FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #1

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Face Value, I would love it if you could describe that truck you saw - even if only in color - pretty please?

Ok, going back to the deep dark trenches of my mind.... I believe it was a blue - maybe teal, or silver. I was admiring a silver truck in a parking lot earlier that day, so that might be where the silver's coming from. I'm leaning more towards a blue, and thinking it was a little bit of an odd blue - not something that would necessarily stick out like a sore thumb, but something you don't often see. And I remember it being kind of flat - not shiny anyway. The truck was older - maybe a mid 90's model, and had some wear and tear to it. Also, it had a cap that was silver, I believe (or metal anyway). Here's my only caviat to this though - the truck that was parked there was likely there for a kid's baseball game that was going on. It was parked directly opposite home plate. Could be something, but I think it was likely the for the game... come to think of it though, no one was around the truck.
*nearly broke my snipping tool* ;)

FV...I admire your energy. Thanks for taking the time to share the info. I'll echo what Cocoamom advised earlier...adding maybe a bit more to it...and not pickin' on anyone either...:blowkiss:

Consider what someone that was capable of the kinda crime we're talking about here would do in order not to be caught? Now consider what you are doing is effectively trying to catch them (via finding info & evidence).

So... :hand: never, ever, never...:nono:...telegraph that you're gonna do something or go somewhere specifically. Never give info that would make you identifiable, etc. Your safety is paramount. OK? OK! :thumb:

Now...FV...'bout the liquor run... :martini:...

Good point...thanks for worrying about me. =) I'm mindful, but we all slip up sometimes - that's why we're all here, aren't we? :)

By the way, another thought on Bluford - there's also a fire department nearby....so, still another reason why if I were going to do something, I wouldn't go down that road... too many watchful eyes.
just a thought on the position of the seats in Tracy's car when it was found - possible that her wallet/cellphone had been thrown in the back and seats were moved forward to find them (by perp not LE)? Therefore - fingerprints on the handles?
Someone also mentioned going out on a boat in Lake Apopka, and all the gators. Someone who lives here is fairly gator savvy and would know how to be careful (ie JVH) and would also likely know of a boat he could use. Let's just say he took her out on a boat to dumb her body, he might have done that knowing that the sound would startle the gators and any blood etc would call them to have their way with it...leaving little to no evidence. Yikes, let's not think that way! Clearly he can't be that smart if the parked the car that close to his house... that's another reason why I don't really foresee it being pre-meditated...he would have planned the car thing out better. I don't doubt he had plans to take her somewhere secluded, but I have a feeling something happened that made him rage, and that's when he hurt her.

Maybe the drugs really weren't any good and either a) he didn't know or b) he knew and didn't tell her (in hopes of incapacitating her?). Maybe she took the drugs, and had a "problematic reaction", he paniced, moved her car and took her elsewhere.

(snipped, bbm) I must be becoming jaded, but I believe this was premeditated and as so often happens, it was his past success in evading LE and avoiding detection that emboldened him. If JVH didn't have all his ducks in a row, it's only because he must be becoming more brazen IMO.

Maybe this means that she and he were back there fooling around in the back seat at some point or maybe this is where he attacked her. Maybe as soon as they parked near his home he got her in the back seat and things got ugly.

I hat to play devils's advocate, but I can think of another reason why both the driver and passenger side seats would be up. Perhaps he took here somewhere - did his evil deed outside of the car. He opens the car, gets her into the backseat, but when he goes to get her out (she is not longer alive at that point) he has to put both seats up in order to handle her lifeless body. That thought occurred to me. just an alternative idea

(bbm) FaceValue I enjoy your writing, descriptive, unfiltered, really puts me right there w you (even when on bunny trails lol) Appreciate your firsthand knowledge of area and your footwork. With scenarios posed by several tho, the hole I'm seeing is the fact that cadaver dogs searched and cleared Tracy's car. So not only is it highly improbable that her vehicle could have been an actual murder scene; but also that, even if killed elsewhere, she was ever placed back inside her car--likely driven again by JVH--even briefly, to transport. I think this is highly significant. IOW we can say w a high degree of certainty that Tracy was either left near where she may have been killed--or someone else's vehicle was used for this purpose. This establishes in my mind anyway, that JVH clearly not only knows where Tracy was last alive, but was the one who left her there--dead or alive.

"On Friday, police released a picture of a yellow 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt similar to the one Ocasio was driving before she disappeared. They are looking for anyone who has seen the car, with Florida tag J051EC, since May 26. It was found abandoned and unlocked not far from Hataway's house.

Cadaver dogs searched the car and found nothing."


Welcome jeno and other new posters. :wave: I'm praying LE has carefully poured over all traffic cam surveillance from 429 and all other partial toll roads in the surrounding area. That bright yellow 2 door Chevrolet Cobalt would be awfully hard to miss...

Snipped: This area is close to my house ..

