FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #5

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I feel the need to share my reaction to my father's death. He was hit by a car while crossing the street in front of his home. My mother and younger sister were just puddles of devastation, totally unable to function. Someone had to and I did. I made all the visitation and funeral arrangements, consoled grieving brothers, sisters, friends, etc.

I did not cry, there was no time for that. In the end my mother asked me how I could be so cold? I believe that hurt worse than my father's death. She did not know about the nightmares I had for months, or the depression. She is 98 now and I still love her to death. We are just very different.

I just want everyone to be aware that I cry at sad movies, cry at happy endings, cry at babies being lost before they have a chance to grow up and have a say in where their life goes. Yet, in a crisis, I will continue to function as long as I am needed. And that is what made me a good nurse, so I do it without apology.

Please think twice and give this mother a break.

Thank you so much for sharing.

I cried when both my mom and dad died.
But I and my sister were the ones who stepped up and made all the funeral arrangements, memorial service, gathering afterwards.
I spoke at their funerals.
I was the executor of the estate.
I did what needed to be done.

And I miss them every single day.
I have been in lots of book stores in my life and i have never saw one with the title of "How to act when your child is abducted, murdered and thrown in a garbage dump" have you? People react to things differently and it wouldn't matter what she said or did or did not say or do some people would find fault in it. I watched an interview last night of the sister of another child that was abducted and killed in Flordia several years back (sorry can't remember the childs name) and she said she didn't see her parents for a couple weeks after she was with relatives, and even some LE families kept her for awhile due to the media and her own saftey and her parents being so torn up so what she is doing with her own children is not our business maybe she is being advised by LE and I am sure grief conselors on what to do. Until you walk a mile in her shoes(and i hope no one ever has to) don't judge her so harshley
I don't think my post judged her 'so harshly' as you put it. I agree, everyone copes differently. But I wouldn't ask you or anyone else to deny what your gut reactions are. They are what they are. And mine are different in this case than yours. I just felt I needed to respond to your post because I felt you were off base for saying I judged her so harshly. Like I said, I will not be posting about her..I could be wrong. Everyone is suspect until the guilty party is verified in my book. Back to lurking.
An earlier poster asked about the owner of the burned home. There was a report on local TV news, I think, that the owner lived in Jacksonville and was devastated that the home may have been involved in this murder. They reported that two males lived in the house at the time of the fire. I assumed the males were renters, but the report didn't specify.
O/T and FYI - they have arrested a 15-year old in the death of Elizabeth Olten. Won't say if the perp is male or female.

Do you think maybe the bashing comes from a fear of her very obvious pain? It is scary to watch and to realize that it could happen to anyone of us?


I believe the bashing comes from a need to make oneself feel better at another's expense - Your child is dead, but mine is still alive. Therefore, I must be a better parent. Some people have hate so deep in their heart the only way they can it from poisoning them it is to try to hurt someone else like we are seeing here.

My opinion only
I believe the bashing comes from a need to make oneself feel better at another's expense - Your child is dead, but mine is still alive. Therefore, I must be a better parent. Some people have hate so deep in their heart the only way they can it from poisoning them it is to try to hurt someone else like we are seeing here.

My opinion only

I think its wrong to try and psychoanalyze our fellow posters. We are here to discuss a specific crime. IMO
For those of you who have uneasy feelings regarding Deina's demeanor, while I truly respect your right to your opinion, I ask that you please remember the Jessica Lunsford case. Poor Mark Lunsford and his parents were put through the wringer when little Jessica was abducted, and many were highly critical of Mark's television interviews. Some couldn't believe he could be so composed at such a time of crisis and made nasty remarks regarding his appearance and lifestyle, etc. And we all know how that turned out. :(

Praying for a swift conclusion to this case, for little Somer and all who love her.
I think we all should remember that we are here, on a forum where crimes are discussed and sleuthed. Although some opinions that may be expressed are not those that we may agree with, it does not mean that they have no value or right to express them. Attack the post if you must, but not the poster.
Sorry chicana- your post seemed like a good one to quote. No reflection on you.

Come on now people. Don't make me pull teeth or hairs....HOW many cases have went down where YOU ALL were ALL OVER the parents for not "reacting correctly". Casey A cried without tears, you all tore her a new b***. Remember?

What is the difference here??? My GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Her baby girl has only been dead for 5 friggin days now? Shouldn't her attention be on her surviving children? She acts like she as all the time the world to devote to press conference and appearances. When she does appear on TV , shouldn't her loud, squeaky sobs be accomanied by WET TEARS?????????????????? And WHAT'S UP with that slight constant smirk on her face???? I cannot be the only person here who notices it?

