GUILTY FL - Tariji Gordon, 2, Sanford, 10 Feb 2014

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Not sure if anyone posted this already but while reviewing this case I found an update on the other children. Such a sad case but glad to see there is hope for the other siblings.
I'm shaking! WHY? Oh WHY kill a baby?!?! She didn't even have to have her! She could have left her in foster care with the state! All the pictures I saw of her dressed so nice, and her hair fixed so nice, initially I thought the Mom had taken those photos, but no, it was her foster Mom! She really loved those children! Foster Mom had one of them for 2.5 yrs, and wrote on FB about how hard it was letting them go. This is so dayum wrong! Sometimes the child is best left where they are loved, thriving, and their needs are being met! Birth parents aren't always the best solution. Oh poor baby!

UGH!!!! She's pregnant again!!!! Doesn't know what birth control is, hasn't had her kids but two months and one is dead. She's taking up much needed oxygen.,0,6488049.story

No word yet on where Gordon is, and what if any role he played.

Ok, first of all, RIP precious little twins! I can't believe this mom killed both of these babies, and yes, I believe she did kill them both. Second, I am sick to death of hearing all of this crap about women needing help and not being able to get it. If you are on public assistance and have regular visits by CPS/DCFS, you HAVE HELP!!!!!! And what about helping yourself? There is such a thing as responsibility. If you cannot care for your children do not have MORE! Focus on caring for the ones you have. Yes, she could've allowed these children to remain in foster care and be well-cared for and loved, but her needs and wants were ONCE AGAIN more important than those of her defenseless little ones.:(
June 2015:

Fryer appeared in court on Tuesday to ask Judge Debra S. Nelson for a new attorney in her case. She wrote a motion asking for the hearing.

"He told me he was only going to work on my case," Fryer told Nelson. "I've seen him in the newspaper in three different trials. He's lied to me several times."...

Dowdy defended himself to the court, describing requests his office had received from Fryer.

"She demands that we make phone calls on her behalf to numerous people. She wants us to put money in her account which we will not do," he said.
Rachel Fryer appeared before a judge Tuesday, saying she wanted a new lawyer and wanted to get out of jail on bond.

"I asked him to get me a bond hearing. It's not been done. I've asked for results of my deposition. I have none. I've asked to be evaluated for mental health evaluation," Fryer told Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, referring to her court-appointed attorney Jeff Dowdy.

Dowdy told Nelson that Fryer is difficult to deal with and makes demands beyond what a public defender must do...

The judge would not give Fryer a new attorney and did not consider setting bond.
January 2015 :)

SANFORD – A 7-year-old girl, 5-year-old girl and 4-year-old boy chased each other through a courthouse hallway this afternoon, played with a stranger's necktie and pinched the cheeks of their brand new 19-year-old brother.

They then went inside a courtroom and in a happy and sometimes tearful ceremony, were adopted by a 51-year-old single mom...

All three survivors were adopted today by Penny Jones, a Florida Hospital executive and the foster mother who had raised the two youngest children for more than three years.
November 2015:

The woman who adopted three of Rachel Fryer's children has convinced a judge to stop Fryer from writing jailhouse letters to them.

They are witnesses in her murder case...

Jones said Thursday that her newly adopted children have calmed down and settled in.

"The children have received extensive trauma therapy at Kids House and are doing well now that they know Rachel cannot find them," Jones wrote in her July 13 injunction petition.
August 2015:

Jones, a Florida Hospital executive and recent founder of The Penny Project, a nonprofit advocacy group, has since adopted Tariji's three surviving siblings — now ages 5, 6 and 8. The oldest, she said, is on the honor roll, and the middle one has become a teacher's favorite. The youngest and "most damaged," she said, is healing.

"His prayers started as 'Please send Tariji back to me,'" said Jones, 51. "Then it became, 'Thank you for taking Tariji to heaven so Mommy Rachel can't hurt her no more.' And finally it was 'God, give her a hug and a kiss for me.'"
August 2015:

Following intense criticism that too many children have died on the state's watch, Florida's child-welfare investigators have added a new layer of scrutiny that's fueling a steep increase in the number of kids removed from their homes.

In Central Florida alone — Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Lake — the total is up 17 percent in the past year, to nearly 2,000 children. Some areas are drastically higher than others....

If the new protocol were in place, officials say, it may have saved Tariji.
From last month:

Rachel Fryer, the Sanford mother who told police where she buried the body of her 2-year-old daughter, this morning pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for a 30-year prison term...

Fryer's trial was to begin July 18, but prosecutors faced a tough challenge: They had no physical evidence that Fryer struck the fatal blows nor any witnesses who would tell jurors that they saw her hit the child's head.

What they did have was solid proof that she abused the 2-year-old...

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