FL - White House Boys, Dozier School for Boys, Marianna

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Yes, there were 2 facilites for girls and I take great offense to the term "School". There was Florida School for Girls, Ocala and Ocala Forest Hills. I was in Ocala for my 13, 14, & 15th birthdays. These places had nothing to do with any of the facilities you mention. We were part of a system that didn't care or work. If you were considered incouragable by the courts you were sent to one of these facilities.
Hi Ocala Girl and welcome to WS! Thanks for your answer.

I don't know how you ended up there, but I am sorry that you ended up in that situation. Do you mind if I ask what years you were there?

In the White House Boys case, they have told about beatings, being put into a dryer and other types of torturous behavior. Did you find the same type of things going on where you were?

Have you or anyone else heard any updates on this case?
I have past by this place so many times throughout the years. I always had a sense of sadness and wondered what all was going on there.

If they exhume these boys and they were beaten then they will know they were murdered.

This is so heartbreaking.


"Michael O’McCarthy and Robert Straley are urging Jackson County residents to come forward with any information they might have regarding the abuse they alleged occurred at the Florida Industrial School for boys in 1950s and 1960s. Currently owned by the Department of Juvenile Justice, the facility is now called Arthur G Dozier School for boys."
I wonder how long this will take. I'm very curious to know the outcome. I think it's very possible for some, if not all of the 32 to have gone missing unnoticed. It was a different time and there were not the same policies in place back then like there are now. Even the policies we have now as far as missing children and those in state custody are lacking.
I do not doubt for one minute that Roger Kiser and the other men are reporting about the WHite House and their abuse. How many times have we heard of men and women put in power where they abuse that power and act out their horrific inhibitions and thoughts and urges. It makes me so angry!!! The on thing I am wondering about is in the vieos of the boys it shows several boys faces seperatly in clips. One of the boys though is in color and wearing a Pokemon shirt. Now Pokemon (according to wikipedia) did not get created until 1993. The boy looks to be about 9 or 10. So how could that boy have been one of those at the FSB? Can oneyone enlighten me to who that boy is? WHy he is pictured with the rest of those pics? DId I miss something?
I do not doubt for one minute that Roger Kiser and the other men are reporting about the WHite House and their abuse. How many times have we heard of men and women put in power where they abuse that power and act out their horrific inhibitions and thoughts and urges. It makes me so angry!!! The on thing I am wondering about is in the vieos of the boys it shows several boys faces seperatly in clips. One of the boys though is in color and wearing a Pokemon shirt. Now Pokemon (according to wikipedia) did not get created until 1993. The boy looks to be about 9 or 10. So how could that boy have been one of those at the FSB? Can oneyone enlighten me to who that boy is? WHy he is pictured with the rest of those pics? DId I miss something?

Hi Yanknrebel, do you know which link the video was?
I was there 67 - 68 and part of 69. I ended up there for running away from home and skipping school. Just did it so much the judge got tired of looking at my face. The term they used was incorageable. Passionategray wants to know who would they charge. These facilities were not state mandated. They were privately owned. In Ocala they called them "Investors". I believe the state should be held accountable since they are the ones that put us there.
I was there 67 - 68 and part of 69. I ended up there for running away from home and skipping school. Just did it so much the judge got tired of looking at my face. The term they used was incorageable. Passionategray wants to know who would they charge. These facilities were not state mandated. They were privately owned. In Ocala they called them "Investors". I believe the state should be held accountable since they are the ones that put us there.

Welcome to WS! I am so glad you made it out of that place!

From article:

"Investigators said that, so far, the search for records from 50 years ago has been productive. They also have met with many of the men who have come forward. When they meet with Stratton, they will hear his claim that he witnessed the violent death of one boy who exposed himself to reform school workers on a dare. The boy was taken to "the white house."
Stratton said that later, while he was working in the kitchen, he saw a brown 1949 Ford pull up. "They opened the back door and they carried him out and threw him in the back of the car," said Stratton, fighting tears.
"They took him out there and buried him in the woods," he said. "I know they buried him somewhere, 'cause he never showed up again."

These men were able to band together, i hope they find the bodies so that the children abused can be possibly identified. It's also theraputic to the men that had to suffer at the boy's reform home to talk to one another about events that they endured and witnessed there. Many of them had kept quiet for decades about the ordeal. What goes on in the dark comes out in the light..
I just received a copy of the book: The White House Boys, An American Tragedy, by Roger Dean Kiser. I've only read a few pages, but it's a real tearjerker. Roger lived within the walls of the Florida Industrial School. I've only read about 40 pages out of 224. It's worth the buy if you are interested. It's in paperback and cost only about $12.00.
Marianna is about 80 miles from my hometown & in the late 50s & maybe early 60s I remember our family going to the "Florida Boys School" to see the Christmas decorations. The residents worked year-round to build elaborate displays through which there was a driving tour. What happens behind the closed gates of such a facility can be very different from the public image.

