FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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When my son was young, he would come home from school, do his homework, eat a snack & go outside to play. He would go around the neighborhood to see who could play...... I think that's typical for a child, don't you?

It is here and with my child. And the kids in the neighborhood.
When my son was young, he would come home from school, do his homework, eat a snack & go outside to play. He would go around the neighborhood to see who could play...... I think that's typical for a child, don't you?
this is not typical for my children...my children do not leave my site....their friends are more than welcome to come over to our home to play, even stay the night...but I don't let my children stay the night at other homes, besides gma's...but thats just me.....
I was thinking of the weird eyes of SO's. At least in their mug shots. GCV does have that look.

I just remembered about a step father I knew a couple of years ago. He had the weirdest eyes. They were beautifully mesmerizing. Well, guess what? I found out this year he sexually abused his own daughters, but I don't know about the step daughter.

My staff and I would talk about those eyes. He was almost Rasputin-like.

Then last year I met a mother with those sparkly eyes. I cannot tell if a person uses drugs. I only guess they are because of circumstantial evidence.

Mom told me that she was a meth user, but she did not tell me that she was currently using. I wonder if those weird eyes are meth eyes or some kind of drug eyes?
not only reporters said it Sgt. Dan Mahla said it on tuesday press conf

Noway, just to be fair here.....I do think that far more people have said that Somer did wander, and come home late often, compared to DT saying she NEVER did this...MO

I hadn't heard anyone being quoted as saying that other than the babysitter. And I'm covering all bases since I don't know that she was grabbed when she had wandered off. Her sister said she ran off ahead and she didn't come home but everything in between that is fuzzy to me.

The Sheriff said she had a slight tendency but that we shouldn't assume that was what happened here.

I think Diena meant that she didn't run off and stay away for hours and hours, but that was my interpretation.
When my son was young, he would come home from school, do his homework, eat a snack & go outside to play. He would go around the neighborhood to see who could play...... I think that's typical for a child, don't you?

How old is your son now? Is that something you would be so carefree about today?
Just a question here that may or may not have anything to do with anything. In one of the first reports of Somer's body being found, it says she was in a fight at school the day she went missing.


It is a matter of course in schools in my area, and others I know of, that parents are notified when a fight takes place between children at school. In Somer's case, it was apparently serious enough that her sister had heard about it and felt the need to attempt a discussion about it on the way home. So, was anyone notified that Somer was in a fight at school? Who would have been notified, Mom, or SP who was allegedly at the home?
Has anyone looked at JC's (last name rhymes with eagle) myspace???

ETA: IMO scarier than Corpus.....you know that place in TX.
I hadn't heard anyone being quoted as saying that other than the babysitter. And I'm covering all bases since I don't know that she was grabbed when she had wandered off. Her sister said she ran off ahead and she didn't come home but everything in between that is fuzzy to me.

The Sheriff said she had a slight tendency but that we shouldn't assume that was what happened here.

I think Diena meant that she didn't run off and stay away for hours and hours, but that was my interpretation.
it is too late for me to go looking for quotes, and prob most of them we can't find anymore...remember the one neighbor, saying something like "where's Somer AGAIN?"....I know I have heard it several times....DT says NEVER....if never, then why the list?? night friend....
I know AB still lives there... does he not? Just wondering cause you said lived. and yes its two houses away. Did I say thank you today for all your work??? if not thank you button is not enough!!!!

My mistake. I'll correct it. I just meant that they didn't live next door ... but those maps can be screwy.
I wasnt referring to you... IIRC I was referring to a post(s) made by eyes as most ws members would know. I appreciate your input from a new perspective and I mean no disrespect.. but I would appreciate it if anyone who reads my posts takes the time to read all the threads and all the posts that the rest of us have. Its not easy keeping up here. We have all put in hours and days and almost 2 months looking at the whole picture, disecting the whole picture, and we all know that we arent certain of much, especially not that it was someone she knew and went willingly with. Are you certain.. like in a fact certain... are do you feel certain? there is a huge difference.

Sadnpod - thank you for your very respectful post. I realize I seem to have popped up out of nowhere. But I have been following this case for a long, long time. I have been reading everyone's posts here and decided that this was the most trustworthy and sincere (and respectful) forum of caring people who TRY to put aside personal biases and pray that the killer be found.

