FL FL - Trenton Duckett, 2, Leesburg, 27 Aug 2006

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thank you.Great info:clap:
a bit baffled by the fact she threw out very personal belonging's{almost like she was trying to rid his memory from her head} the day after she reported him missing:confused:.Not something you would do even if there had been a hand over.I don't know but after reading that there was questionable stain's on the mattress and wall. :frown: Someone in her obvious state of mind would not be thinking what is best for her child.considering she apparently lived for her child,it is obvious she did not :two cents:
like you i can not understand throwing out his items. it is only fair i offer you both sides since you are new to this case.

1) she had other copies of the baby picture and the sonogram at her grandparents home.
2) the clothing no longer fit him.
3) his curtains and pillow and the stuffed mom beanie baby may have had finger print dust on them.
4) she was said to be a neat freak.

now these are the reasons that supporters of the mom have given. for me it still does not make sense. when my son was still born the blanket the wrapped him in had a small amount of blood and fluids from birth on it. when they took him away they brought back the blanket in a bag with baby powder in it. they told my husband to wait a few days and snap out the old powder and place new powder in the bag. they had allowed the fluids on the blanket to dry. they explained the powder would absorb any odor and i would be able to keep the blanket with out the need to wash it because of the powder. if the nurses knew this and acted without me asking then it must be normal for a mother who lost a child to want to hold on to any thing they can. for me it is not what she threw out so much as the fact she did it the day after her son went missing.
hi! thank's! what happened after the little boy went missing and what where the secret's his mother had?
RhondaIL posted some great links for you. another secret that the mother had.

the email. a email was sent from the fathers my space to the mothers. the email was threatening and said cruel things about mother and child. the mother used the email in a custody fight with the father. when 911 was called to report Trenton missing mom told them she knew who took her son, his father. she showed police the email and told them to look at the father.

the secret. mom sent the email to herself according to police. a court day was coming up when Trenton went missing.the father had hired a computer expert that could prove the email was sent from the mom's computer. after the child went missing the computer expert from the police found the same thing. according to police mom sat at her computer in her home and used her ex husbands password to get access to his my space account. she then wrote herself a email from him with threats to her and the child. she also changed his password to a nasty name.

While announcing Melinda Duckett as a suspect Thursday, investigators distributed a three-page document showing that they planned to charge her with two crimes: perjury in an official proceeding and an offense against intellectual property.

Both stem from the threatening e-mail that she used to obtain a domestic-violence injunction against Joshua Duckett. The court order, issued July 5, limited his contact with Trenton.
thank you again :woohoo: I Have three children myself i could not even try to comprehend your terrible loss.I feel deeply for you:angel:
I have read up on all of that info thank you.what bother's me is the suicide issue.fragile is such a delicate word but i do think it fit's here.majority of the time suicide is considered the most selfish of act's,although she still could have been acting out of grievance.depression is also a delicate issue and more than capable of turning a person into a jekle and hyde:croc:
sorry! yes welcome freewm3. :woohoo:
totally agree with what you are saying!:blowkiss:
thank you again :woohoo: I Have three children myself i could not even try to comprehend your terrible loss.I feel deeply for you:angel:
I have read up on all of that info thank you.what bother's me is the suicide issue.fragile is such a delicate word but i do think it fit's here.majority of the time suicide is considered the most selfish of act's,although she still could have been acting out of grievance.depression is also a delicate issue and more than capable of turning a person into a jekle and hyde:croc:
thank you for your kind words.

as for her suicide i tend to agree with this psychologist on the matter. http://www.ocala.com/article/20070827/NEWS/208270321/1001/NEWS01
yes i agree.i do not believe a hand over is what happened here!she had already proved she was more than capable of lying with the e-mail rubbish.josh could have had her thrown into to court for that alone.I wonder why she felt she could not turn to anyone regarding this matter!I was adopted and that let me tell you is no excuse for anything. :clap:
just an added thought :twocents: If she had murdered trenton she would have surely said so in a suicide note so as to not implicate anyone one else in his disappearance.the fact that she did not make's you wonder if any one else in the family know's what really happened!anyway it is nearly midnight here and i have to take the kid's to school early, so it's goodnight from me. :blowkiss:
Welcome, cold case lady. It's always good to not only see people still concerned with finding Trenton but also have new people joining in.

I'm not sure she would have admitted to killing Trenton if she had done so in her suicide notes. Appearance and impression were very important to Melinda - and I suspect that even after she was gone, she would not people whose opinion mattered to her, such as her grandparents, believing she was so cold and desperate a person as to kill her own child.

