FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #1

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Ok. So LE is saying the report that the mother took the infant into the woods and covered her with leaves is not true.
Well then:
Why are they searching the woods?
This child did not walk or crawl. So she didn't go out the door.
What is the real likely hood someone broke in this home, walked in the bedroom where this child and BOTH parents are sleeping, took the child, and then placed her in the woods.

I mean really does LE think we are stupid. If they really thought this child was missing wouldn't they have a family member or family spokeperson pleaing for the safe turn of this baby.

IMO. the one or both of the parents did this, and DCF is working hard right now to CYA!!
I'm trying to figure out the thought process too.
They don't say that she was crying or upset, just that she asked and just stated that her baby was missing.
I don't know how bad the mental deficiency is, but I have seen it mentioned that she has a 13 year old mentality. I didn't have a child in my care when I was 13, but if I had, my own or someone else's, I wouldn't have been able to be calm if I found that child missing.
But, if she is autistic, moderately functioning or another emotional difficulty, I can see her having the reaction. My dad, high functioning autistic, found his mother dead of a stroke on the kitchen floor and calmly called the police to inform them that his mother was deceased and he would need the ambulance and a coroner. No emotion.

This is why I wish LE would clarify the extent and causes of the parents disabilities. It would also be nice to know if R really is the baby's father, and if he isn't where is the father? Was Shannon's bio father maybe trying to get rid of evidence after the fact, concerned about the child created of a relationship with woman who is essentially a child.
Sorry, I have Shannon on the brain. Way too many questions and no answers.
Quick question: Who believes the little bit LE is telling us, and who thinks they might be trying to keep down the uninvited searchers and media by saying that nothing we have heard is true?

I haven't made up my mind yet. It seems like this should be the standard "baby dead due to parents that couldn't provide care" case. But normally, they come right out and say that, and to announce but not name the POI is just odd. Odder still is the fact that the POI and the parents are always mentioned separately, leading one to believe that they aren't the same people.
I am confused.

I am leaning towards the POI not being one of the parents - don't know why yet just a feeling that I have and the way things are worded. And I am as confused as everyone else. We have so little information to go on.
Shannon should have been eligible for Medicaid. FL also has KidCare (very low-cost insurance for children) and also has Children's Medical Services, which provides services to children with a variety of disabilities.


If Shannon did not have Medicaid/Kidcare, her mother may not have known how to apply for it. A care provider, i.e. ob/gyn or pediatrician should have picked up on needs and guided the mother, but I doubt that either would do that, since there would be nothing in it for them. Some find it a lot easier just to turn your head away, and pretend you didn't know anything. It's called the easy way.
Not My Kids,
You brought up a valid point about the sleeping schedule for the baby. The parents may very well have had a good reason for this.
What still bothers me, is that I can't imagine not checking on this child for 8 hours or so.
My son sleeps 8 to 10 hours straight. I co-sleep with him because he sleeps better this way, but I still wake up every couple of hours to check on him. I almost go into panic mode when I haven't heard/felt him stir for awhile. It's something I'm not sure will ever go away. Perhaps that isn't the case with other parents, especially when they have had more than one child. But the thought of not checking on my son for 8 hours simply terrifies me.

According to their statements, the baby was receiving 1/3 of the recommended amount of formula at each feeding.

Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook: Parents Arrested in Death of 5-month-old

so tragic -- this didn't have to happen either!!:furious:

OT > thank you for replying and clearing up the confusion for me I have been in Germany for 9 years and remembering city lines isn't easy I keep up with news back home because my grandmother still lives there and she and I follow along because we believe that even if only 1 person remember these angels then it can bring about changes more awareness and hopefully neighbors will start getting involved to save these babies. In many cases we hear "you never expect to happen near where you" live, but then again if you see neglect and abuse and never take a stand then you can expect no one else to and guaranteed things like this will happen "where you live".
My heart aches over all of these little angels maybe one day forums like these wont be needed...we can only hope
3am bedtime? because of work? partying? habit?
Could alcohol or drugs be involved?
Does anyone around them have a bad temper?
Any arrests for anger problems?
at 7 months, baby would be cranky and teething possibly??