I doubt Florida is the only state where there was abuse in institutions. However, just 25 miles east of Marianna is the state mental hospital in Chattahoochee. There was a book & 1989 movie "Chattahoochee", about horrific mistreatment of patients who were caged, unclothed & unwashed, just occasionally hosed down by firehoses.... worse conditions than anyone would tolerate for animals.

Isn't it frightening how inhumane people can be? It's too late for those in charge to be made accountable.... most are dead. Financial compensation to former residents can do little to repay their scarred lives now, but I think having the abuse exposed will validate their pain & help them to move forward.

Sad, sad, sad!
I am baffled at how 32 boys could have possibly been murdered on these grounds and buried there and no one ever asked any questions. I know some of them were orphanes but many of them seemed to have been runaways, albeit, from bad situations but it sounds like they did have family. Didn't any of their famililes ask questions when their sons never returned from this school? Their sons just disappeared and they never looked for them? Surely some of them had families even with all their problems who cared about them. maybe not. How unbelievably sad.

I read some of the stories on the WHite House website and feel sick. How could these 'men' look at these little boys who were terrified, crying, begging, and then beat them so viciously and continue doing so while they tried to escape? And especially knowing that these boys had already had such a hard life.

How does a person get to that state? There have been many studies, one notable one was where normal college students were put into a situation simulating a prison where some were the guards and others prisoners and the results showed how quickly our psychology can change, how quickly we can adapt and embody the role we are expected to play yet it is still very hard to understand. I know each one of us thinks we are not capable of such cruelty, I know I think that about myself, but I bet if you asked those guards at the school, or the students who participated in the Stanford sponsored experiment, or completely average joe banker or lawyer turned Nazi officer at Aushwitz, or the guards at Abu Gharib or Gitmo before they were put into that situation they would have said with confidence they were not capable of such cruelty either. The human mind is fragile and can manipulated easily.
I was surprised to read Roger say he does not hold grudges against the men because they were doing a job and that is the frame of mind they put themselves into and Roger understands that. Personally I think I would have been holding a big grudge and a whole lot of anger towards these poeple.
I found it especially poignant to read him recall actually talking to one of the guards in 1999 on the phone and how at 72 yrs old the man joked with him, did not act uncomfortable and had seemed to forget or had chosen to forget what he had done some 40 yrs before to terrified little boys. Surely some of them, when they reflected back on their life and their time at the boys school had remorse for what they had done. It is hard to believe that all of the poeple involved at the school kept their mouths shut even yrs later - I would think that a few of them would have sought out some of the boys and apologized, asked for forgiveness but I guess more likely they had been telling themselves for yrs that the beatings were really spankings and no one really got hurt and those boys who disappeared just ran away.

I am not offer excuses at all. I find the psychology of it interesting but it never excuses their actions - they made the choice to do what they did, they could have said no, they could have left, they could have spoken out and they didn't. It will be interesting to see what the surviving officials at the school say about this. I wonder what they are thinking when they see these reports ont he news.

I think NoZme is right - having the abuse go public like this and seeing the abuse they suffered confirmed and acknowledged will help many of them to keep moving forward.

p.s. sorry i rambled on for so long........
I was there 67 - 68 and part of 69. I ended up there for running away from home and skipping school. Just did it so much the judge got tired of looking at my face. The term they used was incorageable. Passionategray wants to know who would they charge. These facilities were not state mandated. They were privately owned. In Ocala they called them "Investors". I believe the state should be held accountable since they are the ones that put us there.

I was @ the Florida School for girls 1967-1968 for the same thing.:behindbar

May 15, 2009

No surprises as FDLE identifies remains in graves at Florida School for Boys

...According to the FDLE, eight students and two staff members died in a dormitory fire in 1914. Twelve died as a result of influenza, tuberculosis or other medical conditions. One boy drowned. Another fell off a mule. In 1944, one student was murdered by four other students. In 1940, the remains of a runaway were found under a house in Marianna. Five people, buried between 1919 and 1925, had no listed cause of death...

...Investigators identified 50 documented student deaths from 1911 to 1973,...

...The FDLE found no evidence school staff caused any of those deaths.
Has anyone else on here read their stories? These boys were beaten and tortured in the 40's,50's and 60's at the Florida industrial school for boys,a reform school in Marianna,FL. Gov. Christ was investigating. The White House as it was called where the beatings took place was sealed by the FL dept of Juvenal justice with a plaque for the boys. Up to 39 of which are buried on the grounds. They need to exhume them to find out how they truly died,not what is written. They also need to know who they are and how many. http://www.thewhitehouseboysonline.com/


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