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Thank you....I mean that.....for explaining in such detail as to how or why the jurors would have seen it that way. I would have felt a lot better about the verdict had you been on the jury......LOL.....however, the "if only's" I addressed in my previous post, not all, but several had been done differently, she would have been "done". MOO

You are welcome. It was your "if only" that helped me to simplify it.

I actually think that what hurt the State the most is they were so locked into their theory that they refused to budge in any way.

They worked so hard to prove the body in the trunk. That they ended up bringing up more questions than answers. They should have left Dr. Vass out completely. You can bet if a defense ever tried to use Dr. Vass air tests against Ashton, he would fit to keep it out.

When the body was found, the State had already decided it was Murder 1. Instead of seeing where the evidence lead, they apppeared to me to try to fit the evidence to the theory. They did not leave any other possibility which in turn meant when they went to trial, their minds were completely closed.

They NEVER could prove murder 1. But if they had really looked at the case with the evidence, they could have probably convinced a jury to convict on negligent manslaughter. I'm not saying that the evidence was necessarily there. But a jury is more likely to weigh in favor of the State on lessor charge because of emotional aspects.

It is one thing to convict on Murder 1 because of emotion without the evidence. But on a lessor charge, you can justify it to yourself.
While I don't mind debate over chloroform and chloroform searches, or over who put the duct tape on and why, or over who put the body in the car and why, it does bug me when the body in the car and the duct tape over the face are presented as wimpy hypotheticals.

On the topic of decomp, I totally believe the testimony of the cadaver dogs. Two dogs, in my estimation, did not alert to human decomp when there was "nothing there." You'll also notice that JB did not have pics of Gerus and Bones on that who smelled what chart of his.

The duct tape was still stuck at both ends to the hair and it encircled the skull, which shows me that it went on when that hair and tape were dry. There were no skin cells because when the body rotted and the floods came through, the sticky backing rotted and there was NONE left on the tape, except for the previously formed dry bond with the hair. I think the state did not argue this point as effectively as they could have. They also did not address motive effectively, nor demonstrate the family dynamics and long, long history of KC's lies. All moot now, because the fat lady has sung.

At this point, we have been talking about the verdict far longer than the jury did. Which is a shame and a black mark on that jury. :cow:

The cadavier dogs NEVER testified. Their handlers testified to what they believed they smelled.

Yes, dogs have an incredible capacity to smell different odors. However, we do not know for sure what ithey smell unless we verify it with actual proof. Because the DOGS cannot tell us what they are smelling.

Do you ever watch that K-9 show on tv? One of my favorite parts was when the dog was chasing a suspect, it stoppped because it saw a ball. It wanted to play with the ball. So just because a dog is on the job does not mean it is not a dog.

Those dogs could have smelled human decomp. They also could have smelled a dog in heat or a dog that marked it's territory or it's favorite food. We just have no way of knowing what they smelled. We just know they smelled something.
A former cop caused an officer to have to fill out paperwork on stolen gas cans. However, that same former cop "failed" to notify the police that the gas cans were stolen. That former cop also NEVER used the incident to his advantage to try to find his missing Granddaughter.

Seriously, George had not seen his granddaughter in about two weeks but never attempted to try to force Casey when he had the chance that day. He could have refused to allow Casey to take his car. He could have told Casey if I do not talk to Caylee on the phone right now, I will call the cops and report Caylee missing.

IMO, in the closing when LDB talked about Casey telling her friend that her Dad (George) must have hit an animal when he had her car, I wondered if the gas cans were reported stolen to make a record to try to put Casey with the car.

-Other robberies in the neighborhood. A former LE officer would know to report this, to add it to the mix, the more the better when the robber is caught!

-Use solen gas can incident to report missing granddaughter? She wasn't missing! ICA and CA talked every day! (Zanny and Caylee at Universal, beach, playing w/rich boyfriends son, etc.) ICA spent the night w/RM w/Caylee several times. They missed their granddaughter but didn't suspect foul-play (lies im sure but never MURDER). On July 4th CA posted on myspace something like "who is WATCHING/TAKING CARE of my Caylee" not "what has her MOTHER done to my Caylee."

-Why didn't GA force ICA to hand over Caylee when she threw the gas cans at him? Who is GA to do that? ICA was 21 years old and Caylee was her daughter! She wasn't missing! In hindsight we know Caylee was thrown away like garbage but GA didn't know that! Maybe he thought ICA was mad at CA thus keeping Caylee away or ICA was hanging out w/a new boyfriend? What was he going to report? What parent automatically assumes that your 21 year old daughter who calls every day about her, and her daughters, whereabouts, has actually killed and thrown away their granddaughter like garbage?

