are three pictures to the top right of the article. They are copyrighted and I could not save them to my computer to post here.

I was able to save them, and links are below. Interestingly, the images (even the "full-size" ones) are actually shrunken on the newsherald page. The actual files are of a noticeably higher resolution.

To me, it looks like if you take The photo of Jack Phillips and reverse images it (like holding it up to a mirror), it would be a VERY EERIE resemblence, especially in the way that the eyebrows are arched in the photos... Has anyone submitted this information?
There is a possibility that the boy is the son or relative of the person taking the picture. Therefore, he would never have been reported missing.
I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer (or at least give a theory).
Does anyone know if a hoax has been ruled out for the new pics? If it is the boy from the orignal pics, what reason would the kidnapper have for sending them? It seems like a stupid thing to do. Technology and forensics are much more advanced now (than when the original photo was found) and the chance of being caught seems risky. Plus, wouldn't the kidnapper be getting kind of old for such games with the police. That's assuming the kidnapper is the one that sent the pics.
Any thoughts?

Hmm, I'll follow your train of thought Spurser.

1. Have the new pics been ruled a hoax?

Not that I know of, in fact, unless I missed something the original pictures found back in 1989 haven't been ruled legit or a hoax.

2.If it is the boy from the orignal pics, what reason would the kidnapper have for sending them?

[I]I can't imagine why. Because, I myself would never engage in the behaviors these criminals do. However, it is not unheard of that someone who has commited a crime such as this (If there is a crime) would taunt LE. Some criminals like to gloat about their confidence that they are (in their own minds) intellectually superior to LE. It's not that uncommon for a criminal to follow their own crimes in the media and to also contact LE with taunts, calling out what they percieve as ineptness of LE. Also, if this is ruled to be a hoax, there are a lot of mentally unstable ppl out there that does stuff like this. [/I]

3. Technology and forensics are much more advanced now (than when the original photo was found) and the chance of being caught seems risky.

You and I would see it as risky behavior, I agree. However, we could be dealing with a type of criminal that sees themself completely and wholly superior. There is a certain malignant narcissism that we see in almost all of these types of criminals that will not let them even entertain the idea that they aren't superior to all of the population to include any LE. They are convinced of their own superiority. They can't even conceive that anyone should figure them out. Ever.

4. Plus, wouldn't the kidnapper be getting kind of old for such games with the police.

No, simply put they don't get too old for head games. IMHO, it is who they are, it is the core of their character. They do get too old for perpetrating crimes because of the physicality required to commit violent crimes. If we suppose that this latest set of pics was sent by the person that dropped the first set of pics then it's not outside the realm of possibility that this man is still relatively young. The first set was dropped 20 yrs ago. The hypothetical man could have been aged anywhere from early 30's onward.

So it's possible that this was not a hoax. The first or second set of pictures. It's also possible that both are hoaxes.

Best case scenario, both are hoaxes. The second hoax being inspired by the interest generated by the first set. Someone with a sick need for attention..etc.

Worst case scenario is that neither of these sets of pics are a hoax and we have a serial killer that targets children. Who feels that he is not getting the attention he so richly deserves for his accomplishments (in his own mind) and is taunting the LE.

At this point in time I have no clue.
Thanks, Kat. You have good insight!

Thanks spurser, I don't know that I have insight though but thanks anyway.

OT~ I can't get into the minds of criminals. I can look at their behaviors and see similarities when I read about them. (especially serial criminals: rapists, murderers, etc.).

For example, my take on why the BTK made what is considered a stupid mistake and that mistake resulted in his being caught differs from many others in that I don't think it was a deliberate act in order to be caught and tried and convicted. Rather it was done because he wanted to have the recognition for his crimes. He wanted his identity known. He had no remorse, he may have acted as though he did, but IMHO he didn't. It was all about him.

Sorry for the OT.
To me, it looks like if you take The photo of Jack Phillips and reverse images it (like holding it up to a mirror), it would be a VERY EERIE resemblence, especially in the way that the eyebrows are arched in the photos... Has anyone submitted this information?

I totally agree with you about resemblance between the two. In Jack Phillips photos his left eye pulls (slants) downward a little and I see the same thing in the newspaper photo but on the other side.

The Doe Network: Case File 1208DMCA

Someone with experience in dealing with LE should call this in please.
Gary Michael Hilton drove white vans (at least two that we know of) and was known to give at least one victim a book to read. He also bragged about what good care he took of some of his victims (thinking about the plastic drinking cup like hotels have, that is in the picture). It would be interesting to know where he was during the time frame that Tara Calico went missing. He was also known to carry a stun gun.
I have always wondered about this case. And to hear that Tara Calico was ruled out on the basis of something that dumb, well, I will not take that happily. I have a meeting on Thursday with an SAC in Detroit, and I plan to ask him if he could pull up the file and simply tell me yes or no on whether that is the listed reason for the rule out.
I don't stand a chance of getting any other info, but I think he will tell me that much.

I also intend to ask, if her legs being shaved means that she is not Tara Calico, does that mean that they believe she is not a victim at all? What is their full logic?
Sorry, my biscuits are burned.

I think the idea was a "joke", but the kids sure as the heck didn't know they were in on it. I think there may be more pictures out there collected by random people throughout the years, that were never turned in. The more publicity the better, as those people may remember the pictures, even if they don't have them anymore.
The placement of My Sweet Audrina seems significant, as if the photographer wanted it seen and understood - either this is someone with some sort of fixation on stories of child rape, or, possibly, someone who was staging a disturbing photo. Hard to tell which, but the selection and placement of the book is not accidental, IMO.

That book is ghastly.
I searched and searched and that girl is the best match that I've seen. Trying to find a match is so difficult because people can look so different from one photo to the next. The tied up girl looks like a young Brooke Shields to me but she might look completely different to another person looking at the same photo. If anyone thinks that girl might be a match then feel free to submit her. Maybe if someone submits her the family can take a look at the photo and decide if it's their daughter or not.
This girl looks younger than the estimated age to me and also taller. I don't know but, she looks no more than 14/15 to me and her long looking legs make me think she's taller than 5'. She looks to me to be at least 5'3" maybe 5'4"? Both children also look quite tan to me. Like maybe they were from a place with lots of sun, or hung out on a beach.

Here are three other girls I think might fit the description as given by LE though, I am mainly looking at this young girls eyebrows. Her right one is almost perfectly straight all the way across the eye to the outside corner before there is any curve and the noses are similar.
As for the recent (well the photos sent to LE in August 2009 this year) all it says in the article was that the photo was printed on copy paper and that the second letter contained an original image the boy was.

The didn't say how old the original image was, it could be a photo from the 80's that the kidnapper (or someone who knows him) had kept and maybe he's getting on in years and wants to repent somehow?

"One letter contained a photo, printed on copy paper, of a young boy with sandy brown hair. Someone had drawn a black band in ink on the photo, over the boy’s mouth, as if it were covered in tape like the 1989 picture. The second letter contained an original image of the boy.
Last Wednesday, The Star newspaper in Port St. Joe received a third letter, also postmarked in Albuquerque on Aug. 10 and depicting the same image, of a boy with black marker drawn over his mouth."

It could have also been sent from a relative of the original kidnapper/killer who wants to let the truth out yet may be scared as to how...imo.

The handwriting on the envelope looks to be that of an older person, have they done a handwriting analysis?
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