Found Deceased FL - Taylor Wright, 33, Pensacola, 8 Sept 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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She may not have made a will yet, but I'm willing to bet she does have a life insurance policy. (Just my opinion, though) Not to be morbid, but at what point can a missing person be declared "deceased"? Probably varies by state? Be interested to know. I guess I need to check into it instead of making you do all the work. :blushing:

Based on another Florida case it is 5 years. Isabella Hellmann's husband requested a letter from the Coast Guard stating her presumed death:
Correct me if I am wrong, but WSers have been important in helping resolve some MP cases.

In the Abraham Shakespeare case, (he had won a $19 million Florida State Lottery), WSers studied aerial maps and noticed a difference in the backyard of Deedee Moore's brother. A hole had been dug and a concrete slab had been poured. These WSers notified the authorities, who in turn went to the property, did some investigating and discovered Abraham Shakespeare's decomposed body under that concrete slab. Deedee had his cell phone and had been trying to convince people he was still alive and had left and just wanted to be left alone, while she moved into his mansion and spent all her money on herself. She was convicted of his murder. (She had also made an account here at WS and was trying to throw the investigation here off track.)

Also, two of our sleuthers finally got their hands on case notes from the Casey Anthony case. In the notes they discovered proof that it was Casey Anthony who was logged into the computer that day and not her mother and that Casey had Google searched information of suffocation, (spelling it wrong when she did so.) This information never was introduced in court, yet it was in the notes acquired by our WSers gain by the FOIA.

Over on the Unidentified Persons side of WS, our members have made countless matches and given unidentifed persons their name back after years of being Jane and John Does.

WS is filled with loving and compassionate people, trying to help families find their loved ones. We care. We cry when our missing people are found dead. We are outraged when they are found murdered. We invest our time and emotions into the missing. We feel the families pain. We throw things out that sometimes may sound outrageous but it's because we already ran into it in other cases. We ask questions that may seem intrusive but it usually helps to understand our victim better and leads us to other ideas and directions.

Do we have a glowing percentage of success? No, but Abraham Shakespeare would still be under that concrete slab and Deedee Moore would have lived high off the hog on his money until it was gone, having gotten away with murder. And even solving that one case, makes the hours we put into this worth it.

Getting off my soapbox now.
I’m not familiar with cashiers checks, but can the bank trace them to see if they have been cashed and if they have where at?


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Correct me if I am wrong, but WSers have been important in helping resolve some MP cases.

In the Abraham Shakespeare case, (he had won a $19 million Florida State Lottery), WSers studied aerial maps and noticed a difference in the backyard of Deedee Moore's brother. A hole had been dug and a concrete slab had been poured. These WSers notified the authorities, who in turn went to the property, did some investigating and discovered Abraham Shakespeare's decomposed body under that concrete slab. Deedee had his cell phone and had been trying to convince people he was still alive and had left and just wanted to be left alone, while she moved into his mansion and spent all her money on herself. She was convicted of his murder. (She had also made an account here at WS and was trying to throw the investigation here off track.)

Also, two of our sleuthers finally got their hands on case notes from the Casey Anthony case. In the notes they discovered proof that it was Casey Anthony who was logged into the computer that day and not her mother and that Casey had Google searched information of suffocation, (spelling it wrong when she did so.) This information never was introduced in court, yet it was in the notes acquired by our WSers gain by the FOIA.

Over on the Unidentified Persons side of WS, our members have made countless matches and given unidentifed persons their name back after years of being Jane and John Does.

WS is filled with loving and compassionate people, trying to help families find their loved ones. We care. We cry when our missing people are found dead. We are outraged when they are found murdered. We invest our time and emotions into the missing. We feel the families pain. We throw things out that sometimes may sound outrageous but it's because we already ran into it in other cases. We ask questions that may seem intrusive but it usually helps to understand our victim better and leads us to other ideas and directions.

