FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #4

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I actually posted this yesterday as a link WITHOUT the picture as I did not think it was appropriate to post images of someone's young children without their knowledge or consent.

IMO, the image should be removed.



Google Earth is amazing but the thing is that pedofiles can get this information too and know just where to wait. Not good.
I am greatful that Patty G filmed and posted this news conference on this very tragic story about the loss of this lovely, innocent little girl. I think it's worth repeating:


God rest your soul, Somer. I'm sorry that we couldn't have saved you and kept you from harm.
Thanks for the new thread, KC.

I asked this on the previous thread and didn't get an answer, so I figured I'd repeat myself. It's something I really wonder about. When a body is found in a landfill, how do they determine what is evidence surrounding the body and what is just plain trash? This seems to be an impossible feat to me. And bringing whatever evidence they find into a courtroom, can't it easily be discarded by the defense and garbage/trash that can in no way be proven to have anything to do with Somer's abductor?

I just read in an article that one of the detectives had the idea to search the trucks before they were dumped.

So a detective was assigned to each truck and watched as garbage came out. With that in mind, the garbage just below and above would be from the same (or likely from the same) trash?

Also, IMO, while it may not "prove" who did it ... it would be another piece of the puzzle for LE to identify the killer. For example, the scum may have left evidence on Somer.



Somer's Mother Had Pleaded for Her Return

Beseler said the decision to search the town trash came from one of his detectives. A detective, he said, was assigned to each truck carrying trash to the garbage dump in Georgia and watched as the refuse was poured out.

The little girl's body was in one of the trucks.

"Had we not done that, tons of garbage would have been distributed over the body," he said, "and likely never would have been found."
If people are just starting to follow this case, it might be helpful to put the links to previous threads for Somer in the first post.

Thread 1
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90457"]FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thread 2
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90501"]FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park THREAD #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thread 3
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90552"]Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It just breaks my heart that it is not safe for children to just be children, to play outside, ride bikes on the sidewalk, walk to a friends house. When i was a kid growing up in south Ga we had a park down the street that all the kids played at, even after dark as it was well lit. Now that park is home to drug deals, gang shootings and who knows what else.
Something has got to be done to protect our children and I pray that we as parents can figure out what that something is and band together and get laws changed or whatever it takes.
My children are grown and I don't have grandchildren, but I care deeply about our innocent little children.
I went to church last night and prayed for Somer's family and all the other families with children missing.
Florida gov. on phone with Fox News.....need to apprehend the animal who did this. Huh? Fox anchorette says Somer has 3 siblings? I thought twin brother and 10 year old sister....
October 22, 2009
Sheriff On The Today Show BEFORE News Conference

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4324440&postcount=657"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #3[/ame]
Google Earth is amazing but the thing is that pedofiles can get this information too and know just where to wait. Not good.
I totally agree. All the more reason to not post pictures of someone else's children, especially without their knowledge or consent.

I would be livid if I found someone posting pictures of my children and would do whatever it took to make them accountable.


Florida gov. on phone with Fox News.....need to apprehend the animal who did this. Huh? Fox anchorette says Somer has 3 siblings? I thought twin brother and 10 year old sister....

I had heard yesterday there was another brother around the age of 13 during a news report and the reporter had indicated the child different live there. Don't know if that is true or not, just what I heard.

Then yesterday, there were a few people who posted on my YouTube videos who live in Orange Park and stated they know Somer's brother , age 13. I can't confirm it one way or another ...
Florida gov. on phone with Fox News.....need to apprehend the animal who did this. Huh? Fox anchorette says Somer has 3 siblings? I thought twin brother and 10 year old sister....

And a 13-year-old brother who has a different father. Texas birth records ancestry.com...
I had heard yesterday there was another brother around the age of 13 during a news report and the reporter had indicated the child different live there. Don't know if that is true or not, just what I heard.

