Forensic Astrology - AMBER DuBOIS missing 2/13/09

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Is the park and pond near Lake Gohlford??????
Could this be the place?
any locals know how far away it is?
Part 2:

Amber Dubois’ father responds to John Gardner’s arraignment for murder of Chelsea King
March - 4 - 2010
The father of a missing 14-year-old girl spoke about the possibility that the man charged with the murder of Chelsea King played a role in his daughter&#8217;s disappearance. Amber Dubois disappeared while on her way to school in February 2009. Her family immediately dismissed the possibility that she was a runaway and there have been no concrete leads in her case. That is, until John Gardner was arrested and linked to similar crimes in the same area.

Gardner has not been declared an official suspect in the Amber Dubois case though in the following video, Amber Dubois&#8217; father, Maurice Dubois said that authorities are working on the case. Maurice Dubois also said that he reviewed a list of registered sex offenders from the family&#8217;s Escondido, California neighborhood and that John Gardner&#8217;s name was on the list.

Since the arrest of John Gardner, several other victims of attacks have come forward pointing blame at Gardner. When Gardner appeared in court on March 2, 2010, he faced charges for an attempted attack on a woman identified as Candace M. Subsequently, a 16-year-old girl has come forward and identified John Gardner as the man who tried to abduct her at gunpoint while she was on her way to school.


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Police hope arrest will aid Amber Dubois case
Friday, March 5, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
arrest of John Albert Gardner III has given Escondido police renewed hope in the disappearance last year of Amber Dubois, but without witnesses or a body, they could still be a long way from solving the case.

&#8220;Every time a tip or a lead comes in that seems the least bit substantial, it gives us hope,&#8221; Lt. Craig Carter said yesterday. &#8220;I would put this as just another one of those leads, where we have hope that it is something that can pan out for us, and maybe somebody will remember something that will bring this case to closure.&#8221;

Carter, the Escondido police lieutenant, said the department made contact with Gardner as part of his offender status at least eight times since January 2008.

Contacts with sex offenders are normally made once a year, on or around their birthday or when they move. Why there were at least eight contacts was not explained, and Carter said he did not have permission to say more. There are 192 registered sex offenders in Escondido, Carter said, all of whom are routinely monitored.

He would not say whether Gardner was ever considered a suspect in the Dubois case or whether he was contacted in that regard. At the time the 14-year-old disappeared Feb. 13, 2009, Gardner lived two miles away.

John Albert Gardner III is associated with the following cases:
*Feb. 13, 2009, Escondido police: Amber Dubois, 14, disappeared while walking to Escondido High School. Person of interest.

*Oct. 28, Riverside County Sheriff&#8217;s Department: A 16-year-old girl in Lake Elsinore was threatened with a gun by a man who told her to get in his car about 7:10 a.m. She refused and ran away. Person of interest.

*Dec. 27, San Diego police: A 22-year-old female jogger was attacked about 10:30 a.m. at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. She struck back at her assailant and got away. Charged.

*Feb. 24, San Diego police: Two young girls, one 11, was menaced by a man following them in his car about 3:30 p.m. near Bernardo Heights Middle School. He was scared away by another vehicle and drove off. Person of interest.

*Feb. 25, San Diego County Sheriff&#8217;s Department: Chelsea King, 17, disappeared after going for a run at Rancho Bernardo Community Park. Her body was found five days later. Charged.

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SD County park searched after possible tip in Amber Dubois case
Escondido police are searching Kit Carson Park in response to a tip from several children who reported seeing a bag with what looked like human hair in or around it last May, a police lieutenant says.

Friday, March 5, 2010
Police officers, a sheriff&#8217;s dive team and FBI agents searched Kit Carson Park today in response to a 10-month-old tip possibly related to the disappearance of a teenage North County girl more than a year ago.

About 30 personnel from the various agencies began looking through the open-space and recreation area off Bear Valley Parkway in Escondido this morning to follow up on the report, which was received on Thursday night, police Lt. Craig Carter said.

Authorities were treating the tip as potentially related to the highly publicized Amber Dubois missing-person case. The 14-year-old Escondido High School freshman disappeared while walking to campus in February 2009. There have been no known sightings of her since.

Last May, a 9-year-old and two 11-year-olds told their families about coming across a bag containing what appeared to be human hair in the southern reaches of the park, Carter said.

The children&#8217;s parents apparently did not consider the purported discovery significant enough to report, but changed their minds this week when the subject came up again, according to Carter.

Authorities found a bag in the general area described by the youngsters, though it was not immediately clear if it was the one in question, and it had yet to be opened by midday, the lieutenant said.

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Tip Sparks Major Search at Kit Carson Park
Police are acting on an unusual tip concerning a bag containing hair

Updated 8:52 PM PST, Fri, Mar 5, 2010
A tip regarding a bag possibly containing hair that was found three months after the disappearance of Amber Dubois sparked a major search of Escondido's Kit Carson Park Friday. Thursday night three children, an 8-year-old and two 11-year-olds, reminded their parents about seeing a "bag with what looked like hair coming out of it," Escondido police Lieutenant Craig Carter said.

The children made the discovery nine months ago and recalled it in light of the Chelsea King story. One of the children's parents immediately called police. Thursday night, police secured an area near a pond in a wooded section of the park along a waterway and waited for daylight to further investigate the scene.

The area is about two miles northeast of the area where a body, believed to be that of Poway teenager Chelsea King, was found Tuesday after an extensive search. It&#8217;s also south of where Escondido teenager Amber Dubois disappeared.

Amber was last seen Feb. 13, 2009. She was 14 years old when she left to walk to Escondido High School from her home a few blocks away. Two witnesses said they saw her on the sidewalk just a few hundred yards from the school's main entrance. She never made it.

Amber's father said he can't help but draw connections between his daughter's case and Chelsea King's and that he's spoken with investigators with Escondido police as well as the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. On Friday he said he was happy that investigators were being aggressive in the search for his daughter. Police said they were planning to start canvassing the neighborhood again to search for leads in the case.

Video: Investigators Search Kit Carson Park

Raw Video: Aerials of Kit Carson Park

Map: Key locations,0.145912&z=12&source=embed

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Park is searched for clues about girl missing for a year
March 5, 2010 | 7:33 pm
Law enforcement officials said there is a strong likelihood that a body discovered Tuesday in a shallow grave on a tributary of Lake Hodges is that of King, but no official identification has been made.

Escondido police Lt. Craig Carter said the bag was originally discovered by three young boys in Kit Carson Park last May. The boys told their parents that the bag contained what looked like human hair. After the King investigation revived reports of 14-year-old Amber Dubois' disappearance in February 2009, one of the boys&#8217; mother recalled the conversation with the children and alerted police to the bag, Carter said.

