Found Deceased FL - Taylor Wright, 33, Pensacola, 8 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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Abudrake. earlier you had mentioned NOLA. Is that somewhere that Taylor would likely go? Is that her favorite place for comfort? Does she have friends there?

Great question, and I don't know. She had been there only infrequently before a few months ago, and knew nobody there. But as I mentioned above, she forms extremely close friendships in a short amount of time. From what her friends say, she's been there a lot in the past months. I just don't know enough about her life to even guess about where to start looking, however. She likes to play poker and used to be good enough to earn a decent wage at the table - maybe see if a casino has a recent record of her swiping her 'players club' card? I'll suggest that to PPD next time I speak with them - thanks for the idea.
AbuDrake, you may have answered this already, and I apologize if I overlooked it - did she take her passport with her?
Abudrake, to follow along for other opportunities to locate Taylor, does she have a go-to friend, (long-time or otherwise) someone that she could go to no questions asked whether that be in Florida, or North Carolina, or elsewhere? I mean, if the chips were down, so to speak, is there that one friend she would reach out and get to or that would come get her?
AbuDrake, you may have answered this already, and I apologize if I overlooked it - did she take her passport with her?

I don't know - wasn't mentioned by her GF.
(You asked before but I neglected to answer - my apologies.)
Abudrake, to follow along for other opportunities to locate Taylor, does she have a go-to friend, (long-time or otherwise) someone that she could go to no questions asked whether that be in Florida, or North Carolina, or elsewhere? I mean, if the chips were down, so to speak, is there that one friend she would reach out and get to or that would come get her?

She's drifted away from her oldest friends and family, for various reasons. I don't think it's likely that she's with someone who's just keeping mum. I don't think anyone would turn her away, but they'd say something if they saw her. The odds here aren't with old friends (who know her too well to play along), but with new friends who don't have the frame of reference to question what she's telling them.

(And FWIW - I'd drop whatever I'm doing to come help her out, if she really needed it.)
AbuDrake, is there anyplace in the US - a city, a national park, whatever - that Taylor had said in the past that she would like to visit that with life getting in the way it never came about to actually go there? Some place where she would take the opportunity now since she needed (or wanted) to get away? I suspect you wouldn't have much of an idea of her thoughts on places to visit in more recent times but even from long ago just talking out loud about a place to want to see? Perhaps even some annual event elsewhere in the country she had expressed an interest in attending that might fit within the time frame she went missing?
I would like to know if she was facing wage garnishment for child support. If there was money hidden; maybe it was used to take off.
AbuDrake, we know she was former LE. Her social media shows she likes firearms. Her PI job may or may not require a firearm. What is the likelihood, or do you know for sure, that when she left she was armed?
She is very secretive about her work, and who she works for. As the divorce case documents note, she didn't disclose employment records as ordered, had large amounts of unexplained income, hidden bank accounts, and was deceptive and evasive about where the money came from. I don't even know who she works for or what she does, other than apparently part-time employment doing PI work.

I hope she's OK too. I don't trust anyone's intuition, my own included...but my gut feeling is that nothing bad has happened to her. I just hope that she accepts that continuing to run and try to avoid the legal consequences of her actions isn't going to improve her position. If you are reading this, Taylor, please just stop trying to avoid the inevitable! When we do the wrong thing on purpose, we have to Pay The Man. That's just how it works. You've got a karma debt built up for sure, but it's not too late to start doing the right thing. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago...the second best time is today.

Unexplained income?? Bizarre. Have you ever gotten the sense that she's mixed up in anything illegal or shady? I don't get why she'd refuse to disclose her employment info if it's legit.

