FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Okay, I was in the area today and took "some" notes for the non locals.

In the plaza there are the following businesses from right to left as you face the building:

Real Living Real Estate Solutions (which also faces Raleigh), Diversity Dance, Florida Tap Room, Mikado Sushi, dry cleaners (don't see the name), Grape Fish Salon, Aesthetic Dental, China Grill (in the corner), Orlando Police Department and Cardio Club (both face Raleigh while the others face Hiawassee). I did not see any cameras on the outside of these businesses but maybe they have them inside facing the window in the event of a window break???

A day care (Piaget Academy) is behind the plaza and is closest to the real estate company. My friend sells a TON of cameras to day cares FWIW. Citgo and Simonz Car Wash are in front of the plaza closest to Cardio Club. The Citgo has surveillance. It states it on the side of their building although I only saw one camera facing their door and towards Hiawassee, not in the direction of Tap Room.

There are no parking spots behind the building but there are about 18 spots on the side where the real estate company is. All other parking is in plain vision as you leave the door of Tap Room.

There is a vacant bank, 7-11 and a dry cleaners on the opposite side of Raleigh (they can view the side spots and maybe they have cameras?)and then a Winn Dixie behind it and then the opposite side of Hiawassee is all residential.

There are 2 exits onto Raleigh from the plaza. The one toward the back of the building you can cross and turn left onto Raleigh. Even if there were cameras at the intersection of Raleigh and Hiawassee there are huge trees in the median so it would block the view.

FWIW, my navigation takes me up Hiawassee rather than Raleigh to Kirkman and so on so I would think her car had to go thru the Hiawassee Raleigh intersection unless they drove thru the gas station and onto Hiawassee and then I would think that their cameras may have caught her car. FWIW, the "Fastest" and "Shortest" routes both take 13 minutes according to my nav.

Looking at the parking lot, I don't see anywhere obvious that someone could hide in order to grab her or force her unwillingly into a car plus there are plenty of light poles so imagine it is well lit at night. IMHO it doesn't seem like a "prime" spot to cause a scene without someone seeing it go on so I don't think anything like this happened here.

I would consider it a possibility that she hopped in the car with the other person that she was talking to and JVH drove her car and followed. She's been drinking, doesn't know where she's going so rather than worry about it just let the 2 guys who know where they're off to drive. Maybe this other person had party favors so she rode with him? Maybe if she was into JVH (it was said they were kissing and people said he can be charming) then she wanted to get some info on him so rode with his friend (assuming its his friend) to grill him about JVH. Like, "what's he like" or "has he said anything about me"...the usual questions girls asks guy's friends. For all we know the other person coud have said "ride with me so we can talk" hinting about JVH.

I'm trying to think like someone who is tipsy, likes someone, maybe wants to continue partying and doesn't think in a million years something bad is going to happen. All very innocent.

Either way, I think they went to someone else's house (Hutto's, Toole's, etc.) and she wasn't expecting what she ultimately walked into which I am seriously starting to believe was revenge.

But, everyone brings up an interesting point on ruling him out. Do we know if the breakup was amicable? Why they broke up? I've seen him post on other sites so maybe he can shed some light on this if he's reading. He did say that TO would never let anyone drive her car and seemed fairly certain about it. I would be interested in knowing why this would have been such a huge deal b/c it doesn't seem like something someone would say for certain unless there is some underlying reason. Its on Blink if anyone wants to see what I am referring too.

Whew! Sorry. I know that was long!!!
Thanks button didn't seem to be enough for all the ground work you covered! Thank you very much. :) Great job!

I could see a scenario playing out like you mentioned. Her getting in another car to get high on the way to a party while JVH drove her car to follow. To me, it is plausible.

