FL - Tommy Poindexter & 3 others for mother-son gang rape, West Palm Beach, 2007

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I am ill....I am at a loss for words, wtf is wrong with people? Florida seems to hit the news with the most horrific crimes. May these deviates rot in hell for eternity!:furious:

AP) WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Two teenagers were accused of gang raping a woman and forcing her 12-year-old son to join in the attack, then beating him and pouring cleaning solution into his eyes.

Authorities allege Avion Lawson, 14, and Nathan Walker, 16, were among a group of about 10 masked suspects who forced their way into the woman's apartment in a crime-ridden housing project the night of June 18.

The two were being held without bail Friday on suspicion of armed sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, sexual performance by a child, armed home invasion and aggravated battery. Both were arrested this week, but formal charges had not been filed.

"Any rape case is horrible but this takes it to another level, something you can't think of even in your worst dreams," police spokesman Ted White said.

More at link...


Another link...looks like the suspects parents have quite a rap sheet....how come I'm not surprised?:banghead: :doh:

When you hear things like this how can you NOT believe in Evil?

Evil exists.
First big mistake was opening the door to strangers. I would have called the police to help them if they told me they had a flat tire. I never open my door at night!! Heck - I won't even open my door during the day if I'm not expecting someone.

That being said, I am sad that this happened. Yet, I am happy that these scumbags were caught. I hope that they receive life sentences to keep them off of the streets. I read that there were no life threatening injuries. I surely hope that the boy's eyes are okay. I hope that they receive counseling. What a sad, sad situation. :(
All can I say is that you would have to kill me before I would do that.
And someone is going down with me as I die.
Absolutely horrendous!! It seems the crimes are getting even MORE vile (if that's possible!) and the criminals keep getting younger and younger.

Prayers for the mom and son. I hope the perps get the maximum ADULT sentence they can be given.
Take them to Texas, no trial needed. Hang the bastards and pray they burn in hell for eternity.
I have read of some sick perverted stuff....but this probably takes the cake!! Yep...send 'em to TX.
omgsh that is absolutely horrible.
i cant believe people are so crazy these days.
the worst part i think of that whole thing was making the poor son have sex with his own mother. I can only imagine how horrifying and akward and scary that would be!!!

& who knows, there could be cruel people out there that could make fun of him for sleeping with his mother. i would hope not though!
What a hideous crime. I need a shower now. :sick:
Please Send Help!

yes...this is a sick, sick case.

These projects are in a very bad area, the worst around here. So sad. And the young thugs....their families are on TV every night saying no way they couldn't have done this. Give me a break...one relative said she knows he didn't do it because he always buys candy for the younger kids:sick:

Sorry... but 14 year olds don't just randomly do something like this. The parents failed these kids.
I hope the boy's eye sight is OK. Sad people should be safe in their own home's. I hope they can afford to move.
What's up with Florida? That state just seems to be home to an abnormal amount of heinous criminals.

Prayers for this woman and her son - and never open the door if someone tells you they're on the other side with a tire iron!
I thought a predator who raped in front of the children was bad. This one is way worse. Despite their young ages, they are predators!
just read about this...here is the link


really just beyond words terrible

I can't even begin to imagine a recovery process for either mom or son -- and for a 12 year old boy -- if he manages to get on the other side of this relatively okay I'd be surpried (but pleased)

-- no punishment enough on this one
I was just reading the palmbeach article. After the attack the victims walked a mile to get to a hospital (I would have been too afraid to go out the door!) The mother and son had kept to themselves in the area because the Mother was afraid the neighborhood was unsafe for her son!

Why haven't they been charged with torture?
yes...this is a sick, sick case.

These projects are in a very bad area, the worst around here. So sad. And the young thugs....their families are on TV every night saying no way they couldn't have done this. Give me a break...one relative said she knows he didn't do it because he always buys candy for the younger kids:sick:

Sorry... but 14 year olds don't just randomly do something like this. The parents failed these kids.

What always amazes me after horrible crimes involving kids is their family saying there is no way they could have done this. What happened to being held accountable? If my brother were to do this, one I would not be on television airing the family laundry, and if he did it...he did it! Why make excuses for the behavior?

My thoughts and prayers to the mother and son who were victims of this heinous crime. And, AMEN on sending them to Texas. I think more states need to be as vigilant against crime as the state of TX is.
yes...this is a sick, sick case.

These projects are in a very bad area, the worst around here. So sad. And the young thugs....their families are on TV every night saying no way they couldn't have done this. Give me a break...one relative said she knows he didn't do it because he always buys candy for the younger kids:sick:

Sorry... but 14 year olds don't just randomly do something like this. The parents failed these kids.
I get soooooooooo sick of parents automatically saying "no, not mine! They would never do such a thing". There were 2 people in that apartment who IDENTIFIED those (trying to thing of a name to call them!), and they are alive. They found DNA, and their family is denying they did it. Yeah...he probably stole the candy anyway. Good thing I'm not in FL...I'd like b*tch slap those "parents". :furious:
lol i wouldnt admit they were my kids ... rofl . sick sick people they are .. my god i just cannot fathom what kind of evil could do that ..those two will probably never have the relationship they once had . a mother and son bond is a wonderful thing now its probably ruined forever . they wont be able to see eachother the same way again .
lol i wouldnt admit they were my kids ... rofl . sick sick people they are .. my god i just cannot fathom what kind of evil could do that ..those two will probably never have the relationship they once had . a mother and son bond is a wonderful thing now its probably ruined forever . they wont be able to see eachother the same way again .
Hopefully they will get the counseling they both will need to somehow get past this. Their relationship will never be the same.
I feel like you, I'd leave the country.
:laugh: I've always told mine if they were in the right I'd stick by them...but if they were wrong, their *zz is on their own. I'm not paying bail, getting them a lawer or nothing, because they know better.

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