Do we have a glowing percentage of success? No, but Abraham Shakespeare would still be under that concrete slab and Deedee Moore would have lived high off the hog on his money until it was gone, having gotten away with murder. And even solving that one case, makes the hours we put into this worth it.

Getting off my soapbox now.

Bravo! Even if we have only helped in a small fraction of cases that cross our screens, it means everything in the world to the families that are able to bring their loved ones home with our help.
Bravo! Even if we have only helped in a small fraction of cases that cross our screens, it means everything in the world to the families that are able to bring their loved ones home with our help.

And if I'm not mistaken, countless times LE has contacted Tricia Griffith, owner of WS for our help on their cases. Some of our membership are experts in the field of profiling and some of these famous cases. Attorneys for clients have come here to see what we have found that can help their cases.

We try to think outside the box. We lose sleep over these cases, we have dreams and nightmare about these cases. Many of us live, eat and breathe these cases here, just to help families find out what happened to their loved ones and to give them closure.

Sometimes family and friends are too emotionally involved to think of the things we come up with. Sometimes family and friends are not forthcoming with vital information.

Recently we had a case where the question of drug usage came up. Friends were saying no, not ever and got insulted by the question. Yet MSN quoted law enforcement as saying she had just gotten out of drug rehab. With the drug culture included, our MP was in a higher risk category, and would have people she hung out with who could possibly harm her or abuse her, or in the very least, some of her statements would not be true because of her hiding her drug activity. We needed that information to look in a different direction.

We don't judge here. We just want the missing person to be brought home safely to their loved ones. It takes special people to want to rack their brains and spend hours researching to bring answers to families.
Ok, so for whatever reason we can’t know why posters and SMS are not being used, except for the PI. Making a map was deemed appropriate by us, but not a VI. I’m not yelling here, but,


We need these things. They are important, so we can help. That’s why we are here. There are HUGE chunks of information that we need to generate new ideas and viewpoints. If not we are literally just grasping at straws and, sorry, wasting time. I’m not understanding this at all. All this secretive stuff is not helping anyone.

The only person that appears to be mobilized, forthright, and active is the PI. I’m sorry. I’m not discounting both VIs and I know they are going through hell. But, this clandestine approach is useless.

For example, who is saying don’t share this or that? Who is guiding the VIs to say certain things, but not other things? I just don’t get it.

Please someone agree with me, because I’m frustrated and need to know others are too. SMH

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First to drjmcope - I agree with you.

Second, to Gardener. Amazing work on the timeline. Thank you so very much.

Third, from Gardener's timeline, let's do some math:

12 June 2017 – Taylor withdrew $100,000 from bank account after it was unfrozen by the courts

8 Sept 2017 – Taylor allegedly seen with backpacks containing $30,000 in cash and $30,000 in cashier’s checks.

$100,000 - $60,000 = $40,000. Where is the $40K?
First to drjmcope - I agree with you.

Second, to Gardener. Amazing work on the timeline. Thank you so very much.

Third, from Gardener's timeline, let's do some math:

12 June 2017 – Taylor withdrew $100,000 from bank account after it was unfrozen by the courts

8 Sept 2017 – Taylor allegedly seen with backpacks containing $30,000 in cash and $30,000 in cashier’s checks.

$100,000 - $60,000 = $40,000. Where is the $40K?

She also left $19,000 in Cashiers checks at home.
Yes, thank you so much Gardener for the amazing timeline. We needed that. I know you poured your heart and soul and countless hours into put it together for us. You are amazing.
Would some of the veteran WS members help me understand please?

I thought this was how WS works:

  1. The media reports a missing person
  2. Someone on WS starts a thread for that person
  3. Members lay out all the facts known from LE, MSM, and (if we are lucky) VIs
  4. Members make timelines (kudos Gardener) and maps
  5. We throw out all manner of ideas/theories of what happened (regardless of how wild or unrealistic they are)
  6. We offer to help organize/participate in searches or give any other support we can to help the case
  7. Then we wait for LE or MSM to update us

I get the sense from my short time on this forum that most of the members’ purpose here is to throw out their theory just to see if, after the missing has been found, their theory was right. Not necessarily to do “WebSleuthing” or “solve the case”. Even if someone was 100% right with their theory from the beginning, LE most likely is not monitoring WS. Right?