Authorities have been searching the pond area since 8 a.m. Friday. They found a shredded bag with no hair in it, Carter said. It is unclear whether the bag is the same one that the children found last year, he said.

A full search of the area will be conducted Friday night and Saturday, including draining a pond in the search for clues, Carter said.

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Pond Drained After Tip in Amber Dubois Disappearance
6:45 PM PST, March 5, 2010
Police say they are draining a pond in a park north of San Diego in their efforts to find a girl who vanished about a year ago in the same area where 17-year-old Chelsea King disappeared last week.

investigators began searching Kit Carson Park after receiving a tip concerning a bag possibly containing hair found three months after the disappearance of Amber Dubois. A 9-year-old and two 11-year-olds reportedly discovered the hair in the park in May of 2009.

Amber Dubois disappeared less than 10 miles away from the park on Feb. 13, 2009, on her way to Escondido High School. Searchers have found a sack in the southern reaches of the park, but it's not immediately clear if it's the one in question, and detectives have yet to open it, Carter said.

The park is two miles northeast of the area where a body, believed to be that of Poway teenager Chelsea King, was found Tuesday. Amber was last seen Feb. 13, 2009.

Amber Dubois

Video: Pond Drained as Amber Dubois Case Reopens,0,4822329.tivideo

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Authorities Comb Escondido Park For Clues In Dubois Case
Tip Sparks Search At Kit Carson Park; Park Near Where Amber Dubois Was Last Seen

POSTED: 10:39 am PST March 5, 2010
UPDATED: 8:11 am PST March 6, 2010
Law enforcement officers looking for a teenager missing for more than a year were draining a pond in Kit Carson Park Saturday. "They got tight lips on it," San Diego County sheriff's Lt. Sylvester Washington said early Saturday. "They told us nothing so far."

Some children told their parents that in May they saw a black plastic bag, with what appeared to be human hair around it, in Kit Carson Park, which is about 2 miles from where Chelsea's body was found. Law enforcement officers found the bag or a similar one Friday, but nothing but some mud was found inside, according to reports from the scene. Nonetheless, the bag was turned over to the FBI for analysis.

Gardner, who is suspected in a Dec. 27 attack on a woman in Rancho Bernardo Community Park, lived in Escondido at the time Amber disappeared. Riverside County sheriff's deputies are also investigating him in connection with an attempted abduction in Lake Elsinore in October. Gardner was living in Lake Elsinore when he was arrested, though his mother has a house in Rancho Bernardo.



Image: Printable Missing Poster

PDF Letter: Open Letter To Amber From Her Father On Father's Day

Video: Tip Sparks Search Of Kit Carson Park For Dubois Clues

Video: Dubois Family Watched Gardner After Girl's Disappearance

Story: Fundraiser Marks 1 Year Since Dubois' Disappearance

Story: Maurice Dubois Writes To Missing Daughter On Father's Day

Video: Vigil Held For Missing Escondido Teen

Video: Video Hopes To Create New Leads In Amber Dubois Case

Video: New Surveillance Footage Could Help In Amber Dubois Case

Video: Search For Missing Escondido Teen Now Two Months Old

Video: Escondido Firefighters Use Boots For Missing Teen Donations

Video: Search For Missing Teen Taking Toll On Family

Video: Search For Missing Teen Passes Three-Week Mark

Video: Reward Increases As Dubois Search Continues

Video: Private Investigator: New Theories About Girl's Disappearance

Video: FBI Joins Search For Missing Escondido Girl

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Tip in Amber Dubois case leads to Escondido pond
Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
Authorities this morning are expected to resume an intensive search in Kit Carson Park in Escondido that was prompted by a tip in the case of missing teenager Amber Dubois. Yesterday, dozens of investigators from five agencies scoured a reed-filled pond and wooded area next to the Tree Lake Picnic Area at the south end of the 285-acre park. A generator was brought in to drain the pond overnight.

The search was instigated after Escondido police got a call Thursday night from the parents of three girls who said they found a bag with hair on or around it in that area in May. Police interviewed the family and considered the girls&#8217; story credible, Escondido police Lt. Craig Carter said. They brought the sisters, a 9-year-old and two 11-year-olds, to the park Thursday night and found a shredded piece of plastic in the same spot where the children said they had made their find about 10 months ago.

No hair was found on the plastic, Carter said, but there were other bags and items on the ground that convinced investigators that more scrutiny was warranted. &#8220;There is no reason to believe (the material found) is related to the Amber Dubois case,&#8221; Carter said, &#8220;but we are looking into it with the thought that it could be.&#8221; Carter said the three sisters told their parents in May of their find but that the information went unreported. &#8220;There was a misunderstanding about what they were talking about, so Escondido police weren&#8217;t notified,&#8221; Carter said yesterday.

Police notified Amber&#8217;s parents of the search yesterday morning, and her father, Moe Dubois, went to the scene about noon to meet with investigators. He said he was grateful that the family had called police and that authorities responded with such a strong showing. &#8220;This is a perfect example of what we have been asking for,&#8221; Dubois said. &#8220;I really want to stress that we want the community to look back and think about anything they may have seen and call law enforcement.&#8221;

Still, Dubois said he didn&#8217;t have much hope that reliable evidence would be found outdoors, in a busy section of the park after so many months. &#8220;I think this is very important to be looked at, but as far as finding a body, I find that very unlikely,&#8221; he said. &#8220;As law enforcement said, this is a very busy place and there have probably been about 50 birthday parties there since May.&#8221;

Law enforcement personnel prepare to search a pond at the southwest edge of Kit Carson Park. An FBI agent carries some of the brush that was cleared at the pond's edge to assist the search as investigators follow up on a lead in the Amber Dubois investigation.

Escondido police, along with the Sheriff&#8217;s Department, FBI and other agencies, searched a part of Kit Carson Park yesterday after receiving a tip in the case of missing teen Amber Dubois.


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Draining Pond, Searching for Clues in Amber's Case
Crews hope once the pond is empty, they'll find the clue they need

Updated 8:11 AM PST, Sat, Mar 6, 2010
No leads, no clues for months. Now there is a flurry of activity in the case of missing teen Amber Dubois. The search for clues in Amber&#8217;s disappearance is focused near the south end of Kit Carson Park in Escondido, off Bear Valley Parkway. Work crews, clearing away brush and draining water from a pond, were expected to resume work Saturday morning. They&#8217;re hoping when it's empty, they'll find the clue they need to find Amber. "I'm happy that they're doing it that they're following up on any tips that are coming," said Amber&#8217;s mother Carrie Mcgonigle.

When asked if they believe John Gardner may be responsible for their daughter's disappearance, Amber's father says there are too many coincidences, but Amber's mother doesn't believe there is a connection at all. "I don't want to believe that she is, because that would mean she is gone and I don't feel in my heart that she's gone," Mcgonigle said.

