Flu Shot May Have Triggered Rare Disorder?

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This reminds me of the "hysteria" when a British School girl died after thaving an HPV shot.

Hysteria galore, people had ths same attitude that OMG that could have been my child, no way am I getting them a shot.

A young healthy girl drops dead after this shot. Then of course all feel the vaccine was to blame.

But this young girl had an underlying medical problem that sowed no symptoms and was fatal.

The vaccine had nothing to do with her death.

The H!N1 bacteria can travel up to 25 feet if someone sneezes, can stay on services, hand objects.

So if yiou do not get the vaccine, may I suggest a face mask and gloves.

I for one am protecting my family.......and myself from this serious flu that kills children. Those children could be yours or mine.

Too much of a risk to not protect my family.
They really are pushing that vaccine and the vaccine manufactures have been relieved of having to liable for any damages it may cause. I was talking to my sons doctor and she said she wouldnt advise it to anyone as it is to new. I then asked her about how vaccines effect chromosomes in the person receiving the vaccine and their children or even generations later, as I had been looking for information on that. She said the is very little limited research on the subject. They cannot not tell you this is good for the majority when they have no idea how far reaching it effects can actualy be. It really burns me up that they do all this talk on saving our resources while not even considering injecting people with chemicals is a bad idea. JMO
This is highly disturbing for me.
My son who is now 9 has Autism. He was diagnosed with Autism at age 2.
He was perfectly functioning and way ahead on vocabulary etc... After we took him in at 18 months to get his vaccine's within 1 month he was gone mentally. He became Non verbal, no eye contact, did not want to be touched and the list goes on. He still could walk, feed himself and use the bathroom but everything else was just not there.

Autism is a neurological disorder. In my own opinion it was the vaccine's that caused his Autism, nothing more and nothing less.

I don't specifically think it was just 1 certain vaccine but a combination of all of them together at once. I believe that in certain individual's the combination af all vaccine's triggers some underlying condition or gene that makes certain people to susceptible to Autism and other issue's.

I will not allow the doctors to vaccinate my daughter who is now 2 1/2. Don't get me wrong here she has had 3 vaccine's but only due to the fact that there are some things such as Bacterial Meng. that are still highly contagious and still are around.
She will get more vac. in due time but only on my terms and schedule's.

When you look at the statistcs of Autism it is highly alarming ! You can't telll me that it some mutated gene or heriditary all of a sudden.
Statistics show now that 1 in every 100 children are being diagnosed with some form of Autism! That is huge, and I would conclude that it would have to be being caused from something that everyone is getting nationally and this number just changed from 1 in every 150 just in the last month.
This far exceeds cancer, diabetes etc in numbers combined, highly disturbing to say the least.
I know that some one is covering for this and eventually it will come out.

They are making leaps and bounds in learning ways to correct Autism but what they really should be doing is finding out what is causing it, IMO they already know but no one is talking.

I am truly sorry for what has happened to this lady it has got to be devestating. My prayers go out to her in hopes that she can be helped.

This of course is jmo...

After some basic research, I am also starting to wonder if the barrage of vaccinations for children under 5 is just too much for their bodies to handle. Why do shots need to be administered all at once? Why not seperately over time?

I think I will wait on the H1N1 vacc. to see what happens. Sometimes I feel like just because it is on the news or the Gov't recommends it, the public is too quick to accept it rather than question. The media, gov't, and drug companies all have a stake in inciting fear.

I do get flu shots every years and so do my kids due to other health issues.

My feeling is that while it is horrible that children and pregnant women are dying of this latest round of the flu, are the numbers that much out of the norm to spur this type of reaction?
Boyz_mom, What vaccines are required for you to take as the law?? Just curious, as I didn't know any were required by law. We rarely vaccinate, but would under certain circumstances.

I'm not sure what I think of this article. It may have triggered it, but it seems like there just isn't enough info for me to decide! Such a tragic story though. :(

I'm not Boyz_mom! But I do have a comment! Here in Louisiana, children are not allowed to attend school until they have had an MMR, Dpt, and several other shots. "Baby Shots." A person is not allowed to travel to certain foreign countries without receiving particular vaccinations. Those are the only ones we've submitted to, and then only when we had to!

For myself, my babies were not vaccinated at the "recommended" ages, because they were so very small. My pediatrician agreed with me--he even was the first to suggest waiting until they were a little older. We also homeschooled, so we were able to avoid vaccinations for my older two until they entered college, and the three younger boys when they decided to enter public school. None of my children has ever had measles, rubella, whooping cough, diptheria, or any of the other scary things people told me they'd come down with.
For myself, my babies were not vaccinated at the "recommended" ages, because they were so very small. My pediatrician agreed with me--he even was the first to suggest waiting until they were a little older.