From everything I've read though, she strikes me as someone who simply doesn't know how/isn't equipped to deal with unpleasant emotions/situations. If she is oky, maybe the fallout of this ordeal will force her to get some help and deal with some of these issues.
I am a little uncomfortable here about having an ex post derogatory stuff about her. I am sure that my ex could, (and would) post stuff about me, that he felt was true through his eyes.
I am a little uncomfortable here about having an ex post derogatory stuff about her. I am sure that my ex could, (and would) post stuff about me, that he felt was true through his eyes.

in my opinion- he hasn't posted anything derogatory. He is giving his viewpoint in response to questions asked. I'm sure after a divorce and custody issues there are many things he would like to say (I know I would)but is refraining. I think his responses are in direct response to questions posed to him and help shed light on Taylor's possible mental state at the time she went missing.
Respectfully, MOO

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Thank you for the opportunity to provide some balance. The most frustrating thing about Taylor's actions of the past few years has been the fact that they stand in such stark contrast to other parts of her personality. She has so much potential - that's what kept me with her for so long. I was hoping that by trying to help feed her good wolf, it would defeat the other one. I'd like to think it's still in there, and can still come back.

Taylor is one of the most highly socially intelligent people I've ever met. She has an amazing knack for knowing what people want, and providing it. If she were a D&D Character, she would have a "first strike" charisma score of 18 that's pretty damn hard to roll against. As such, she is an incredible salesman, negotiator, interrogator, and "Good Time Charlie." Her passions in life are connected to this: she wants happy, positive social energy. She wants validation, adulation, and attention. This made her a great cop: she genuinely wanted to help people, and was effective at both doing good as a protector, and busting bad guys as an investigator. She was selected for a self-directed street crimes unit over much more senior officers because of her drive and ability to drum up information and cooperation where others could not.

She is extroverted and genuinely interested in other people. She is quick to give gifts, attention, sympathy, compassion, and to form exceptionally tight bonds with people after knowing them for a short while.

She is very secretive about her work, and who she works for. As the divorce case documents note, she didn't disclose employment records as ordered, had large amounts of unexplained income, hidden bank accounts, and was deceptive and evasive about where the money came from. I don't even know who she works for or what she does, other than apparently part-time employment doing PI work.

I hope she's OK too. I don't trust anyone's intuition, my own included...but my gut feeling is that nothing bad has happened to her. I just hope that she accepts that continuing to run and try to avoid the legal consequences of her actions isn't going to improve her position. If you are reading this, Taylor, please just stop trying to avoid the inevitable! When we do the wrong thing on purpose, we have to Pay The Man. That's just how it works. You've got a karma debt built up for sure, but it's not too late to start doing the right thing. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago...the second best time is today.

Great question, and I don't know. She had been there only infrequently before a few months ago, and knew nobody there. But as I mentioned above, she forms extremely close friendships in a short amount of time. From what her friends say, she's been there a lot in the past months. I just don't know enough about her life to even guess about where to start looking, however. She likes to play poker and used to be good enough to earn a decent wage at the table - maybe see if a casino has a recent record of her swiping her 'players club' card? I'll suggest that to PPD next time I speak with them - thanks for the idea.

I don't know - wasn't mentioned by her GF.
(You asked before but I neglected to answer - my apologies.)

She's drifted away from her oldest friends and family, for various reasons. I don't think it's likely that she's with someone who's just keeping mum. I don't think anyone would turn her away, but they'd say something if they saw her. The odds here aren't with old friends (who know her too well to play along), but with new friends who don't have the frame of reference to question what she's telling them.

(And FWIW - I'd drop whatever I'm doing to come help her out, if she really needed it.)

Thanks for becoming verified. Hoping for Taylor's safe return. Going back to catch up now...
Just want to say welcome AbuDrake and I hope Taylor is found safe and can get things together.
O.K. So now it's been 15 days since Taylor went missing -- although she has not been declared a "missing person" by LE because she is deemed to have left of her own accord.

Has there been any activity on her phone? Did she have her purse with her? I would assume that her bank accounts have been "frozen", so there would be no activity there.

Has ANYONE heard ANYTHING from her, AT ALL?
According to her girlfriend, she left all of her belongings at the girlfriend's house - Taylor had only recently moved in with her, and most of her possessions were still in a moving truck in the driveway. The notable things she left behind were 2x laptops (unlocked, logged into her Gmail etc) and heirloom jewelry.

