FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #14

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TOS is on a sticky in every single forum, I believe. And when problems come up, we remind posters about them in the thread. That's plenty, IMO.

As Animal stated already today, there will be no separate forum: it's a PITA babysitting just this one thread, and we can't imagine having to babysit multiple threads. :crazy:

That's how it is for now. <sigh>


I kinda suspected this was the case...
Why is everyone acting like this is the end of the case?
Can we still link?
If we can still link, why is this the end? Are we really this uncreative and easily dissuaded?
I'm not. If we aren't giving their full names and addresses on the board, what's the problem.

Animal, if you're here and the rule really is no discussion at all, silence me now. Just please don't TO me. I'm trying to figure this out.

YES!!! Links to SO registries are fine.

I think this is my fault.

I thought if they were in public record, we could ... but they have to be in public record and connected to the case.

I don't know why I didn't get my hand slapped ... but I take responsibility for leading so many astray.

Note to Websleuthers: Don't listen to me anymore. I don't know what I'm talking about. ;)
Please do not apologize. You're the one who has kept us sane on here. And as far as not listening to you? NO WAY! :)
So we can link, which will still give us photos and information. We may not be able to post these pictures and info on the site. I think this is how we were doing it at the start of this case.

So I'll call this a test.
Would it be within our rights to say "there is a sex offender listed 1.2 miles from Somer's home. Intials JD (for John Doe.) Here's the link (insert link), he's the fourth on the page."
And then we refer to him by those initials and distance from Somer.

Is that okay?
Why is everyone acting like this is the end of the case?
Can we still link?
If we can still link, why is this the end? Are we really this uncreative and easily dissuaded?
I'm not. If we aren't giving their full names and addresses on the board, what's the problem.

Animal, if you're here and the rule really is no discussion at all, silence me now. Just please don't TO me. I'm trying to figure this out.

That is exactly what i said before link to the registry itself do not copy and paste it here.
As lousy as it is, LE probably also has to dot their i's and cross their t's dealing with these sex offender "rights" while investigating a case.

Maybe that is what the astros are talking about today, on Nov. 2, about not being "slipshod."
Guys I want you all to understand that this is nothing new. We decided this months ago on another case where SO were a possibility. We cannot babysit a thread 24 hours a day and they move so fast we do miss alot. When we are alerted to something we act on it immediately.
I am going to issue an apology to Animal and Hoppy real quick before I take a break from this today..
I am so angry right now, and it has nothing to do with you and I hope you understand that it has all to do with these "creatures" getting more and more rights in this world..
I am sorry if any of my comments seemed directed at you, I know your job is hard, time consuming and frustrating, and something tells me you don't like the idea of the whole thing either.. Keep up the good work!

And to all the Sex offenders out there..the law can't always protect you..
One of these days each of you will meet your match and their called "parents"
ROT IN Hell!
I've updated my siggy in the hopes that it helps. ;)
I wish the rules about names were spelled out in an easy-to-find place. I've been around here a lot longer than it says on my profile and I'm still not sure if I'm doing it right.

Very recently (yesterday?) a newbie asked for the rules and out of my own curiosity I looked for them. Try as I might I could not find anything written about what was allowed on the public forums and what was not as far as names and addresses go. I'm not saying it doesn't exist - I just couldn't find it. It would be great if it was easier to find.

Like all of you, I thought it was okay to post names and addresses of RSOs here. In a case like this where it is very probable that the perp is a pedophile, it's kind of hard to be a websleuth if you can't talk about existing SOs, ya know?
That was probably me. :(
But I did the same thing last night and today, both.
I have just emailed Animal to respectfully request direction to those rules, and also the 2 sites that are unmentionable, because I honestly don't know what they are, and have seen a few posters helped by others-but even at that, the sites weren't named, so I didn't learn what they are.
Also, there is a dichotomy in the rules over PMs, as I posted last night.
So hopefully, we'll get some clarification, and you'll never know what it means to me to see that others are saying the same thing.
Thanks to all who have posted on this.
TOS is on a sticky in every single forum, I believe. And when problems come up, we remind posters about them in the thread. That's plenty, IMO.

As Animal stated already today, there will be no separate forum: it's a PITA babysitting just this one thread, and we can't imagine having to babysit multiple threads. :crazy:

That's how it is for now. <sigh>


Hoppy, I gotta tell you, I spent a lot of time pouring over the TOS a day or 2 ago. I searched and searched. I put in the word "name", the word "address" to search each page that I brought up. Maybe it's me, but I did not see a SINGLE thing about posting names and/or addresses while sleuthing a case. There is information there about posting my own name and address, but I saw nothing about someone else's.

Can you PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE provide a link to where I can find this information in the TOS so that I can look at it and review it whenever I need to?

Please try to understand, this is not the doing of WS, Tricia, or the mods. This is the doing of the federal lawmakers that placed the stipulations on Megan's Law. This is a forum about true crime (mostly), so, we are held to the law. It sucks, and it is a bit of a PITA, but it is not the end, it just means we have to click a few more links and be more vigilant about our posts. Initials and distance from her home should be fine for sleuthing. It might slow us down just a little, but it will not stop us.
Those saying they will leave for a different site, might as well go to a different country, no offense, because that's where the problem lies; the law, not the site.
Can I ask why it is probable that the perp is a pedophile? From what I can see, LE has been very very closed mouthed on this case. IIRC Somer's dad leaked some info regarding soot.

The rest seems to have taken wing from there???

Going back to re-read and see what I have missed....
I've updated my siggy in the hopes that it helps. ;)

Thank you. A lot of people reference your siggy for help on this thread. This is a good source.

These threads move too quickly for new members to read everything. I think that's why the rules have to be repeated so often. I know it's frustrating to the mods. I think it's also frustrating for newbies.

The rest of us know we can refer people to your signature for other information. This really helps.

Was going to put in my siggy but have no room.

Short version TOS
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65793"]Terms of Service Terms of Service - Short, Plain Language Version - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Long version TOS
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65794"]Terms of Service Terms of Service - Long, Detailed Version - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I did not see the part about names and addresses here, but maybe this is not what I should have been looking at.
Posters are doing exactly what we have been in trouble for on another site .
Can I ask why it is probable that the perp is a pedophile? From what I can see, LE has been very very closed mouthed on this case. IIRC Somer's dad leaked some info regarding soot.

The rest seems to have taken wing from there???

Going back to re-read and see what I have missed....

I would think it is probable since LE went to them first, Somer was murdered and thrown in a dumpster. She was a little girl. I bet that puts the odds it was a pedophile.
I'm happy for Somer & her family that the Mod Squad has arrived on this forum for clean-up. It's a good thing, IMO. WS is a good thing. I enjoy following the cases I'm interested in, and it's the high bar here @ WS for responsible posting that keeps my experience here positive & meaningful overall. The high bar is not new here. The low bar is not new on "other sights." Something for everyone; I prefer WS. I find we can discuss & figure out what we need to figure out while staying within TOS. It's been done many times before - don't be discouraged! IMO, It's also a good thing to be obliged to think about other's rights & privacy and fact vs. opinion before posting.

Each case is different - so it's to be expected that in the germination of any particular case, there are points where confusion arises as to what specifically is in line with TOS and what's not. Maybe a clarification on RSO sleuthing guidelines might be something they decide add to TOS... JMHO

TY Animal & Hoppy. Sorry you have so much clean-up to do. :blowkiss:
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