FL FL - Tiffany Heaven Daniels, 25, Pensacola State College, 12 Aug 2013

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DNA Solves
Were all sightings of her vehicle confirmed by cameras?

Also, I really don't buy trafficking in this case. I understand why families cling to this less terrible (somewhat) option but with her having taken time off work, it just does not seem likely.

There is only one camera that caught her vehicle that we know of and it's the toll bridge camera. Unfortunately, it only caught the license plate, not the whole of the car (to see who was driving). Her car went through the toll around 8pm the day she was last seen.

I agree about the trafficking theory. I don't mind going down that rabbit hole, but I think it's incredibly unlikely.
I like the jealous "other guy" theory. Terry from the Disappeared episode seems to fit this bill. He was definitely fake crying in his interview, and overall his mannerisms and demeanor just seemed off.
Uh, no. I can't be unbiased when it comes to Terry since he's a good friend of mine but even if I could take a step back, I think it's really insensitive to simply say "I like the idea that this guy killed her." Seriously? Provide circumstantial evidence to support your theory at the very least.
[FONT=&quot]Saying I like a theory is just that. I think it's a good, plausible theory for what happened. She took days off work without telling her family, possibly because she was planning on going to Texas. Someone, a friend, could have been possessive and not wanted her to go. I only mention that guy from the documentary because of the fake crying. It could be any number of people. His alibi isn't mentioned, so why not ask about him? I also never accused him of killing her, just threw out the name. No need to get personally offended.[/FONT]
I am not offended, I just think you are being insensitive. If you think someone did something to her, starting with Terry is really going out on a limb. Terry was interviewed in the docuseries mainly because he is a local journalist and happened to be a friend- and he was one of the only ones willing to be interviewed. He was certainly not Tiffany’s closest male friend. Also, he andevery one of her close friends were already interviewed by police and probablyall had alibies.

Also, why do you think it was “fake crying”? You usuallyhave to actually know someone or spend a lot of time with them before you candetermine that sort of thing. Again, you’re not really providing any sort oftheory. You’re simply accusing.
[FONT=&quot]Okay. Never said he was her closest friend. "Probably all had alibis" is not proof that he had an alibi. Never accused, just floated one name in a sea of names. I think it's fake because he's making the motions for crying, but there are no tears. You really don't have to know someone to be able to spot crocodile tears.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If you're just going to defend your friends without considering the full realm of possibilities, then I doubt any progress is going to get made in this search. It's Pensacola. Unless she left on her own accord, somebody's friend, brother, sister, etc. is involved in her disappearance. It's unavoidable. Another name which hasn't been discussed is PSC student, Alexander Tillman, someone I was once friends with, and whose name was mentioned on the Pensacola Reddit sometime last year. But I'll leave that to you to discuss because clearly you have a monopoly on the conversation and are unwilling to even consider people with whom you have close personal ties. Bye.[/FONT]
Honestly, I don’t mind someone presenting a theory that afriend of mine is involved, but the way you went about doing so did not seemlike you were very serious about investigating… what you are doing makes itsound like you just want to add to the local gossip.
I made it a point to say he was not her closest friendbecause I think it’s an important point. If you are going to throw names outthere, there are plenty others that make more sense than Terry’s. And if youcan say his tears were fake, I can counter and simply say that they aren’t.Knowing him or not, I did not draw that conclusion. My point is just asimportant as yours according to your justification.
After reading all in info I could about this, I think it’svery likely someone she did not know was involved or it was an accident ofsorts and no one knows anything. But I am willing to discuss any possibility.
Honestly, I don’t mind someone presenting a theory that afriend of mine is involved, but the way you went about doing so did not seemlike you were very serious about investigating… what you are doing makes itsound like you just want to add to the local gossip.
I made it a point to say he was not her closest friendbecause I think it’s an important point. If you are going to throw names outthere, there are plenty others that make more sense than Terry’s. And if youcan say his tears were fake, I can counter and simply say that they aren’t.Knowing him or not, I did not draw that conclusion. My point is just asimportant as yours according to your justification.
After reading all in info I could about this, I think it’svery likely someone she did not know was involved or it was an accident ofsorts and no one knows anything. But I am willing to discuss any possibility.

I apologize for the repeated posts and the run-on words. Having issues on this old computer...
Did anyone else think the roommate situation was weird? Was he ruled out? Alibi?
Did anyone else think the roommate situation was weird? Was he ruled out? Alibi?

I thought it was pretty weird. I don't remember him having a solid alibi when it was discussed on the show. But I'm not sure if there is information elsewhere that indicates he had a solid alibi. It didn't seem like they had any sort of a relationship, and by that I mean friendship. Just that it was a convenient situation to live together.
Family, Police Continue Search For Woman Missing Four Years


What continues to bug me about this case is where the car was found. It is not an ideal dumping spot as the patrols would have picked up on it in short order. An apartment complex in a nearby town would have had a much higher probability of having the car undiscovered for a long period of time. Also the chances of being caught on video cameras would have been much higher near the beach than at some out of the way apartment complex.

Appears to me that she met someone and left in their car. The meet up could have been a ruse and by leaving in their car, it could have been by force.

I would not only be looking at the BF, but also his associates and anyone she had any sort of contact with, work, school, parties, etc. This actor could have been in the shadows or someone whom she rebuffed advances from.

From the above link:

Discovery of Human Remains in Pensacola Has One Family Concerned
Updated:*Aug 09, 2017 08:31 PM CDT

"I can tell you the same thing that goes through it every time, that we get notification, there has been a body found, and I think what makes it worse there was a time, normally some many times up front they can tell you whether it was a male or female," says Mother of missing person Tiffany Daniels, Cindy Daniels."


"Daniels says every time a body is found, they are nervous.

"Lately it just seems like they have recovered more bodies and it has just been an emotional roller coaster," says Daniels."

Is there an ID yet on those remains?
What continues to bug me about this case is where the car was found. It is not an ideal dumping spot as the patrols would have picked up on it in short order. An apartment complex in a nearby town would have had a much higher probability of having the car undiscovered for a long period of time. Also the chances of being caught on video cameras would have been much higher near the beach than at some out of the way apartment complex.

Appears to me that she met someone and left in their car. The meet up could have been a ruse and by leaving in their car, it could have been by force.

I would not only be looking at the BF, but also his associates and anyone she had any sort of contact with, work, school, parties, etc. This actor could have been in the shadows or someone whom she rebuffed advances from.
Long time no talk, Tracker. Always appreciate your input...

I agree on the place the car was left. Always wondered if either she left it there and met with someone or if someone left it there who was very comfortable with that area. The description of the abandoned bunkers and such always bothered me, too.

I can't decide if I'm surprised this one still is unsolved or not. I have always had a pet theory that I can't share because of ToS but I think we've alluded to it or talked about it before. The same things continue to bother me that bother other folks.

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