Flu Shot May Have Triggered Rare Disorder?

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Bee Happy

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Jun 23, 2007
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She says it is a strange disorder where muscles work against each other. She can’t walk forward, only backward. She can run, but she can’t stop without help. She can whisper but has difficulty speaking. Noises can cause convulsions. Her resting heart rate is 90. When she runs, her blood pressure dips to 58. She gets exhausted walking a few steps but she could run for hours.
How tragic for this young woman. I wouldn't doubt that this could be the result of the flu shot, I think for a certain amount of people, vaccinations can be disastrous for their bodies. I used to have a roommate that worked in the schools with the medically fragile, and one of these children had been healthy until they got their first set of vaccinations. It rendered them almost vegetative.

Now, I think on the whole, these shots do way more good than harm, but for some it really could cause life changing side effects. I just wish the public could get a whole picture and then decide for themselves. I think sometimes the risks of things deemed to be good for us are downplayed to lessen hysteria or misconceptions, which I do understand but ultimately disagree with, I'd like to know worst case scenarios.
Here is some interesting information regarding the swine flu vaccine. The text below is an email that was sent to me by a friend of a friend of this doctor, Russell Blaylock, M.D.

Dr. Blaylock is a neurosurgeon who has spent years doing investigative research on various neurological disorders. He has determined that the flu shots are unsafe (all of them). You can google his name and come up with a lot of his research articles.

Obviously, everyone needs to do their own research and decide what is best for them and their family.

No one should take the swine flu vaccine—it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus H1N1 kills by causing a “cytokine storm”, which means that it causes the body’s immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have weakened immune systems.) This vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality of the virus much greater.

One’s best protection is vitamin D3. One should take 5000 IU a day now and when the disease begins to spread increase the dose to 15,000 IU a day. Vitamin D3 modulates the immune reaction, reducing the chance of an overreaction and stimulates the body to produce what are called antimicrobial peptides, which are powerful killers of viruses that does not involve immunity. This is dose related, which means the higher the dose of vitamin D3 the better the protection. Fish oils (the best is Carlson’s Norwegian lemon flavored fish oil) also reduce immune overreaction. One teaspoon a day should be sufficient. For severe symptoms, one teaspoon twice a day. Antioxidants of various kinds also help—this includes, quercetin, curcumin, grapeseed extract, vitamin C and natural vitamin E. A good multivitamin/mineral such as Extend Core (www.vrp.com) is also essential.

Feel free to spread this around. People need to know how to protect themselves.

Hello, I would like a link and a peer reviewed scientific study.......

Why are women getting the swine flu at an alarming rate with serious complications.

If you read anything on the med information on an RX, gee do you think that everyone has every side effect.

Some do, some don't. Some have severe side affects, others mild.

I guess each person is different..............

I for one have never had an adverse reaction to any vaccine. I for one am all for protection, heck I would like this Doctor to explain why women have this serious flu, more so then men.

I will not "follow" like sheep any Doctor who claims that vitamins will cure a serious illness.

The vaccine will not kill me, but the flu can and will.
I have lupus and asthma, and my Dr advises me to get the flu shot every yr, which I have done for the past 14 years. I have had minor flu-like symptoms, but no other adverse reactions. My sister who is as holistic as they come, is four monthes pregnant and her accupuncturist advised her to get the preservative free version of the swine flu. She said that her accupuncurist told her that for every woman who gets the swine flu, 50% of the fetuses die. My sister is scared. I am scared. I'll get my flu shots and have some protection and not worry about the miniscule chance of an adverse reaction.
I've gotten flu shots for years, but I had my first (and last) adverse reaction this year--hives up and down the innoculation arm w/ the worst one around the vaccination site. Benadryl worked wonders, but the doctor says no more shots for me! The next one could cause anaphylactic shock. :(
I'm wondering why this one was such a doozy.:waitasec:
CyberLaw - There is no link to give you because the words I posted were from the Dr. in a personal email to me from a friend who knows Dr. Blaylock. I also suggested to google his name and find out more about him including all of his research. I also stated that people should do there own research to come up with the best plan of action for themselves and their families.

I did not state that I agreed or disagreed, but just that there are many schools of thought, both professionally and individually.

The Dr. did not say that taking vitamins was a cure. He said that taking certain vitamins is simply a protection mechanism to build up a person's immunities. That particular opinion is shared by many health professionals concerning a wide range of illness.

The issue with so many women (particularly pregnant ones) getting this flu has something to do with their lack of a certain immunoglobulin G cell. Read here for more info:
Hello, I would like a link and a peer reviewed scientific study.......

Why are women getting the swine flu at an alarming rate with serious complications.

If you read anything on the med information on an RX, gee do you think that everyone has every side effect.

Some do, some don't. Some have severe side affects, others mild.

I guess each person is different..............

I for one have never had an adverse reaction to any vaccine. I for one am all for protection, heck I would like this Doctor to explain why women have this serious flu, more so then men.

I will not "follow" like sheep any Doctor who claims that vitamins will cure a serious illness.

The vaccine will not kill me, but the flu can and will.

I don't have a link either, but I saw two doctors on an early morning news show the other morning, basically saying the same thing. I wish I could remember their names! I do remember that one was a pediatrician who did not recommend that his patients receive the vaccine, and absolutely would not expose his own children to the vaccine. He would give the vaccine to patients if the parents insisted. He talked about the "first" swine flu shot (in early 1970's) that had caused permanent and serious neurological to a larger percentage of patients than he thought was acceptable. He said the percentage of children who had serious consequences from the swine flu was LOWER than the percentage of children who were "damaged" by the vaccine!