-Gas cans stolen and reported this to put ICA with the car. WHAT???? It was ICA's car, she placed herself in it every day (until the smell got really bad and we know the rest)....
Both George and Cindy Anthony were impeached during the case. Fact - they lied. Cindy testified the last time she saw Caylee was the night before, June 15George testified the last time he saw Caylee was June 16 when she left with Casey. Three people in that house. With both Cindy and George being impeached, when was the last time Caylee was seen alive? Who was responsible for Caylee the last time she was seen alive?

The evidence was not lies or was the State only putting on evidence to support their theory.

The 84 chloroform hits was the Canadian guy who had a new computer program to sell to police. The State used that report because it supported their theory better. The State decided not to use the report prepared by the State's own crime guy which showed chloroform had only been searched one time and myspace had 84 hits.

In a nutshell, the State did what they usually accuse the defense of doing. The State found experts outside their own people who would testify to what supported their case the best. While the defense used the State's very own "employees" as well as FBI employees to counter most of the States evidence.

It would not have helped if Dr. Vass was a chemist. Because his research has not been verified by other scientists. So you have Dr. Vass with an unproven "method" get a extremely high reading of chloroform from "air" while scientists using proven methods cannot find enough chloroform in the lining to explain the air levels.

The State put the guy on to talk about the blow fly "leg" and the "gnats" to show a body was in the car. However, the defense shows that a blow fly "leg" is nothing if there was a dead body and it was all contained in the trash. You know that trash that was in a dumpster for while before it was picked up.

The smell in the car could or could not be true. Yes, some smelled it But those who smelled it had already been told there was a smell. So did they really smell it? Or did they expect to smell that horrible smell that the minute they even think of it, they smell it when there is nothing there? The police officers who did not know there was a smell of decomp in the car, did not smell it either in the car or in the garage. Yes, the smell should have been in the garage from Cindy opening the trunk.

The only "evidence" of the duct tape on the mouth was the "location" below the skull with the hair attached. However, the State themselves presented evidence that animals had scattered the bones. The defense presented testimony from Cindy and Lee that it was normal in that family to buy beloved pets in garbage bags with duct tape. It is a reasonable possibility when the animals were scattering the bones, the hair got stuck to the duct tape at that time. Despite the residue still being there to hold the hair to the tape, there was not even one little skin cell to show the tape was ever attached to Caylee's skin.

So while you believe everything the State presented. It is reasonable that the jury believed the "doubt" raised by the defense either through cross or testimony.

reasonable doubt is. People seem to understand any doubt, fantastical story doubt, crazy suggestion doubt, convenient excuse doubt. I guess these people think a lot of people convicted on circumstantial evidence should go free. Must make Scott Peterson sleep better.

In essence, what you are saying is this was the best decision they could come up with from the case that was riddled with lies and mistakes. That's the best I can take from it to accept this jury's decision. If only, Cindy hadn't lied, if only the computer specialist had not read the search for chloroform as 84 times as opposed to one, if only Kronk had not poked the remains with a stick, if only the police officer had done his job better when Kronk first reported finding the remains, if only Dr. Vass had been a "chemist", if only the FBI hadn't compromised the evidence with leaving their own DNA on a piece of duct tape....I get that. say that "for her, for her family, that was normal behavior in that family" is a stretch and a complete disregard for the judge's instructions to not only use the evidence in making their decision, but also their common sense. I do not see where that occurred here. Not trying to be argumentative, just truly do not understand how this could have happened. I don't think the jury knows what "reasonable" doubt means.
What I do not understand is that she first started planning the perfect murder in March yet NEVER one time considered getting rid of the body in a way that it would not evidence linked to her.
:giggle: or the next few decades!
While I personally am not disputing the duct tape, the state did tend to blame the storm for everything else, as far as evidence being lost, moved, scattered, destroyed, etc. and yet insisted that the tape, and the tape alone, could not possibly have ended up there as a result of the storm.
While I personally am not disputing the duct tape, the state did tend to blame the storm for everything else, as far as evidence being lost, moved, scattered, destroyed, etc. and yet insisted that the tape, and the tape alone, could not possibly have ended up there as a result of the storm.

