FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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Okay. I will try to remember that. God Bless Everyone and love to you all from the little one.

LOL ... it was a joke! And it was aimed at me. You can post as many times on a page as you want!
Please forgive me if I have been snarky to anyone today, I am in a p(rhymes with sissy) mood. I value all of you even if we dont agree. I thank you all for caring so much and appreciate the input of you all. chickenpants you can fill as many pages as you want. Noway teases... so do I. Hounds I still dkwym... and I am too tired to figure it out tonite. Goodnite all... stay safe... til tomorrow my friends.
Maybe LE thought nothing would come of following the garbage trucks and searching them, and didn't want to pull a Geraldo Rivera (lots of cameras and an empty vault)?


They had a tip. And a good one. And they didn't want their suspect (whoever he would turn out to be) to know what they were doing?

I just don't know.

I found this article.

"At that time I realized that this is probably not going to turn out good," the 10-year veteran of the Clay County Sheriff's Office told The Florida Times-Union. But he said he had been expecting to find perhaps a backpack or a piece of clothing, not a body.

***Not a body*** What, Im confused.

It's been fun guys... thanks for everything and keep pluggin away. Follow the bread crumbs..
Please forgive me if I have been snarky to anyone today, I am in a p(rhymes with sissy) mood. I value all of you even if we dont agree. I thank you all for caring so much and appreciate the input of you all. chickenpants you can fill as many pages as you want. Noway teases... so do I. Hounds I still dkwym... and I am too tired to figure it out tonite. Goodnite all... stay safe... til tomorrow my friends.

Okay. You mentioned "white lies" to LE in a post. You said you had info, but could not or would not release it yet ( paraphasing). I asked you to clarify.
You change the subject to asking about AB's son's name. Then you change to the liklihood of drug dealers killing a child as payment in your very next post. I asked was that in relation to AB's son. Trying to follow your train of thought since you didn't respond to my post. Instead you start posting a rumor you heard in an Olive Garden bar, to me. I was asking what happened to your sudden interest in AB's son's name, not about the cocaine killers rumor, which had no rhyme or reason I could follow to what I asked at all.

And you don't know what I mean?? I don't know what you mean. Seriously.
From what I just read ... Somer did have friends. But she did spend time out of her house wanting to play with others.

KB was her best friend.
Anna B., whose daughter K. is best friends with Somer, said she took Somer to school the day the 7-year-old disappeared. B. said it was a normal morning and Somer was her usual self. http://www.news4jax.com/news/21389523/detail.html

TJ's daughter who went to the library with her ... (link above).

Thank you for researching that. I am corrected. I still feel (without trying to be argumentative) that based on descriptions of her, she was always "looking for love" (in all the wrong places)...kind of lonely and very needy. The word is "guiless" (trustingly innocent because she wanted friends). She was "picked on" and even ST (father) said somewhere she had a little temper...so I doubt she had a lot of friends.
:sick:I am reminded of the now-classic movie "Home Alone". This is not funny.

To prove this is not about blatantly blaming DT for being a bad mother, I remember seeing in the early part of this investigation how all of the people in the community were aghast that this could happen in such a "tightly-knit" and safe area. Everyone started walking their children to and from school. Everyone started looking at everyone else. There were crowds at vigils and lots of tears from people who dared go into that dark hole of "it could have been my child".

Then there were the gawkers and the geeks and the curious and the hordes at the fund-raisers and the money pouring in, and songs written (I am reminded here of "Wag the Dog") and all of a sudden EVERYBODY was friends with the family. And where were they when there were no so-called babysitting arrangements? I wonder if with all of the therapy and etc., there are now one or more adults (well DT does not work now) who will REALLY BE THERE for these kids who have suffered terrible trauma. The candles and memorials do well for the people getting comfort from saying "I'm sorry - we're here for you"...then the candles burn out and the flowers wilt or are replaced with plastic flowers - why? It's over...who is going to put fresh flowers out there? I HATE PLASTIC FLOWERS. Save the money you spend on the flowers and candles and go take a look at your children. Are they really safe? There is no such thing as a "safe community" any more. Somewhere, after the fifties...that ethic of "hands off women and children" disappeared. There is no line anymore that a person cannot cross. Anything goes.

Someone here said in an earlier post they felt sorry for the kids who picked on Somer that day. Did their parents know about it and ever have a talk with them about bullying? I wonder how much Somer was picked on in her own family. I just wonder about these things. I don't do superficial like some people don't do windows. Just me.

Now the "issue" of her killer being caught seems to have passed into that nebulous
"not news-worthy" place where unsolved crimes go when the viewers want something new and excited. There will be new murders and new vigils and sobbing parents and Nancy Grace bombshells and media raking in thousands for every minute of air time. Hopefully everything is safe now in the THompson house - the garage door is closed and with all of the ongoing scrutiny and DT puzzled as to why LE has not told them anything, the very best behavior is the thing. But Somer is dead, it's a hard lesson. People better stop talking parent philosophy and wake up. It's not Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best any more. Over 50% of kids have no involved fathers.