You have shared your connection with the tragedy and I will try to share mine, if anyone wants to take the time at this late hour to bother to read it.

30 years exp. in healthcare field particularly with persons who confused, distressed, manipulative, have various psychiatric disorders, unable to communicate effectively, personality disorders, attention-seeking, innocent, agitated, depressed, have faced terrible losses (a woman who was formerly very beautiful had half her face removed from cancer, husband died and that very weekend her family dumped her because they didn't want to take care of her and you should see her wedding photo you would bawl your eyes out); also working with young children (I still help my son who is a special ed. teacher) and have experience in the legal field. Please, don't ask my age, lol.

I am right brained, global, big picture, out of necessity have to deal with the bottom line every day or I would die a slow death in the quicksand of people's "intentions" vs. actions, their devious ways of getting attention, their entitlement, their grief, their suffering. It's a very fine line to walk and emotionally draining. I am mother of two grown sons ages 31 and 28. The older one was tortured by other kids at school (he is now teaching the children of the people who made fun of him); twice I almost tackled kids who I caught picking on my younger son. I was a single mom and also made 2 bad marriages with "nice" guys in "professional" fields who were "likeable" but were downright mean to my boys. I always hope my boys will forgive those bad choices. I LEFT BECAUSE NOBODY WAS GOING TO TREAT MY BOYS BADLY THEY WERE GOOD AND DID NOT DESERVE IT and most of it was jealousy, pure and simple. I bring this insight to this situation as I am well aware of how jealous boyfriends/husbands act when they want to be #1.

I was an entertainer and did my share of partying (but as a musician I was too busy for the drug scene). Once I had my kids, I decided that anything I did from then on would reflect on them. I realize I am lucky to have had that insight.

I have called DCF at one job on my boss who was mentally abusive to a client who was schizophrenic and had been raped because she innocently trusted another client and the boss accused her of "asking for it". Lost my job, didn't care.

I called DCF at the bowling alley when 2 kids on my sons' team let loose that their little 3 year old brother was riding his bike wearing a diaper on a major street. My call was not confidential. Their alcoholic mother came in the next day, grabbed me by the throat and told me she would ">>>>>>" to which I replied, you are drunk, and you can threaten me all you want, because if you do it again, I will call again, and I drove her home.

I found a 2 year old wandering in and out of parked cars in a park and the little one put up her arms to be picked up and I searched all over for her parents, was just ready to put her in my car and take her to the police when mom showed up...what I said I won't repeat...

I saw DT on the news. Something did not seem right. I started following the case. I read the police report. SP's statement and her statement about him did not seem right. I watched subsequent interviews where she subtly but convincingly passed blame onto others and claimed innocence so much it became the whole point of her appearance, IMO. This really aggravated me. I wanted somebody to ask her some point blank questions about discrepancies, but I guess that's not politically correct unless she goes on a 48 hours hot seat and that won't happen with the lawyer. Nothing has come forward to give me any reason to change my mind. I do not trust CPC, I think he is a bad person who has taken her over like other men have and probably will. I do not understand SP's part in this but feel it is bad.

Short answer to your question: My "certainty" is based on a few facts, that )1) LE made a point early on to say RSO's were ruled out (sending a message to somebody); (2) DT has changed her story about so many things; (3) I've heard a lot of bad things circulated and not all by people who want to bash her but who are concerned about the lifestyle she was leading; (4) the media-crazy behavior, getting up on the stages, the money, the sudden disappearance off the radar, and (5) nobody having any credible theories as to who other than those mentioned here would have the motive or opportunity to do this crime. (6) SP took a long time off work that day and it is not proven that CPC was at work when she called.

I am sorry if this, and other posts are so lengthy. Because I know I must annoy some people and also I am very tired of repeating myself. I'd like to sit back and watch it all unfold if people would quit trying to convince everybody that Somer's life was o-k and that she was well cared for.

Thanks for your patience if you were able to stay awake. Good Night. God Bless all of you.
what is the first name of rhymes with eagle?
Don't ever accuse me of twisting. I was just making a statement of parents getting arrested for showing nude baby pictures while perverts who show kids adult *advertiser censored* get a free pass.