No one has said; that I have heard, anything that would indicate a problem (alcohol or drugs) BUT! Knowing what we know about FL, with the last several cases, I wouldn't say NO! Not happening until we know more..

Everyone seems to be assuming the baby was up til 3 AM.

The baby may have been sound asleep for hours for all we know. We Know they said the last time the parents saw her was 3. Doesn't mean Shannon was awake at 3... Or maybe she is teething, or going thru a growth spirt and she woke for a 3 am feeding. Small babies need to be fed smaller "meals", more frequently than our full term bruisers.

This may sound really insensitive but here in KY in the '50s (if I remember correctly) parents of children who were low functioning could petition the KY board of psychology to rule they could have their children's tubes tied or a vasectomy so they could not reproduce.

Maybe this should be brought back. I had lunch with one of the Dr's that was on the board and he told me about it. He stated they quit doing it because it was inhumane. I think if it prevents events like this from happening...ok I'll leave it at that.

He stated they quit doing it because it was inhumane.

Not speaking for this doctor, but the rest stopped because in was ruled unconstitutional!!

In the 50's and before, this had gotten completely out of hand. A husband could have his wife institutionalized with the help of shady docs (for hysterics) next thing she knew she woke sterilized. Parents did the same with unruly teenagers....

Think bad cop and doc in the movie Changeling...

Anyone else remember the lil'girl a couple years ago (NY, NY?) who is severely disabled; infant mentality. At 7 yrs old she was developing breast tissue, early puberty. Her parents wanted to be able to keep her at home for as long as humanly possible. They and their "baby's" doc did a review board hearing to allow a hysterectomy/mastectomy; and hormones to prevent her from achieving her full growth.

Their rationale that, it is one thing to tote around a 50/60 lb child and another to do the same with 120 lb plus. If she does at some point end up in a care facility they worried about pregnancy. Not to mention menstruation, the mothers family has a hx of heavy, painful periods and very large breasts.

This little girl will never even sit up alone, talk, feed herself, be toilet trained She for her whole life will be mentally an infant. Her parents and doc's said she is an integral member of the family. They wanted her to stay that way.

They got some heavy criticism from peeps who have no idea what they are (were) talking about. Claiming they had no right to remove her chance to reproduce. Calling it "genocide" IMO cases like this, it's none of the "Powers That Be" damn business what the family and doc did (with the OK of the hospital board first.) It was for the well being of the child...

Like anything, if there is the ability to abuse, some will. IMO there are some people who would benefit from never getting pregnant/impregnating someone. A person who will mentally be 7 mos old there whole life would top the list.
Has there been any word as to the parent's income? I know, invasive, sorry. I was just wondering if they get some form of SSI or if they are employed, either of them? Do they have representatives to control their cash flow or do they do it themselves?

I'm trying to think of people that might have been in good positions to intimidate or influence the parents. Just on the off chance that there is something a little less than standard about this case.
Originally Posted by Texas Mist
According to their statements, the baby was receiving 1/3 of the recommended amount of formula at each feeding.

Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook: Parents Arrested in Death of 5-month-old

so tragic -- this didn't have to happen either!!

Isabelle Quote: Baby most likely died from protein calorie malnutrition coupled with water intoxication.

I can't access FB here at work.
Can anyone answer this. Is it stated, or does it seem as though the parents were giving the baby the regular amount of water needed, but not enough formula, perhaps to save money?
Formula is pretty much 1 scoop to 2 ounces of water. So, did they maybe give the baby 5 ounces of water, with only one scoop of formula?
If it was a financial thing, not saying it makes it any better that these parents starved their child. But my heart can deal with that a lot easier than knowing these parents just didn't care enough to properly feed their child. Water intoxication can happen easily when formula is not mixed correctly.