Good point.
Both George and Cindy Anthony were impeached during the case. Fact - they lied. Cindy testified the last time she saw Caylee was the night before, June 15George testified the last time he saw Caylee was June 16 when she left with Casey. Three people in that house. With both Cindy and George being impeached, when was the last time Caylee was seen alive? Who was responsible for Caylee the last time she was seen alive?

The evidence was not lies or was the State only putting on evidence to support their theory.

The 84 chloroform hits was the Canadian guy who had a new computer program to sell to police. The State used that report because it supported their theory better. The State decided not to use the report prepared by the State's own crime guy which showed chloroform had only been searched one time and myspace had 84 hits.

In a nutshell, the State did what they usually accuse the defense of doing. The State found experts outside their own people who would testify to what supported their case the best. While the defense used the State's very own "employees" as well as FBI employees to counter most of the States evidence.

It would not have helped if Dr. Vass was a chemist. Because his research has not been verified by other scientists. So you have Dr. Vass with an unproven "method" get a extremely high reading of chloroform from "air" while scientists using proven methods cannot find enough chloroform in the lining to explain the air levels.

The State put the guy on to talk about the blow fly "leg" and the "gnats" to show a body was in the car. However, the defense shows that a blow fly "leg" is nothing if there was a dead body and it was all contained in the trash. You know that trash that was in a dumpster for while before it was picked up.

The smell in the car could or could not be true. Yes, some smelled it But those who smelled it had already been told there was a smell. So did they really smell it? Or did they expect to smell that horrible smell that the minute they even think of it, they smell it when there is nothing there? The police officers who did not know there was a smell of decomp in the car, did not smell it either in the car or in the garage. Yes, the smell should have been in the garage from Cindy opening the trunk.

The only "evidence" of the duct tape on the mouth was the "location" below the skull with the hair attached. However, the State themselves presented evidence that animals had scattered the bones. The defense presented testimony from Cindy and Lee that it was normal in that family to buy beloved pets in garbage bags with duct tape. It is a reasonable possibility when the animals were scattering the bones, the hair got stuck to the duct tape at that time. Despite the residue still being there to hold the hair to the tape, there was not even one little skin cell to show the tape was ever attached to Caylee's skin.

So while you believe everything the State presented. It is reasonable that the jury believed the "doubt" raised by the defense either through cross or testimony.

You sure nailed it. This is the best summary of the trial I have read.
I have a question for those who believe the defense OS that George molested Casey. No evidence was ever presented at trial or at anytime AFAIK.

How does someone possibly prove that they didn't do it? That accusation was thrown out there precisely for that reason, to put george on trial as there's no way he could ever disprove it. Everyone will always say, well it is possible.

That is NOT a good enough reason to acquit anyone when all of the other evidence points to them. That is what should have been ignored since there was absolutely nothing to support it.


The jury WAS told the OS were NOT evidence and they were only to consider the evidence presented. No evidence of sexual molestation was presented.

And re the duct tape, I am having a hard time understanding the reasoning regarding the duct tape. If the duct tape detached itself from the bag and whatever during the storm, and attached itself to Caylee's skull, what are the chances that three pieces of duct tape would attach to the hair of each side of Caylee's skull and also hold the mandible in place at the same time when naturally it would have freely have detached itself from the skull. I need more information that theory because I can't yet envision that.

Also, I don't believe the SA blamed the storm on the loss of all evidence. The sheer length of time, the complete skeletonization of the remains within two weeks of being dumped, being submerged in swamp water for a number of months, and the remains being torn away by scavengers over half an acre of land played a big part in it. IMO.

I wonder how much evidence was left on Laci Peterson and little Connor's bodies when they were found....
I beg to differ. IF you were on the stand knowing that you were being thrown to the wolves, accused of one of the most heinous crimes against children, sexual abuse and covering a crime, in front of a jury and practicly the world, without one shred of evidence, in order for a murderer to get off, I dare say that you would probably act the same way.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. My only addition is that if this was all being done over the death of my grandchild and my daughter was the one facing the charges, I still don't see me being the same way George was. I couldn't be nice to one attorney and defiant to another. At least I highly doubt I'd behave that way.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. My only addition is that if this was all being done over the death of my grandchild and my daughter was the one facing the charges, I still don't see me being the same way George was. I couldn't be nice to one attorney and defiant to another. At least I highly doubt I'd behave that way.

Not even showing a little attitude to the man who in front of the world accused you of disposing of your beloved grandchild's body by placing duct tape over her nose and mouth, packaging her up in a bag and two garbage bags and throwing her away into a swamp just down the road from your house - AND accused you of being a pedophile and a monster who sexually abused your daughter from the age of 8? Insinuations that will stick to you without a shred of proof for the rest of your life? I think you just might have had a bit of attitude.

