FL FL - Sabrina Aisenberg, 5 months, Valrico, 24 Nov 1997

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
messiecake said:
No its not a joke...........I belive the "West Memphis 3" case to be one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in our nation.

I know its a real touchy subject but I truly belive (after alot of research,I started as a fence sitter leaning towards they Pro's) that they are innocent
and at the very least even if youre doubtful you must admit there is far too much resaonable doubt and this case deserves a second look.

Well, you're certainly not alone in your thinking. However, "reasonable doubt" isn't what gets a case a "second look."

According to the LKL transcripts the parents provided pictures of the wrong baby saying they were pics of Sabrina when they weren't(the family claims it was a mistake and LE knew they were not Sabrina pics but LE says different).
Also the indictments were thrown out by the Judge because he says he couldnt hear what LE and their wiretap ppl heard (it was supposedly bad wiretap) but LE stands by the indictments....................Ill add on if anything else pops up!
LP Moderator said:
Well, you're certainly not alone in your thinking. However, "reasonable doubt" isn't what gets a case a "second look."

I belive theyre innocent,I was just asking if you could agree theres enough reasonable doubt that would warrant having it re-examined.
messiecake said:
I belive theyre innocent,I was just asking if you could agree theres enough reasonable doubt that would warrant having it re-examined.

Definately not, but then I've read some stuff that they don't have at the website contained in your siggie.
thanks messiecake for your research...i'm not off again until wed. and will read links then. moderator, don't get mad at me, i can't help myself...i always thought the aisenbergs were lower-rent version of some other parents. :angel: i'll try to be good, i promise.
Please read everything on the following links.



857 matches on yahoo

One of my families has been searching for 15 years, and when I got the case, they had 7 matches, mostly old news links.

857 matches for Sabrina!!

Sabrina is innocent.
Please download and post her flyer and thanks.

Special thanks to Marvel for all the work done on behalf of this innocent child, and also for other pages for the missing, and murdered. God bless you!
deputylinda said:
clearly this case can arouse the same intensity as the Jonbenet case. the Aisenbergs did get 'lucky' vis-a-vis legal errors, technicalities, lousy audio tape. and i was wondering how a person knows there are no 'unknown' fingerprints in their home? we are all entitled to our opinions of course. this case appears to have struck a deep emotional chord in WASBLIND . i am more pragmatic in my view of the case. LE training and experience tends to make one look more objectively and less emotionally. and i certainly don't get my opinions from the media. i hope one day this mystery will be solved.i guess we can agree on that.
DP and WasBlind...many years ago there was a case in RI where the parents said the baby had been abducted from the home....The child was found dead, and sexually assaulted in an alley not too far from the home...Later was determined the Dad was heavy drug user etc...the mom not much better...She got off but he was convicted I think...She later moved to the midwest and last I heard then had become pregnant again......I realize it has got to be brutal to be a parent accused, or a spouse when the pain of the loss is also being dealt with...But the fact remains the murders are more often done by those known to the victim......It's a bad scene anyway you look at it........
Today's world is not a safe place. You can't lose track of your child for a second. Although I'm a fence-sitter, there are many cases where LE jumps to conclusions. The Elizabeth Smart case is a prime example. LE was certain Elizabeth was dead and that they had the killer. I'm glad the Smarts kept their faith, but if I were them, I would be mighty unhappy at LE's performance.
Trino said:
Today's world is not a safe place. You can't lose track of your child for a second. Although I'm a fence-sitter, there are many cases where LE jumps to conclusions. The Elizabeth Smart case is a prime example. LE was certain Elizabeth was dead and that they had the killer. I'm glad the Smarts kept their faith, but if I were them, I would be mighty unhappy at LE's performance.
In most cases she would have been dead...odds were against her.....sad to say that most do not return home.
It was a miracle that she was found alive...but yes, sometimes they are still alive...remeber Stephen Stayner......7 years missing and held by sicko!!!
LP Moderator said:
Providing links is very easy: simply go to the website that contains the information you want to link and look at the top where the address of the website your wanting to link is listed and copy and paste it here!
easy for you to say...i'm computer hopeless!! :doh:
deputylinda said:
easy for you to say...i'm computer hopeless!! :doh:

DP...Thoughtfox THOUGHTFULLY helped me out on this...
(THANXS THOUGHTFOX!):angel: You're an angel!!!
Find the article...go to the browser..the http etc line....and right click,
a menu will appear ..click copy!!!
Then go to reply to thread screen, right click and click on Paste !!
it will show up as a link in your post!!! VOILA!!!!
IF I can do it...so can you1!!
By the way my laptop keyboard broke...Dell sent me a new one with instructions and I put it in myself!!!!! HA!!! Not so "Puter Pathetic" as I thought!!:snooty:
This case has always intrigued me.....I can't make up my mind on this one.....
MysteryMomma said:
This case has always intrigued me.....I can't make up my mind on this one.....
I'm the same way on The Amirault child abuse daycare scandal....I don't know what to think!!!!
Unfortunately, I think police tend to become a bit jaded in their view of human nature and this skews their judgement sometimes.
tipper said:
Unfortunately, I think police tend to become a bit jaded in their view of human nature and this skews their judgement sometimes.

HMMM........ Deputy Linda...any thoughts on this????
smellsarat said:
I'm the same way on The Amirault child abuse daycare scandal....I don't know what to think!!!!
hi smells...let me clarify and ease your mind on fells acres daycare case ...they did it.
smellsarat said:
HMMM........ Deputy Linda...any thoughts on this????
tipper is correct in that we become PRAGMATIC, not jaded...i will read tipper's link, and all the other ones provided so i can make an informed decision on evidence...but my "gut" is a factor also, and LE does see things with less emotion and more of a cold eye. i've studied criminology and homicide for 35 years...i can't ignore a lifetime of study. or my experience. hey... COLD EYE FOR THE BAD GUY!!!...ha ha.. (don't anyone steal that one, that will be my next thread title!) someone needs to be analytical with emotion to the side. remember this...as horrific as it is (in any case we talk about) someone did it. so go where the evidence leads.
'Pragmatic' is the word the people I know in LE would use too. :) I have no problem with that. I do think many LE individuals, spending most of their professional lives dealing with the dregs of society, have a somewhat negative view of society as a whole and seem to believe that everyone is capable of anything.

I think this also accounts for the frequent head-butting between police and DAs. One has only to reach the minimal standard of probable cause while the other must weave a logical story that will hold up under a jury's scrutiny.

Pragmatism is great but I think logic and honesty should also be a part of the picture. While statistics say parents are more likely to be involved in the death of a child this age, statistics also tell us that in some cases they aren't involved.

Unfortunately you get a few who go really overboard. Contrary to Steve Thomas' LKL comment, there are cases where police have planted evidence.
deputylinda said:
hi smells...let me clarify and ease your mind on fells acres daycare case ...they did it.
It's so hard to comprehend ...the whole family...ALL of them...boggles the mind!!!!(Which is already boggled!!!):doh:

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