Video: Draining the Pond

Video: Chelsea's Case Casts New Light on Amber's Case

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2 missing teen cases, 2 different police responses
March 6, 2010
The disappearances of 14-year-old Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King illustrate a sad fact: not all missing children cases are treated the same. Chelsea disappeared Feb. 25, last seen in a park with running clothes. The case sparked a search that involved a small army of 1,500 law enforcement officials from dozens of agencies and thousands of volunteers. It ended five days later when a body was found in a shallow lakeside grave.

Amber was walking to school when she vanished a year ago just 10 miles north of the site where Chelsea was last seen. Leads went nowhere. The news media showed little interest. Perhaps the biggest determinant in getting the attention of law enforcement and reporters is whether there are signs of foul play that may put other children at risk. The skill of a victim's family at working with the media and mobilizing supporters also helps decide which cases capture public interest.

There are 115 non-family child abductions a year in the United States &#8212; an average of more than two a week, according to the latest Department of Justice figures from 1999. But only a handful get anywhere near the attention that followed the disappearance of Chelsea King. FBI dive teams scoured Lake Hodges for Chelsea, the Marines dispatched a C-130 plane and an unmanned aerial vehicle circled above. Law enforcement officers came from as far as Santa Barbara, more than 200 miles away.

Susan Plese, a spokeswoman for the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, said no one was available Friday to discuss the scale of the response to the King case compared to other disappearances. Experts said evidence of foul play was probably key. "Any evidence that confirms foul play will definitely bump up the visibility," said David Finkelhor, director of the University of New Hampshire's Crimes Against Children Research Center. "If there's a homicidal maniac in the community and there's a threat to you and your kid, that always increases the fever about a case."

Maurice Dubois said a spate of early reports that his daughter had been seen hampered his efforts to draw attention to the case. None of those sightings panned out and instead fueled speculation that Amber was a runaway rather than a crime victim.

Amber was last seen walking on Feb. 13, 2009 with a man about 200 yards from Escondido High School by a woman who used to drive her to middle school, her father said. Another neighbor reported seeing her about 300 yards from school. Yet Amber never appeared on school surveillance cameras. Amber, a member of Future Farmers of America, left home with a $200 check to buy a lamb. It was never cashed. "The circumstances were completely different," Dubois said. "The evidence that they found on Chelsea led them to believe that they needed to find her immediately. There was never, ever any evidence found on Amber."

Children from wealthy families tend to generate more attention, said Finkelhor, partly because the parents seem to be more adept at working with the media and building networks. Chelsea's parents, Brent and Kelly King, patiently and skillfully worked with the media through their anguish, aided by a volunteer public relations professional. In interviews, they gave Chelsea's life story: the oldest child of long-married parents, straight-A student, French horn player in the youth symphony, avid long-distance runner, tireless volunteer for school and community activities.

Ernest Allen, executive director of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, said he was immediately drawn to Amber's case because she did not appear troubled and was so excited to go to school that day to buy her lamb. Still, reporters and TV producers kept asking about speculation that she was a runaway. "What I hear all the time is, 'It's just a missing kid. Tell me why this one is different,'" Allen said. "The ones that get the attention are the ones that are clear and unequivocal" foul play.

Ironically, it was Chelsea's disappearance that sparked intense interest in finding Amber. Her parents, who are separated, are now besieged by reporters and Escondido police say they are seeking potential links between Amber and Gardner. "I believe it's going to proceed at a much more accelerated pace now," Dubois said.

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Pond in Escondido Park Being Drained in Search for Amber Dubois
Last Update: 3/05 11:38 pm
Police officers, a sheriff's dive team and FBI agents searched Kit Carson Park from morning to nightfall on Friday in response to a belatedly reported tip possibly related to the disappearance of Amber Dubois. 72 personnel from various agencies including Escondido Public Works began looking through the open-space and recreation area off Bear Valley Parkway in Escondido this morning to follow up on the report, which was received on Thursday night but involved something purportedly seen 10 months ago, police Lt. Craig Carter said.

A registered sex offender has been arrested and charged with the rape and murder of the straight-A student, cross-country runner and San Diego Youth Symphony member. Escondido police officials have said they are looking into the possibility of links between Chelsea's accused killer and the disappearance of Amber. No such connections have been made public so far.

Video: Search For Amber

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Missing Escondido Teen 2/15/09








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ESCONDIDO: Search of pond, park concludes with no new clues in Amber Dubois case
Two-day effort spurred by arrest in Chelsea King slaying ends Saturday afternoon

Posted: March 6, 2010 1:35 pm
Searchers have ended their effort at Kit Carson Park to find clues into the 2009 disappearance of Escondido teenager Amber Dubois. Search and rescue personnel from the FBI, San Diego Sheriff's Department and Escondido Police Department searched the southeast area of the park on Friday and Saturday but found nothing they could tie to the missing girl, Escondido Police Lt. Craig Carter said. On Saturday, the search was concentrated in and around a small pond that was drained overnight.

The search began after the parents of three girls called police Thursday night to say the sisters had found a black plastic bag containing hair at the park nine months ago, police said. After hearing of this week's search for another missing teen, Chelsea King, who disappeared Feb. 25 during a late-afternoon jog at Rancho Bernardo Community Park, the girls reminded their parents of their discovery.

Shortly after the search began Saturday morning, Carrie McGonigle, Amber's mother, arrived at the search area and spoke with police. She said that the search could serve as a reminder to people to call in with any information they might have. "I'm hoping that maybe other people come with tips of things that maybe they saw and they didn't report it because they didn't think anything of it," McGonigle said.

However, McGonigle said she had little hope that police would find anything. The Lake Tree Area of the park where the search is concentrated is a popular picnic area, where people often hold birthday parties on the weekend. A hiking trail goes around several small ponds adjacent to the Westfield North County mall. There are several baseball fields nearby where kids' baseball and softball tournaments are held. It is unlikely that a body would have gone unnoticed by anyone for so long, McGonigle said.

Gardner reportedly lived in Escondido from January 2008 to January 2010. Police said they contacted him eight times during that span and are taking a new look at him since his arrest last week. McGonigle said she believes there is little chance Gardner had anything to do with her daughter's disappearance, but added that she has not ruled out the possibility entirely. "I don't want to think that he had anything to do with it because that would mean Amber is most likely gone and I don't feel she is," McGonigle said. "I am not going to dismiss it completely because he was so close ... but I don't think so."


Major Development in Amber Dubois Case: Sources
Updated 2:14 PM PST, Sun, Mar 7, 2010
More than one year after the disappearance of Escondido teen Amber Dubois sources say there has been a major development in the case.

