FL FL - Trenton Duckett, 2, Leesburg, 27 Aug 2006

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AlwaysShocked said:
Also, Melinda Duckett called in to another talk show - a local radio show in the Orlando area - AFTER the taping of the Nancy Grace show. The radio personality is a man named "Doc" and he was on the Nancy Grace show and described Melinda's call.

So why is he not being sued also? Pockets not deep enough?
They must not be deep enough. I didnt know Melinda gave another call-in interview after Nancys show. All Nancy did was ask simple questions that had simple answers.

I dont understand her parents , they havent seen Melinda in 4 years and never seen trenton, Why arent they pleading for his return?? Instead of suing someone .To me a lawsuit would be the last thing on my mind, if someone in my family went missing.
Melinda and everything she was, was a product of being raised by these people...that should tell you something right there about the parents & their motives & actions.
"GRACE: Welcome back. We are broadcasting live here at team Trenton headquarters, hoping against hope that this baby is still alive and will be found.

Back out to Doc Holliday with "The Doc and Johnny Show" on XL 1067. Doc, did you ask Melinda Duckett about cooperating with police, about whether she had taken a polygraph? And if so, what did she say?

HOLLIDAY: This big story was in this -- and I`ll keep this brief, I know you`re on a short time leash here -- is that the second phone call, which was very brief, was to promote the fact that she was going to be on national TV and everybody look for -- look at the picture. It was also very laid back.

And I -- Hey, by the way, the big story -- I`m not accusing you of anything, but the big story is that your ex took the polygraph and passed, and you wouldn`t. And I`m just kind of curious. People are kind of wondering why you wouldn`t. And there was silence and she goes, I`m not going to comment on that. And that was the end of it. And TV interviews that night ran it. It was the same response, I`m not allowed to comment, I`m not going to comment. That`s when I think the public turned against her."

From a transcript of the Nancy Grace Show of 11/17/06. Click here for full transcript:

Note: After re-reading entire transcript, I may have been wrong. Perhaps this was before the NG interview.
And that's the Marion County Sheriff's office saying that. It still doesn't say whether they think she handed him off alive or if they think she killed him.
And that's the Marion County Sheriff's office saying that. It still doesn't say whether they think she handed him off alive or if they think she killed him.
Marion is still on the track of Trenton possably being alive.

LPD believes he is probably dead at the hands of Melinda, but they dare not say it in public.

Actually Murt, it looks like MCSO believes that "... she could be capable of anything." The fact is that they have no better idea of what happened to Trenton than LPD. The only thing that the two agencies seem to be in agreement about is that Melinda was the one who had the answer to that question.
Actually Murt, it looks like MCSO believes that "... she could be capable of anything." The fact is that they have no better idea of what happened to Trenton than LPD. The only thing that the two agencies seem to be in agreement about is that Melinda was the one who had the answer to that question.
You are correct up to a point. Where the two agencys depart is the question of scenarios that have the possability of Trenton being alive.

LPD has said that they specificly do not believe in abduction or hand off scenarios. That means that they have NO theory that would have Trenton alive.

MCSO believes that Melinda either handed him off or he might have been abducted. Both possabilitys have scenarios that have him alive.

The "cool but not cold" is the closest thing that LPD has said to Trenton being dead. One of the stations commented on the fact that LPD was hinting at Trenton being dead but could not bring themselves to utter that word.

As time passes and we get farther away from the 12 month date of his disappearence, we will see LPD bring this belief to light.

Did LPD actually say they could not bring themselves to utter the word death concerning Trenton or is that your take on things?
You are correct up to a point. Where the two agencys depart is the question of scenarios that have the possability of Trenton being alive.

LPD has said that they specificly do not believe in abduction or hand off scenarios. That means that they have NO theory that would have Trenton alive.

MCSO believes that Melinda either handed him off or he might have been abducted. Both possabilitys have scenarios that have him alive.

The "cool but not cold" is the closest thing that LPD has said to Trenton being dead. One of the stations commented on the fact that LPD was hinting at Trenton being dead but could not bring themselves to utter that word.

As time passes and we get farther away from the 12 month date of his disappearence, we will see LPD bring this belief to light.


They said that the totality of the information gathered from all sources, including Marion County, failed to show any evidence of a handoff and that they did find evidence to contradict the abduction theory.

In actuality, they MAY honestly believe that Melinda fatally harmed Trenton and covered it up. I certainly do! IMO, they are not limiting themselves to one particular theory. They still consider this an open case and are interested in any evidence that anyone might have regardless of which theory the evidence supports.
They said that the totality of the information gathered from all sources, including Marion County, failed to show any evidence of a handoff and that they did find evidence to contradict the abduction theory.