I have not seen the ex's comments about not allowing anyone to drive her car, but if she had a few and wants to continue to party...I can see how she could let her normal self-imposed rules slide. Things like that are not written in stone when drinking, but at any other time may be an issue with her.
I am almost certain it was him who said that but if it wasn't Derrick it was someone else who knew her personally. He posts under his name on Blink so it shouldn't be that hard to find it. It was one of the earlier posts.
I appreciate all the groundwork and thoughtful observations too... can only add my :twocents:

If TO was into or interested in JVH himself it seems to me that, regardless of which one of them drove, she would have ridden in the same car with JVH.

I did not think TO looked tipsy or in a condition she would have needed anyone else to drive her car. Had she and JVH been going somewhere together in her car where she'd never been or didn't know directions, however, I could see her permitting him to drive her car were she along as his passenger.

The most plausible scenario IMO is still that after agreeing to bring TO to a specified location, JVH told TO that nite he knew where they could do some drugs and the two rode together to where P-hut, and TO's fate, awaited her. The question is where, if cell data is the reason LE searched Wyoming Cir. pool vs Lake John's addy eg... or countless other options and endless wooded, and underwater possibilities in the surrounding areas w which he may have been intimately acquainted, directed JVH, and simply laid in wait. He may even have directed JVH to take TO's car and leave immediately. The key will be which vehicle P-hut drove. Although if it were at the site of her disposal, he too may have avoided any possible decomp. It is disturbing to consider how many abandoned houses, septic tanks, secluded parks, boat launches, and fishing spots under cover of night may have afforded him just such an opportunity :(

What would cause someone to be an accessory by participating in a set-up--by delivering a victim and then risk lying to protect another person? Someone over whom somebody else already holds something, to whom one is already indebted and owes a favor. Knowledge of something equally compromising, such as a prior murder...?? Someone, eg, who might know wth happened to Onda Chris George? It's kind of a trade-off in that case, isn't it... in exchange for remaining a suspect in your murder and my silence, I know you will keep silent about your knowledge of my murder.

As for her ex--until P-hut, w a criminal assault history and a motive all his own, became a viable alternative, I was stuck fast on JVH's pattern of similar prior acts. And it's even harder now for me to imagine dismissing both these violence-prone individuals and all the other bad facts as sheer coincidence. This still really smells
... walks, talks, acts, and quacks... like a set-up.

I appreciate all the groundwork and thoughtful observations too... can only add my :twocents:

If TO was into or interested in JVH himself it seems to me that, regardless of which one of them drove, she would have ridden in the same car with JVH.

I did not think TO looked tipsy or in a condition she would have needed anyone else to drive her car. Had she and JVH been going somewhere together in her car where she'd never been or didn't know directions, however, I could see her permitting him to drive her car were she along as his passenger.

The most plausible scenario IMO is still that after agreeing to bring TO to a specified location, JVH told TO that nite he knew where they could do some drugs and the two rode together to where P-hut, and TO's fate, awaited her. The question is where, if cell data is the reason LE searched Wyoming Cir. pool vs Lake John's addy eg... or countless other options and endless wooded, and underwater possibilities in the surrounding areas w which he may have been intimately acquainted, directed JVH, and simply laid in wait. He may even have directed JVH to take TO's car and leave immediately. The key will be which vehicle P-hut drove. Although if it were at the site of her disposal, he too may have avoided any possible decomp. It is disturbing to consider how many abandoned houses, septic tanks, secluded parks, boat launches, and fishing spots under cover of night may have afforded him just such an opportunity :(

What would cause someone to be an accessory by participating in a set-up--by delivering a victim and then risk lying to protect another person... someone over whom somebody else already holds something, to whom one is already indebted and owes a favor. Knowledge of something equally compromising, such as a prior murder...? Someone, eg, who might know wth happened to Chris Onda George?

As for her ex--until P-hut, w a criminal assault history and a motive all his own, became a viable alternative, I was stuck fast on JVH's pattern of similar prior acts. And it's even harder now for me to imagine dismissing both these violence-prone individuals and all the other bad facts as sheer coincidence. This still really smells
... walks, talks, acts, and quacks... like a set-up.


All excellent observations. Hard to rule out much @ this point w/o more information coming forward.