Investigators have scheduled a 3.30 p.m. news conference regarding Amber's case but would not reveal any other details.
Amber was last seen walking on Feb. 13, 2009 with a man about 200 yards from Escondido High School. She was 14-years old at the time.

In late February, Poway teenager Chelsea King's disappearance launched an extensive search in the area around Lake Hodges with officers from multiple agencies. A body was found along the southern edge of the lake and a registered sex offender was charged with murder and rape in Chelsea's death. After the discovery of a body in the King search, the search for Amber intensified.

On Friday, law enforcement officers were in Kit Carson Park in Escondido following up on a tip that a group of children found a bag with hair inside. On Saturday, police drained the pond in the park for a second day of searching. Investigators found no clues, Lt. Craig Carter said.

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Sheriff to hold press conference on Amber Dubois
Originally published March 7, 2010 at 1:35 p.m., updated March 7, 2010 at 2:25 p.m
The Sheriff&#8217;s Department has scheduled a press conference for 3:30 p.m. today at its Kearney Mesa Headquarters in connection with the investigation into disappearance of Escondido teenager Amber Dubois.

It is unclear what information will be revealed at the press conference but reached by phone Dubois&#8217; grandmother Sheila Welch said, &#8220;I am a very sad grandmother today,&#8221; She would not elaborate.

Investigators have been working to determine if John Albert Gardner, a 30-year-old registered sex offender who was arrested in connection with the murder of 17-year-old Chelsea King, may have also been connected to the Dubois case. Gardner was living about two miles away from the area where the girl vanished.

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Sheriff&#8217;s department calls Sunday press conference on Amber Dubois
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Just a day after the search of a pond at Escondido&#8217;s Kit Carson Park proved to be unfruitful in the search for missing teenager Amber Dubois, the San Diego County Sheriff&#8217;s Department Sunday called a news conference about the case.

There was no immediate indication of the nature of any announcement. The Sheriff&#8217;s Department has not had a major role in the Dubois case, as the girl disappeared in Escondido and the the Escondido Police Department has been the lead law enforcement agency investigating her disappearance

The search at Kit Carson Park stemmed from a tip received Thursday that last May, three girls found a black plastic bag and human hair at the edge of a pond, said Escondido police Lt. Craig Carter. Detectives found a bag Thursday night, but it contained only mud and debris, Carter said. It was given to the FBI to analyze.

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BREAKING: Surprise news conference called in Amber Dubois case
Posted: March 7, 2010 2:29 pm
Sheriff's officials have called a Sunday news conference regarding missing Escondido teen Amber Dubois.

No details were released in advance of the briefing, scheduled for 3:30 p.m. at the Escondido Police Department.

On Friday and Saturday, search and rescue personnel from the Sheriff's Department, Escondido Police Department and FBI searched a southeast area of Kit Carson Park in Escondido for clues to Amber's disappearance.

However, on Saturday Escondido police said the search had turned up no links to the missing girl.

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Sheriff's hold Amber Dubois Press Conference
2:43 PM PST, March 7, 2010
Updated: 6 minutes ago
Just a day after the search of a pond at Escondido's Kit Carson Park proved to be unfruitful in the search for missing teenager Amber Dubois, authorities today scheduled an afternoon news conference about the case.

Police refused to tip their hand as to any development sparking the news conference, which had originally been called by the Sheriff's Department for its headquarters, but then moved to the Escondido Police Department station.

The Sheriff's Department has not had a major role in the Dubois case, as the girl disappeared in Escondido and the Escondido Police Department has been the lead law enforcement agency investigating her disappearance.

However, Amber returned to public attention since the arrest -- by the Sheriff's Department -- of John Albert Gardner III in connection with the disappearance and death of 17-year-old Chelsea King in nearby Rancho Bernardo. Gardner is a registered sex offender who lived recently in Escondido. Investigators were looking into any involvement he might have had with Amber, or in other unsolved crimes.

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LIVE STREAM: Press Conference Related to Amber Dubois
Posted: Mar 07, 2010 4:56 PM EST
Updated: Mar 07, 2010 5:27 PM EST
The Sheriff's Department has scheduled a press conference for 3:30 p.m. today.

Live Stream Link:
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Breaking News: SD County Sheriff's Dept. News Conference re: Amber Dubois at 3:30
Last Update: 2:25 pm
A news conference has been scheduled regarding the Amber Dubois missing person investigation. It will be held at 3:30. San Diego 6 will have team coverage for you tonight at 10 and will be updating the web with information as it comes available.

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The Body of Missing Escondido Teen Amber Dubois Has Been Located
Last Update: 3:53 pm
The body of Amber Dubois was located in the Pala area of northern San Diego County Saturday.

Escondido police made the announcement Sunday afternoon during a brief news conference that provided few details. No questions about the case were taken by investigators.

The discovery was attributed to a lead in the case, but no further information was provided.

Investigators say the skeletal remains were found early Saturday with a positive identification made by the county medical examiner later Saturday.


Angel, thank you for keeping track of this case and posting the alert. I do so hope there is some news. Her family has waited far too long. Someone said she has been found in Riverside near Gardner's residential area. Sad, sad news. Such a lovely young lady.

I hope LE stop all their excuses about not searching fast and furious and owns up to their grave error in this case. They may not have been able to save Amber but they would have found her much sooner. Not only that, they need to own up to their negligence in not taking seriously the prior claims by others who were nearly attacked by Gardner in that area. This is unbelievable and unacceptable.

Live Stream link:
Will start in about 5 minutes, waiting for family and the sheriff to arrive.
They said that they would be starting in about 5-minutes (aprox. at 6:39) due to the sheriff was still talking to Amber's family at the moment!

I have a sad feeling that they did find Amber near Gardner's!

It's started>>>> :(

:( Dosen't sound good! They found her! :cry:

:prayer:'s For Amber's Loved Ones!

I am not getting the live feed, please update Angel.
Sheriff said they found Amber's skeletal remains and will not comment further on this ongoing investigation. Amber's dad spoke for both parents, thanking everyone for their support. Mom didn't speak but stood next to dad. They look terribly heartbroken. Mom couldn't talk.

I didn't hear if they said where, because my pc stalled for a few seconds just after he said she was found.

It's repeating now:

Rugged and remote area of Pala, early yesterday morning. Dental records identification yesterday afternoon and her parents were notified last night.
AP-Twitter; Say Amber's body was found by a hiker on Saturday in rural Northern San Diego County.
That was certainly very worthwhile. Thank you, Angel! What a terrible time for the DuBois.
Skeletal remains found in Pala:


Last summer, search dogs from Texas hired by the family apparently traced her scent to the Pala library, but no one there remembered having seen her. Bloodhounds used by the FBI several months later found no hint of her there.

