FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #2

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I was reading on some other site that Tracy was pushed down by Paul Hutto the weekend before. She slapped him and spit on him then called the cops. He was arrested and spent the night in jail. I agree with the person who posted this theory that perhaps Jimmy Hataway was used in a set-up. Like he asked her to drive him home, but went to someone else's house. Those people took Tracy and killed her for revenge. Jimmy then just drove her car to where it was found and walked the rest of the way home. He is not sweating this because he didn't actually kill her.

The most important information is that her cell phone didn't leave the area around his house so I am still thinking they should seach Toole's property.

kiki the parrot said:
Not only is it highly improbable that her vehicle could have been an actual murder scene; but also that, even if killed elsewhere, she was ever placed back inside her car--likely driven again by JVH--even briefly, to transport. I think this is highly significant. IOW we can say w a high degree of certainty that Tracy was either left near where she may have been killed--or someone else's vehicle was used for this purpose. This establishes in my mind anyway, that JVH clearly not only knows where Tracy was last alive, but was the one who left her there--dead or alive."

kiki the parrot said:
The implications seem to be that either

a) JVH chose a location at which his victim could be first assaulted, then in turn disposed of; or

b) she was delivered or handed off by JVH to somebody else, who in turn disposed of her body

(bump, bump...)
Two separate incidents. Alleged April 14 incident which TO describes in blog as having taken place outside Taproom, is rumored to initially have involved PHutto IIRC and another young woman, then subsequently involving TO who reported it to LE. It was determined JVH was not involved or present at the time. Subsequent April 19 documented criminal mischief involving JVH was a separate incident--for which charges were filed--that did not take place near Taproom, it was up on A.D. Mims Rd. Below is account from Sentinel.


The incident outside Taproom is alleged to have taken place closer to six weeks prior, and initially involved another female--after which Tracy became involved and reported. Aside from these minor sticking points, I agree that this seems entirely plausible. The fact no cadaver dogs alerted in her car is one of the primary reasons I've suspected others were involved--in her murder and the disposal. For someone w PHutto's reputation for violence and h#llraising, a revenge motive, especially after he went to jail, would explain alot. Obviously even this scenario makes JVH every bit an accessory to murder. If this is the case I hope and pray the State doesn't cut any deals or give him one ounce of immunity just to get him talking. :rolleyes:

(bump, bump...)

The incident outside Taproom is alleged to have taken place closer to six weeks prior, and initially involved another female--after which Tracy became involved and reported. Aside from these minor sticking points, I agree that this seems entirely plausible. The fact no cadaver dogs alerted in her car is one of the primary reasons I've suspected others were involved--in her murder and the disposal. For someone w PHutto's reputation for violence and h#llraising, a revenge motive, especially after he went to jail, would explain alot. Obviously even this scenario makes JVH every bit an accessory to murder. If this is the case I hope and pray the State doesn't cut any deals or give him one ounce of immunity just to get him talking. :rolleyes: :parrot:

I was aware of this incident and had considered the possibility of the scenario you propose. Another possibility is that Tracy/JH may have been intercepted/ambushed by someone on Franklin St. close to Hataway's home. Her keys may have been taken so that she could not leave and her phone may have been dropped in the car in the scuffle. They could have transferred her over to another vehicle (alive) and transported her somewhere else with Hataway remaining behind, no keys to move the vehicle. He may have returned to the vehicle at 4:30 am to check for anything incriminating, moving the seats forward to look, finding the cell phone and accidentally dialing. He could have tossed the cell phone on his way home accounting for the ping at 8 am in the area.

A lot points to JH as the perpetrator of this horrific crime, and more than likely he is, but I am exploring other angles (outside the box) and tossing out alternative scenarios to fit the facts.
Has anyone ever mentioned the fact that there is a police substation in the same plaza as the Taproom? Not only that, but there is a line of 8 or so parking spaces right in front of the Taproom for Police Only!

I happened to be in the area today and wanted to check out the parking lot for cameras and was a bit suprised by this. All of the past incidents followed by the TO disappearance ALL in this relatively small parking lot?? Seems a little ballsy to me to have done all of this right there and then on top of it get in a car with a girl who will possibly never be seen again. Ballsy, stupid OR they know that there are no cameras in the lot and don't care b/c I didn't see any.

I took a picture on this for anyone who is interested but I don't know how to post it.

I'm talking one parking space between Taproom and cop cars and a 50 foot walk to their offices.

Strange place for a crime to take place or at least the start of it...
The decomp thing is still bothering me. No decomp detected in car - explained by TO being taken out of the car alive and not being put back into it. Can we assume that no one who handled a decomposing body went back to the car also? Would the dogs not have detected transference from the bad guy's clothing to the car?

Also, if JVH had handled a decomposing body and then gone home, hung out with his father as they both state, would there not be something there for the dogs to detect? TO last seen 1:30 5/27 - JVH arrested evening of 6/1 and dogs searched house morning of 6/2. I think in the CA case it was discussed whether decomp could be detected in a washing machine. It just seems that he would have had to shower and change his clothes somewhere else or there would be SOME trace at his house.

Also, I wonder if a late night drive by of the Hataway house these days would show his father to be normally awake at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
Has anyone ever mentioned the fact that there is a police substation in the same plaza as the Taproom? Not only that, but there is a line of 8 or so parking spaces right in front of the Taproom for Police Only!