I don't know anything about Dr. Blaylock, but I don't think he is saying that vitamens will heal serious disease. It seems to me from what I've read that he is saying we need to have a healthy immune reaction to disease, not too little response and definitely not too much. And certain supplements will keep your immune system in balance.

There seems to be a growing undercurrent of suspicion about flu shots, particularly the swine flu shot. I don't know why, exactly, but I don't know a single person who will be taking the swine flu vaccine. Not one. Speaking for myself, I have taken only vaccines that are mandated by law. I have a personal suspicion that putting yukky stuff into my body might have long lasting and unwanted effects, but that's just my FEELING. Can't explain it!

I would LOVE to see a peer reviewed scientific study done on all vaccines, including the flu shot and the newer "swine flu vaccine."
I've gotten flu shots for years, but I had my first (and last) adverse reaction this year--hives up and down the innoculation arm w/ the worst one around the vaccination site. Benadryl worked wonders, but the doctor says no more shots for me! The next one could cause anaphylactic shock. :(
I'm wondering why this one was such a doozy.:waitasec:
I have been told the same thing. The last time I took a flu shot (30 years ago) I was VERY ill.
Some of us have strange bodies. We live and we learn.
That poor poor woman.
I don't have a link either, but I saw two doctors on an early morning news show the other morning, basically saying the same thing. I wish I could remember their names! I do remember that one was a pediatrician who did not recommend that his patients receive the vaccine, and absolutely would not expose his own children to the vaccine. He would give the vaccine to patients if the parents insisted. He talked about the "first" swine flu shot (in early 1970's) that had caused permanent and serious neurological to a larger percentage of patients than he thought was acceptable. He said the percentage of children who had serious consequences from the swine flu was LOWER than the percentage of children who were "damaged" by the vaccine!

I don't know anything about Dr. Blaylock, but I don't think he is saying that vitamens will heal serious disease. It seems to me from what I've read that he is saying we need to have a healthy immune reaction to disease, not too little response and definitely not too much. And certain supplements will keep your immune system in balance.

There seems to be a growing undercurrent of suspicion about flu shots, particularly the swine flu shot. I don't know why, exactly, but I don't know a single person who will be taking the swine flu vaccine. Not one. Speaking for myself, I have taken only vaccines that are mandated by law. I have a personal suspicion that putting yukky stuff into my body might have long lasting and unwanted effects, but that's just my FEELING. Can't explain it!

I would LOVE to see a peer reviewed scientific study done on all vaccines, including the flu shot and the newer "swine flu vaccine."

We too have only received the vaccinations that are required by law, and I am a tad bit skeptical of the 2nd vaccination needed for Varicella (Chicken Pox), Spinal Meningitis (Meningococcal?) vaccine, and flu shots. I don't think you are the only one who has the suspicion about the "unwanted effects".

Back in the 70's, my parents were very adamant about the "swine flu" vaccination. They decided that none of their children would be vaccinated for the swine flu. "We" were never given a flu shot, of any type. In all honesty, my parents believed that the more "stuff" we were exposed to made our immune systems stronger. I feel the same as they did.

So far, so good. I am not sure my folk's theory was correct (they had no scientific reasoning to back them up), or is correct for the day and age we're in. Neither my husband nor myself, and our children have ever had "the flu", or none of us have ever been diagnosed as having the flu. (Knocking on wood here!)
my grandfather was always against vaccines, even in the late 1970s. he worked as head of security for a big lab so i'm thinking he knew some things i didn't. i would never get a fly vaccine.
I don't know if anyone noticed in the article, it states that there has been no comment from the CDC on this. What's that tell ya?

I'm not sure of all the things that HIPPA laws cover (in regards to patient confidentiality), so I wasn't sure if the CDC could comment? It bothers me that sometimes the "no comment" status appears to me as downplaying the situation, but again, I'm wondering if the laws prohibit them from saying something.

The disorder that this young woman is suffering from is really frightening for our society, as people who may get flu shots or otherwise, I can't imagine how frightening it is for her and those around her. It's so hard to grasp that one minute she was fine and then the next, her health and her entire life have been altered.

I'm sure there must be certain career fields that encourage (or require) these swine flu vaccines? (Nurses, military, school teachers?) Even if the odds of this disorder happening are ultra rare, there's still some chance of it happening again, and that's really scary, IMO. How is it evaluated if the pros outweigh the cons? How many people have to get swine flu (in this case) for it to be considered an epidemic? If we continue "advancing" medically, how much worse will the flu strains become before there is no vaccine that works?

Sorry for the rant. We are supposed to have one of the boys vaccinated for meningitis (sp?) so he can play sports, so vaccinations are weighing heavily on my mind and scaring me.
Last time I had a flu shot was in 2003- I got violently sick that evening and was sick for months with off and on fever, chills you name it. Anything mass produced like these shots is going to have its share of defective product.

One sore point with me is the coverage that NBC nightly news gives Swine Flu. Almost a third of their news program @ night is on this. IMO their coverage is all slanted toward getting the shots. May have something to do with all the drug companies that spend money advertising on their program. Lots of people where I live have already had this, by the time the shots are in full availabilty who will be left to take them?
Boyz_mom, What vaccines are required for you to take as the law?? Just curious, as I didn't know any were required by law. We rarely vaccinate, but would under certain circumstances.

I'm not sure what I think of this article. It may have triggered it, but it seems like there just isn't enough info for me to decide! Such a tragic story though. :(

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