FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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Is it just me??

I have wondered more about this case than I can possibly put into words.
But some main points.

I wondered if DT did drugs, I have not seen any evidence, although I have speculated, about her and her friends. To understand somers environment. I never heard any reference to her drug use until her so called very good friend said it on a comment on my profile.

I have wondered if DT's negligence would be criminal and another DT supporter posts that she has been accused of negligent homicide by a poster, yet I never saw that posted before that poster posted it, either.

I wondered about dfcs being called on her. Or Sam. Or PC. Again I have not seen any evidence until a poster who consistently defends DT claims to know a friend of a friend or something like that asks for concrete evidence and then tells us that another poster said dfcs was called on DT last year. A post I cannot find anywhere. The date stamp of this dfcs visit makes me go hmmmmm.

All of these references have made me believe things I only speculated about prior to these friends or supporters dropping in their two cents. my edit: I need to clarify that I still do not believe that dt is guilty of negligent homicide.

I will gladly eat crow if anyone can show me posts where these ideas were given as facts prior to these posters referencing (without linking) these posts. Anyone?

I HAVE NEVER SAID NOR INFERRED THAT DT IS GUILTY OF NELIGENT HOMICIDE. I will say for the last time I think she should have and could have done better in getting care for her children while she was at work. I think the kids have had a hard time of it, and she is certainly not the only one to blame. I question the many influences they have had around them. The criteria for DCF to remove a child from the home is incredible. Based on what we have discussed here, there would be some concern, but it is highly doubtful DT would be accused of neglect or abuse. I would appreciate it if anyone who reads my posts understands that I am looking at the whole picture, which necessarily includes Somer's life and the events in it leading up to the day of her death. The murder did not occur out of nowhere and for no reason. A person did it. I am certain from the quiet way she disappeared in broad daylight that it is a person she knows and went willingly with.
I have a question... I have heard (no I dont think from here) that children are killed to repay drug debts. I dont get how anyone would think a dead kid could repay money. Has anyone ever seen a real case like that other than possibly shaniya? I think lots of kids and young adults are kidnapped and entered into the slave market, so I understand that there is monetary value in the people trade. But how would killing a kid in any way repay a drug debt? anyone?
Yes, 4mer neighbor said that DT had told a mutual friend the summer before last (2008?) that she was in an abusive relationship. The question was whether CPC was in the picture then. Sadnpod said that the last time ST saw the kids, CPC was there. That was 2 years ago, and would include the 1-1/2 year window.

4mer neighbor said that her bf had threatened to kill her or her children if she left him.

Maybe this is where my confusion came from - there's the 2 years ago, and I mistook CPC for DCF ............JUST KIDDING!!!! But the more I think about it, maybe this post bled into another post and my mind just merged the two of them together....
I hope LE checked here for Somer's book bag and lunchbox.

*** "Lost & Found" items are kept in the Orange Building (Board Room).
Please check there if you have lost items.***

I HAVE NEVER SAID NOR INFERRED THAT DT IS GUILTY OF NELIGENT HOMICIDE. I will say for the last time I think she should have and could have done better in getting care for her children while she was at work. I think the kids have had a hard time of it, and she is certainly not the only one to blame. I question the many influences they have had around them. The criteria for DCF to remove a child from the home is incredible. Based on what we have discussed here, there would be some concern, but it is highly doubtful DT would be accused of neglect or abuse. I would appreciate it if anyone who reads my posts understands that I am looking at the whole picture, which necessarily includes Somer's life and the events in it leading up to the day of her death. The murder did not occur out of nowhere and for no reason. A person did it. I am certain from the quiet way she disappeared in broad daylight that it is a person she knows and went willingly with.

Absolutely. Somer was not just a statistic - she was (and still is) a part of us all. Mistakes were make, but this was deliberate.
Could someone provide the source for him (Mike) being her (AB's) son? I'll add him to my list.

The seniors from 2006 include MB (who has the same last name as AB, not a too common name), JC (who has the same last name as the uncle of the girl who walked with Somer that last time), and SM (who Infinity feels fits her image). SM actually lives on Woodbriar. All three played on the Orange Park HS Baseball time and graduated in 2006/2007 making them around 21 now.

Many people cross the street without looking. Not all get run over so we should all stop looking before we cross. After all, only some get hit.