I wonder if she wouldn't have been more or less indifferent if anyone else was being implicated, especially after she was gone and didn't have to worry about it anymore. She wanted the focus off of her. She knew LE thought she was the one responsible and that none of her Eubanks relatives were being implicated...and as for the Ducketts, she implicated them herself from the 911 call on....technically, from the fake email on, since she was so quick to wave that email around as proof that JD was behind it all. IMO.
just an added thought :twocents: If she had murdered trenton she would have surely said so in a suicide note so as to not implicate anyone one else in his disappearance.the fact that she did not make's you wonder if any one else in the family know's what really happened!anyway it is nearly midnight here and i have to take the kid's to school early, so it's goodnight from me. :blowkiss:

As you said in an earlier post, suicide is the ultimate selfish act.

Can you imagine a mother taking her life if she thought there was a possibility of her child needing her or crying for her somewhere?

Melinda had only had custody of Trenton for a few months. From watching the videos of Melinda's grandparents, the grandparents were very proud of Melinda and praised her mothering skills. How do you think Melinda was feeling when the police were pressuring her to tell them where she was the weekend Trenton disappeared and she couldn't do because in planning the staged abduction she hadn't thought of the use of video security systems in any store she might say she was at. I also think she was hoping one of the men at her house the night of the staged abduction would "help" her by saying he had heard or seen Trenton.

I think Trenton went missing because of Melinda's need to appear perfect (as cited in her psych evaluation) and because she made a stupid mistake when she sent the e-mail.

I don't know if she planned it all out in advance or if Melinda was simply feeling sad or bitter because it was her anniversary and Josh was dating others. Women often get nostalgic, drink and call their exes on sentimental dates. I think Melinda drank and e-mailed. Only after she told people Josh did it and they insisted she take legal actions, things went too far.

Swearing Josh had sent her the e-mail under oath and using the e-mail to get a temporary restraining order is against the law. Josh was saying he had turned his computer over to an expert and could "PROVE" he hadn't sent the e-mail. Melinda's lawyer told Bill O' Reilly she had warned Melinda that if she had lied about the e-mail there would be serious consequences.

Melinda and Josh were about to go to court again over the divorce and custody of Trenton. After the restraining order was issued, according to Lake County records, Melinda went from having custody to temporary custody. Keeping Trenton was no longer a given. She would have lost if Josh could prove she sent the e-mail. (And Melinda knew she was guilty which increases stress and worry.)

I don't think Melinda could face having her grandparents know she had again lost custody of her son by doing something so stupid. I think she felt cornered because of what she had done and trapped and unable to face people. The same way she felt when she committed suicide because the police, the media and the public were asking for answers to questions she couldn't answer without even more stress and suffering from being found out and caught short. (Being caught short was something she said didn't happen to her.)

I think Melinda would have done anything to keep Josh from taking trenton from her again. And that the thought of him dating and being happy with someone else and having Trenton too, in addition to it being her fault she had lost custody was too much for Melinda. Melinda had also just lost a new boyfriend she thought had a lot of promise, her job and her best friend. Court matters, a divorce, an ex dating, facing losing custody of your child, money problems, losing your boyfriend, facing the disapproval of those closest to you who you want only to know the best, losing your job an losing a best friend, there was a lot going on in the life of a girl who was fragile to begin with, in my opinion.
Morning All and Welcome freewm3!

Great Posts!

It has also been reported Melinda tried to borrow as much as $3,000 - $5,000 from family and friends.

Why was she trying to borrow the money?
thank you for your kind words.

as for her suicide i tend to agree with this psychologist on the matter. http://www.ocala.com/article/20070827/NEWS/208270321/1001/NEWS01

From your link:

Gold also said some suicides are fueled by revenge as a way to really hurt someone. "Imagine Melinda realizing that the worst pain she could ever inflict upon Josh [Trenton's father and her estranged husband] is to take the secret of what happened to Trenton with her to her grave. It's a way of saying, 'I'll show you a thing or two so you'll really know what suffering feels like.' Thus, one-upmanship," Gold said.