A lot of members post things that are not directly helpful in progressing the case, just their opinion on what happened. I am not saying that these posts don’t have merit, because theories could trigger new ideas and a VI could bring those ideas to a PI or to LE and it could invigorate the investigation. Some posts are just not helpful in any way whatsoever, like “I have a bad feeling…”. So, I understand how a VI could get frustrated with some of the comments.

But If you say, “I have a feeling that X, Y, and Z happened.” Then others could think “hmm…X and Y are ridiculous but Z could have happened. I’m going to dig around and actually sleuth on item Z.” Maybe something will come of it, maybe not.

However, and this is my point of posting, do we (WS’ers) really think that we can/will solve a missing persons case? How many times has that happened? As a percentage of total missing persons cases posted on this site, my guess is that the percentage is infinitesimally small (correct me please- I’m still new)

I personally feel like the best help WS provides to these types of cases is to help search, put up posters, put out online flyers, and get more media attention across the country. This is the true way WS helps these cases, not by figuring things out that LE couldn’t…

That’s why I don’t understand why, in this case, they don’t want to do any of that.

This isn’t FB or some other site where people post intentionally hurtful things. We have TOS and fantastic moderators that, for the most part, keep jerks from posting rude or intentionally insensitive things. However, if members can’t search or put up flyers (who said that in this case?) and don’t throw out ALL scenarios, I don’t see how WS could be of any help at all…

Maybe fluerde had other expectations and didn’t understand how WS works?

Maybe I don’t understand the point of WS either?


I really do feel for the VIs in this case and hope that TW returns home soon.

A lot of people think they are doing something but WS is similar to watching Dateline or a real time mystery novel. I don't think insiders gain much by posting here and a lot get scrutinized unfairly. It is what it is - entertainment.
Ok, so for whatever reason we can’t know why posters and SMS are not being used, except for the PI. Making a map was deemed appropriate by us, but not a VI. I’m not yelling here, but,


We need these things. They are important, so we can help. That’s why we are here. There are HUGE chunks of information that we need to generate new ideas and viewpoints. If not we are literally just grasping at straws and, sorry, wasting time. I’m not understanding this at all. All this secretive stuff is not helping anyone.

The only person that appears to be mobilized, forthright, and active is the PI. I’m sorry. I’m not discounting both VIs and I know they are going through hell. But, this clandestine approach is useless.

For example, who is saying don’t share this or that? Who is guiding the VIs to say certain things, but not other things? I just don’t get it.

Please someone agree with me, because I’m frustrated and need to know others are too. SMH

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Respectfully, I disagree. Of all the cases I've followed this one has probably had the most information and first hand accounts of the victim. I think we were spoiled with two fairly responsive VIs. Now the steady stream of info has stopped and people don't know what to do or talk about, which causes frustration.

IMO, directing that frustration toward VIs could deter others from being a VI on this or other cases.
Oh yes, that too.

I was referencing the specific day at the bank. $40K is...? someplace. :thinking: or given to someone that day?

We don't know for sure how much was in the safe deposit box. The $19,000 Check could be part of the original $100,000 withdrawn in June.
Fleurde told us the case is being investigated. I believe her. There is obviously a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. As frustrating as it is for us to wait for progress, it's even more so for Taylor's loved ones. I'm sure fleurde will continue reading here and will keep working with the detectives just as she has done all along. I think it's important to provide links to agencies that might be able to offer assistance and to keep posting ideas that might help somehow. We can complain all day (and yes, I know I'm guilty too), but it will be more productive for us to stop criticizing and start brainstorming. And you know what? Maybe we are worthless in the grand scheme of things, but by George, we'll at least get an A for effort.
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