FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #5

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Because she hasn't cried "real" tears. :banghead:

More likely, ran out of tears. I know I did when my sister was killed suddenly.

She's being judged by snippets of news footage by some (not you). So sad the cameras haven't been filming her 24/7 so her tears would have been substantiated. :mad:
I also have noticed her affect. She seems to regain her composure too quickly from her bouts of breaking down at appearing to cry and dab at her eyes.

I noticed this the very first time I saw her on tv and every interview since. I know that everyone does grieve in different ways, but I also think she needs to be at home with her other children and helping to to cope with this.

Lady Sleuth

I don't feel like she had anything to do with it although I have noticed the same things such as no tears, recovering too quickly, numerous media appearances. I have also read many comments (not here at WS) about no tears.
I agree with another poster here who suggested she may be afraid to be alone. I was wondering what will happen to her when the media and neighbors are no longer outside her home. IDK. I do think she is just in shock and denial and it hasn't yet fully hit her.
I just haven't seen a motive in this case as in the Susan S. case. I do wonder about the people around her, that maybe her behavior led to this happening? Were there drugs being used in her home?
Basically, I'm still wondering about that RSO at her home and listed on the police report!!!
When I am really really angry, I react very similarly as Deina is reacting. I am considered the "strong one" in my family, which was very "dysfunctional" when I was young. As the oldest child, many times I had to step up to the plate and be the adult in situations. This offered me no chance to whine and cry during frequent crisis' that arose in my surroundings.

As a result, when there is a crisis, I tend to be very outspoken and can express myself easily. When I offer myself that moment to reflect on my emotions, I can crack, but quickly my "strength" will grab me again. How I feel is VERY similar to what Deina is showing - so much so that I can "feel her pain".

A person who reacts with my personality style falls apart...oh yes we do. But we do it in the quiet stillness of our self-proclaimed hiding places. We do not fall apart in public. And we don't need meds to be like this either.

Hope this helps with understanding.

And I totally agree with this... as long as she is participating in the process, she will show strength. Her break down will come but it will be behind the curtain, so to speak. I'm exactly the same way.
Mom is so not involved in her daughter's death. She is - as I would be - most likely taking some medication to get through this.

She. is. devastated. And that is very clear to me.

Chris V.? I'm don't know why, but I'm just not feeling that he is the perp.

I want to hear more about Clayton G. He gave incorrect info for his employment and address to LE on the police report, he absconded and now he is in Texas. There may be a valid explanation for all of this but I'm just not feelling good about him.

bbm. I completely agree with you!!!

Police report states Ms. Thompson phoned the b/f at work asking him to assist with locating Somer. He left work (p-report) and went directly to help with the search for Somer. His employer is stated on the (pr) and I have no doubt in my mind that LE verified his and Ms. Thompson's
statements. As well as where they were during this time frame. IMO

LE is NOT releasing COD or any information they have with what they know, and I think this is a wise decision. Only the perp and LE know--so anyone that 'slips' up with anything will be A. the killer or B. know who the killer is.
It may be a good time to go over what we think we know about people and places:

- Nothing has been said that makes us believe Somer made it home.

- The burned out house where LE have said she was seen last is closer to the school than her house.

- The man who worked on the burnt home has a brother who is a RSO, GV. However, he has said GV never worked on the home and that his offense was a 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old. The contractor does have an assistant but we don't know his name.

- A SO who wasn't correctly registered, CWG, was questioned randomly by the officer investigating the initial report of Somer being missing Monday afternoon. We don't where he was located when he was questioned. This sex offender registered the next day and may be currently in Texas.

- There was one adult home at Somer's house when she went missing, SP. He is a family friend and not the boyfriend. He may have stayed at the house while the other siblings went to look for Somer.

Please correct anything that is incorrect or add more info.
A few of my thoughts:

Mom Diena comes across as an intelligent, articulate, sincere, grieving and now outraged mom. By all accounts people see her as a good mom - a single working mom who is doing the best she can. People all across Planet Earth are identifying with Diena. mho

Contrast this with a mom who never made it past 8th grade who is unable to string thoughts together and hasn't developed the tools necessary to shift from grief to outrage. How many want to identify with her or even give the benefit of the doubt? mho

Some people say Diena is in the media way to much. Don't you see that the media likes Diena and shows the same clips over and over making it seem she is on TV far more often than she really is.

Displaying emotions is often an outcome of how we are brought up - it may or may not be an indication of guilt or innocence. mho

All kinds of medications affect tears and saliva production - anti-anxiety agents such as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin and/or anti-depressants can have the unpleasant side effect of dry mouth....and those are just a few examples. If Diena is on one of these medications, that would account for her lack of tears, her hoarse voice, and even the blushed face. (I say that as a pharmacist who has some understanding of side effects).