My apologies if I'm waaaay behind the current info, but, has anyone been charged in connection w/ Tracy's disappearance? Without statements, etc. regarding the alibi for the immediate circle of peeps there are just soooo many combinations that stay on the table, IMHO.

If I drive off onto a totally unqualified psych analysis of neo-nazi-types I'd say they desire/feed off of the feedback they get from like-minded individuals. IOW...skinhead & loner seem to me to be diametrically opposed characteristics. That the OCG scene that LE stumbled on involved JVH, and two others (one unidentified IIRC) would reinforce a gang-mentality.

That being said...the individual JVH attack(s) on female(s) did seem to be something he perp'd on his own. :waitasec:

Ugh. :banghead: W/ no new info:

1) JVH proven to be last w/ her
2) JVH failed poly "miserably"

Like to have a legal WS weigh in on what would be the most likely charges & sentence to stick w/ what LE has on JVH to-date. IF any of the Hutto's were involved...and their records would seem to suggest only one would need to remain free in order to exact revenge...it seems JVH would be better off to keep his mouth and "hope for the best". :mad:
No bjb I'm sorry to report no one has to date been charged in connection w Tracy's disappearance :( FWIW poor performance by JVH on poly could easily be indicative of culpability on any, possibly lesser level. It's so true that until knowing something further re other cell data, or other vehicles eg, it feels like we're spinning our wheels.

I know JVH was found to possess or have a keen interest in neo-nazi propaganda; and that the Orlando area, and prisons themselves, are a hotbed for neo-nazi, skinhead and white supremac*st activity. Yet if I had to embark on an amateur psych eval along w you I'd venture to say while I don't doubt the doctrine and propagarbage of these hate fellowships appeal to JVH, I'm not convinced he was active in any actual organization. In any event, AFAIK I don't believe his crimes themselves are the least organized nor tied to this in any way, as you say his crimes appear to be perpetrated on a random individual basis. Which isn't to say that a skinhead mindset or prison gang mentality shared between JVH and Hutto brethren eg hasn't dictated a code of silence. OT I just read that in 2006, Florida was second only to California in number of organized hate groups including stormfront eg the world's largest white supremac*st web forum (claiming then, three years ago to have more than 80k members, yeesh). Florida may have pulled ahead and taken the lead by now :mad:


Agree. And you're right CanMan guess I need to stop thinking like a cautious, middle-aged mother who spends too much time on these boards lol, that is just cause I don't go anywhere w/out my cell (and I do mean anywhere even the mailbox lol, oh dear... and I urge my 21 year-old daughter to do the same but not sure she listens, sigh...) Anyway I agree as I said the simplest explanation's usually the best--her cell stayed w her car because--regrettably--she never took it inside the bar w her. And in the absence of any witness to place her at Lyle St. it does seem unlikely she was ever back inside her car. :(


I see both of your points about the phone maybe being left in the car, but todays age, she wouldnt be able to talk in the bar- but texting-YES!!! I am aroung TO's age,a nd I text 80% more than I talk on my phone. I live in a college town most of the time with LOTS of bars, and my standard outfit includes A key, cash- no wallett,and my cell- Young people keep their cells on them most of the time- never know when that 'special' text may come in. Texting is VERY popular as you all know and can be done almost ANYWHERE!!!! Maybe she didnt text right away about the game because she had a JVH with her? She prob would have texted out of his presence. I know I wouldnt stop and text if I was making out with a guy. I would wait! Something bothers me about this also- BAD!!!!!!
The part that bothers me is where JH says TO wanted to smoke weed but when they got to his house she didn't like the drugs he had and she left. If they talked about smoking weed before hand then To would expect him to have weed so this doesn't make any senses. Why would talk about smoking weed and then show her coke? I think this is the part he is lying about. She did come to his house to smoke some weed, but the part about her leaving because she didn't like what he had I am not buying.