Authorities renewed the search effort again last week, draining a murky pond at Kit Carson Park after receiving a tip that three girls had found a bag with hair around it in the pond in May.
Remarkable, remarkable dogs. They were a long way from Amber's home when they told us to go to Pala long ago. At the NBC sheriff's statement, beginning of the weekend, Amber's mother said she knew Amber was alive and being held. This is going to be hell for her.
same article as above link.


Makes one wonder where the TIP came from.

At the time of Amber&#8217;s disappearance, Gardner lived just two miles from Escondido High School in the Rock Springs East apartment complex.

Source: Remains Found, ID'd as Amber Dubois | NBC San Diego
Remarkable, remarkable dogs. They were a long way from Amber's home when they told us to go to Pala long ago. At the NBC sheriff's statement, beginning of the weekend, Amber's mother said she knew Amber was alive and being held. This is going to be hell for her.

I know that's what her mom said, but I really think it was more of a defense mechanism, a way to keep herself going than a true belief. Deep down, she had to know. Speaking from experience, mom's just feel it when something goes terribly wrong with their child. It's the worst feeling of dread. It's not that shaking, nervous, panicky feeling you get when you think something scary is happening, it's deeper, more gut-wrenching, than that.
I know that's what her mom said, but I really think it was more of a defense mechanism, a way to keep herself going than a true belief. Deep down, she had to know. Speaking from experience, mom's just feel it when something goes terribly wrong with their child. It's the worst feeling of dread.

It was apparent from the beginning, certainly astrologically, a tragedy had occurred. Nonetheless, no one can/should blame a parent, a mother, for choosing denial.

Now that the truth is revealed, we see tortured and heartbroken eyes silently crying at the news podium. This mother, these parents, desperately in need of our love, compassion and prayers for healing. Please send. That is one of the reasons we are all here.

Police find skeletal remains of Amber Dubois in Pala
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Escondido police announced Sunday the discovery of the remains of Amber Dubois in Pala. The Escondido teen went missing on Feb. 13, 2009 and has been missing since. She was 14 years old at the time.

The Escondido police department said that human skeletal remains found Saturday were positively identified as those of Dubois by the San Diego County medical examiner&#8217;s office using dental records.

Officials did not give details on the investigation or whether it&#8217;s related to the arrest of John Albert Gardner III, who was charged in the death of 17-year-old Chelsea King last week.

&#8220;We&#8217;d like to thank everyone involved in the search for Amber the entire community &#8212; everyone that helped search in the effort &#8212; and most of all our huge volunteer corps,&#8221; said father Maurice Dubois who spoke briefly at the Sunday announcement. &#8221;

The murder case is still under investigation.

San Diego County Sheriff's Department divers head towards a creekside area at Kit Carson Park in Escondido on Friday. Searchers found her remains in Pala late Saturday.

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Remains of girl found in area of recent killing
Amber Dubois had vanished last year; Chelsea King's death led to arrest

updated 33 minutes ago
Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher said the bones of Amber Dubois were found early Saturday in a remote area of the Pala Indian Reservation, and positively identified through dental records later in the day.

Maher declined to answer any questions during a brief news conference Sunday because he said the discovery is part of an ongoing murder investigation.

Amber's father, Maurice Dubois, appeared distraught at the news conference and thanked volunteers for their work on the year-long search.

The search for Amber picked up after 17-year-old Chelsea King was killed and a suspect &#8212; convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner III &#8212; was arrested and charged last week.

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Remains of Amber Dubois found in Pala
Originally published March 7, 2010 at 1:35 p.m., updated March 7, 2010 at 4:41 p.m.
&#8220;The discovery was made in the early morning hours Saturday in a very rugged and remote area of Pala,&#8221; said Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher. &#8220;Escondido police and sheriff&#8217;s homicide detectives were following a lead in the case when they made the discovery.&#8221;

The remains, found north of the Pala reservation, were positively identified through dental records Saturday afternoon.

Maher, flanked by Sheriff Bill Gore and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Keith Slotter, declined to answer any questions at the 5-minute news conference at the Escondido Police Department, citing the ongoing murder investigation. He said the investigation would be a joint effort between the three agencies. &#8220;Any details, no matter how slight, would be inappropriate to reveal at this time,&#8221; Maher said.

Amber&#8217;s parents, Moe Dubois and Carrie McGonigle, expressed their thanks for the immense search effort. &#8220;The entire community, everybody who helped out with the search effort, and above all our huge volunteer corps, they are the most dedicated people and without them we couldn&#8217;t have done anything,&#8221; said a tearful Moe Dubois.

Robert Smith, Chairman of the Pala Indian Band, said that he was unaware of the investigation and that he first heard about it on the news. &#8220;Our prayers go out to the family,&#8221; he said.

Reached by phone, Amber&#8217;s grandmother Sheila Welch said, &#8220;I am a very sad grandmother today.&#8221;

Two witnesses who knew Amber saw her walking on North Broadway near the football field with a tall, dark-skinned boy described as &#8220;doughy.&#8221; But she, nor the boy, were ever captured on security cameras near the front of the school.

Authorities renewed the search effort again last week, draining a murky pond at Kit Carson Park after receiving a tip that three girls had found a bag with hair around it in the pond in May. Divers scoured the pond and others combed the banks, but Escondido police concluded Saturday afternoon that no new evidence had been found. They made no mention of the concurrent search happening in Pala.

Investigators have not revealed if they&#8217;ve been able to interrogate Gardner regarding Amber&#8217;s case since his arrest.

Amber&#8217;s father on Saturday likened the ordeal to a hellish, never-ending rollercoaster ride that he just wanted to get off. &#8220;We need to have our closure. If she&#8217;s somewhere around, we won&#8217;t stop until we find her,&#8221; he said.

A $100,000 has been offered in the case. Sheriff&#8217;s officials declined to say if the reward money would be paid to anyone.

Amber Dubois

Video: Press conference announcing the discovery of the remains of missing Escondido teen Amber Dubois. 3:12

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UPDATED: Authorities: Human remains identified as Amber Dubois
Posted: Mar 07, 2010 6:49 PM EST
Updated: Mar 07, 2010 9:42 PM EST
During a press conference Sunday, authorities revealed that the skeletal remains of a 14-year-old Amber Dubois were found in a remote area of the Pala Indian Reservation. Dubois disappeared a year ago while walking to school.

Searchers found Amber's skeletal remains early Saturday on the Pala Indian Reservation, a sparsely populated area that occupies more than 12,000 acres in the northeast corner of San Diego County, said Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher. The county medical examiner's office confirmed later in the day the remains were Amber's through dental records, he said.