I see Diena as a mom who has done the best she can, and right now she is questioning if she did enough...Don't we all ask ourselves that heart wrenching question? Diena risks being vulnerable and brave in the public eye - a combination we don't often see. This is a crushing tragedy and I'm so sorry anybody has to go through such a terrible experience.
It may be a good time to go over what we think we know about people and places:

- Nothing has been said that makes us believe Somer made it home.

- The burned out house where LE have said she was seen last is closer to the school than her house.

- The man who worked on the burnt home has a brother who is a RSO, GV. However, he has said GV never worked on the home and that his offense was a 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old. The contractor does have an assistant but we don't know his name.

- A SO who wasn't correctly registered, CWG, was questioned randomly by the officer investigating the initial report of Somer being missing Monday afternoon. We don't where he was located when he was questioned. This sex offender registered the next day and may be currently in Texas.

- There was one adult home at Somer's house when she went missing, SP. He is a family friend and not the boyfriend. He may have stayed at the house while the other siblings went to look for Somer.

Please correct anything that is incorrect or add more info.

Who is the man in the vigil video kneeling behind Somer's mother and touching her neck?
He is bald and wearing a pink golf shirt.
Nothing really being released in this case from what Ive read. Have LE ruled out the mom's boyfriend as a suspect?
It may be a good time to go over what we think we know about people and places:

- Nothing has been said that makes us believe Somer made it home.

- The burned out house where LE have said she was seen last is closer to the school than her house.- The man who worked on the burnt home has a brother who is a RSO, GV. However, he has said GV never worked on the home and that his offense was a 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old. The contractor does have an assistant but we don't know his name.

- A SO who wasn't correctly registered, CWG, was questioned randomly by the officer investigating the initial report of Somer being missing Monday afternoon. We don't where he was located when he was questioned. This sex offender registered the next day and may be currently in Texas.

- There was one adult home at Somer's house when she went missing, SP. He is a family friend and not the boyfriend. He may have stayed at the house while the other siblings went to look for Somer.

Please correct anything that is incorrect or add more info.

BBM - I think this is an interesting point. If there was a perp planning this attack and if that house was used in the crime it makes you think this person might have been planning for any little girl they could get their hands on right off of school grounds? Then again, a day time abduction is SO risky - I truly have a hard time thinking there were no witnesses. If Somer was agitated by other kids and with this frame of mind - did this make her feel like she could get into a strange car without being snatched off the street? How could the perp plan to snatch Somer, they would have no clue she would end up by herself. So, were they on the prowl for any little kid they could get their hands on??? AND if it was someone Somer was familiar with that did this, then how could they plan on her being alone - if they had it out for her in general, she would typically be known to walk in a group. And a known abductor would be highly unlikely.


I thought if we could try to read the mind of this sicko rather than blaming mom all day we might be able to make headway.
Suggestions as to how to prepare for a missing child. While the suggestions are excellent, why should anyone need to prepare for a child going missing?

It's interesting that the video says 99% of children know their abductor/offender.

It actually says How to protect and prepare for a missing child.

I have kits for my children. Right after Victoria Stafford's body was discovered I told myself "no way would I not be prepared in case some happened to my child". I have a folder on my PC with current photos that I update every two weeks. I have their fingerprints, I have their baby teeth, I have their old toothbrushes and hairbrushes, I have some of their hair and I have a form typed up with all the important information on them including their descriptions, any medical issues, scars and/or marks, doctors names, dentists names, family names and friends names. All the information I feel would be needed if my child should ever go missing.

While Christmas shopping 2 years ago in London, England the crowds were so large and unruly that people began shoving and pushing to a point that folks were getting crushed. This was on a street corner on Oxford Street. My son was being crushed and nearly knocked down by this crowd. His little hand slowly being pulled out of mine, it was at that point I began screaming "you're crushing my child!" and began to panic. My husband was able to get our youngest son out of the crowd and got to a safe spot but my oldest son and I were still caught in the stampede. The only thing that saved us was a young black man who saw my obvious panic. He used his body and began forcing people back so I could follow him and get my son out.

That was one of the most scariest moments I experienced with my children. I couldn't thank that young man enough. My husband and I flagged the first cab we saw and went home, abandoning our shopping in favor of being home with our children. I shudder to think of what could have possibly happened to my son. That young black man turned up later on TV in the news. He had just arrived from Tanzania to help search for his missing nephew. Sadly the boy had not been found by the time we moved back to Canada.

I am prepared because you just never know what might happen. You cannot foretell the future. When a child goes missing doesn't mean that child was automatically abducted, although I'm sad to say many are. Some children end up missing due to natural disasters, or horrible accidents. There are many ways children can go missing besides being abducted. I wanted to be prepared. I am prepared. I just hope that I never have to use it.

For the young man who helped me: Ahsante sana! :hug:


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