We should all be very careful and supervise our kids.

Again. It is not a matter of a child walking unsupervised. It is a child who had a temper, was known to run off. For long periods of time. Whoever killed her knew this. As far as I know, although people were aware she did this, nobody did anything about it. It was DT's responsibility to take control of the situation. The killer knew she would be alone and vunerable. This has nothing to do with alarms or our opinions of safety. I doubt anyone here thinks that her behavior was safe. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I will go out on a shaky limb here. I do not think DT was negligent for allowing her kids to walk home alone, especially in a large group where a lot of kids and some adults would have been present. I question whether there was consistently an adult at home to receive them. If not, I consider that neglect.

The fact is that Somer did not stay with the group. She routinely ran off, usually in a huff, to a variety of places, and it is strange that nobody ever followed her or asked her what she was doing, or is there evidence that anyone looked into the cause, etc. I am saying this happened over a period of time and was noted by several people.

The older sister was placed in the position of monitoring this child. If that is hard for a 10 year old to do, it is harder for a sibling. Younger children do not like to be told what to do by older siblings. We've established that the appropriate age for a babysitter is legally 16. We do not know if AT had to babysit these twins or for how long after school or if there were ever adults present with the exception of the day SP was there. Neglect.

We are not bashing DT because she has had 5 children by different fathers; however, DT lost custody of an older daughter and it has been posted on this forum that Somer phoned her father before her murder and indicated she wanted to go stay with him. This may be the normal behavior of a 7 year old who wants a change of scenery. Or not.

snipped by pingpong

I wonder if Somer hugging people and wanting everyone to be happy is because she was broken hearted inside about her dad?
I have a question... I have heard (no I dont think from here) that children are killed to repay drug debts. I dont get how anyone would think a dead kid could repay money. Has anyone ever seen a real case like that other than possibly shaniya? I think lots of kids and young adults are kidnapped and entered into the slave market, so I understand that there is monetary value in the people trade. But how would killing a kid in any way repay a drug debt? anyone?

Is this in relation to wondering what AB's son's name is?
The seniors from 2006 include MB (who has the same last name as AB, not a too common name), JC (who has the same last name as the uncle of the girl who walked with Somer that last time), and SM (who Infinity feels fits her image). SM actually lives on Woodbriar. All three played on the Orange Park HS Baseball time and graduated in 2006/2007 making them 20 now.


So could be relative but no proof he is her son?

There are 35 people with that last name of the woman who drove Somer and siblings to school in Orange Park area according to www.qwestdex.com. There are 77 in the Orange Park area for those with the same last name as the uncle of Somer's friend M. And SM (or SMcI ?) ... while I was able to find address for him under his name, couldn't find any address for MB or JC in Orange Park area.
I have a question... I have heard (no I dont think from here) that children are killed to repay drug debts. I dont get how anyone would think a dead kid could repay money. Has anyone ever seen a real case like that other than possibly shaniya? I think lots of kids and young adults are kidnapped and entered into the slave market, so I understand that there is monetary value in the people trade. But how would killing a kid in any way repay a drug debt? anyone?

Couldn't even begin to try and figure that one out - guess they are ruthless individuals with no conscious or soul.
Again. It is not a matter of a child walking unsupervised. It is a child who had a temper, was known to run off. For long periods of time. Whoever killed her knew this. As far as I know, although people were aware she did this, nobody did anything about it. It was DT's responsibility to take control of the situation. The killer knew she would be alone and vunerable. This has nothing to do with alarms or our opinions of safety. I doubt anyone here thinks that her behavior was safe. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I do think that if she had been supervised while walking home....this would have never happened to her....
I HAVE NEVER SAID NOR INFERRED THAT DT IS GUILTY OF NELIGENT HOMICIDE. I will say for the last time I think she should have and could have done better in getting care for her children while she was at work. I think the kids have had a hard time of it, and she is certainly not the only one to blame. I question the many influences they have had around them. The criteria for DCF to remove a child from the home is incredible. Based on what we have discussed here, there would be some concern, but it is highly doubtful DT would be accused of neglect or abuse. I would appreciate it if anyone who reads my posts understands that I am looking at the whole picture, which necessarily includes Somer's life and the events in it leading up to the day of her death. The murder did not occur out of nowhere and for no reason. A person did it. I am certain from the quiet way she disappeared in broad daylight that it is a person she knows and went willingly with.

