For the DT

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I think the DT is doing a fantastic job. Keep it up. Just continue to defend your client the way you have for the past 2 1/2 plus years and JUSTICE will be served.


Ahem... I mean,Yes, I most definitley concur. :innocent:
Ckmate, I wouldn't worry about it. We all think these things, but the DT is gonna do what they're gonna do. They will never take anyone's advice!
Ok, I'll help them. Casey would look much, much better with a shaved head. :innocent:
Baez et all:

IF you could just make some sense.... have some cohesiveness...out of all the attacks against the prosecutors accusations, you might have a chance.
Reasonable doubt, does include putting it all together...and you just haven't shown any resemblance of that. This colossal waste of time and taxpayers money in what you call a defense is laughable, if it wasn't for such a tragic end to a beautiful baby's demise.
The lies, and the strut in Casey's first courtroom appearance, her first phone call home for Tony's number, along with the 31 days is all the jury needs to know to convict her without one bit of sympathy...despite what you might have some psych person say.

George "falling on the sword".., Cindy's claim of laying dryer sheets and spraying a whole bottle of Febreeze to counter the Chloroform results, attacking the Dog Handlers, new science techniques, attacking the HERO who found the poor baby's remains, and the Texas Equasearch volunteers all put together makes not one bit of sense. At least compared to the "bucketload" of evidence the State has. You really have nothing...and it shows, despite the grandstanding attempts recently displayed. Go ahead, you have my permission...

Wave the white flag!

Justice for Caylee
I thought I would attempt to start a thread for the DT. It is obvious that they do read here and use what they can for their case. So here you go- here is the opinions (no personal attacks or name calling pls) just honest opinions from average people who could be part of your jury pool. I will start with my opinion of your "client".
1- You need to remind her DAILY that this whole trial is about the DEATH of her ONLY daughter- she very rarely shows ANY emotion or remorse for this loss.(AS YOU SEE I AM NOT TALKING GUILT JUST PLAIN LOSS)
2-Facial Expressions- only on rare occasion does she make any facial gesture to what is going on in that court room, but boy do you see her demeanor change when she is chatting with members of your team- not good - the jury will pick up on this faster than you think
3-Hair- the long hair needs to go- it has been mentioned on this site before that she should cut it an donate it to LOCKS OF LOVE- she needs to have more appropriate hair style and less to play with -smooth out or twirl
4-Clothing - plain and simple no matter what it is IT NEEDS TO FIT
5-Paralegal activities -do not continue to pretend to be something your not-just like you didn't have a job- it shows that you are cold and heartless and could truly careless of what is going on in that room
6-Acknowledging your family-FINALLY yesterday you ack your mother-IT IS ABOUT TIME-you need to ack your family whether you like it or not- completely ignoring them again shows your cold heart-
Now on to JB
1-Public Speaking 101- practice practice practice - get a mirror and a camcorder and use it daily
2-Facial Expression- get rid of that SMIRK-and please dear god quit rolling your eyes
3-Vocabulary- do not use vocabulary that you do not know what it means-anyone can pick up a dictionary and choose a new word- but it makes you appear to be uneducated-so stick with what you know
4-Speed- Move it along -get what you need to ask done - you are going 10 mile out of your way just to get to the next block and it will only show the jury that you cannot formulate a specific question
5-Morals- quit trying to play dirty and just do your job- you know the law and know the rules so quit wasting everyone's time-ps your jury will pick up on it
6-Area of Expertise- you know your area so stick with it and let the others on your team handle the areas where they are good at-
Now on to CM
1-Excuses- quit using the excuse that your hard of hearing- it is getting old and ridiculous -you hear what you want to hear plain and simple and will turn the jury off
2-Old Boys Club- this is another huge turn off- people want to believe in change -so quit playing that card
3-Expertise- You are a well seasoned lawyer so start acting like it- these juvenile games are getting old and tiring-Do what you know and move on

You are all here to do a job, so just do it and get on with what you have- I will tell you that in MOO that there are many hurdles that you need to overcome -so start dealing with the facts instead of trying to play the magic cup game- I can only tell you my opinion but I would take note of this which is most important-if there is anyone on your jury who has children, cousins, nieces or nephews or has ever babysat in their lives you are going to have a huge problem and here is why- Any person who has ever been out with a child anywhere ie:store, park etc-that had the responsibility of watching a child- that turned their back for only a second, then turn back and the child had wandered off, and this person got that horrible sick feeling in the pit of their stomach to only realize that the child was just a few steps away will never ever ever in a million years forget that horrific feeling and will never comprehend how anyone could go on and do what your client did which was go about her merry way without a care in the world- IMO :twocents:

MODS if this is a bad idea pls delete and accept my humble apologies - I just like to face a problem head on!

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Thanks just wasn't enough. Well stated!
I think what we are seeing now is what we will get at trial. Jose will be smirking because that is his natural countenance. He will roll his eyes, make snarky comments and ask rambling questions. He will be "guided back on track" by the judge.

Mason will persist with his idea of what he thinks will charm a jury - the "I'm just a Southern good ol' boy lawyer, now old and half deaf". Uh-huh.

Inmate Casey will continue with the incessant grooming behaviors, the bored look, the picking and the hand rubbing.

People do not change their ingrained behaviors, folks. And even if they managed to "fake it" for a few days, it would not be long at all before each returns to their true nature.

Since this is a Defense thread, I'll skip commenting on the Prosecution. Other than to say that I don't think this is JA's first rodeo either. He knows there is no jury present at these hearings.
As an average person, if I was sitting on the Jury and heard what I've heard so far that has come out during hearings, I would have formed an opinion by the time the SA made their opening statement. The DT would have such a burden to reverse that opinion I've established and with this team no way they could. Basically, you better just beg on your knees to the SA office for a plea of life with no parole. That is the best deal ICA will ever get.