Was this "moving truck" a rental? If so, very odd that she would take off without returning the truck first, because the charges for renting it would continue to accrue. Her possessions, left inside it, could be lost if the truck were to be retrieved by the rental company.
I'm the ex-husband in question. Jethro, I'm impressed by your reasoning - it's spot on for the most part. Here is what you are missing:

1) Taylor has a well documented history of fraud and deception. As you may have picked up from the court documents, she was caught lying many times in the final hearing about the nature of her income, and defied the court's order to replace the money she withdrew. When that money was un-frozen after the trial, she withdrew all of it (12JUN17). It's highly unlikely that this is anything but an attempt to abscond with that money. She knows this is criminal-level contempt and isn't keen to appear in court to face up to what she's done. That's why she filed that letter about going to help her family in Irma's path. She just wanted to roll the date to the right as she finished the process of stashing the money somewhere. And indeed - she was last seen on Friday with backpacks containing $60k in cash and cashiers checks. Next court date is fast approaching - when that threat is gone, she'll probably resurface shortly thereafter.
2) Taylor voluntarily sent Drake to live with me last year. To her great credit (which the court recognized in the final judgment), she realized that he wasn't doing well in her care, and sent him up to live with me. She then tried to claim that sent him to me for medical reasons...but that didn't quite hold up in court. Further, the Guardian Ad Litem's report was conclusive for reasons I won't get into in public.
3) Taylor last contacted Drake on Saturday night. Her girlfriend (with whom she has been living - and who appears to be a sweet and genuine person) provided me an IP6 address - it plots in Reserve, LA...a cell tower on I-10.

Now - a quick word of admonishment. As those of you who read the court documents know, I am a special operations officer. That means I'm in the business of piecing together intelligence to figure out what's really happening. Taking stabs in the dark with fragments of information is dangerous - please refrain from doing so. I applaud Jethro for his analysis of this situation, and I encourage the rest of you to follow suit. Read all the court documents. Get a sense for who this person is. If you look at Taylor and see an LEO, mother, and divorced are missing the most critical information and drawing the wrong conclusions. I understand that most of the critical information is not available to you - and I'm not about to air her dirty laundry in public. This is doubly the case because Occam's Razor still suggests that she's not able to be found because she doesn't want to be found. She has every reason to avoid court and continue to try and hide that money. Now that this has blown up out of proportion to what she expected, coming back is even harder.

I hope I'm right - the alternative, that Drake's mother is in serious trouble somewhere - is not what anyone wants to see. My goal is for her to rebound and defeat what demons she's currently facing. I want to be able to have an amicable, cooperative relationship with her and have her help in raising Drake. I appreciate that y'all are working towards this goal as well - please do continue to try and find her. I welcome any questions you may have - Jethro, please take lead on sorting through the ones that may be relevant and reach to me directly.

Any news today?
With the court cases, is there a point at which a bench warrant would be issued? That could trigger some resources that haven't been available due to "voluntary missing". I'm not familiar enough with the system to know how things work.

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With the court cases, is there a point at which a bench warrant would be issued? That could trigger some resources that haven't been available due to "voluntary missing". I'm not familiar enough with the system to know how things work.

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In a criminal case for sure. I suppose a Civil Court judge could order an appearance - it is probably in Florida law - but when it comes to civil court cases the penalty for not making an appearance is a default judgment to the other party. But there may be something in the law that would allow a warrant of some kind though I don't think a judge would go there. I have only seen this in custody cases where the judge will issue a warrant on the child. We have a case on WS now (Madeline Jones / William Jones Gouchenour) where that has occurred but not a warrant for the mother.

As it is, it is possible a BOLO had gone out within the city, the county, and the local State Police detachment.

Maybe Abudrake would know if Taylor is listed missing in NCIC so if there is an encounter with LE anywhere they would have to do a stop and hold and contact Pensacola PD though that would be just to verify she is alive and well and doesn't mean she has to return.
Not convinced this woman is gone voluntarily. I will keep watching on the sidelines. Hopefully she turns up soon.
i see no jabs nor character assination.
i see sincerity ...
Agreed. A lot of the information provided that might be perceived as negative is backed up by court documents. While he is clearly concerned, I think he is just trying to be honest and illustrate that this is pretty consistent with previous behavior - although a bit more extreme.

About the laptops: I'm wondering if she may have left them thinking she could potentially be tracked that way.
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