I wasnt referring to you... IIRC I was referring to a post(s) made by eyes as most ws members would know. I appreciate your input from a new perspective and I mean no disrespect.. but I would appreciate it if anyone who reads my posts takes the time to read all the threads and all the posts that the rest of us have. Its not easy keeping up here. We have all put in hours and days and almost 2 months looking at the whole picture, disecting the whole picture, and we all know that we arent certain of much, especially not that it was someone she knew and went willingly with. Are you certain.. like in a fact certain... are do you feel certain? there is a huge difference.
Couldn't even begin to try and figure that one out - guess they are ruthless individuals with no conscious or soul.

Agreed chee, but even those people would want their money more than a dead kid. Dont ya think? I would think LE tries very hard to find who kills kids... this drug theory made no sense to me... and I was just wondering if someone could enlighten me on it.
I have a question... I have heard (no I dont think from here) that children are killed to repay drug debts. I dont get how anyone would think a dead kid could repay money. Has anyone ever seen a real case like that other than possibly shaniya? I think lots of kids and young adults are kidnapped and entered into the slave market, so I understand that there is monetary value in the people trade. But how would killing a kid in any way repay a drug debt? anyone?

1. Probably common in the Mafia

2. Common in countries such as Mexico and Columbia.

3. Reading WS crimes, I am thinking anything is possible nowadays. Anything. But I don't think in this case.

4. Do we KNOW that PC was not at work?

5. I know of many many cases , even some where I live that the mother protects the BF when he has killed the child. It's almost always when he is babysitting. Almost always a live-in. I'm saying almost always because I can't think of any that aren't, but don't want to say 100%.

6. I was thinking of the sides taken of DT and the children. My question is this? Would you as a parent do this today? Would you be OK with it if it was your grand children?

AS I said, my daughter has worked for years with sex offenders, the latest stint with the civilly committed. After Somer, hubby and I were driving to her house on a weekend. They live 1/2 block from a school. My grandson and a friend were sitting a few houses away from home on the grass, away from the street, on the corner selling Pokeman cards to passersby with a little friend. He is 8. We stopped and told him that was not a good idea.

I told my daughter about it and about my dissatisfaction with the scene. She got really huffy and told me that she knew plenty about this kind of thing as she has worked for years with the worst of the worst.

I think she didn't like my criticism and took it personally as saying she was a bad mother. I was freaked, but did say it calmly, but even SHE apparently did not have a clue. She told me she has instructed him on how to fight back, etc. Big whoop! Geez!
I disagree that he was there in order to provide a white lie to LE. Her kids being home alone was not a crime according to Florida law as found online. Florida does not have an age at which children are old enough to be left alone. So unless there was an incident (which I am trying to find) there would be no need for any white lie.

My earlier point exactly. One would think that if LE found an adult waiting at the house, this would look good. It would at least appear that DT was trying to have some supervision there. Why would she go to the trouble of saying he had never done that before.

One more thing, then good night.

I went all the way back to the first thread on this case. Straight away - when she was missing and not found - reporters had identified SP as the boyfriend, then a friend who lived at the home. I went all the way to 18 or 19 and CPC had not even been mentioned yet. People were generally discussing two issues: Was it a RSO or what is up with the SP guy being at the house. In one of the earliest threads they are discussing why did he not go pick up the kids or at least go looking himself. As things move along and Somer is found dead, people grieve terribly for DT. Soon posters come on saying she seemed hinky. Remember, this was when she had JUST been found and the pain was raw. Way before all of the other discussions up to now. So I still say: go back to the basics. What does not seem right?
So could be relative but no proof he is her son?

There are 35 people with that last name of the woman who drove Somer and siblings to school in Orange Park area according to www.qwestdex.com. There are 77 in the Orange Park area for those with the same last name as the uncle of Somer's friend M. And SM (or SMcI ?) ... while I was able to find address for him under his name, couldn't find any address for MB or JC in Orange Park area.

I don't know what that means except I don't think I can put it as fact that MB is AB's son.

(always happens when I get lazy and don't quote the post I'm talking about ...)
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