ETA: Sorry for the confusion of my quoting. I needed to quote both posts to keep from confusing people that this is O/T and not about Shannon.
Has there been any word as to the parent's income? I know, invasive, sorry. I was just wondering if they get some form of SSI or if they are employed, either of them? Do they have representatives to control their cash flow or do they do it themselves?

I'm trying to think of people that might have been in good positions to intimidate or influence the parents. Just on the off chance that there is something a little less than standard about this case.

I read earlier both are on SSI and neither work.
Originally Posted by Texas Mist
According to their statements, the baby was receiving 1/3 of the recommended amount of formula at each feeding.

Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook: Parents Arrested in Death of 5-month-old

so tragic -- this didn't have to happen either!!

Isabelle Quote: Baby most likely died from protein calorie malnutrition coupled with water intoxication.

I can't access FB here at work.
Can anyone answer this. Is it stated, or does it seem as though the parents were giving the baby the regular amount of water needed, but not enough formula, perhaps to save money?
Formula is pretty much 1 scoop to 2 ounces of water. So, did they maybe give the baby 5 ounces of water, with only one scoop of formula?
If it was a financial thing, not saying it makes it any better that these parents starved their child. But my heart can deal with that a lot easier than knowing these parents just didn't care enough to properly feed their child.

Plenty of other food and drinks. Other kids fed apparently. One half can of formula. Directions for formula were half water, half formula and mix. Parents admitted to giving her 1 1/2 ounces of water, to every 1/2 ounce formula. They don't say if it was intentional. Mother is 25...the little one that died was her 6th baby. No further comment from me on that point.
Completely off topic but I know a lot of American citizens that are dying because they lack the necessary medicines to prevent their illness from progressing.

You know them, personally?
Plenty of other food and drinks. Other kids fed apparently. One half can of formula. Directions for formula were half water, half formula and mix. Parents admitted to giving her 1 1/2 ounces of water, to every 1/2 ounce formula. They don't say if it was intentional. Mother is 25...the little one that died was her 6th baby. No further comment from me on that point.

Thank you nmk for responding to my question. Sounds like it was the canned liquid formula then. And...no further comment needed. With the extra info you just gave, I think we both have the same thoughts on this. :behindbar
O/T but I freak out about SIDS also. I only recently began co-sleeping because of this. I waited until I felt comfortable that my son can roll front to back, back to front, etc. (I lost a baby cousin at 24 days old due to either SIDS or accidental suffocation from co-sleeping). It still freaks me out though. There are studies that show that having the baby in your room, or co-sleeping reduces the risk of SIDS as the baby will regulate it's breathing and heartbeat patterns to the mom's.

Back to topic. I also can't get it through my head that these parents would not hear if someone came into the room and took the baby. Of course, I'm an EXTREMELY light sleeper and I know that is not the case with everyone.

I am afraid someone could come into my room while wearing bells on their shoes, playing a trombone, steal my baby and I wouldn't budge. I sleep like the dead. I have 7 alarm clocks to get me up in the morning and I still sleep through them all every single morning. My fiance will shake, pull, prod at me, yell, drip water on my face, rip the covers off the bed and he says I don;t even flinch. Lol. I can't understand why he is in such a bad mood in the mornings but according to him if I had to go through what he just did to get me up I would be in a pretty bad mood too. I would like to think if I had a baby I would cease to sleep so heavy......
The WIC program - women & infant children, i think- isn't that for free formula & milk? A woman with 5 small kids at the grocery checking out in front of me had a voucher that said WIC & she had a full cart that was rung up after her other purchase, the clerk copied some numbers & there was no $$$ exchanged ...... I thought that is better use of gov't funds than food stamps being used to buy soda pop, candy & chips which always knots my knickers.
ETA: Often I have seen cash come out of the pocket for beer & ciggies, which furthers my resentment of misuse of our system... ok stepping down off my podium now & back to lurking.
Originally Posted by Texas Mist
According to their statements, the baby was receiving 1/3 of the recommended amount of formula at each feeding.

Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook: Parents Arrested in Death of 5-month-old

so tragic -- this didn't have to happen either!!

Isabelle Quote: Baby most likely died from protein calorie malnutrition coupled with water intoxication.

