FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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I would like to clarify that my previous post had absolutely nothing to do with what Kimberly posted. My snippet of her post was merely the spring-board for what I posted afterward.

I was trying to raise a question to everyone about the whole idea that anyone should base their decisions or choices or lifestyles, etc., based on what is legally sanctioned or outlawed.

As adults, we're expected to make our own decisions, guided by our own sense of right & wrong, safe or unsafe, stupid or smart, etc.

If, as competent adults, we look to the Law (external authority) to tell us what is right or wrong, legal or illegal, responsible or irresponsible, then we're not really adults, are we?

IMO, it is irrelevant what the legal age might be in Florida for children to be home unsupervised. Or what the legal age of babysitters or caregivers might be, in Florida or anywhere else. What IS relevant (IMO) is the ability of parents & also those without children to make responsible decisions regarding themselves (in any matter - childcare decisions or otherwise) and those that look to them for care & protection, regardless of whether or not there is a legal statute defining who/when/how/whatever.

It is not the State's responsibility, nor the school district's, to determine the choices parents must make in order to provide for their children.

It is each & every parent's responsibility. And to suggest that a parent is not responsible or culpable due to the fact that a law hasn't been implemented dictating responsibility or culpability is ridiculous.

Legislators assume that competent citizens (including parents) possess a measure of common sense. With every law passed there must be funding to implement & enforce that law.

I mean, how long will it be before we have laws defining "common sense"?! Do we really want someone else deciding what common sense is for us? Can't we decide for ourselves?

Sorrell, Both these posts you have written were dead solid perfect. It sums up about what are we really looking for here. Are we in need of a nanny state to legislate against stupidity? It doesn't work like that. Are we looking for a legal definition of negligence or a moral and ethical definiton?
Do the posters who ask the questions want there to be criminal negligence charges filed regardless of, or in addition to, who is culpable for her murder?

Or are you seeking agreement from an ethical perspective that it is really just plain old every day ordinary dumb to leave kids that young by themselves at home or with the run of the neighborhood because anything can happen, at any time, from setting the house on fire to getting into regular trouble like kids are prone to do to the........unthinkable.
Missing/Located Forum Discussion This is the place for case discussion and opinion regarding all cases on the Missing/Located Forums.
I copied this from the top of this page.....I always try to include MO in my posts....if they offend you, so sorry, but I do have the right to my opinion....other than pics that I have posted, I have only reported one fact that I know of, and it was deleted because I could not provide a link....let's just say I learned my lesson.....MO
I counldn't get link to work either.
Ok y'all. I'm gonna hit the hay. Have a great night.

Praying for Somer and all who love her.
Also, Praying for Justice.
Well, if I could add an aside here...
My son told me that he dreaded getting on the bus, there was terrible behavior, some abusive toward kids, the drivers could not maintain order and he didn't sit down for 3 years. Furthermore, he did not use the public rest room for 3 years because kids were smoking pot there, and putting other kids' heads in toilets. And as I said, even if she did take a bus, she would come home to an empty house. And any perp who had a special interest in her would know that, and find a way to get to her there. Just last week SAD posted that she drove by and one of the kids was way down the block and little Sammy was all alone looking bereft playing by himself with out an adult in sight.
We cant protect them from everything, but we need to use discernment and common sense. Even if it means giving up things we'd rather do to get them through these tough times with a parent by their side.

I never said lil sam was alone. There were a group of kids out and it was a nice day.. it had been raining for days. The kid I saw going down the street was playing with them and looked like he could take care of himself. This wasnt one of DT's children. There were neighbors outside everywhere. And older kids. It looked like a normal day.. in any neighborhood..
How many mothers here would leave their younger children with a 10 yr old??? Not I.....because we cannot find it in "legal" terms, does not make it right.....it is just common sense....MO....I am guessing some are looking for legal terms in order for DT to not be held negligent in this......I personally do not care if she is held negligent....she has to live with the decisions that she has made in regards to her children....so sad....MO