Video: Police: The remains of Amber Dubois found in Pala 3:22

Video: Press Conference: Parents of Amber Dubois give statement 0:46

Video: Press Conference: Authorities announce human remains identified as Amber Dubois 1:38

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UPDATED: The Body of Missing Escondido Teen Amber Dubois Has Been Located
Last Update: 5:31 pm
The body of Amber Dubois was located in the Pala area of northern San Diego County Saturday ending a mystery that began the day before Valentine's Day, 2009. Escondido police made the announcement Sunday afternoon during a brief news conference.

"The discovery was made in the early morning hours of Saturday, in a very rugged and remote section of Pala,'' Escondido police Chief Jim Maher said at a news conference. Pala is in northern San Diego County, about 25 miles from Escondido. The chief said detectives were following a lead when her body was found.

"Positive identification was subsequently made by the San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office late Saturday afternoon by way of a dental records comparison,'' Maher said. "Her parents were notified in person by Escondido and sheriff's investigators Saturday night.

Investigators did not reveal Sunday whether Gardner played any role in the discovery of Amber Dubois' remains. There is no information about what lead investigators to the Pala area.

Word of a break in the case became apparent Sunday afternoon shortly before 2:00 p.m. when the San Diego County Sheriff's Department announced a news conference would be held about the case at 3:30 at the sheriff's headquarters in Kearny Mesa. Minutes later an announcement came that the location had been changed to the Escondido Police Department Heaquarters. During the brief news conference, Escondido police chief Jim Maher was the only official who spoke. Sheriff Bill Gore, who is facing his first election after being appointed to the position by county officials, stood silently behind Maher.

Gore told a few reporters after the news conference in Escondido that there would be a news conferece at the Sheriff's department Monday with more details of the case revealed.

The San Diego County Sheriff's department was the lead agency in the King case, even though the search area and crime scene were within the City of San Diego limits and within the jurisdiction of the San Diego Police Department. Sheriff Bill Gore and his public relations spokesperson, Jan Caldwell, conducted all news conferences and major announcements about the King case.

Video: Search For Amber

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
UPDATED: Skeletal remains of missing Escondido teen, Amber Dubois found
4:27 PM PST, March 7, 2010
Amber Dubois' body has been found in Escondido Park, confirmed by San Diego Sheriffs Department. Skeletal remains found in Pala were those of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois, the Escondido Police Department announced Sunday. Amber was 14 when she went missing more than a year ago while walking to Escondido High School.

Despite a months-long search by law enforcement, family and volunteers, her body was not found until this weekend. "The discovery was made in the early morning hours of Saturday, in a very rugged and remote section of Pala,'' Escondido police Chief Jim Maher said at a news conference. Pala is in northern San Diego County, about 25 miles from Escondido.

Gardner is a registered sex offender who lived in Escondido when Amber disappeared. Investigators were looking into any involvement he might have had with the girl, or in other unsolved crimes. Because Maher did not take questions, the source of the tip or any possible role played by Gardner was unknown.

Amber's father, Maurice Dubois, took a moment to thank everyone in the search for Amber, especially the hundreds of volunteers who looked for the girl every weekend for much of last year. "They were the most dedicated people you could ever imagine,'' Maurice Dubois said. ``Without them, we couldn't have done anything.''

Video: Amber Dubois Body Found Presser 3:00

Video: Timeline of search for Amber Dubois Video 1:26,0,184188.tivideo

Video: Amber Dubois Body Found Presser 3:34

Video: Amber Dubois Skeletal Remains Found 3:11

MAP: Locations where Amber Dubois went missing and where body was found,0,

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Dubois tip didn't come from Gardner, source says
P.I. says the accused killer of Chelsea King didn't lead authorities to Amber's remains

Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 5:58 p.m.
Accused killer John Albert Gardner III had nothing to do with the tip that led law enforcement to Amber Dubois&#8217; remains, according to a local private investigator who worked on the case.

Bill Garcia, hired by Amber&#8217;s family shortly after she disappeared, said he was told by a person with first-hand knowledge that the tip about the location of the remains did not come from Gardner, who was charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of Chelsea King, 17, of Poway. &#8220;The entire Chelsea King event emotionally pulled at somebody who had this information,&#8221; Garcia said. &#8220;They&#8217;ve seen the community in a lot of pain. Someone who had been afraid to say something finally came forward.&#8221;

Garcia said he&#8217;s long suspected Amber's body might be found in the Pala area, because any abductor would have wanted to get away from high-traffic areas quickly, and rural routes out of Escondido lead to the Pauma Valley. &#8220;We&#8217;ve spent a lot of time in the past year, working that canyon,&#8221; Garcia said. &#8220;You put yourself in the mindset of someone who would perpetrate this crime, and all the indicators point in that direction. It&#8217;s no mystery to me that&#8217;s where she was found.&#8221; He said his &#8220;suspicion&#8221; is that the remains were found in the northeast corner of the Pala reservation, &#8220;in an area that is difficult to get into and an area we have not searched.&#8221; initially reported that a hiker had stumbled on the remains, but a law enforcement source told The San Diego Union-Tribune that is not correct. removed the reference in later versions of its story.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Remains Of Amber Dubois Positively Identified
Remains Of Escondido Teen Amber Dubois Found In Pala

POSTED: 3:09 pm PST March 7, 2010
UPDATED: 5:40 pm PST March 7, 2010
Skeletal remains found in Pala were those of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois, the Escondido Police Department announced Sunday.

"The discovery was made in the early morning hours of Saturday, in a very rugged and remote section of Pala," Escondido police Chief Jim Maher said at a news conference. Pala is in northern San Diego County, about 25 miles from Escondido.

The chief said detectives were following a lead when her body was found.

Video: Press Conference: Remains Of Amber Dubois Identified



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Family statement
Posted: March 7, 2010 5:53 pm
Amber Dubois's grandmother Sheila Welch released the following statement Sunday afternoon:

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2

Amber was joyfully received into her loving family at 2:46 p.m. on October 25, 1994 in Lakewood, California. She was taken from her family on February 13, 2009 while on her way to high school in Escondido, California. She was 14 years old. After a search of more than a year for her, her remains have been found. She was murdered by a person yet unknown.

Amber&#8217;s family expresses everlasting gratitude to the multitude of persons who have dedicated their time, resources, prayers and efforts into the year long search. So many of you have gone from strangers to friends during this time. We so wish that you had been able to meet our Amber and discover for yourself what an extraordinary young woman she was.

Having gone to Christian schools for most of her life, Amber weekly learned Bible verses and kept the words in her heart. She had a deep love of God, family, friends and animals. Her loss dims life as we know it and words cannot express the depth of our anguish. Forever we will treasure the goodness, joy, humor and love she brought into our lives in abundance. But, as the Scriptures tell us, "...the greatest of these is love." I Corinthians 13:13

Beloved Amber. You will forever be in our hearts as a flame of love that burns eternal.