I know what you're talking about P.....This happened in Az. A couple's children were taken away temporarily because they were turned in by a photo booth employee of a store. For pics of their naked children in the bath. Everything was eventually dropped and the children returned. Couple now suing store I believe. On the other hand, some people may deem it harmless to have adult *advertiser censored* around a child. I don't understand it either........
I hadn't heard anyone being quoted as saying that other than the babysitter. And I'm covering all bases since I don't know that she was grabbed when she had wandered off. Her sister said she ran off ahead and she didn't come home but everything in between that is fuzzy to me.

The Sheriff said she had a slight tendency but that we shouldn't assume that was what happened here.

I think Diena meant that she didn't run off and stay away for hours and hours, but that was my interpretation.

I will find you the video of it
No hounds, it came from hearing strangers just chatting about somers death at the bar at olive garden. One man said he was roofing the day before somer was killed and that he knew vinsons brother and how all the speculation has effected his life. (oh waaah) But then he said he heard the family owed a lot of money for drugs, specifically cocaine. and somers death was to repay that debt.

I thought he was full of carp and just running his mouth. But it still made me wonder what logic drove him or anyone to think this. NO TRUTH TO WHAT HE SAID IMO... This is pure nasty rumor from what appeared to be someone who had first hand knowledge of the drug world. I didnt want to repeat it for that reason... so please NO ONE think I am implying anything here. I AM NOT!!!

If I thought so little of the rumor I wouldn't be putting it out here like that!!
See. That's why I was asking about things like the little white lie earlier. I asked because you said it initially in relation to saying you had inside info on the case. I didn't know it it stemmed from that. So I asked. Now you have interjected this, which you point out as a rumor. But, yet again. There it sits on the page. KWIM?
Just a question here that may or may not have anything to do with anything. In one of the first reports of Somer's body being found, it says she was in a fight at school the day she went missing.


It is a matter of course in schools in my area, and others I know of, that parents are notified when a fight takes place between children at school. In Somer's case, it was apparently serious enough that her sister had heard about it and felt the need to attempt a discussion about it on the way home. So, was anyone notified that Somer was in a fight at school? Who would have been notified, Mom, or SP who was allegedly at the home?
I agree that someone should have been contacted....I would think the mom was prob called at work....I would hope that the school would have her work number on file. If the fight was other than verbal...I would think that there would be some repercussion...such as ISS....we have heard that a back pack was involved with the fight also...if this is true, then it is other than verbal....Would love to know what the school knows!!
When my son was young, he would come home from school, do his homework, eat a snack & go outside to play. He would go around the neighborhood to see who could play...... I think that's typical for a child, don't you?

Maybe. IDK. I can only speak about MY son. He was allowed to go to ONE neighbor boy's house - a kid he played with all the time. He would either go there or the neighbor kid would come to our house.

However; times have changed since then. The neighbor boy's mom didn't work, neither did I, so both of us were home when our kids visited each other. I was so lucky not to have to work and I was not a single parent either (lucky there too), but even as an over-protective mother, I look back now and see things I let my son do back then that I would never do these days.

I use to leave him in the toy section of a store and go on about my shopping. That scares me to death now when I think of doing that, but back then, it was a different world. If I had kids in this day and age, they would be holding my hand every time we were shopping or they would either be in the shopping cart. You just can't take your eyes off them for one second now-a-days.
what is the first name of rhymes with eagle?

I think it actually rhymes with bagel. LOL but that is how I pronounce it based on the spelling. Maybe the reporter says it on the video?
ChickenPants-I work in a field where I come into contact with some of the people that you see. They are not so severe when I meet them.

Over 25 years, I too, have learned not to take much at face value. You learn little things about the way people operate and start adding 2 and 2 together.

I don't necessarily know what the game is all about, but I know a lot when there is a game. But there always a new game, and I don't always catch on.

All I know is when I am saying, Huh?" There is something there. But you have way more experience in "Huh?" than I have. You have learned to trust you instincts because they are made up of a million little things you have learned over the course of your career.
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