According to OPD's website, this substation opened on April 30 of this year and that 50 patrol officers would be working there. Sounds like there would definitely be police traffic there.
Has anyone ever mentioned the fact that there is a police substation in the same plaza as the Taproom? Not only that, but there is a line of 8 or so parking spaces right in front of the Taproom for Police Only!

According to OPD's website, this substation opened on April 30 of this year and that 50 patrol officers would be working there. Sounds like there would definitely be police traffic there.

Not to mention the extensive police presence on Franklin and Lyle Streets.

page 42

page 50

If JH is guilty of what he has been charged and suspected of then he may be considered a psychopath. According to Dr. Robert Hare, the psychopath relishes the "duping delight".
So IOW there was no police substation there on April 14 when the incident in the parking lot (involving PHut) occurred.

Jeno (FaceValue, or any local), have any of you seen or have some idea about the end of Lakeshore Dr. where it appears to deadend, and how much access there is to the canal between Starke and Prima Vista Lakes? Just curious, TIA.

I think that the Hutto house on Wyoming may be empty. County records show a certificate of sale for $10 to a bank in December 2008, possible foreclosure. Don't know how to link this to hear. Just interesting that the house could have been empty. Isn't this the house where one of the pools was drained?
Does anyone know - conclusively - in which direction TO's car was facing when found? I may have missed this in earlier posts but cannot find the answer anywhere. Was it facing Lyle St or away from Lyle St?
I can't find the news link yet but Fox 35 News at 10 just announced that JVH's cellmate was released 2 days ago but has claimed that he doesn't have any tips and that JVH didn't talk about the case with him. www.myfoxorlando.com I assume will have something on it soon.
jeno1212, do you know anything about the the 2 pings from the cell tower? I went there and mapped out the orientation of the pings and some of the points of distance away from where it loses it. I know Joe Ocasio wrote about the last ping being .21 miles away, Is there anything about the other ping? TIA
Does anyone know - conclusively - in which direction TO's car was facing when found? I may have missed this in earlier posts but cannot find the answer anywhere. Was it facing Lyle St or away from Lyle St?

Unfortunately, I am unaware of any info being released re this since the time of amytlake's post (#259 from Thread 1, snipped)

Amytlake said:
There was no information released as to the direction the car was facing, however the people who own the house where the car was left did hear the car drive up (they have given police a timeline that was not released). It's possible that the car was parked straight into the dirt driveway, but you'd think tiretracks would say which direction the car came from.

Does anyone know - conclusively - in which direction TO's car was facing when found? I may have missed this in earlier posts but cannot find the answer anywhere. Was it facing Lyle St or away from Lyle St?

I think that the Hutto house on Wyoming may be empty. County records show a certificate of sale for $10 to a bank in December 2008, possible foreclosure. Don't know how to link this to hear. Just interesting that the house could have been empty. Isn't this the house where one of the pools was drained?

In looking through articles to locate the answer to Dearmont's question I ran across the following:

Apopka police have already drained two pools at abandoned homes, which are not far from where George's car was found in February.


Can someone refresh my memory, what is the address for the other abandoned home where a pool was drained? According to Bond's map the Hutto's Lake John's Circle home was not searched. Is that where they reside?
BL21, unfortunately I don't know much about pings but if you tell me what I can do to help I would try. I am Verizon if that helps...
BL21, unfortunately I don't know much about pings but if you tell me what I can do to help I would try. I am Verizon if that helps...

I know a little but usually there is a cell tower record of where it came from. Generally i just put my phone in field test mode and look for the tower and which section of the tower it came from. I have not did this with Verizon before ,but i went to the flea market and bought a used verizon phone and drove around and figured some of it out. I am going back this weekend to relook at the tower. I have heard the 2 pings were from the same tower but i have not heard which section it came from but seemingly everyone is guessing that its the same section of the tower her car and JVH's house was in. And there is only one way to know that and that is from cell tower record..
Has anyone ever mentioned the fact that there is a police substation in the same plaza as the Taproom? Not only that, but there is a line of 8 or so parking spaces right in front of the Taproom for Police Only!

I happened to be in the area today and wanted to check out the parking lot for cameras and was a bit suprised by this. All of the past incidents followed by the TO disappearance ALL in this relatively small parking lot?? Seems a little ballsy to me to have done all of this right there and then on top of it get in a car with a girl who will possibly never be seen again. Ballsy, stupid OR they know that there are no cameras in the lot and don't care b/c I didn't see any.
I took a picture on this for anyone who is interested but I don't know how to post it.

I'm talking one parking space between Taproom and cop cars and a 50 foot walk to their offices.

Strange place for a crime to take place or at least the start of it...

Or they know they won't get in trouble with the police (corruption?)
In looking through articles to locate the answer to Dearmont's question I ran across the following:


Can someone refresh my memory, what is the address for the other abandoned home where a pool was drained? According to Bond's map the Hutto's Lake John's Circle home was not searched. Is that where they reside?

It appears from the property appraiser's records that the John's Circle home is where they live. Looking for where the other pool was.
I'm not sure how to put it in test mode but I'm sure I can figure it out. Will Verizon tell me the closest tower if I call them? Only one way to find out I suppose...

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