I tend to think this is what happened. She showed Josh once and for all.
I am very curious as to why she tried to borrow that much money from friend's and family as well as the 10k from the bank.Maybe she and trenton where both supposed to vanish and start a new somewhere else:curious:but it didn't go to plan!
nuisanceposter! appearance's mattered to her then why did she go into her grandparent's closet and put a shotgun to her chin?that is by no mean's a "pleasant surprise":rolleyes: You would think(for most normal people that is)she would be being a so called model citizen,to prove she was more than capable of having custody of their son.she was obviously far from stable:twocents:
nuisanceposter! appearance's mattered to her then why did she go into her grandparent's closet and put a shotgun to her chin?that is by no mean's a "pleasant surprise":rolleyes: You would think(for most normal people that is)she would be being a so called model citizen,to prove she was more than capable of having custody of their son.she was obviously far from stable:twocents:

By appearance I don't necessarily mean her physical appearance, but what impression of who she was and what was important to her other people were getting. I bet the grandparents had no idea she was making homemade *advertiser censored*, either.

IMO, it sounds like Melinda lived by the gun and she died by the gun. One of her claims for where she was the weekend Trenton went missing was driving around looking a shooting range (although I can't understand taking a 2 year old child along at a shooting range - the loud reports alone should be enough reason to find him a sitter if she needed to shoot that bad...but I don't think she ever meant to go to any shooting range that day anyway.)

A shotgun to her chin was her ticket out to the hole she'd been digging herself into. I think that by the time she decided that suicide was the only answer, she was past caring what a mess she'd be making in her grandparents' closet.

I don't think she was ever all that stable. From what I understand, the last five or so years before the end were nothing but manipulation, deceit, and violence. A stable woman does not bite her MIL on the arm hard enough to draw blood over a baby's bath - especially not in front of the baby, much less while the MIL is holding him...and that's just one example. Unfortunately, Melinda was the type of person who would pull a knife or a gun and use an innocent child as a pawn with little to no regard as to how that kind of self-centered behavior was damaging him. She should never have been allowed sole custody...in fact, I don't think she even should have been allowed unsupervised visitation with her son. IMO.
i did not mean physical appearance either.blowing your head off when your only child has gone missing and your apparently a clean freak and wanting people to think you are perfect!there is something not right here.when you think about it josh could sue the department that allowed her custody without fully investigating the e-mail fraud for starters,then the loss of his child.deformation of character on her behalf.big time......................................................................................................................................
i did not mean physical appearance either.blowing your head off when your only child has gone missing and your apparently a clean freak and wanting people to think you are perfect!there is something not right here.
this may offer you more insight into her behavior.
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According to the DCF docs Melinda was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder....not to be confused with ocd.

12/22/2005 Psychological Evaluation Results
(Dr. Steven Sanders by Danielle Arbutina, Psychometrist)
Psychological evaluation is received. Melinda is diagnosed with
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Couples counseling is
recommended to address anger and resentment toward her husband.
According to evaluation, there is no psychological reason that would
preclude Melinda from being a capable and loving parent. The evaluation
also indicated that reunification of Trenton with Melinda would benefit her
greatly and support mental stability of Trenton.
(from the DCF doc link posted previously in this thread)

From this link...

This disorder tends to occur in families and thus may have a genetic component. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder most often occurs in men. It should not be confused with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which is another psychiatric condition that shares some symptoms with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder believe that their preoccupations are appropriate. They tend to be high achievers and have a sense of urgency about their actions. They may become extremely upset if others disturb their rigidly ordered routines.

Some of the common signs of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder include:
  • Perfectionism
  • Inflexibility
  • Preoccupation with details, rules, and lists
  • Reluctance to allow others to do things
  • Excessive devotion to work
  • Restricted expression of affection
  • Lack of generosity
  • Inability to throw things away, even if there is no value in the object
other links...

she didn't have an inability to throw thing's away.these thing's were very meaningful.she stole 10k from work.she was not everything on that list.that is not her personality to a tee!
she should not have been allowed anywhere near her son.and a good mother that want's the best for her child would seek help,not hand them over or hurt them.
she didn't have an inability to throw thing's away.these thing's were very meaningful.she stole 10k from work.she was not everything on that list.that is not her personality to a tee!
she should not have been allowed anywhere near her son.and a good mother that want's the best for her child would seek help,not hand them over or hurt them.
no disorder fits every one to a tee but she was diagnosed. it may give insight but it will not predict all behavior. she had showed violence in the past. she had admitted cutting herself. she had been unstable for years. i agree 100% she should not have been allowed near her son. it is hard to say what goes on in the head of someone who is mentally ill. they do not follow a logical pattern. that makes this case harder to solve. we look at clues and say "why would she do this or that it dont make sense." the things she did may only make sense in her mind and we may never understand them.

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