We also home schooled, so we were able to avoid vaccinations for my older two until they entered college, and the three younger boys when they decided to enter public school.

None of my children has ever had measles, rubella, whooping cough, diptheria, or any of the other scary things people told me they'd come down with.

O.K. I am going to counter this. The reason is ALL the other kids and people that you have come into contact with are not "carrying" these fatal illness.

You see we all protected you. All of us who have received the proper vaccinations. I am not only getting an H1N1 shot, to protect myself against those "carrying" the diseases and who did not get protected. I am also getting a Pneumonia shot, because many people are "dying" because of H1N1. Hey the guy at the store, a person who went to the fast food place that you are not going to, these people and places who you visit that do have the disease. I won't catch the disease, but not enough people will or have or can get the vaccinations "now" and are ill and dying. Those people are the people who did not get protected.

So play Russian Roulette with your family....I am not.

Children and woman are dying. These are real people. In our province B.C. there has been an "alarming" rate of H1N1. 400 out of the 700 blood samples are test positive for the disease. Some speculate that the reason being is BC is a conduit for American travelers. But you see the H1N1 does not care who you are.

I feel I have a better chance with the vaccinations, then "hoping" not to get sick. I have a family, I have people that depend on me and I don't want to spread "my potential" disease to anyone else.

Hey your chances of getting this fatal illness are greater then "to date" then vaccinations making you some how sick now or in the future.

All medication have side effects. Heck some people have died from medications. But you have to look at the millions of people who have taken that medication.

BTW, someone asked a interesting question......http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/basics/chromosome

What is a chromosome?

In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.

Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s nucleus—not even under a microscope—when the cell is not dividing. However, the DNA that makes up chromosomes becomes more tightly packed during cell division and is then visible under a microscope. Most of what researchers know about chromosomes was learned by observing chromosomes during cell division.

Each chromosome has a constriction point called the centromere, which divides the chromosome into two sections, or “arms.” The short arm of the chromosome is labeled the “p arm.” The long arm of the chromosome is labeled the “q arm.”

The location of the centromere on each chromosome gives the chromosome its characteristic shape, and can be used to help describe the location of specific genes.

So lets look at the question of what vaccinations and how they affects Chromos.


Definition of Vaccination

Vaccination: Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to ward off a disease. To immunize against viral diseases, the virus used in the vaccine has been weakened or killed. To only immunize against bacterial diseases, it is generally possible to use a small portion of the dead bacteria to stimulate the formation of antibodies against the whole bacteria. In addition to the initial immunization process, it has been found that the effectiveness of immunizations can be improved by periodic repeat injections or "boosters." Also see Vaccines (in the plural) and Vaccine of a specific type (such Vaccine, Polio).

Now your doctor could have spent the time answering this question,, but saying there is not a study on it, makes much more sense then answering.

In my opinion, limited abut medicine, anti bodies and DNA have nothing do do with each, that would be a fact.

Please explain......
Boyz_mom, What vaccines are required for you to take as the law?? Just curious, as I didn't know any were required by law. We rarely vaccinate, but would under certain circumstances.

I'm not sure what I think of this article. It may have triggered it, but it seems like there just isn't enough info for me to decide! Such a tragic story though. :(

In order for the children to attend public schools (and the parochial school), we received a letter about the varicella vaccination, and had to have the doctor sign a letter stating that our oldest had Chicken Pox (before the vaccination was mandated by the state), and we've had to show proof of their vaccinations upon enrolling in school. I've heard that a person can claim "vaccinations are against their religion", but have never tried that. In the state of MI, I think all of the vaccinations that are on the vaccination card (they give one at birth for the doc to fill in) are mandatory (unless religious reasons) to attend school. The Hepatitis series is one I'm not positive about, the menningocal one may not be mandated but is strongly encouraged.

So I'm not sure if it's considered a "law", but if the children don't have the vaccinations, it's my understanding that they can be removed from the school (or at least that's how the "Chicken Pox Vaccination letter" we received sounded.)

Amayla, do your schools require any vaccinations? How do you choose the vaccines you would have your family have?

Sorry if I've gone off topic on the vaccinations, back to the flu. :blushing:

I believe that some of these vaccinations for flu or otherwise can have lingering problems for some of the takers. My heart goes out to this young woman and her family.
In our school our 15 1/2 year old came home with a letter that he was suspended until we got him the shot.