I dont want to say this, but I have been dying for a couple threads- JVH may NOT be lying about that statement- I live in a college town in an area with a LOT of pot and it is pretty acceptable up here, and unfortunately, I used to smoke in my teens, and there are different types, strengths,colors, etc.
Lets just say JVH said he could hook her up with some good green buds and she got to his house, and it was dried up homegrown weed? Sorry to be so descriptive, but there are 1,000s of varities of mary jane and that what's he could be referring to- She didnt like the type he had- I wouldnt pay for crappy pot either!! lol

As for what happened for sure, I have NO idea- I do NOT believe JVH's version, or that she didnt like it, but he knew that is a plausible explanation about his pot to LE.
Has anyone figured out what her boyfriends last name was? Its Derick something. We need to make sure we aren't over looking something. If JH hadn't turned out to be such a creep anyways would be looking at her boyfriend. If he was the jealous type he might have followed her to JH house and then confronted her when she left. I am just saying we don't know anything about this guy. We need to rule him out

His last name is Linder. This is what he had to say about the relationship:

"I was engaged for 2 years. I'm willing to give the shirt off my back for you & I wear my heart on my sleeve, but if you screw me then it's over."


(Note: Just posting his words... I am not trying to imply anything negative, ominous or sinister about his message. Overall he sounds like a nice guy.)
Lets just say JVH said he could hook her up with some good green buds and she got to his house, and it was dried up homegrown weed? Sorry to be so descriptive, but there are 1,000s of varities of mary jane and that what's he could be referring to- She didnt like the type he had- I wouldnt pay for crappy pot either!! lol


(bbm, snipped) omg (insert inappropriate laughter) ROFL... sorry :blush: must have needed some comic relief...


Channel 9 is reporting that JVH was in court today and so was TO's mother. Will post link to story when it comes up.

snipped - The man who Ocoee police believe is involved in the disappearance of missing Tracy Ocasio pleaded not guilty this morning to an unrelated criminal mischief charge.

James Hataway is accused of punching a woman's van in April. He was one of about 30 people crossing A.D. Mims road, and the driver, Donnagh Robinson slowed to let them cross. She heard a bang and her niece identified Hataway as the person who hit the ven.

He spoke only a few words during the short hearing and glanced briefly at Liz Ocasio who was sitting in the front row behind a glass partition in the jailhouse courtroom.
It is a ciggy. At 1:03:43 you can clearly see her take a drag off it. I didn't realize she was a smoker. Did they find any cigarettes or a lighter in her car? Cigarette butts in the ashtray? Near where the car was found? Did she only smoke when she partied? How much did she smoke? What brand did she smoke? (Hard to tell from the video, but they look like 120s.)

I think it is a cigarette. In this youtube video at 56 seconds you can see sparks come off one of hers.

YouTube - VTS 03 1 xvid
Here is wesh story and video of court appearance; working link to wftv video as well as article; and Sentinel. Not much new, but the search continues...


Meanwhile, the Ocoee Police Department was back out searching for the missing Orange County woman on Wednesday night.

The search focused on a field on Franklin Street -- not far from a cell phone tower that received a ping from Ocasio's phone the morning after she disappeared.




Ocoee police will be conducting another search in the coming days to look for clues in the woman's disappearance. Searchers have not found any sign of Ocasio since she disappeared.


I was there Sunday snooping a bit. The field they are talking about must be behind the Kangaroo Express. That area is grown up with very thick brush.
I watched the surveilance yet again (and again) today and would like to know who the other female was she was talking to. And I know someone said she didn't look tipsy but when they are walking together (TO and other female) they both look like they've thrown back a few (not that there's anything wrong with that) and are excited to talk about something or someone (JVH maybe?). I wonder what was said!?! I think this would be very important. Was this her friend that has said she feels awful for letting her leave? The one that is extremely distraught? This particular footage is what had originally made me think she was more than a little tipsy.

I had heard that that there was video of her using her phone but I would be surprised if they were referring to this video b/c it seemed pretty clear that this was a cigarette even when they played it on the news.

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