I thought George showed amazing restraint for someone we know has a temper. Me? I'd have been over that witness stand and at Baez long before he'd finished asking his questions, and gladly taken my lumps in whatever HHJP handed me.

People who think George's testimony was a little "hinky" could perhaps give their own comments just a little more thought. That was the look of a man who was itching to punch JB right on the nose or tell him what he really thought of him and felt he couldn't - had been counselled over and over not to lose his temper.
Not trying to be argumentative, just truly do not understand how this could have happened. I don't think the jury knows what "reasonable" doubt means.


The whole point of this thread is to try to get an understanding from the posters who agree with what the jury came back with.

It is hard to understand when most of everything I theorize, and some of the other theories out there, are being disputed. It's like the minds of the ones on the other sides of the fence are still not ready to hear why the jury decided what they did. That's fine, but if someone really wants to understand, they're going to have to lay their personal thoughts and feelings inside and listen to what someone else is saying.

I don't think the intentions of this thread was to debate every bit of evidence all over again. That was done throughout the whole case, beginning 3 years ago. And, debating the evidence isn't going to really do anything; there's no way to try her again. I believe the OP started this to try to understand and make peace with the decision. MOO
click on fox news at the top.
i still think it's a separate matter and shouldn't have been allowed in for her trail

Yup, I listened to it 3 times. There was something entered into discovery, has been sealed (due to the graphic nature of it) and JA expected would come out at trial, however, that didn't happen so he was very surprised that the defense didn't play that card. That being said, whatever IS under seal, HHJP is aware of yet, he stated to there is no evidence that she was sexually abused by either her father OR brother, so JB would not be able to use that scenario in the closing argument. Hmmmmmmm.....wonder if that will be unsealed at some point now that the trial is over.[/QUOTE]

JA didn't say in that video he was surprised that the discovery evidence that was sealed didn't come into court. He said that he was surprised that JB didn't present evidence in court of the sexual abuse accusation.

HHJP, respectfully, treaded lightly on a lot of the defense's evidence. The only evidence I believe he was aloud to get in the trial was TL's testimony of the secret. And, IIRC, that testimony wasn't even in front of the jury. Unless JB had a video or a picture of it happening, there wasn't any way he was going to be able to prove that happened because that wasn't the case in chief.
I didn't see where anyone had posted this, so here it is.,0,4550760.story

If the demonstrators outside the courthouse were angry about the verdict, they should have blamed the prosecution, because its approach was probably responsible for Anthony's acquittal.

Shapiro goes on to list these reasons:

prosecutors overcharged the case
...prosecutors chose to bring a charge of first-degree murder and ask for the death penalty. Why did they take this route? They tried to gain a tactical advantage, and it backfired.

prosecutors overtried the case
Criminal cases require strategy, and prosecutors should attempt to prove only what can be proved.
Both George and Cindy Anthony were impeached during the case. Fact - they lied. Cindy testified the last time she saw Caylee was the night before, June 15George testified the last time he saw Caylee was June 16 when she left with Casey. Three people in that house. With both Cindy and George being impeached, when was the last time Caylee was seen alive? Who was responsible for Caylee the last time she was seen alive?

The evidence was not lies or was the State only putting on evidence to support their theory.

The 84 chloroform hits was the Canadian guy who had a new computer program to sell to police. The State used that report because it supported their theory better. The State decided not to use the report prepared by the State's own crime guy which showed chloroform had only been searched one time and myspace had 84 hits. Uh, no. The 84 times was the Computer guy who worked for Genvita and the State tech computer guy, not anyone who had anything to sell.

In a nutshell, the State did what they usually accuse the defense of doing. The State found experts outside their own people who would testify to what supported their case the best. While the defense used the State's very own "employees" as well as FBI employees to counter most of the States evidence. Uh no, all of the defense experts in the end agreed with the States experts.

It would not have helped if Dr. Vass was a chemist. Because his research has not been verified by other scientists. So you have Dr. Vass with an unproven "method" get a extremely high reading of chloroform from "air" while scientists using proven methods cannot find enough chloroform in the lining to explain the air levels. Again, wrong. Dr. Vass's work was peer reviewed and accepted by his peers and passed a Frye hearing. The defense expert ended up agreeing with Dr. Vass. There was chloroform in the trunk, even when he examined it months later.