Thank God that even though nobody here is getting "credit" or making money, you are still "putting Somer's name out there" wanting to get the "it" who did this. Please, if you do 100 threads, don't stop. Thanks.
I have wondered that me own self. All I can ever come up with is that when preliminary investigations started, some things must have set off alarm bells right off the bat. You have to admit, if we found the whole leaving work and going straight to the park (if true), and not going home or calling 911, but leaving it up to the chance meeting with a passing cop, a little odd. They probably thought that odd too. And next thing you know, 1+2 ain't adding up to 3.
We don't know what they know. But, something as simple as a call to her job or CPC job or SP job may have started the ball rolling that something bad had happened. Or checking their phones, or all the little nuances that LE would note. Demeanor, inconsistant statements. Lots of stuff. I don't think LE ever serioulsy were thinking a ped/SO . JMO.
I don't think LE ever serioulsy were thinking a ped/SO . JMO.[/quote]

I do think LE thought it was a ped/SO.Why would America's most wanted say that it was.The police must have said something to them to have them think that way.
Are you saying that supervision isn't enough - are you suggesting that parents are negligent if they don't have an intricate alarm home system? One that goes all through the house, upstairs bedrooms, basements, ALL windows, sheds, yards, etc. ? Plus dogs?

And you have the audacity to suggest that the predator who rapes and murders children is not ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for his/her own malicious, destructive, predator crimes?

In defense of the parents you cast your negative chit towards - I DISAGREE with your post and find it HIGHLY offensive. MHO

I disagree with your post. You like to twist what I write. Please stop.
I am convinced she walked willingly into or around the renovated house on Gano with someone she very sadly trusted.Who is Kyle?Did we ever find out?Was she attacked and or killed in the back yard?Was soot in the back yard or was soot on what ever she was put in.Did this Kyle say she talked to him and crew member?or members?Did he say she walked in the gate?around to the back of the house?Did more than one person attack and kill her?You know,I feel he knows alot.I don't think Somer ever left this house.I hope we here some information soon.I pray for little Somer every day.
I agree that someone should have been contacted....I would think the mom was prob called at work....I would hope that the school would have her work number on file. If the fight was other than verbal...I would think that there would be some repercussion...such as ISS....we have heard that a back pack was involved with the fight also...if this is true, then it is other than verbal....Would love to know what the school knows!!

When a child is registered, heaven and earth is moved to get information and you would NOT BELIEVE how many parents don't care to provide it, or provide non-working phone numbers, etc. Only family member is contacted unless there is secondary contact authorized by family. CPC or SP are not technically "family" and would not be contacted unless DT specifically authorized in writing at some time that they had access to information or to the child on the school grounds. Rules are strict about who has access to picking up children, etc. It's all about confidentiality and protection.

As far as ISS, I read somewhere that Somer was kept back for a while - maybe that was wrong info. A lot of parents won't let teachers use ISS because they don't want to come and pick the kid(s) up. As far as fights, they happen every day, kids swatting other kids, tripping, etc. Only if it was an ongoing disruptive problem that generally put the other kid(s) at risk - or, or course, if the other child was hurt - would the teacher necessarily do ISS. Unbelievably, teachers are hardly allowed to give out ANY punishments in today's system and if they do, they have to write it up and send out warnings to parents, etc. before actually going through with it. Then the teachers are called on the carpet for not having "control of the classroom".

Then there is OSS (out of school suspension) where the child is kept out of school for a day or more. Parents REALLY HATE THIS ONE. It means they have to make arrangements for the child to be watched. Most don't - they just let the kid stay home. No big deal.

I dare anyone to spend ONE day in a classroom with 30 kids and come out sane. Try volunteering at a school. It's a real eye-opener.
I am convinced she walked willingly into or around the renovated house on Gano with someone she very sadly trusted.Who is Kyle?Did we ever find out?Was she attacked and or killed in the back yard?Was soot in the back yard or was soot on what ever she was put in.Did this Kyle say she talked to him and crew member?or members?Did he say she walked in the gate?around to the back of the house?Did more than one person attack and kill her?You know,I feel he knows alot.I don't think Somer ever left this house.I hope we here some information soon.I pray for little Somer every day.

I just thought of something kind of horrifying. Maybe instead of running ahead, Somer was running from AT and the friend. Maybe she was afraid of them. Perhaps she went into Gano to get away from them and someone was there and killed her. Perhaps Somer had enemies in school who followed her there and killed her. I know when I was kid I was attacked on several occasions by enemies. One tore my 18K earring off. Somer may have been attacked by an older sibling of the girl she had the fight with. Some kids kill so it's definitely a possibility. We have gone through it in the past about the mix martial arts.
Ccane, are you looking for one of first videos of Diena with her saying "Never. Never." in response to question by reporter?

Sheriff and slight history of running off (this was at 7 hours missing)

RO'C neighbor said she never met a stranger; she was very friendly. She was always looking for other kids to play with.