I can't access FB here at work.
Can anyone answer this. Is it stated, or does it seem as though the parents were giving the baby the regular amount of water needed, but not enough formula, perhaps to save money?
Formula is pretty much 1 scoop to 2 ounces of water. So, did they maybe give the baby 5 ounces of water, with only one scoop of formula?
If it was a financial thing, not saying it makes it any better that these parents starved their child. But my heart can deal with that a lot easier than knowing these parents just didn't care enough to properly feed their child.

Deputies responded to the residence November 1, 2009, after receiving a call for assistance regarding a 5-month-old baby who wasn’t breathing. EMS pronounced the baby dead at 6:11 a.m.

November 2, 2009, Polk County Sheriff’s Office detectives arrested 25-year-old Tivasha Logan, and her boyfriend, 27-year-old Chauncey Gardner, 2710 Sunshine Drive North, Lakeland, charging them with Felony Murder (Willful Kill-Murder While Engaged in Certain Felony) and Aggravated Child Abuse
in the death of their baby daughter, 5-month-old Chauntasia Gardner. Detectives believe the baby was starved to death.

The baby was born at Lakeland Regional Medical Center on May 11, 2009; she weighed 2 pounds and 11 ounces. she was premature and

Discharged July 29, 2009. She was a 2 months old, and weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces.

At the time of autopsy, approximately 5-months old, she weighed 6 pounds. The baby has not been seen by a physician since being discharged from the hospital.

Gardner and Logan told detectives they mixed 1 ½ ounces of water with a ½ ounce of formula. According to their statements, the baby was receiving 1/3 the amount she needed...

Detectives described seeing the refrigerator and cupboards with food and drinks, however only a single partially filled can of baby formula was found in the home.

Gardner and Logan have 3 other children in common and who live with their parents – a 4-year-old boy and two girls, ages 3 years and 2 years. Logan has two additional children who also reside at the Sunshine Drive residence - a 10-year-old boy, and a 6-year-old girl.

Last night, woman in front of me used her food stamps to buy a Reeses Candy Bar and a pint of Ben and Jerrys ice cream. She then paid cash for $10 worth of minutes on her cell phone.....

With WIC, I'm pretty sure you get formula and milk and cheese, etc.
The WIC program - women & infant children, i think- isn't that for free formula & milk? A woman with 5 small kids at the grocery checking out in front of me had a voucher that said WIC & she had a full cart that was rung up after her other purchase, the clerk copied some numbers & there was no $$$ exchanged ...... I thought that is better use of gov't funds than food stamps being used to buy soda pop, candy & chips which always knots my knickers.

I think it's Women & Infant Care, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter.
Yes, it is a free program, but you do have to qualify. I'm assuming that two people with a baby that are both on disability would qualify.
WIC covers nutritious foods for pregnant women, as well as for infants. Things such as formula, milk, cheese, nutritious cereals, etc. It is limited and is not as extensive as food stamps as to what you can get with it.
The WIC program - women & infant children, i think- isn't that for free formula & milk? A woman with 5 small kids at the grocery checking out in front of me had a voucher that said WIC & she had a full cart that was rung up after her other purchase, the clerk copied some numbers & there was no $$$ exchanged ...... I thought that is better use of gov't funds than food stamps being used to buy soda pop, candy & chips which always knots my knickers.
ETA: Often I have seen cash come out of the pocket for beer & ciggies, which furthers my resentment of misuse of our system... ok stepping down off my podium now & back to lurking.

Starting with a positive pregnancy test, women can get milk, cereal, cheese, beans, PNutbutter. More than 1 person could ever eat unless this was the only food they have.

Pregnant/nursing mothers can collect till 12 mos after birth.

Infant formula is also given and baby cereal. (For formula babies or added at whatever the current age for supplemental is)

Then children are eligible for the same as moms til 5 or 6 yrs. IIRC.

This is not "welfare" per se it is a Federal Government program where poverty is not a necessity. Being in need is. (many/most working parents qualify)
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