Not trying to single anyone out but I have seen I think three people post that they live close to one area or another where something was found or where they are searching - PLEASE be careful posting this stuff. Bad guys read here too!! :blowkiss:

Good point, thank you. It feels very safe here. Everyone seems so smart and caring and willing to help try to find these lost people that it's easy to forget the bad guys could be here too. We warn our teens not to put personal info out there. We should remember that too.
Bond, I understood where you were coming from. But your notes made me realize that warbuck's theory wasn't very plausible because of the weather and dynamic of florida's climate and landscape.... but I have to tell you, your condition notes above was a huge help in my ride today....seperate post to follow. Yes!

I disagree. I think my theory is as plausable as any other posted. I can apprecaite the weather information but I don't see who the weather affects my theory in any way.

1. I think this was a thought out crime. not messy. I don't think the crime was committed in the car.

2. Car seat were pulled up to either through LE off, to search the back seat to make sure he didn't leave anything, or two let two people out of the backseat.

3. He was the last person seen with her, her cell phone pings by his house and no one can find a body. If TES searched then I am going with the body was not carelessly dumped on the side of the road some place.

4. For LE to be searching the septic tank at this point they are convinced she is somewhere near his house. I agree basements are not likely in this area, but think people. You can have an underground pin in those woods. (Wasn't an underground pin found in the search for Hayleigh, but it turned out to be for some pigs)...Just saying it could exist. Le was thinking septic tank which was under ground.

5. I know statisticly she is most likely not alive, however, I was just thinking of motives. LE said they found evidence on his computer that he was into the dark arts. I have learned about some of this invistigating other cases. Also, I can think of drug related reasons to keep her alive. It sounds sick, but if a person on drugs had a pretty girl hostage he could trade sex with her for drugs from other people. I am just saying she might be worth more to him alive than dead. Also, human traficing is very real.

6. I am very educated just a poor speller. Not that anyone was questioning me but Just for the record.
just a thought on the position of the seats in Tracy's car when it was found - possible that her wallet/cellphone had been thrown in the back and seats were moved forward to find them (by perp not LE)? Therefore - fingerprints on the handles?

his finger print would mean nothing in the car. He has already said she drove him home.
his finger print would mean nothing in the car. He has already said she drove him home.
Depends upon where in the car fingerprints are found - If Tracy just drove him home then I guess his fingerprints would not be on the car seat levers then. If, as you theorize, there were others in the back seat - then one would expect to find fingerprints - and that would be significant.
Hi Kikitheparrot - thanks for the clarification Good point. Duh, to me! Of course since her car was found LE would have searched it. So, even if I had not read about the cadaver dogs I should have realized that LE would have thoroughly checked out the car. That is why websleuths is so good - everyone has great input. Thanks again.
This is somewhat OT, but we are talking about TO who is missing - has there been anything else said by LE about the body found on West Kennedy Blvd? That is not a great area, in terms of crime rate, but somehow I really doubt it is TO. Just wondering if anything else has been reported.
This is somewhat OT, but we are talking about TO who is missing - has there been anything else said by LE about the body found on West Kennedy Blvd? That is not a great area, in terms of crime rate, but somehow I really doubt it is TO. Just wondering if anything else has been reported.

It was reported to be the body of an African-American female. No conclusive identification of the body as of yet to my knowledge.

So, even if I had not read about the cadaver dogs I should have realized that LE would have thoroughly checked out the car. That is why websleuths is so good - everyone has great input. Thanks again.

(snipped) The implications seem to be that either

a) JVH chose a location at which his victim could be first assaulted, then in turn disposed of; or

b) she was delivered or handed off by JVH to somebody else, who in turn disposed of her body.

Thank you for looking out for us locals :). Good points to keep in mind!!

Again, the media hasn't been saying much and I have been getting most of my information via the web. From what I've read, people have continued to mention that JHV and many in his circle of friends were into harder drugs. I also read where the other girl attacked had been at an "after party" prior to taking JVH home and being attacked by him (I do not have the link and I apologize, but I can find it).

"After parties" often include harder drugs...at least they do around here. Do we know, and I am not trying to point fingers, what TO's stance was on this scene? Was this something she was into as well? When someone talks about becoming incapicitated by taking drugs I don't initially think pot or even laced pot. I immediately think GHB which still continues to be "popular" in Orlando since the mid 90's. Even if she wasn't a willing participant it is very easy to put into someone's beer, which had been said he was seen buying beer earlier, and she would not have tasted it. The video looks to me as if they're walking out with a purpose and I'm trying to think of what the purpose is (hooking up, pot, harder drugs, etc) b/c it looks like more than just a simple ride home. What has her friend with her that night said about this? You would think TO said something to her friend or said goodbye to her.

I've also read that OCG was on hallucinegans (sp?) and elsewhere that he was tweaked. Two different highs from two different drugs. You're talking mushrooms and acid VS. meth and crack. Two VERY different crowds that usually take these and two VERY different states of mind.

I just wonder if there is a pattern of getting high and getting violent with JVH. Do we know if the girl that came forward went to the hospital that night or if she immediately filed a police report? I believe that there was a lack of follow up/failure to respond on her part which is why charges weren't filed. Could it be that she didn't want to get in trouble for anything she took part in earlier and decided not to pursue anything?