We plain forgot, that he needed it at 15.

He missed a day of school, we got the shot, the form signed by the Doctor and he returned to school. We told the Doctor the situation and they gave us the first appointment.

This was BTW for the shot for law jaw..........there was a huge issue of kids going to school not up to date with their shots. Either the child has to prove proper shots or not go to school.

They went though every record of every student.......now the school board is right on top of this......especially considering the high immigrant population in school.
In our school our 15 1/2 year old came home with a letter that he was suspended until we got him the shot.

We plain forgot, that he needed it at 15.

He missed a day of school, we got the shot, the form signed by the Doctor and he returned to school. We told the Doctor the situation and they gave us the first appointment.

This was BTW for the shot for law jaw..........there was a huge issue of kids going to school not up to date with their shots. Either the child has to prove proper shots or not go to school.

They went though every record of every student.......now the school board is right on top of this......especially considering the high immigrant population in school.

CyberLaw, for brevity, I am not quoting both your posts, I am wondering if you can answer a couple of questions? Can you tell me what "Law Jaw" is? (I really don't know- I'm not being silly.) The stats on the blood samples in your earlier post regarding the incidence of H1N1 in BC was interesting. Do all of the person's who test positive for H1N1 show symptoms? If so, is the number of positive tests in BC pointing toward an epidemic or is it already considered an epidemic in BC?

I understand what you are saying when you say that you are protecting unvaccinated people because you and yours are getting vaccinated. I also understand your comment regarding "playing Russian Roulette". You make sense, IMO, but I still have my own reservations about a lot of things pharmaceutical.
CyberLaw, for brevity, I am not quoting both your posts, I am wondering if you can answer a couple of questions? Can you tell me what "Law Jaw" is? (I really don't know- I'm not being silly.) The stats on the blood samples in your earlier post regarding the incidence of H1N1 in BC was interesting. Do all of the person's who test positive for H1N1 show symptoms? If so, is the number of positive tests in BC pointing toward an epidemic or is it already considered an epidemic in BC?

I understand what you are saying when you say that you are protecting unvaccinated people because you and yours are getting vaccinated. I also understand your comment regarding "playing Russian Roulette". You make sense, IMO, but I still have my own reservations about a lot of things pharmaceutical.

I believe she meant Tetanus, better known as lock jaw.
I've gotten flu shots for years, but I had my first (and last) adverse reaction this year--hives up and down the innoculation arm w/ the worst one around the vaccination site. Benadryl worked wonders, but the doctor says no more shots for me! The next one could cause anaphylactic shock. :(
I'm wondering why this one was such a doozy.:waitasec:

Hey Pandora - as an RN I can take an educated stab at what happened to you. Anyone with an allergy to eggs cannot take a flu shot. If you don't have an egg allergy you may have acquired one. My own sister cannot ever get a flu shot because she is deathly allergic to eggs. Sometimes people get allegies as they age that didn't exist before. (I found out about 5 years ago that I am allergic to peanuts. I had not previously had any problems from peanuts.) Or you could have had an allergic reaction to something used in the inactive ingredients. Ask your physician if he thinks you should have allergy testing done. It could tell you everything for which you have allergies and prevent an anaphylactic reaction. My daughter has allergies to so many things she carries EpiPens in her purse, car, etc. On several occasions she had to use them. Hope this was an isolated occurrence, and it never happens again.
One of our local teens got the Gardasil vaccine, and here is her story:


Family: Vaccine left teen in 'fight for life'

Zeda Pingel was a bright, popular and healthy teenage girl until her pediatrician administered a vaccine last November during a routine checkup.

Today, the 14-year-old Lake Station girl is imprisoned in a body that has suffered a series of life-threatening reactions to the vaccine called Gardasil, her family insists.


She is mostly unresponsive, although it's a marked improvement from just a couple months ago when she showed no signs of being functional, let alone interactive. She receives round-the-clock care, daily visits from a nurse, and her slightest twitch or facial movement is heralded as a breakthrough.

more at link...sad and scary!
mitzi, thank you for sharing Zeda's story. Some of the comments there have other people's stories as well. I feel so bad for these people, there doesn't seem to be any plan they can follow to help their loved ones illnesses, it would be like living in a mystery. JMO.
My bad, I am and was trying to do too many things at once and did not proof my post well.

How about Lock Jaw..........