The State put the guy on to talk about the blow fly "leg" and the "gnats" to show a body was in the car. However, the defense shows that a blow fly "leg" is nothing if there was a dead body and it was all contained in the trash. You know that trash that was in a dumpster for while before it was picked up.
Wrong, in the end, Dr. Huntington, the defense expert agreed with Dr. Haskell the states expert about the leg found in the trunk, which was not a common trash fly but a fly who feeds on carrion, and that chloroform is a pesticide.
The smell in the car could or could not be true. Yes, some smelled it But those who smelled it had already been told there was a smell. So did they really smell it? Or did they expect to smell that horrible smell that the minute they even think of it, they smell it when there is nothing there? The police officers who did not know there was a smell of decomp in the car, did not smell it either in the car or in the garage. Yes, the smell should have been in the garage from Cindy opening the trunk. Wrong, more than ten professional experts testified there was the overbearing smell of human decomp in the trunk of the car. The initial police at the Anthony house were not near the car and did not investigate it that night. They were conducting enquiries about a missing child. The smell of human decomp in the car in not disputable.

The only "evidence" of the duct tape on the mouth was the "location" below the skull with the hair attached. However, the State themselves presented evidence that animals had scattered the bones. The defense presented testimony from Cindy and Lee that it was normal in that family to buy beloved pets in garbage bags with duct tape. It is a reasonable possibility when the animals were scattering the bones, the hair got stuck to the duct tape at that time. Despite the residue still being there to hold the hair to the tape, there was not even one little skin cell to show the tape was ever attached to Caylee's skin. Wrong, the tape had been under water for more than two months. What chance of coincidence is there that the duct tape would float towards the head of the remains, attach itself to each side of the skull into the hair on both sides of the skull, plus hold the mandible in place when normally through the nature of decomposition would detach because there were no longer muscle, ligaments or tissue to hold it in place. The chance of that happening on a scale of 1 - 100 would be -1000 to 1.

So while you believe everything the State presented. It is reasonable that the jury believed the "doubt" raised by the defense either through cross or testimony.
I agree, if the jury did not listen or consider the State's expert witnesses and if the jury relied on the Defense's opening statements which were based on neither evidence or fact, and if athe jury did not listen enough to realize that each of the Defense experts in the end agreed with the States experts, then yes, I believe the jury believed in "doubt".

Not IMO - but based on the factual evidence given at the trial and in evidence depositions.
reasonable doubt is. People seem to understand any doubt, fantastical story doubt, crazy suggestion doubt, convenient excuse doubt. I guess these people think a lot of people convicted on circumstantial evidence should go free. Must make Scott Peterson sleep better.

I'm confused, your response was to someone who explained many instances of "reasonable doubt" in this trial. And, you can't tell me that all 12 people in the jury room were also lacking the "reasonable doubt" skill you wanted them to have so they'd vote your way.

If the state brings in a witness that testifies to a search of chloroform 84 times, and they only bring in that witness, that's one thing. If the defense turns around and brings in another witness, from the FBI, who had originally scrubbed the hard drive and found one search of chloroform; that is reasonable doubt to me. That isn't a fanatical story, a crazy suggestion, convenient excuse (which I think is highly offensive to this jury), or any other thing some want to believe. That is reasonable doubt. We're talking computer generated reports, and we all know computers can error just like humans do. It would've helped the state if they actually showed all 84 links being visited, and not just showed it once and the number 84 next to it.

If the state brings in a witness to talk about the chemicals he knows to be found in human decomposition, and talks about another 'researcher' who is studying human decomposition and the chemicals that person found in human decomposition, and finally states that some of those chemicals were found in the air samples in the trunk, that is one thing. But, if you analytically look at the evidence, we're talking about 3 chemicals out of 30 for the state's witness, which is a 1/10th of a probability of human decomposition. And, those 3 chemicals are also found in some food products. And, the odds are even worse when you consider the other scientist, only 1 chemical of all 80+ he studied were found in that trunk, equaling 1/80+ odds. And, that 1 chemical is also found in food products. That creates 'reasonable doubt', not the type of doubt explained above.

There are more instances of reasonable doubt in this case, not the doubt you described. Those are just the 2 main ones off the top of my head.
I agree, beccalecca1. There can still be a doubt, but only to the extent that it would not affect a reasonable person's belief regarding whether or not the defendant is guilty. I think the doubts presented in this case were such that they would affect a reasonable person's determination.

