Florida Bar Allegedly Prepares Case against Baez

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Hmm wow this person could be any body..... what about the FMG? hmmm she was in the office of JB with KC... not sayin as fact but RD, KP are another group of "Friends" of JB... lol
Mark N would! He is representing a man who went to Orlando with his organization and spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 to find Caylee. TES is nonprofit and have had to turn families down because of lack of funds. If there is one person out of this whole thing who would do it, it would be anyone who represents TES!

If a lawyer would not file against another lawyer in the bar, could it be that TM made the complaint?
ANYONE can file a complaint with any standing bar, per state or the ABA.
Rules differ by state as to the process, but anyone can literally download the form of the site. Now, you are open to retribution for harassment or frivolous reports like anything, but that is addressed there as well.

:crazy:Many years ago I wrote to the Minnesota Bar Assc. about a lawyer who was supposedly working for me.

I explained my quandry, and, within a week, I recieved a leter from the Minnesota Bar Assc. They stated that the Atty sees the error of his was.

So it worked for me.:crazy:
:crazy:Many years ago I wrote to the Minnesota Bar Assc. about a lawyer who was supposedly working for me.

I explained my quandry, and, within a week, I recieved a leter from the Minnesota Bar Assc. They stated that the Atty sees the error of his was.

So it worked for me.:crazy:

Many years ago I wrote to the Minnesota Bar Assc. about a lawyer who was supposedly working for me.

I explained my quandry, and, within a week, I recieved a leter from the Minnesota Bar Assc. They stated that the Atty sees the error of his ways.

So it worked for me.:crazy:[/QUOTE

edited by me for another mis spelled word.
Jose and his wife are separated? What?
Uh oh. I didn't know that.

I have heard this before too, but I have yet to see any kind of proof that it is really true. Does anyone have any kind of link or anything to back this up?
I have heard this before too, but I have yet to see any kind of proof that it is really true. Does anyone have any kind of link or anything to back this up?
Thanks WA.
If we don't have a link I am going to ask that we don't continue that line of discussion.
LOL I hope he said fertile not futile... a mind without hope or an imaginative one?:eek:

To be literary for a sec, I think the source really did mean "febrile" mind as in "fevered" or "feverish" imagination. (BTW, licensed to give verbal advice in all 50 states) j/k
My toughts are with JBean's thought above. Anyone can file a complaint with the FL bar. With this particular allegation, the significant question is who that "someone" is. As in, is it someone with actual facts regarding the alleged financial arrangements? Until we know that, then it's a just speculation, and I'd much prefer a doc dump, myself. (Tomorrow, right?!!!) :deal: :dance:

IIRC, this has already happened in this case - on the issue of JB being a demonstrative and huggy kinda attorney. A bar complaint was filed against JB earlier in this case by someone who'd read news coverage regarding jail officials requesting that JB refrain from hugging his client during visits.

Now that we bring this up, I wonder what the status of the hugging complaint is with the FL Bar...


<snipped to show previous florida bar complaint article>

ORANGE COUNTY, FL -- The Florida Bar Association will investigate to determine if jailhouse hugs between Casey Anthony (PHOTOS) and her attorney are ethical violations, according to Orlando station WFTV.

The touching incidents took place at the Orange County Jail where Casey is waiting to stand trial on charges that she murdered her young daughter, Caylee Anthony (PHOTOS).

Jail staff members have reported seeing Casey and her attorney, Jose Baez, hugging, holding hands or sitting very close to each other. Baez reportedly was warned on two different occasions not to hug Casey.

According to an internal email, a jail staff member wrote, “I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

The jail does not allow contact between inmates and others for security purposes.

Officials say Baez apologized the first time he was warned and said he wasn't aware of the rules. Baez reportedly told officers he was upset as he hugs all his clients. The jail email went on to say that Baez "would hate for a brief to be filed in order to correct this."

According to WFTV, the complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by an out-of-state woman who read about the hugging incidents online and felt Baez had overstepped.

Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar decides his conduct was inappropriate, but such action is rare in a case like this.

Caylee Anthony disappeared in June and has not been found.

Hey, Emma!

I've got to disagree. Hugging, etc. would be a behavioural issue as far as propriety and demeanor--it'snot necessarily an ethical violation. Inappropriate but not actionable unless there was a lot more that the client complained about.

Takes more than that.

(our black catsuit and seamed tights are in the dryer, will return to rack when done)
So, Emma and all, is this really a "crock" to use Attorney Baez's words?

BTW, there could be more than one complaint going down.

Oh well.
The Fla Bar investigation is a fact, if what appears in print from media can be said to be factual. :confused:

For the Bar to proceed, there needs to have been a filed complaint.