I saw a news report last night, that parents across the USA are in an utter panic because of a shortage of vaccine.

Children are dying at an alarming rate, more so then children who may have side effects from the vaccine. This flu kills kids.

As at October 9, 2009, 76 kids have died from this flu in a short period of time and this is only the beginning.

Parents are lining up for hours to ensure their children receive a "life saving vaccine" and their child does not die from this flu.

This is only the start of flu season.

Millions of children have received the vaccine, their parents have made the choice not to "play" Russian Roulette with their health.

What I want to see if a study that tells me that "vaccines" directly affect the DNA of individuals. That somehow these vaccines that produce a robust anti body response to the disease through vaccinations somehow "directly" alter the DNA of a person and their future offspring.

Like I said before, people, nothing is 100% safe. People will get sick from vaccines, medicines, have complications from surgery, allergic reactions, they may even die from surgery.

But again look at all the millions of people who have taken that medicine, or have had an operation.

There is an amount of risk with anything you do......any medicine, any surgery, any car ride.

But how many girls in the USA have received the vaccination without any problems at all. Millions worldwide. How many girls will not get a "life threatening" cancer because they were vaccinated.

Death and taxes are about the only things that I can think of that are 100% true.

I could not get the link to work with the previous poster: But I did find this: Today, the 14-year-old Lake Station girl is imprisoned in a body that has suffered a series of life-threatening reactions to the vaccine called Gardasil, her family insists.

Who knows if this child had or has any underlying medical issues that were further complicated by the vaccine. Her family insists, but I have yet to see any Doctor confirm this. I feel badly for this family and child. But millions, upon millions of girls have received this vaccine without any problems.

(snip)www. en. wikipedia.org.

There have been 24 million doses distributed in the United States, and there have been 13,758 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports following the vaccination. Ninety-three percent were reports of events considered to be non-serious (e.g., fainting, pain and swelling at the injection site (arm), headache, nausea and fever), and 7% were considered to be serious (death, permanent disability, life-threatening illness and hospitalization). There is no proven causal link between the vaccine and serious adverse effects; all reports are related by time only. That is, they are only related because the effect happened some time after the vaccination. None of the confirmed deaths of women and girls who had taken the vaccine were linked to the vaccine.

So I am not "great in math, but 24 million doses and 13, 758 adverse affects, can anyone do the math?

Just like the HPV and the child who died in Britain, of course after getting the vaccine she unfortunately died. But after the autopsy, it was determined that she had a tumor that was undetected and the vaccine had nothing to do with her death. But her "family" prior to the autopsy "insisted" that the vaccine was the cause. It was not.
I thought I read awhile back that the Gardasil vaccine was thought to be much less effective than the public was being told? I don't have a link for that, but I'm going to look around.

CyberLaw, I understand your position. You feel that you are playing Russian Roulette with your children if you neglect to vaccinate them: I feel that I am playing Russian Roulette with my children if I DO!

The preservative used can cause allergic reactions, and contains mercury, to boot. That's just not the sort of thing I want in my bloodstream, or in my kids!
We practice good hygiene, we keep our bodies strong by eating a healtful diet, we take vitamens to help maintain health. I just feel like those steps are just as effective and a lot safer than vaccinations. Of course, I don't disagree with your decision for your family--you are doing what you feel is best. Thank God our country still allows for some parental input into the raising of our children, so that we are both free to choose different paths.
Does anyone have any information about the swine flu vaccination given in the 70s?
Hey Pandora - as an RN I can take an educated stab at what happened to you. Anyone with an allergy to eggs cannot take a flu shot. If you don't have an egg allergy you may have acquired one. My own sister cannot ever get a flu shot because she is deathly allergic to eggs. Sometimes people get allegies as they age that didn't exist before. (I found out about 5 years ago that I am allergic to peanuts. I had not previously had any problems from peanuts.) Or you could have had an allergic reaction to something used in the inactive ingredients. Ask your physician if he thinks you should have allergy testing done. It could tell you everything for which you have allergies and prevent an anaphylactic reaction. My daughter has allergies to so many things she carries EpiPens in her purse, car, etc. On several occasions she had to use them. Hope this was an isolated occurrence, and it never happens again.

The best educated guess (after our perusing the ingredients carefully) was the thimerisol in it. I never could use the contac lens solutions w/ it in there as a preservative w/o it's making my eyes red and swollen. :( Injecting it is definitely NOT a good idea.

On another note, I just received word that one of my former student's BIL died from complications of H1N1. WM left behind a wife and two small children.

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