I thought there was reasonable doubt. Does that make me a crazy, fantastical story believing person? I understand that people are frustrated with the verdict, but sometimes this belittlement of the jury's determination bleeds over us posters who agree with the verdict. Each of us has our own dirty lens that we see this case through. Is it so hard to accept that all of us may be rational, intelligent, critical thinkers but see the evidence in this case through our own perspectives? A different opinion is not a wrong opinion.

Not even showing a little attitude to the man who in front of the world accused you of disposing of your beloved grandchild's body by placing duct tape over her nose and mouth, packaging her up in a bag and two garbage bags and throwing her away into a swamp just down the road from your house - AND accused you of being a pedophile and a monster who sexually abused your daughter from the age of 8? Insinuations that will stick to you without a shred of proof for the rest of your life? I think you just might have had a bit of attitude.

I thought George showed amazing restraint for someone we know has a temper. Me? I'd have been over that witness stand and at Baez long before he'd finished asking his questions, and gladly taken my lumps in whatever HHJP handed me.

People who think George's testimony was a little "hinky" could perhaps give their own comments just a little more thought. That was the look of a man who was itching to punch JB right on the nose or tell him what he really thought of him and felt he couldn't - had been counselled over and over not to lose his temper.

JB didn't accuse George of disposing Caylee's body. Listen to his OS again. The information you're posting about is spun half-truths that NG stated the night after OS, and I've heard many other TH's repeat that. Again, JB never said George disposed of the body. He didn't say anything about how the body got in the woods.

And, I would think I'd compose myself knowing that I'm telling my story to 12 jurors sitting right next to me, and if I'm out of line it'll probably look like I'm hiding something. And, if I couldn't keep myself composed and just HAD to act like a defiant teenager; maybe I'd explain my reasoning on the stand for behaving that way. I would've given him a little more credit if he said something like, "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be so upset up here, I'm just bothered by the accusations and want you to know I never harmed my daughter, EVER." And, perhaps he could've moved on and provided the information asked. Instead, each and every time he was on that stand (and we all know that was many), he was perfect for JA and completely argumentative for JB.

George knew way before it was time for trial what he was being accused of. I think he probably had a heads up even longer before him speaking with his attorney. He had a long time to get over it and get the truth out there. Instead, he acted as if this was all knew to him and it was time to go toe-to-toe with JB. I believe that was the worst time for him to get all macho. Not in front of the jury at least.
I agree, if the jury did not listen or consider the State's expert witnesses and if the jury relied on the Defense's opening statements which were based on neither evidence or fact, and if athe jury did not listen enough to realize that each of the Defense experts in the end agreed with the States experts, then yes, I believe the jury believed in "doubt".

Not IMO - but based on the factual evidence given at the trial and in evidence depositions.

--The owner of CacheBack "the guy from Canada" was the one who testified to the chloroform search of 84 times. Not someone from Gentiva (who only testified about CA's work computer activity, Patient record updates, etc). The FBI computer analyst is the one who ran the first report with 1 search of chloroform, and decided to attempt to use CacheBack since it was a newer tool for them, and CacheBack wouldn't work for him. So, he involved the owner to get the report to work, and it took the owner 3 days to get it to work. He then came up with 84 times for chloroform.

--If you Google blow fly, you'll see that not only do they feed off of human remains, but they feed off of other food products (IIRC leafy vegetables is one thing they eat). Plus, the expert testified that he just found a blow fly in his house a few days before his testimony, and he wouldn't be surprised to find many in the corners of the courtroom. Are you suggesting that there's human decomposition in his home and the courtroom?

--The initial LE who arrived testified to walking in and out of the Anthony's home through the garage, right next to Casey's car. They didn't use the front door. The should've smelled decomp, but they didn't. Plus, on top of that, Cindy had already notified 911 that the car "smelled like a dead body"; so in a missing child case, wouldn't it be important to look at the car that smells like a dead body? I'm guessing (and it's probably accurate), that someone asked about the smell and was satisfied with the rotting garbage answer. Human decomp is suppose to be very distinct, so even if you've never smelled it before, you should recognize that it's an odd smell and not just rotting garbage. And, from what I understand, the first time you smell it it just sticks with you. I'm guessing you don't have to have an "expert nose" to know what that smells like. IMO

--Finally, I thought the duct tape was only attached to one side of the hair mat, the rest of the tap was lying on the ground near the other side, but not attached. Looking at it, it would appear to have wrapped around the skull, but it wasn't actually wrapped around. I could be wrong, but that is the impression I got at trial.
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