March 8, 2010

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ESCONDIDO: Police chief's statement
Posted: March 7, 2010 6:05 pm
Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher issued this statement regarding Amber Dubois at a press conference Sunday at Escondido Police Station:

I certainly had hoped that when the day came to do a press conference about Amber it would be under much different circumstances, but that was not to be.

With me today is Sheriff Bill Gore, FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Keith Slotter and Amber's parents, Moe and Carrie.

Through information developed in the course of the Amber Dubois investigation, human skeletal remains have been positively identified as being those of our missing 14-year-old Amber.

The discovery was made in the early morning hours of Saturday in a very rugged and remote area of Pala, which is in northern San Diego County.

Escondido police and sheriff's homicide detectives were following a lead in the case when they made this discovery.

Positive identification was subsequently made by the San Diego County medical examiner late Saturday afternoon by way of a dental records comparison. The parents were notified in person by Escondido and Sheriff's investigators Saturday night.

I know this will be disappointing to all of you, but I cannot take questions today. This is an ongoing murder investigation and any details, no matter how slight, would be inappropriate to reveal at this point in time.

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Video: Amber Dubois' skeletal remains found 3:07
News conference held announcing that the remains of Amber Dubois have been found in Pala.
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Amber Dubois Facebook: Help us find Amber Dubois
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Police say they've found the remains of Amber Dubois
Posted: March 7, 2010 2:29 pm
Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher said the remains were found early Saturday in a rugged area north of the Pala Indian Reservation and that a murder investigation is under way. "I certainly had hoped that when the day came to do a press conference about Amber it would be under much different circumstances, but that was not to be," Maher said. \

The heart-wrenching news came exactly one week after registered sex offender John Albert Gardner III was arrested for suspicion of rape and murder in the Feb. 25 slaying of 17-year-old Chelsea King of Poway. The 30-year-old Gardner pleaded not guilty Wednesday to the charges in the King case. Gardner reportedly lived in Escondido from January 2008 to January 2010. Police said they contacted him eight times during that span and began a fresh look at him and any possible ties to Amber.

Authorities refused to say if Gardner is being linked to Amber's slaying. &#8220;Any details, no matter how slight, would be inappropriate to reveal at this time,&#8221; Maher said.

Dubois and McGonigle, who are divorced, stood side-by-side at the news conference. Both had red, watering eyes and pained expressions.

San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said another news conference would take place on Monday and further details would be released at that time.

After the news conference, Maurice Dubois left the police station holding his longtime girlfriend Rebecca Smith's hand. The car they left in still bore large "Missing: Amber" decals on each side, with the teen's smiling picture and the phone number to Escondido police. McGonigle left surrounded by extended family. "I'm extremely sad," Amber's grandmother, Sheila Welch, said when contacted by telephone at her Los Angeles area home. "I don't think that thoughts really describe what happens when you find out someone you love so much was murdered."

Reactions to the news
Amber's best friend, Jade Fidel, was doing "horrible" after she learned the news while watching the live news conference on television, Jade's father Jeff Fidel said.

"I was in the other room, I didn't know," he said. "I just heard her (Jade) wailing and screaming. How is it they find one girl after two days and one after 14 months.
"In the first two days that Amber was missing, they wouldn't stop calling her a runaway. Why didn't they search for Amber like they did for Chelsea."

Stephanie Dorian, a cousin of Chelsea's and a spokeswoman for the King family, said the slain girl's parents were informed of the news about Amber but were withholding any comment for now.

Amber's story
On the morning she was last seen, Amber ate a bowl of cereal, slipped on a hoodie and jeans and left for school, family members said. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary that drizzly winter morning. Her mother awakened her to say goodbye. They spoke about a lamb that Amber was looking forward to buying and raising as part of the school's Future Farmers of America program.

After Cave left that morning, police know little about what happened to Amber. A couple of neighbors told police they spotted her on her way to school. A boy was seen walking next to her minutes before she went missing. On Saturday, Feb. 14, 2009, Amber's cell phone was turned on briefly and then went silent, police said.

Last reports of seeing her
A neighbor who had dropped his son off at school said he noticed Amber walking on the sidewalk as he drove north on Broadway. Another neighbor who was heading south on the same road to drop off her son said she nearly stopped to give Amber a ride because it was drizzling that morning.

She told police she did not stop because she believed Amber was walking with a boy. Both neighbors were seen on the school's security camera video dropping their kids off within minutes of each other, between 7:08 a.m. and 7:10 a.m. The young man was described as tall and dark-skinned, about high school age. Police have said he may have been the last person to see her.

The next day, Amber's cell phone was turned on, police have said. Someone attempted to check the phone's voice mail. The signal was picked up by a cell tower on Amber Lane in northern Escondido. The tower covers a five-mile radius, which means the phone could have been just about anywhere in Escondido.

On Friday and Saturday, searchers scoured Kit Carson Park following a report from a group of girls that they had seen a bag containing hair last May. The girls reminded their parents of that last week, and Escondido Police initiated the search in response. The search effort ended shortly after noon, apparently called off after Amber's body was identified.

*Much More At Link!

The father of Amber Dubois, Maurice "Moe" Dubois, right, puts his arm around his ex-wife and Amber's mother, Carrie McGonigle, as Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher announces Sunday the discovery of Amber's remains in Pala.


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SoCal Police: Missing Girl, 14, Found Dead
Mar 7, 2010 6:32 pm US/Pacific
The bones of a 14-year-old Southern California girl who vanished more than a year ago while walking to school were discovered in a rugged, remote area, authorities said Sunday, less than a week after a registered sex offender was charged with murdering another teenage girl who lived nearby.

The search for Amber Dubois had produced few leads until 17-year-old Chelsea King disappeared Feb. 25, last seen wearing running clothes in a park about 10 miles south of where Amber was last seen walking with a man. A body presumed to be Chelsea's was found in a shallow, lakeside grave five days after Chelsea disappeared.

Searchers found Amber's skeletal remains early Saturday on the Pala Indian Reservation, a sparsely populated area that occupies more than 12,000 acres in the northeast corner of San Diego County, said Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher. The county medical examiner's office confirmed later in the day the remains were Amber's through dental records, he said.

A spokesman for the San Diego County district attorney's office, Paul Levikow, declined to comment Sunday on the investigation into Amber's death.

Gardner was registered as a sex offender in Escondido, a north San Diego suburb, from January 2008 to January 2010, with some gaps, police say.

Gardner is being represented by Michael Popkins, a public defender who declined to speak with reporters after Wednesday's arraignment. No one answered the phone at the public defender's office Sunday night.

*Re-posted....So very sad that this was just taped March 4, 2010!