TJ said her daughter, 11, would often go to the library with Somer at school and the pair would look at books about kittens and puppies. (same link as RO'C)

Running ahead and running off are two different things. When a seven year old child has a history, what quantifies a "slight" history? History is history, it means the little girl ran off (away from others, out of sight, for an hour or more) more than a couple of times. DT said she tried to warn Somer about "stranger danger" but Somer just did what she did...plus, DT said Somer hugged everybody, talked to everybody, always tried to make everybody feel better...a child who was an open book. Apparently everyone who knew her agreed with all of this. Well, that book is closed.

It has been said that there were a lot of people and "police presence" and crossing guards around, and if the people assigned to this place had ever seen this child running off before, more than once or twice, you would hope that in their capacity as monitors they would have notified mom. Or did they? In any case, each and every thing that did or did not happen when she was alive brought her to the end of her life. Somebody dropped a ball somewhere and a bad person got a free shot.
When a child is registered, heaven and earth is moved to get information and you would NOT BELIEVE how many parents don't care to provide it, or provide non-working phone numbers, etc. Only family member is contacted unless there is secondary contact authorized by family. CPC or SP are not technically "family" and would not be contacted unless DT specifically authorized in writing at some time that they had access to information or to the child on the school grounds. Rules are strict about who has access to picking up children, etc. It's all about confidentiality and protection.

As far as ISS, I read somewhere that Somer was kept back for a while - maybe that was wrong info. A lot of parents won't let teachers use ISS because they don't want to come and pick the kid(s) up. As far as fights, they happen every day, kids swatting other kids, tripping, etc. Only if it was an ongoing disruptive problem that generally put the other kid(s) at risk - or, or course, if the other child was hurt - would the teacher necessarily do ISS. Unbelievably, teachers are hardly allowed to give out ANY punishments in today's system and if they do, they have to write it up and send out warnings to parents, etc. before actually going through with it. Then the teachers are called on the carpet for not having "control of the classroom".

Then there is OSS (out of school suspension) where the child is kept out of school for a day or more. Parents REALLY HATE THIS ONE. It means they have to make arrangements for the child to be watched. Most don't - they just let the kid stay home. No big deal.

I dare anyone to spend ONE day in a classroom with 30 kids and come out sane. Try volunteering at a school. It's a real eye-opener.

Not so bad. Try staying at home with an autistic toddler for a couple of years. That was far worse. I was trying teach him language without even knowing he was autistic. He didn't get diagnosed until 3 and 3 months so I didn't even know what he had and why it was so very hard to do any basic thing.
When I did cub scouts the other kids were so easy to teach.

All depends on the development of the kids. Teaching normal kids is a breeze compared with my one son.
Running ahead and running off are two different things. When a seven year old child has a history, what quantifies a "slight" history? History is history, it means the little girl ran off (away from others, out of sight, for an hour or more) more than a couple of times. DT said she tried to warn Somer about "stranger danger" but Somer just did what she did...plus, DT said Somer hugged everybody, talked to everybody, always tried to make everybody feel better...a child who was an open book. Apparently everyone who knew her agreed with all of this. Well, that book is closed.

It has been said that there were a lot of people and "police presence" and crossing guards around, and if the people assigned to this place had ever seen this child running off before, more than once or twice, you would hope that in their capacity as monitors they would have notified mom. Or did they? In any case, each and every thing that did or did not happen when she was alive brought her to the end of her life. Somebody dropped a ball somewhere and a bad person got a free shot.

OH GEEZ, I just watched a minute of the early sheriff video and he said "mother began looking for her for about 2-1/2 hours and then contacted the police..." and I had to stop. What is wrong with that statement?

This interview was done, I would guess, after the initial MPR. This makes the information different from the MPR. Why would you look for about two and a half hours and not call 9-1-1? It's unbelievable. Everyone (DT, SP, CPC, the twin, the older sister) was doing police work except the police. Is this ignorant or intentional. Please forgive this forthright question which comes from disbelief and frustration. The only thing I can accept is that possibly the sheriff is babbling away having become an instant TV celeb. and has the two and a half hours wrong? Help!
OH GEEZ, I just watched a minute of the early sheriff video and he said "mother began looking for her for about 2-1/2 hours and then contacted the police..." and I had to stop. What is wrong with that statement?

This interview was done, I would guess, after the initial MPR. This makes the information different from the MPR. Why would you look for about two and a half hours and not call 9-1-1? It's unbelievable. Everyone (DT, SP, CPC, the twin, the older sister) was doing police work except the police. Is this ignorant or intentional. Please forgive this forthright question which comes from disbelief and frustration. The only thing I can accept is that possibly the sheriff is babbling away having become an instant TV celeb. and has the two and a half hours wrong? Help!

They sometimes do get things wrong. Look at that police report. There is so much wrong. Look at the rso on that police report. That was "mistake." This case is not being handled right and that's my opinion only.
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