Its is sad...10yrs old is to young in my eyes. Even if she is a mature 10yo like my sister was. Esp that she had to walk them home from school. I would be a total wreck.
There are several people on the Somer thread who are locals or so called approved family members. Here's the problem:

When someone comes on as a family member and makes a comment - how do I know that what is being said is 'fact', 'opinion', or 'rumor'. It's very confusing as evidenced by the many who come onto this thread and tell you just how dysfunctional it is...nobody can figure anything out. Spreading rumors and smut about a grieving mom, her deceased daughter, and her surviving children does NOT represent WS as I know it. mho

I am particularly offended by those characterizing little Somer as an unhappy, angry, lonely, friendless, and neglected 7yo. How dare anyone do this to a deceased child!!!! Especially since she has been portrayed by many as happy and filled with love for people, friends, puppies, and kitty cats, and all animals. Just what gives anyone the right to portray Somer in such a pejorative way? I know - if you portray little Somer in this way - mom Diena looks neglectful and guilty, in other words, it serves your needs. mho

This thread is NOT just for those who are presently controlling it - it is for the scores of people who blog here at WS and those who read comments without logging on. This blog is available to the United States and beyond - the impression you give represents all of us. mho

The first bold by me.. we ask them to prove what they are saying
The second bold by me.. This have not been proven either
The first bold by me.. we ask them to prove what they are saying
The second bold by me.. This have not been proven either

After all there was the not insignificant matter of the first carnival fundraiser for the family, not JC/Crimestoppers 4 days after her body was found and 2 days before the funeral. That is branded on my heart.
Just an "opinion" on "family members" and "friends" etc on these boards...I KNOW that they are "vetted" and checked out by the owner...

and the mods let us know they are "legit"...

but in some of these very active threads that info could have been pages and pages...or hundreds of pages...or 4 or 5 threads in the past

those of us who come on here have no idea who is who....JMO it would really be nice and helpful IF those who have a "vested interest" in cases, friends, family, neighbors, locals, law enforcement or whatever, would have a sig line that stated their "connection" so that it would be readily available and regular "posters", readers, lurkers could then better understand where they are "coming from"

I do remember a poster on this thread who was a former neighbor of DT's...but I was NOT aware that some others are (it seems) somehow related, locals or whatever
After all there was the not insignificant matter of the first carnival fundraiser for the family, not JC/Crimestoppers 4 days after her body was found and 2 days before the funeral. That is branded on my heart.

I just trying to point out that if people want 'fact', 'opinion', or 'rumor' spelled out I can argee on that.. but dont go throw in an opinion in as a fact because they are doing what they just asked us not to do
I never said lil sam was alone. There were a group of kids out and it was a nice day.. it had been raining for days. The kid I saw going down the street was playing with them and looked like he could take care of himself. This wasnt one of DT's children. There were neighbors outside everywhere. And older kids. It looked like a normal day.. in any neighborhood..

I thought you said he was in a wheelchair!! By the way, were AT and AC outside, too that you saw? And if so where were they in relation to Lil ST?
I thought you said he was in a wheelchair!! By the way, were AT and AC outside, too that you saw? And if so where were they in relation to Lil ST?
I remember something about him sitting on the curb, while other children were playing with wheel chairs....LOL.....sad? help?
So I can not find any info that Mr Freed (DT lawyer) has anything to do with JC
I have looked at both his website and JC website and partners
So I dont know why JC is no longer visable in this case
So I can not find any info that Mr Freed (DT lawyer) has anything to do with JC
I have looked at both his website and JC website and partners
So I dont know why JC is no longer visable in this case
I have researched this as well, and can find no connection....
I think I am going to bed now...MO....LOL....good night all...blessings....
I thought you said he was in a wheelchair!! By the way, were AT and AC outside, too that you saw? And if so where were they in relation to Lil ST?

He was in a wheelchair flying down the street, looked like he was playing with it, but IDK.There were two wheelchairs and st was messing with one too.. there was a group on both sides of road out by memorial some scattered in front of AB's ages approximately 7-14. I dont know if at and ac were among them. I just drove by, I didnt stop and stare.
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