Larry King Live: Mother of missing teen speaks
Mar 04, 2010 Amber Dubois' mother talks about the possibility that the suspect in Chelsea King's slaying could have been involved.
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Community speaks out about Amber Dubois
Posted: Mar 07, 2010 9:15 PM EST
Updated: Mar 07, 2010 9:15 PM EST
Throughout the past year community members have helped with the search for Amber Dubois. Now, News 8 is hearing from some in the community, after Sunday's announcement that remains found in Pala Saturday morning are those of Amber Dubois.

Video: Community speaks out about Amber Dubois 2:39

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Dubois Family Publicist Upset With Response From Authorities
*Michelle Bart Feels Police Dismissed Results Of Search Dogs

POSTED: 7:08 pm PST March 7, 2010
After the announcement Sunday afternoon that the remains of 14-year-old Escondido teen Amber Dubois were located in Pala, 10News spoke with the publicist hired by Amber's grandmother about the dogs the family brought out to search for the teen last year and the positive hit they received on the Pala reservation. Publicist Michelle Bart was noticeably upset in her interview with 10News' Itica Milanes. Bart broke into tears when describing the frustration she felt dealing with Escondido police. The dogs brought to locate Amber in August of 2009, were scent dogs with special training for cold cases.

10News reporter Steve Fiorina spoke with the veteran dog handlers who told him that they'd found clues on cases where the person had been missing longer than Amber Dubois had been at that point. The two dogs, Jack, a German shorthaired pointer, and Quincy, a yellow labrador retriever, were each trained to track an old scent but with different specialties. "Jack is a very air-sensitive dog," dog handler Sarah Platts said. "Quincy is detail oriented."

But Bart said the officer assigned to their search didn't seem interested. "The officer that was with us didn't do anything, he kept quiet the whole time just like he was our escort," she said. "It was unbelievable, just unbelievable," she said. "When the police came out and told all of you in the media that the dogs didn't hit on anything, nothing was found... my heart has been dropping because we could not say anything." Bart said she was assured by authorities that Escondido police and other law enforcement were going to look into the area in Pala where the dogs responded. "We gave our reports to cops that patronized us," she said.

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Caring strangers mourn Amber at Escondido High
Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 7:49 p.m.
Shortly after 5 p.m. Sunday, Lori Coburn of Poway walked down Broadway next to Escondido High School and approached a poster asking for information on Amber Dubois&#8217; disappearance. She pulled yellow ribbon from a bag and fashioned two bows, hanging them on each side of the poster on a fence outside the school. Coburn was already planning to go to the high school when her brother called her with the news that Amber&#8217;s remains had been found in Pala on Saturday.

They placed on the fence above the poster two purple fabric flowers that light up. They also hung a note and card in a plastic bag to protect them from the rain that was falling.

&#8220;Dear Amber,&#8221; the note read, &#8220;You&#8217;re in a much better place now. May you rest in peace. You will be missed by everyone. Love, the Warren family.&#8221; On the same note was a message to the Dubois family from the Joyce family: &#8220;Words are hard to come by at a time like this. Please know that Amber is in a safer place now where she is loved.&#8221;

The family of Chelsea King, a 17-year-old Poway girl whose body was found Tuesday at Lake Hodges in a similar disappearance, posted a comment on Chelsea&#8217;s memorial Facebook page expressing sympathy for Amber&#8217;s family.

Sunday at Escondido High School, Jamie Clayton and her daughter Brianna, 5, came to pay respects, leaving a potted flower and signing the banner to bring Amber Dubois home.

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Video: Remains of Amber Dubois found 3/7/10 3:01
Authorities announced on Sunday that the skeletal remains of Amber Dubois, missing for more than a year, were found in San Diego County early on Saturday, March 6th.

Video: Skeletal remains ID'd as Amber DuBois 3/7/10 3:57
It's the news the parents of Amber DuBois did not want to hear. Skeletal remains found in the north county.. are those of the missing Escondido teenager. Authorities informed the public at a brief news conference at 3:30 this afternoon. KUSI's John Soderman has more.

Video: Escondido mourns Amber's death 3/7/10 4:42
This has not only been a tough year for the DuBois family, but also the entire Escondido community which spent countless hours looking for her.
Lena Lewis has more from Escondido.
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Site of Amber's remains is north of Pala Mission
It's the same road along which Leticia Hernandez was found in 1989

Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 9:15 p.m.
The body of Amber Dubois was apparently found about three miles north of the historic Pala Mission, in a woodsy area.

Authorities have not confirmed the location, but Escondido police perimeter tape is strung around a spot west of Pala Temecula Road &#8212; about 10 miles north of the city limits.

It's the same area where 7-year-old Leticia Hernandez was discovered 15 months after she disappeared from her Oceanside home in 1989.

As of this evening, the site was guarded by a lone Escondido officer who declined comment. Two police cruisers were parked nearby.

Pala Creek is near the area where Amber's body was apparently found. But because authorities would take no questions at the news conference, there is no official information about how or where her remains were situated.

On Sunday, the scene of discovery of Amber Dubois' skeletal remains were taped off on the west side of rural Pala Temecula Road about 3.5 miles from the intersection with Pala Mission Road near the Pala Casino.

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Aug. 20, 2009: Specially trained dog teams join search for missing teen
Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 2 a.m.
The dogs belong to the VK9 Scent Specific Search and Recovery Unit, a nonprofit organization, said Sarah Platts, the officer in charge of the group. They arrived with their handlers at Lindbergh Field about 10 p.m. Tuesday.

The canines, a 5-year-old yellow Labrador retriever named Quincy and an 8-year-old German shorthaired pointer named Jack, are trained to follow the odor of a specific person to the exclusion of all others and are often deployed on cases that have gone cold, Platts said.

She declined to specify where the dogs were searching yesterday, but said there is a dual purpose: to confirm whether Amber was actually at any of the places where she may have been sighted, and to develop new leads &#8212; &#8220;ideas perhaps they never thought of.&#8221;

Amber's mother, Carrie McGonigle, said she was very anxious but also &#8220;absolutely hopeful&#8221; that something would turn up. She said that although search dogs had already scoured the area for her daughter, she thinks these dogs, with their special training, might be the key to finding Amber.

*More at link!

Quincy (left), a yellow Labrador retriever, and Jack, a German shorthaired pointer, were brought from Virginia to search for Amber Dubois, who disappeared in February.

*Background: 14-year-old Amber Dubois of Escondido was last seen walking to school Feb. 13 in Escondido. Her disappearance sparked dozens of searches in the past six months.

*What's new: Specialized search dogs were flown in from Virginia on Tuesday to develop new leads and confirm whether Amber was actually at any of the places where she may have been sighted.

*What's next: The dogs are scheduled to leave Saturday.


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