In actuality, they MAY honestly believe that Melinda fatally harmed Trenton and covered it up. I certainly do! IMO, they are not limiting themselves to one particular theory. They still consider this an open case and are interested in any evidence that anyone might have regardless of which theory the evidence supports.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this point. I feel the news coverage points out quite the opposite.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this point. I feel the news coverage points out quite the opposite.


Did you see the CBS early show report?

Chris Blair from Marion is the LE representative interviewed. I didn't snip.

Detectives say they've ruled out abduction, and call Melinda the only suspect.

Says Maj. Chris Blair, of the Marion County, Fla. Sheriff's Office, "We believe that she wanted to keep Trenton away from Josh, and therefore, she could be capable of anything."


Abduction is not included in Marion County theories either. I do not remember it ever was. They did believe Trenton was handed off BY Melinda and alive. But, always it was to keep Trenton away from Josh.

As Blair said in the most recent interview, she could be capable of anything, in my opinion, for some reason, this is a turn to admitting worse possibilities.

I understand before they said because of what friends and family had said they did not think Melinda would harm her son, That was then, NOW Blair has said in a live interview she could be capable of anything.

Maybe they talked to other people. Or maybe some of the people they talked to previously have come forward with more information.

I do not know the reason. I do think it IS a change in theory.

Giles and Bolin met with the Grandparents last week for approximately 3 hours. During that time they told Nancy and Bill that they believe Melinda went into a rage over something like Trenton dirtying his pants/diaper and killed him. Nancy retorted: "If Melinda killed Trenton she would have been found dead at his feet instead of in my closet."

They also told Bill that Andrew Vita told them that Andrew watched Melinda's face when Bill said that anyone who wrote the email was an idiot. And Andrew said that was probably what pushed Melinda to suicide. thinking her Grandfather thought she was an idiot.

They'll eat their words.:loser:

Giles and Bolin met with the Grandparents last week for approximately 3 hours. During that time they told Nancy and Bill that they believe Melinda went into a rage over something like Trenton dirtying his pants/diaper and killed him. Nancy retorted: "If Melinda killed Trenton she would have been found dead at his feet instead of in my closet."

They also told Bill that Andrew Vita told them that Andrew watched Melinda's face when Bill said that anyone who wrote the email was an idiot. And Andrew said that was probably what pushed Melinda to suicide. thinking her Grandfather thought she was an idiot.

They'll eat their words.:loser:


I expect the Grandparents have found out a lot of things they did not know about Melinda.

I feel bad for them to having discovered her body in their home and I feel bad they had to find out some things that Melinda pulled. I think they knew just what she wanted them to know and I do not think they realized the life style she was livng or trying to live.


BTW Who will eat what words?
Since the gps were not with Melinda and Trenton 24/7, they can only comment on the behavior they saw when Melinda was with them. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Was Trenton's behavior reported to Barbara Nolan (his GAL) or DCF? Did they take him to the doctor for an exam? If not, why?

if her grandfather knows she did not write the note why has he not offered proof yet to clear her name? "i know my child/grandchild" is what we here from the family of most killers.

did melinda bring the guys over who bought *advertiser censored* to meet the grandparents? no? then i doubt they really understood the life she was living. i feel sorry for any mother that feels she has to sell her body to care for her child. somehow i dont see melinda being so proud of this part of her life she shared it with her grandparents. if they are not part of this aspect of her life why think they know every other detail about her?

i have family members in jail. drug addicts. good old fashion drunks. luckily the only known child molester has died but not before he hurt me. so what that josh has some family members he should not be proud of. the police have cleared him. if he has been cleared what is the point of smearing his family?

if this is just a rumor started to further smear josh's family then it is wrong and should be a crime its self.

Besides the Giles and the FBI agent, Bolin telling Melinda's grandfather that the grandfather's words were one of the things that drove Melinda to suicide, you have also posted that Giles and the FBI agent said that Cara told them that Melinda wrote the e-mail.

I think Cara's confession leaves no doubt that Melinda wrote it.


As for who Josh or Carla are related to, it doesn't matter.

It does not make them unfit or bad people.

Alluding to knowing the "goods" (or whatever) about them without links or information to back it up is gossip.
Not one iota of evidence has ever been hinted at or implied by LE or any media outlet against Josh, his family or any family friend that they had anything to do with whatever happened to Trenton.

Jolynna, I totally agree with you. Josh has long since been cleared. This sounds like more malicious rumors and gives no real proof of anything.

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