You all know, that IF, come Monday morning, you turn on the news and learn that the focus is now on her own home, 100's will suddenly come out of the woodwork and say, gee, I thought it strange that she cried and sobbed with DRY EYES!

I just happen to have the balls to say what some might be thinking ALOUD. As stated, I HOPE that I am wrong. But, I can't explain to myself why this woman unnerves me the way she does.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that it seems odd. My understanding is that Somer was at school all day and there were witnesses that saw her walking home. LE would have had to verify that she was working and what time she left. If I could see any way that she was involved, I'd suspect her behavior.
Since I don't see any, IMO there must be another reason that there are no tears to match the grief.
I can't imagine losing my child and not being on my knees sobbing unless I was on some mood altering/stabilizing drugs.
There are also anti-depressants that can have this affect and for all we know she could have been taking something before this happened. Lord knows there's plenty to be depressed about.

I think she feels guilty that she let Somer walk home or that she didn't do more to stop her from taking off and wandering around.
Didn't she say that she feels that she failed Somer ? Doing nothing, to her, might seem like continuing to fail Somer. Hopefully her other kids have someone helping them with their grief. They might support what their mom is doing and it might actually help them deal with this tragedy.
Taking a stand and not letting people forget that this child was thrown in the garbage and that it could happen to their children if changes aren't made.

If we learn that mom could have done it, you're right that I'll change my opinion & concede that her behavior was an indicator of guilt.
She was seen in a fight at school before disappearing, according to a police report Thursday. Her 10-year-old sister told police that Somer had gotten into a fight with another girl at school earlier in the day.
The sister said she brought up the fight while she and her brother walked Somer home from school, and that Somer ran off from them, apparently upset. The sister said she lost sight of Somer in a group of other kids leaving the school, according to the police report.


Police Report Available
Could it be that some people are afraid to even think how you would act under the same circumstances??? Or, are some people that well scripted and in control that they would know how they are "supposed" to act?

I wasn't aware that there was a Emily Post book of how to act and what to say when your child is murdered..

My life was rocked by an tragedy and I was in total shock,cried until I had no tears left and reaslly have vague memory of the event (or refuse to go back to the time) . I was put on anit-depressasnts which numb you... Momtective described what you go through elequently. I feel Diena (sp) would get slammed no matter WHAT SHE DID,SAID or HOW SHE ACTED!
For me, Somer's mom is not involved in any way.

Usually I am very suspicious in these situations, but with good reason....Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin and Kate McCann springs to my mind. Their stories didn't add up from the start, in Casey's case it was blatantly obvious what had happened.

Diena's(sp?) story does add up and afaik has been checked out by LE.

There is no reason to suspect her. I see real emotion coming from her, maybe not the tears but nonetheless it's raw emotions IMO. LE haven't flagged anything up, the other siblings are still in the family home, are they not? If they suspected anything had gone off with the immediate family those kids would be elsewhere IMO.

Some people are too cruel with their words. DT is probably feeling more guilty than any of us can ever imagine and nothing you or I say will make her feel worse, that I am sure of.
I haven't been on this thread much today, so I have a question.. what is it about Diena that is causing people to question her involvement? Did I miss something? Thanks!
Na, na, na, na, NO! Don't stop!!! This is what I was asking for. Asking for people to help me see Somer's Mom more clearly. Nobody's convinced me yet, but....

There was a case, maybe last year, or the year before, where a little 4 1/2-5 year old girl (with single mom) was abducted from her front yard, and IIRC, was playing with a (male?) playmate who was able to provide a really accurate description of her abductor, and then, the little girls body was found like 36 hours later on the side of a big hill. A California case. Anyway, her Mom was very open with the media too....If you said her or her mom's name I'd go "yeah, that's it".

Anyway, maybe Somer's Mom is just another really strong woman like this little girl's Mother was, but, till I learn more, she's number one suspect on my list based on her demeanor. Again, I HOPE I am way opff base.

Samantha Runnion was the child, mom's name is Erin.

(sorry if this has already been answered)
The child's teary but resolute mother appeared on television interviews and warned her daughter's killer: "We'll get you." She pleaded for anyone with information to "please, please tell" police.

Diena Thompson has declined requests from The Associated Press for interviews. She spent part of the day Friday making funeral arrangements, and a law enforcement officer was seen carrying a child's white dress from the family's home. A viewing will be held Monday night and a funeral will follow on Tuesday.

When my ex-husband was killed in a hit-and-run, by a Miami-Dade Detective, the press told us not to be overly emotional as people stop listening when this is done. They said the anger and emotion should come through but not to over do the crying and screaming because people will tune out and not hear the message we were trying to convey. We were asking for help in finding the person who would leave someone in the road to be run over repeatedly. Yes, it is hard not to scream and bawl, but screaming and bawling does not convey the message that you need help in finding the person responsible.
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