Again, just a thought...
And if she was going with him to party my guess is they drove somewhere else to get it and that is where something went very wrong. That is why there is no scent at JVH's house. He used the car to get back to his house. I think they need to look at who he bought drugs from...which is probably one of his crew.
Forgive me if I have missed this but was Tracy's car a:

4 door sedan, or a 2 door coupe?

If it is the latter I believe it answers the question as to why the seats were tilted forward.
Depends upon where in the car fingerprints are found - If Tracy just drove him home then I guess his fingerprints would not be on the car seat levers then. If, as you theorize, there were others in the back seat - then one would expect to find fingerprints - and that would be significant.
Valid point. There would be no reason to find his prints anywhere except the immediate area of the passenger seat.

Who reported the seats being forward? LE or the media?
Forgive me if I have missed this but was Tracy's car a:

4 door sedan, or a 2 door coupe?

If it is the latter I believe it answers the question as to why the seats were tilted forward.
It was a 2 door, but I guess I am not following you. There were only supposed to be TO and JVH in the car occupying the front two seats. What reason was there to hit the latches and lean the seats forward after both were out of the car?
Forgive me if I have missed this but was Tracy's car a:

4 door sedan, or a 2 door coupe?

If it is the latter I believe it answers the question as to why the seats were tilted forward.

Two door Chevy Cobalt. But that would entail JVH having 3 passengers, including 2 in the backseat, at the time he abandons her car right around corner from where he lives. Doesn't make sense to me that he had anybody else with him at that point. Unless (and these are a stretch...)

a) JVH and the passengers exit Tracy's car at that point and Tracy, still alive, transfers into someone else's vehicle; or

b) she's not one of the passengers and JVH gave three other passengers a lift to the vincinity of his house. :confused:

At first glance I might've guessed it was (another) attempt at staging (another) missing person's "abandoned" vehicle but it seems unlikely he'd stage anything so close to his own house. All of which leaves me to believe it was JVH more than likely searching early that am in the back seat and floor of her car for her phone or other belongings.

Thank you for looking out for us locals :). Good points to keep in mind!!

Again, the media hasn't been saying much and I have been getting most of my information via the web. From what I've read, people have continued to mention that JHV and many in his circle of friends were into harder drugs. I also read where the other girl attacked had been at an "after party" prior to taking JVH home and being attacked by him (I do not have the link and I apologize, but I can find it).

"After parties" often include harder drugs...at least they do around here. Do we know, and I am not trying to point fingers, what TO's stance was on this scene? Was this something she was into as well? When someone talks about becoming incapicitated by taking drugs I don't initially think pot or even laced pot. I immediately think GHB which still continues to be "popular" in Orlando since the mid 90's. Even if she wasn't a willing participant it is very easy to put into someone's beer, which had been said he was seen buying beer earlier, and she would not have tasted it. The video looks to me as if they're walking out with a purpose and I'm trying to think of what the purpose is (hooking up, pot, harder drugs, etc) b/c it looks like more than just a simple ride home. What has her friend with her that night said about this? You would think TO said something to her friend or said goodbye to her.

I've also read that OCG was on hallucinegans (sp?) and elsewhere that he was tweaked. Two different highs from two different drugs. You're talking mushrooms and acid VS. meth and crack. Two VERY different crowds that usually take these and two VERY different states of mind.

I just wonder if there is a pattern of getting high and getting violent with JVH. Do we know if the girl that came forward went to the hospital that night or if she immediately filed a police report? I believe that there was a lack of follow up/failure to respond on her part which is why charges weren't filed. Could it be that she didn't want to get in trouble for anything she took part in earlier and decided not to pursue anything?

Again, just a thought...

(bbm) Yep, this is all really disturbing, if not terribly unfamiliar, stuff. Ya know, if we didn't know what we've now learned re JVH's cruel streak, his propensity toward the sadistic, I'd be inclined to go along on a GHB sex assault eg and even possible OD. But that doesn't seem to fit w his MO--and actually if I was profiling, which I'm not but probably shoulda been lol I'd say JVH enjoys the fight, the fear he puts on his victims far too much to simply sedate or knock them unconscious. Now he may be emboldened by a little drugs or alcohol but never to a point he'll lose control and this was no date rape, no sex assault gone awry. No, that wouldn't be any fun for someone like him--he probably wants to see the look of sheer terror in his victim's eyes before he squeezes the life out of them... sorry, but that's how I see this perp. Merciless, and depraved.

Valid point. There would be no reason to find his prints anywhere except the immediate area of the passenger seat.

Who reported the seats being forward? LE or the media?

"Hataway claims that Ocasio left after dropping him off, but detectives found her yellow, 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt abandoned and unlocked less than a half-mile from Hataway's house.

Both the driver and passenger seats were leaned forward and a change of clothes were found in the back seat, reports show.

Detectives have scoured the area near Hataway's home in the 100 block of Lyle Street with bloodhounds and cadaver dogs, but have not found any sign of Ocasio."


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