The judge can throw out the chloroform and plant growth testimony and I would still vote guilty.

Again, all I have to hear is about how ICA waited 31 days to say anything about her child and then she lied about it trying to impede the investigation of LOCATING her own daughter (that is GUILT). There would be no excuse, medical or otherwise that would cause me to change that in my mind or do I think any jurist mind. Not PTSD, not a brain tumor, nothing!

The parents are lucky they haven't been charged yet and I'm hoping that after the trial they will be charged!
That whole line of questioning designed to prove that OSCO and the SA's office were trying to interfere with your client's choice of an attorney is disingenuous. Let it go. Yes, you frustrate them from time to time ... but, as a means to an end, they couldn't be happier with the choice she made.
:floorlaugh:You can't have underwire in jail however built in support is not a problem!

It appears the new strategy is formfitting with emphasis on the who ha's.
The first thing she does when she stands is put her hands behind her Maybe this is just the replacement for the strut. (back in the day):floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I think it is very hard to change what is part of your personality. JB does not know he is smirking. It's a by-product of his belief that he has pulled one over on SA. Same when SA is up and questioning the DT's expert witness. JB sits next to KC and he has a noticeable tic. Something you just can't change. Some people have a natural poker face, JB does not.

I noticed that LDB asked him very politely yesterday to stop clicking the pen. It's very annoying while someone is trying to speak and can be heard while the expert is trying to speak. If nothing else it is distracting. Did he stop? No, he clicked even more. At such a low level the appearance of not taking other's into consideration shows his arrogance and his ability to rise above himself and act in a professional manner. Let's face it folks a month is just not enough time for JB to reinvent himself to gain the respect of the jurors. jmo
My advice to the DT:

Quit reading here, put down the iPad, the PC, the iPhone & every other diversion, and bone up for this trial already. Read the depositions and other documents, like those of us who have been here from day 31 have been doing. Forget revenge and snark, and work on Saturday's and Sunday's, if you must (CAN YOU HEAR ME?) You just might have an "Aha! Now it all makes sense!" moment. :cow: 37 days away.
If the DT has been reading here more than 1 day, we have nothing to worry about. Because if they are here looking for tips, what they have taken away so far has not helped. The Inmate is toast.

All the clothing, hair and demeanor tips in the world are not going to help her once the jury hears about:

31 days
No Nanny/Zanny
No job
The car and all it's contents
Did I mention 31 days?

This is not even listing the enormous mound of other evidence which is simply icing on the cake. Those items listed above are all I, as a juror, would need to form my opinion. (Don't worry Baez - I'm in Missouri).

The best the DT can do now is hope that they recommend LWOP as opposed to the DP.

Here's the only advice I will give: Baez, Mason and yes, even Sims - YOU 3 are going to be the ones that get The Inmate the needle. Any jury will hate you 3 for your demeanor and antics as much as they are going to hate The Inmate. If you want any kind of a win (Life as opposed to Death), knock off the attitudes and the games and try to at least save her rotten, miserable life. The jury will not be stupid, and will see right through Baez acting like he is a "seasoned" attorney instead of an ambulance-chaser looking for his big break. They'll see right through the "Folksy Old Fart" act Mason puts on and see him for the fake and phony "Good Ole Boy" he is trying (and failing) to portray. And they'll be disgusted and inattentive to Sims spending 2-1/2 hours asking the same 2 questions 48 different ways, trying to impeach the testimony of a solid FBI witness/expert. None of this crap will work. Mark my words.

You 3 are going to get The Inmate the needle just as surely as the items I have listed above.
I think it is very hard to change what is part of your personality. JB does not know he is smirking. It's a by-product of his belief that he has pulled one over on SA. Same when SA is up and questioning the DT's expert witness. JB sits next to KC and he has a noticeable tic. Something you just can't change. Some people have a natural poker face, JB does not.

I noticed that LDB asked him very politely yesterday to stop clicking the pen. It's very annoying while someone is trying to speak and can be heard while the expert is trying to speak. If nothing else it is distracting. Did he stop? No, he clicked even more. At such a low level the appearance of not taking other's into consideration shows his arrogance and his ability to rise above himself and act in a professional manner. Let's face it folks a month is just not enough time for JB to reinvent himself to gain the respect of the jurors. jmo
Treatment and prognosis -- tell it all.

1. Tell CA to spit out the gum.
2. Stop the clicking pen - if you want to piss the State off, find another way cause it only ticks us and your potential jurors off.
3. Keep doing what your doing - cause as you already know - you are way smarter than anyone else. (see link above)
4. Ask a question, don't testify or give a friggin speech.
5. Read the threads for more, not going to make it easy for you and see suggestion #3 above.
6. Stop at the ATM.
7. See # 3 above.

Toodles! Oh and taking some Ex-lax might help too, but I am not a doctor, don't play one on TV and/or the internet, so I give $hity advice.
It won't make a difference with a jury because they will not be watching any media coverage, but both JB and CM need to learn how to say 'no comment' and leave it at that. So neither of you like Kathi Belich, we get that. Resorting to name calling makes you both look childish. Let Ms. Belich ask you any question she wants, that is her job. Your JOB is to defend your client, not make yourselves look like little kids on the playground calling each other names. Suck it up, ignore her or just say No Comment.
Why would you want to help the Defence ? Let everyone show their TRUE stripes. I guess its too late now, the damage is done. I would say let the Jury see who they really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must repeat what a very worthy member already asked,


Why would you want to help the Defence ? Let everyone show their TRUE stripes. I guess its too late now, the damage is done. I would say let the Jury see who they really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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