Probably not SA since it goes against interests and, for them, does not really affect prosecution of the case. SA is worried about mistrial / appeals down the road.

Speculation has it that the complaint may have been filed by ---------Nope, work for it! Who is really, really concerned about Ka-Ching! in this case?
GA and CA?

PS- no need to play guessing games is there?
My toughts are with JBean's thought above. Anyone can file a complaint with the FL bar. With this particular allegation, the significant question is who that "someone" is. As in, is it someone with actual facts regarding the alleged financial arrangements? Until we know that, then it's a just speculation, and I'd much prefer a doc dump, myself. (Tomorrow, right?!!!) :deal: :dance:

IIRC, this has already happened in this case - on the issue of JB being a demonstrative and huggy kinda attorney. A bar complaint was filed against JB earlier in this case by someone who'd read news coverage regarding jail officials requesting that JB refrain from hugging his client during visits.

Now that we bring this up, I wonder what the status of the hugging complaint is with the FL Bar...


<snipped to show previous florida bar complaint article>

ORANGE COUNTY, FL -- The Florida Bar Association will investigate to determine if jailhouse hugs between Casey Anthony (PHOTOS) and her attorney are ethical violations, according to Orlando station WFTV.

The touching incidents took place at the Orange County Jail where Casey is waiting to stand trial on charges that she murdered her young daughter, Caylee Anthony (PHOTOS).

Jail staff members have reported seeing Casey and her attorney, Jose Baez, hugging, holding hands or sitting very close to each other. Baez reportedly was warned on two different occasions not to hug Casey.

According to an internal email, a jail staff member wrote, &#8220;I spoke with Mr. Baez concerning his continued physical contact (hugging) of his client."

The jail does not allow contact between inmates and others for security purposes.

Officials say Baez apologized the first time he was warned and said he wasn't aware of the rules. Baez reportedly told officers he was upset as he hugs all his clients. The jail email went on to say that Baez "would hate for a brief to be filed in order to correct this."

According to WFTV, the complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by an out-of-state woman who read about the hugging incidents online and felt Baez had overstepped.

Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar decides his conduct was inappropriate, but such action is rare in a case like this.

Caylee Anthony disappeared in June and has not been found.
That could have been anyone of us on here.
GA and CA?

PS- no need to play guessing games is there?

Sorry, but that was about page 2, RR. And thought I was pretty obvious in "hint" afterwards. I guess it seemed overly dramatic, when attempting "of course" you know. I go to many other places, especially those that are local Orlando hoping for a spill via friends or associates. :)

We are so earnestly wanting something to happen. By now if you've read through, several ethical violations and complainants are possible.

Doc dump tomorrow (JB got 300 pp this afternoon) or Thurs.
My toughts are with JBean's thought above. Anyone can file a complaint with the FL bar. With this particular allegation, the significant question is who that "someone" is. As in, is it someone with actual facts regarding the alleged financial arrangements? Until we know that, then it's a just speculation, and I'd much prefer a doc dump, myself. (Tomorrow, right?!!!) :deal: :dance:

IIRC, this has already happened in this case - on the issue of JB being a demonstrative and huggy kinda attorney. A bar complaint was filed against JB earlier in this case by someone who'd read news coverage regarding jail officials requesting that JB refrain from hugging his client during visits.

Now that we bring this up, I wonder what the status of the hugging complaint is with the FL Bar...


<snipped to show previous florida bar complaint article>

ORANGE COUNTY, FL -- The Florida Bar Association will investigate to determine if jailhouse hugs between Casey Anthony (PHOTOS) and her attorney are ethical violations, according to Orlando station WFTV.

According to WFTV, the complaint with the Florida Bar was filed by an out-of-state woman who read about the hugging incidents online and felt Baez had overstepped.

Baez could have his license revoked if the Bar decides his conduct was inappropriate, but such action is rare in a case like this.
HAHAHAHA This is the case I was trying to think of. OMG that is so hilarious.
That could have been anyone of us on here.

I do recall a blogger saying that he or she would indeed write the Bar about hugging (inappropriate behavior).

So...what we do know is jail personnel warned attorney and client off each other. I assume it has stopped.

Bar going to look into touching? Not likely. Bar is interested in Ethics, big E.

So what is the Bar looking into NOW?
However, if it were in the best interest of his clients and it could be perceived as the parents protecting their daughter in jail against the attorney who is possibly denying them access to said daughter, not to mention holding their grandchild's body hostage preventing a burial or cremation, plus possibly taking their money away by selling things they want to sell...well that list just goes on and on...doesn't it? :waitasec:
It most certainly does. It reeks of CA.

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