Then yesterday, there were a few people who posted on my YouTube videos who live in Orange Park and stated they know Somer's brother Andrew, age 13. I can't confirm it one way or another ...

Last night on the local 4 news the mother was enbraced by another person could not see the other person face during the pieces the news showed of the vigil. The anchor in the news studio ask the reporter if that was D_____
and I cannot remember what name he said. I was wondering who D_______
was. If it was an older sibling. Appeared female from back, dark short hair.
Reporter said she wasn't sure she was staying back right now for respect.

Anyone know who is the bald head guy pictured here


Is this the BF?
Thanks everyone...didn't know about the older brother...does he live with mom?
I really feel it is unsafe for stay-at-home moms or women alone to open their door to anyone soliciting business, notification, whatever. I also feel it is unsafe for women or children to go by themselves to sell or distribute information door-to-door.

Please don't take an unnecessary risk that could cause you to be a victim.

If there are materials about SO's to distribute, those items can always be left on the doorstep, etc.

and asked that everyone sing her favorite song..."You are my sunshine"..

so sad..just like Kaylee Anthony
Last night on the local 4 news the mother was enbraced by another person could not see the other person face during the pieces the news showed of the vigil. The anchor in the news studio ask the reporter if that was D_____
and I cannot remember what name he said. I was wondering who D_______
was. If it was an older sibling. Appeared female from back, dark short hair.
Reporter said she wasn't sure she was staying back right now for respect.

Anyone know who is the bald head guy pictured here


Is this the BF?
The man in the yellowish colored shirt looks similar to the boyfriend...the man in the pinkish shirt could be a brother maybe?


I really feel it is unsafe for stay-at-home moms or women alone to open their door to anyone soliciting business, notification, whatever. I also feel it is unsafe for women or children to go by themselves to sell or distribute information door-to-door.

Please don't take an unnecessary risk that could cause you to be a victim.

If there are materials about SO's to distribute, those items can always be left on the doorstep, etc.


I work from home, and I RARELY open the door when someone knocks.
I really feel it is unsafe for stay-at-home moms or women alone to open their door to anyone soliciting business, notification, whatever. I also feel it is unsafe for women or children to go by themselves to sell or distribute information door-to-door.

Please don't take an unnecessary risk that could cause you to be a victim.

If there are materials about SO's to distribute, those items can always be left on the doorstep, etc.


I completely agree. I have a "please do not disturb" sign I made on my apartment door. It is in very large and bold print. I never answer the door when I am home unless someone calls first to say they are coming over. (I don't even open for UPS or USPS, if I order I include a comment to mark the package "please leave at door no signature required", or, if I forget that comment, I leave a note on the door on delivery date with my signature and date on it telling them to take that if they need a signature and leave the package.)

I would never walk to distribute fliers and knock on doors alone or with a child. You could be grabbed in a blink, and, the child may get the idea it is okay to walk up to strangers doors and knock on them.

Completely agree.
Somer's mother said that Somer and her siblings lived outside of the bus route - does this mean they lived too far or not far enough?

I think it is time schools work with parents to orginize a way to get kids to school and home safely. Parents must work and may not have the reasources to pick up their kids or have their kids picked up. there must be a way to keep them safe as I am sure SO frequently stalk schools for such children.

Kid's should not be walking a mile home alone to or from school or even in groups and working parents should have the support of the school and district to figure out a way to get them to and from school safely.

It is unacceptable to end school classes and allow elementary school kids to find their own way home.

My son lived 14 blocks from his school and in order to get the bus service he had to live 16 blocks - this was in junior high and my heart hurt each time he had to walk alone - because I work and had no other options. My sitter was my mom who arrived home slightly too late to be able to pick him up. A finally worked out something with another mother - but it was unfair to leave me with no options.
I can work outside the home when I need to--arrange my own schedule. I really need to be working right now as a matter of fact, but I can't. And I know that many of you can't either because children are being murdered left and right and that might be considered a reason to read and write about it?
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